Chapter 343

   "Xue Beng, this bastard, actually colluded with Shrek's group of dogs. It's just utterly disgraceful." Xue Qinghe was stunned after listening to the conversation of several people in the recording crystal ball.

  Xue Beng actually paid a lot of money to invite Tang Ritian to attack him for the throne.

   And he also promised to give the Crown Princess and Huo Wu to the other members of the Shrek team to play casually.

   "He's dead, as I said, none of you try to stop me." Ma Xiaotao looked at the pictures in the recording crystal ball and the conversations of the people inside, she was angry.

The ultimate fire of    spurted out. Even Huo Wu, who was sitting on Xue Qinghe's lap, was stunned.

   Avalanche has been sentenced to death by the four present.

   "So, Lao Xue, get ready. When you're ready, go to Yuexuan immediately." Xue Qinghe hesitated again at this moment, she remembered the slap that Tang Yuehua had slapped her.

   "Okay, it was all my fault at the beginning, and Yuehua is excusable, so don't take it to heart." Yun Xiaofeng knew that Qian Renxue was slapped in the face by Tang Yuehua. He didn't want a break between Qian Renxue and Tang Yuehua.

   "Okay then, remember to take care of Xiao Tao and Huo Wu." Xue Qinghe left immediately after he finished speaking. He was going to find a death row prisoner who was similar in age to him.

   "You two do this, do this, and then do this again. Be realistic, don't laugh." Yun Xiaofeng told Huo Wu and Ma Xiaotao what they should do next.


  Tiandou Imperial Palace, the location of the main hall.

   Haima and Hai Ni sat on the stool and asked the old man Xue Ye. "I don't know if Your Majesty Xue Ye knows the whereabouts of the Seagod's Heart."

   "Your Majesty. I've never heard of what the Seagod's Heart is." Xue Ye felt a little worried about the two Titled Douluos below.

   These two Titled Douluos came out of there. He had never heard of it.

   He only knew that the Yunlan Sect was a sect that suddenly appeared. And there are many titled Douluo thieves.

   "It is the treasure of your country, the Vast Sea Universe Cover." Haima's voice was a bit heavy, he was very dissatisfied with Xue Ye, and he didn't know the Vast Sea Universe Cover, that was disrespecting the Sea God.

"Oh, the two your majesty are talking about that thing. It seems that it was traded by Qinghe and a businessman. It has made a lot of wealth for our Tiandou Empire." Xue Ye remembered that Xue Qinghe brought it back a few years ago. The milk tea recipe was exchanged by Xue Qinghe with the Hanhai Qiankun cover.

   "What!" Seahorse Douluo heard that the Vast Sea Universe Cover was traded away by a merchant.

   The pressure of the entire Title Douluo was used up.

   If it wasn't for the old man Xue Ye's cultivation base, he would probably have died on the spot.

   "Hippocampus, stop." Haima Douluo immediately stopped Haima, but Xue Ye vomited blood.

  Haenyeo Douluo's voice did not fall, and several worshippers of the Heaven Dou Empire, although their cultivation bases were not high, rushed out without hesitation and protected the old man Xue Ye.

   "Your Excellency, what do you mean, no matter who you are, your Majesty Xue Ye, who has seriously injured our country, must pay the price." There was already a Spirit Douluo of the agility-attack system among those worshipers who went to the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School to rescue soldiers.

   However, Seahorse Douluo didn't mean to apologize at all, thinking that he lived on Seagod Island, and he was used to thinking that he was high above. Besides, they came this time under the order of the great offering to Bo Saixi, and if anything happened, there was a great offering.

   "Boom," a loud noise. The voice came from the prince's mansion.

   "Report, His Royal Highness's residence was attacked." A soldier in silver armor rushed into the palace with a silver spear in his hand. He saw that there were traces of blood in the mouth of His Majesty Xue Ye. A hasty report.

The cold eyes of the    soldier swept across Seahorse Douluo and Haima Douluo.

   Seahorse Douluo and Sea Maiden Douluo heard the sound, and both felt that the person who made this loud noise was definitely above them.

   "Go and help check how Qinghe is doing." Xue Ye was depressed at this moment. And also full of worry.

   What the heck is going on?

  Two Insane Title Douluo walked into the palace hall and almost killed him if they disagreed.

   However, his son got married today, and then there was the sound of an explosion coming from the residence of His Royal Highness the Prince.

   "Hippocampus, maybe something happened?" Sea Maiden Douluo felt that someone was digging a hole for them.

  At this point in time, he attacked the Prince’s mansion, and it is very likely that others would think it was done by people from their Sea God Island.

   "It's none of our business." Haima just finished speaking.

   A crisp sword cry entered his ears, with a strong murderous aura at the same time.

  In the blink of an eye, an old man with white clothes and silver hair, standing on a sword, has appeared in the Tiandou Empire Palace.

With    silver hair fluttering, he gave Seahorse Douluo a cold look.

   Just this look made Seahorse Douluo tremble in his heart.

   "This old man is very strong." Haima and Haima Douluo couldn't help trembling in their hearts. And with such a strong murderous aura, it is really possible to kill them with one sword.

   "Presumably Your Excellency is the Protector Douluo of the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School. Sword Douluo, Chen Xin. We are from Seagod Island." Seahorse Douluo spoke very proudly,

   It was as if Sword Douluo had to give him face, or be afraid of him, after he said that he came from the power of Huan Shen Island.

