Chapter 344

   Just when Xue Beng was extremely happy, he had already started to dream of his emperor, and then he went to his own three palaces and six courtyards, when there were only 30,000 concubines.

   A sad voice sounded.

   "Old Xue, what's the matter with you. I didn't expect that I was a step late!" Yun Xiaofeng brought Princess Xueke and A Yin with a veil at this moment.

   "Junior Brother, you have to decide for me, His Royal Highness was killed by a thief inexplicably, what can I do." If Yun Xiaofeng didn't help, Ma Xiaotao was ready to die.

  Ma Xiaotao is sitting on the ground of the palace at the moment, and some of their insiders think that the design is very good for the matter of the prince Xue Qinghe.

   Princess Xueke saw her eldest brother who loved her so much, but now she has become a cold corpse.

   Sad tears poured out.

   At the same time, her mentality began to change a little bit.

   But what the **** Yun Xiaofeng couldn't understand, the two Titled Douluos from Seagod Island came so quickly.

   This gave him some headaches. But on second thought, he suddenly felt that he was there! Anyway, it was just Seagod Island, he would kill it sooner or later.

   "Xiaofeng, these two titled Douluos claiming to be Seagod Island, do you understand?" Ning Fengzhi asked Yun Xiaofeng, he was also very sad about the death of his apprentice Xue Qinghe. At the same time, because he didn't know much about the existence of Seagod Island, he didn't want to take the initiative to pay revenge.

   But Yun Xiaofeng is not afraid.

   "Poseidon Island, the Royal Family of the Heaven Dou Empire threatens the Emperor Tian Dou? Assassination of His Royal Highness the Crown Prince, who gave you the guts. Ah!" Yun Xiaofeng's hat was quite heavy.

   walked in front of Seahorse Douluo with a stern face, and slapped him in the face with a slap in the face. An incomparably loud slap in the face with a "slap" made Haima and Hainu come back to their senses.

   But the face of Haima was slapped by Yun Xiaofeng and rolled to the ground, with an unbelievable expression on his old face.

   Hai Nu Douluo did not expect this little brat named Yun Xiaofeng to be so fierce, Haima is a titled Douluo!

   Even if he is subdued now, the title Douluo still exists!

   "Sword Douluo, seal the soul power of these two guys first. I'll talk about it after I deal with Lao Xue's death." Yun Xiaofeng instructed Sword Douluo bluntly.

   Under the unbelievable gazes of Sea Maiden Douluo and Seahorse Douluo, Sword Douluo instantly sealed their spirit power.

  Who is Yun Xiaofeng, who dares to kill the little brat of Titled Douluo without awakening his martial spirit, what is he afraid to do?

   "We didn't assassinate His Highness the Crown Prince, we just came to Seagod Island this time, just the two of us." Sea Maiden Douluo is not as strong as Seahorse Douluo.

   On the contrary, she said politely to the crowd watching the two of them. At the same time, she also scolded the **** Seahorse Douluo thousands of times in her heart!

   Do you think it's great to be a Title Douluo?

   Now being slapped by a young man, he can't even let out a fart.

   is so outrageous.

   At the same time, she thought to herself, "What kind of **** dares to assassinate the crown prince of the Tiandou Empire's royal family when they arrive."

  The old man Xue Ye was heartbroken sitting in his seat!

  Especially the old face, which is now even more than a few decades old.

   Eyes slightly closed.

   Xue Ye old man is not an ordinary person.

   When Xue Beng entered the palace and was pretentiously sad, the old man Xue Ye guessed a few points.

   It's just that he didn't expect Avalanche to be so blatant.

   This is so unbelievable for him as an emperor.

   In his son, now there is only a dude like Xue Benglan left!

   "The future of the Heaven Dou Empire is ill-fated!" Xue Ye couldn't help thinking while she was sad.

  Since Xue Beng teased Ma Xiaotao and Xue Qinghe complained, Xue Ye began to pay attention to Xue Beng’s actions!

   It was just his attention during this period that Old Man Xue Ye was completely disappointed in him.

   "Brother Prince, I didn't expect that I was still late, it was Ke'er who was late." Xue Ke was already crying.

   Ma Xiaotao and Huo Wu also secretly checked Xue Ke's status, and they were really sad.

   also felt that Qian Renxue did not hurt her in vain.

  Xueke took out a recording crystal ball at this time, "Father, this is the recording crystal ball someone gave me before. There is evidence of who sent someone to kill the prince's brother."

   However, when Xue Ke was about to send her soul power into the crystal ball, the old man Xue Ye stopped him and said, "Ke'er, let your prince brother go to the ground for safety first."

   Xue Ke expressed her incomprehension about Xue Ye's sad expression when she sat on the throne with her eyes slightly closed.

   But as Ning Fengzhi, the suzerain of the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School, this kind of thing is all too clear.

   It is nothing more than that old man Xue Ye already knew that the real murderer was Prince Xue Beng, but now there is only Xue Beng in his Heaven Dou Empire, so his throne can only be inherited by Xue Beng.

When   Xue Beng heard that Xue Ke had evidence of who killed Xue Qinghe, a cold sweat broke out on his back.

   If it was discovered by the people on the spot that he killed Xue Qinghe, then he would definitely not survive tomorrow.

  Because he couldn't beat any of the spirit masters present.

   But Huo Wu took a step ahead of Xue Ke and injected her soul power into the memory crystal ball in Xue Ke's hand.