   But he thinks too much.

   "Can someone from Sea God Island come to the Heaven Dou Empire to be arrogant? Ah!" Seahorse Douluo's spirit power at the pinnacle of Sword Douluo's rank 97 is really not enough.

  If Chen Xin wanted to kill Haima at this moment, it would probably be a matter of one or two moves.

   Sword Douluo's silver hair was fluttering at this time, and he was holding the Seven Killing Sword Martial Spirit in his hand. Nine spirit rings of two yellow, two purple, five black and nine spirit rings slowly rose.

   The sword energy soaring to the sky made Haima's heart almost go cold.

   But this time.

   "Uncle Jian, wait." An elegant middle-aged man held a short staff of about one meter in his hand. There were many bright gems on the short staff. On his head is a crown that symbolizes the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Sect.

   At the same time, there was an old man with a particularly large skeleton next to him.

  The Seven Treasure Glazed Tile sect two Titled Douluo left the sect at the same time, such a thing rarely happens.

   "Hmph, then let's listen to what the Sect Master has to say." Sword Douluo put away his martial soul, and after the incomparably lingering murderous aura and sword energy subsided, Haima was relieved.

   But after a while, Ma Xiaotao and Huo Wu were both wearing a set of white pajamas, but the pajamas were stained with blood, and at the same time, the two of them carried a stretcher to the palace.

   "Your Majesty, you have to decide for us." Huo Wu was sobbing at the moment. Ma Xiaotao reported to Xue Yehui heartbreakingly.

  The old man Xue Ye looked at the people on the stretcher. Except for the deformed head that was hard to identify, everything else was exactly the same as His Royal Highness.

   "Princess, what are you carrying in your hands?" Xue Ye couldn't believe it, it was Xue Qinghe. He said with trembling in his heart.

   At this moment, he wished Ma Xiaotao and the others would tell him that it was not Xue Qinghe.

"Your Majesty, when we were about to go to bed, we were attacked by thieves. That person was a titled Douluo-level powerhouse. We didn't even react. His Royal Highness was beaten against the wall by someone, waiting for us to react. After I went to check it, I found out that His Royal Highness the Prince has no breath." Ma Xiaotao said sobbing.

  Huo Wu had pretended to cry and fainted in Ma Xiaotao's arms.

  If Yun Xiaofeng was here, he would definitely say something.

   "Good guy, it's time to bring them a golden man trophy."

  In Ma Xiaotao's pair of phoenix eyes, flames flickered, and she turned her head and stared at Seahorse Douluo and Haima Douluo.

   "Bastards, are you here to assassinate His Royal Highness?"

   "Bullshit, this old man is not going to do such a rude thing." Haima was very disdainful of Ma Xiaotao's questioning.

   thinks that Ma Xiaotao is wronging him and talking nonsense.

"Uncle Ning, I hope you can help me and Huo Wu decide. As for the consequences, I will explain the situation to my master. No matter what kind of enemies will come after killing these two guys, my master will help you solve them. Yes." Ma Xiaotao's performance at the moment seemed to be extremely painful.

"Your Majesty, since the Crown Princess has doubts about the two of you, then please ask the two of you to be wronged first." After Ning Fengzhi finished speaking, he did not wait for Seahorse Douluo to reply, "Uncle Jian, Uncle Gu, Take control of the two first."

   With Sword Douluo and Bone Douluo working together, Seahorse Douluo and Sea Maiden Douluo were directly controlled by Sword Douluo and Bone Douluo without even having a chance to resist.

   When did Seahorse Douluo suffer such grievances, "Let go of us, we are from Seagod Island, we can't do this to us, and if you dare to do anything to us, you will wait for our revenge."

   "Is Seagod Island's grand offering strong?" Sword Douluo asked indifferently.

   "Our big worship is the most powerful soul master on Douluo Continent. No one is her opponent." Seahorse Douluo is very confident about this, he believes that their big worship is powerful.

   But after Seahorse Douluo finished speaking, he wanted to see the horror in Sword Douluo Chen Xin's eyes, but only saw Sword Douluo's indifferent face, with the wind and the clouds clear.

   "Hehe, the most powerful soul master on the continent, so apart from Yun Lanzong Sect Master Yun Yun and the third wife of their Rongrong husband, who else would dare to call him invincible." I thought to myself. Sword Douluo's indifferent expression made Seahorse Douluo almost die and curse at Sword Douluo.

   However, at this time, Prince Xue Beng also came to the palace.

   He was stunned to see what was inside.

  Xue Qinghe just died like this?

   He only discussed this with Tang Ritian in the morning, Tang Ritian's speed is so fast, this is too powerful.

   "Big brother, what's wrong with you." Xue Beng looked like a brotherly love, and burst into tears while hugging the corpse on the stretcher.

   But he was very happy,

   "Haha, now that Xue Qinghe is dead, then the throne of the Heaven Dou Empire can only be his." Xue Beng was so happy at this moment that he almost rushed to Shrek Academy to thank Tang Ritian's eighth ancestors.

  Xue Beng completely deduced the extreme sadness on his face and the extreme happiness in his heart.

  Ma Xiaotao and Huo Wu, who was tired from crying by her, never thought that Xue Beng, a bastard, would come to the palace so soon.

   But they are not afraid, because they still have a lot of back-up preparations.

   (end of this chapter)

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