   Then in an instant, the picture recorded in the recording crystal ball appeared in the eyes of everyone.

  In a dark room, there was a middle-aged man in a cloak who could not see his face clearly, but was extremely decadent. His back was facing Xue Beng.

"Your Majesty, if you help me get rid of Xue Qinghe, I, Xue Beng, swear by my soul that I am willing to belong to you in the future. At the same time, I will use the energy of the Heaven Dou Empire to drive the so-called **** Yun Lanzong out of the Heaven Dou Empire. Crown Princess, especially the Huo Wu who seriously injured your son, I will sell her to Goulan." Xue Beng's words made everyone in the palace hear clearly.

   "Even with the exception of Xue Qinghe, can you become the emperor?" A voice of incomparable vicissitudes sounded from under the black cloak.

   "As long as Xue Qinghe and Xue Ye are immortal, what else can he do?" Xue Beng smiled gloomily.


   "Huo Wu, martial spirit fusion, kill him." Ma Xiaotao snorted. Ma Xiaotao and Huo Wu were stunned when they heard the scene inside the recording crystal ball.

   Huo Wu instantly possessed his martial spirit, five spirit rings appeared at his feet, and then he and Ma Xiaotao held hands and took a step forward.

   Ma Xiaotao's spirit is Fire Phoenix, and Huo Wu's spirit is Hokage.

   After the fusion of the martial arts of the two, it was Huo Wu's shadow that spread a pair of phoenix wings behind it.

   "I'll go, these two guys have martial arts fusion skills, but they didn't tell me. They won't save it and hit me later." Yun Xiaofeng thought about it and thought it was impossible.

  The fiery flame temperature raised the temperature in the entire palace a lot.

  The avalanche was almost unable to hold back at this time.

   He knew that Ma Xiaotao and Huo Wu would never let him go.

   And Xueke closed her eyes at the moment when Ma Xiaotao and Huo Wu Martial Spirit merged.

   She was utterly disappointed with Avalanche.

   "Stop." The old man Xue Ye wanted to stop him at this time, obviously he didn't want Xue Beng to die.

   But Huo Wu and Ma Xiaotao have merged their martial spirits,

   This is the fusion skill of the two with the ultimate fire spirit. Except for Titled Douluo and Yun Xiaofeng, everyone else really couldn't bear it.

   "His Royal Highness, Xiaotao will avenge you." Ma Xiaotao took the lead in the fusion of Huo Wu and Ma Xiaotao's martial arts.

   Therefore, the voice from the two's spirit fusion skills was Ma Xiaotao's.

   And Huo Wu's words made everyone in the palace stunned.

   "Xuebeng, I just married Xue Qinghe today, so you made my wife a widow, and you are dead today."

   "Martial soul fusion skill, Phoenix burns the sky." At this moment, Ma Xiaotao didn't care, no matter where she is now or the palace. Ma Xiaotao is now avenging her husband.

   A flame of fire appeared on the hand of the mysterious Hokage.

   Dark red flames began to float.

   The flame soon began to split.

   Countless groups of flames containing scorching high temperature locked the avalanche above the palace.

   In the face of old man Xue Ye's blocking, Xue Ke didn't speak, Yun Xiaofeng didn't speak, and Ning Fengzhi still didn't speak.

   Xue Ye's many Contra-level powerhouses didn't speak, let alone act.

   Not to mention whether they can resist the damage of a Soul Emperor and a Soul King's martial soul fusion skills.

   Judging from the pictures they saw in the recording crystal ball just now, they all thought that Avalanche should be damned.

   They are not in power, so naturally they will not understand the thoughts of old man Xue Ye.

If    Xue Beng died, then the Xue family of the Heaven Dou Empire would be considered to have no successor.

  Xue Beng's eyes were full of fear at the moment. He doesn't want to die, he's not reconciled.

   The special Xue Qinghe is now dead, so his throne is secure. But this girl, Xue Ke, came to the palace with evidence that he had let Xue Qinghe be killed.

  Avalanche-style dreaming is so unexpected.

   He had carefully calculated everything, but he was also destroyed by the people of Seagod Island.

  If it weren't for the two dogs from Sea God Island, they would come to Tiandou Palace.

  Xueke probably slept with Yun Xiaofeng in Yuexuan. How could Sword Douluo and Bone Douluo be disturbed?

   If there were only Yun Xiaofeng, Ma Xiaotao, Huo Wu, and Xue Ke, he would definitely be able to ascend the throne and become the emperor of the Heaven Dou Empire immediately.

   A pair of eyes stared at the flames flying towards him in horror. He wanted to get up and run.

   But at this moment, the pants that had been frightened by the fusion of Huo Wu and Ma Xiaotao's spirits were all wet.

   "Stop it, stop it." Xue Ye tried to rush over to save Xue Beng, but was stopped by his Soul Douluo offering.

   "My body is like a sword, the seventh spirit ability, the seven-kill real body." Sword Douluo's martial spirit at this moment, the spirit ring instantly appeared.

   A Seven Killing Sword rose into the sky. He felt that someone was trying to do something again.

   There was a big hole above the palace in an instant.

  Chen Xin also chased out.

   Chen Xin, who has a level ninety-seven peak spirit power, is not something that a masked man in black at level ninety-five can handle.

   What's more, the masked man in black didn't even dare to use his martial arts, and was beaten away by Chen Xin.

   (end of this chapter)

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