Douluo: My System is Not Decent

Chapter 267: , it's useless for you to vote for this book! no

  Chapter 267, it's useless for you to vote on this book! No contract yet.

   [Bosses, please treat me as a person, monthly tickets, recommendation tickets, rewards, etc., all vote for that book for "Douluo: Little Dance Rebirth"! If it goes on like this, I'm really embarrassed to update this book, don't force me to open it three times! 】

   "Seventh Ring Hundred Thousand Years," Even Rou Anran was a little uneasy when she saw this. She was a Limit Douluo, but she was a food type after all, even though she had the attack method of the Six Veins Divine Sword. But it's not a strong attack type after all.

   If she really wants to let Rou Anran face Shui Xianrou, she is still a little scared.

   When Xue Wu, Shui Bing'er, and Shui Yue'er saw Shui Xianrou's ninth 100,000-year spirit ring rise.

  Xue Wu's head was blank, she lost. She lost to Yun Xiaofeng.

   Not only did she lose, but she also lost herself to Shui Binger as a bed-warming maid. Warm bed maid! When Xue Wu thought about it, she felt that her mentality was a little broken.

   "It's a good thing to disturb the old lady, the old lady will kill you today." Shui Xianrou said viciously.

   turned his head at the same time, and said gently to Shui Bing'er: "Bing'er, see clearly, the teacher will teach you how to use the ultimate ice!"

  Shui Xianrou's nine spirit rings, and three of the bright red one hundred thousand year spirit rings appeared behind Shui Xianrou's feet. Her delicate body slowly left the ground.

   Ye Xiaorou's mind was a little down at the moment, "Is this really my good girlfriend? She was not kidnapped, she became a Title Douluo, and she is so strong."

   Ye Qi and Dugu Bo looked at each other. All felt helpless.

   "The eighth soul skill, absolute zero." Shui Xianrou directly released her first soul skill.

   This is a large-scale, domain-like soul skill.

   The temperature of the entire Element City was instantly reduced by more than half, and it was still falling.

   The other three-element academies sensed the situation at Tianshui Academy, and they all rushed over here.

   "Dragon Transformation." Yu Yuanzhen looked at Shui Shuirou's spirit ring matching the seventh ring, it was a hundred thousand years old, and his spirit power level was one level higher than his.

  Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Martial Soul Avatar, coupled with the secret technique of Dragon Transformation, made Yu Yuanzhen feel that he should have the ability to fight against Shui Xianrou at this moment.

   And Shui Xianrou seems to have no regard for Yu Yuanzhen's dragon transformation secret technique. It doesn't make sense,

   "The eighth spirit ability, freezing at zero degrees." This is the second spirit ability of Shui Xianrou's eighth hundred thousand year spirit ring. It can be said to be a perfect match with the first spirit ability of the eighth spirit ring that she released before.

   This spirit ability, like the first spirit ability of her eighth spirit ring, is a group damage spirit ability.

   As soon as this soul skill came out, the overwhelming cold air sealed Yu Yuanzhen's limbs and dragon claws with ice.

   "Ang," came a loud dragon roar, and Yu Yuanzhen desperately tried to break free from the dragon's claws that were sealed by the soft ice of water.

   He looked at Shui Xianrou with some horror. Obviously, a thousand people and the second elder of the Blue Lightning Overlord Dragon School came to arrest the students and teachers of Tianshui College.

   The 1,000 members of the special team are now annihilated, and even the second elder of the same faction as him was pierced by a sharp object in his chest. The body was right where he could see it.

   "So shouldn't I be angry? But Shui Xianrou, a mad woman, looked at him with a hatred of her husband. What the **** is she doing?" Yu Yuanzhen was extremely puzzled.

   "The eighth spirit ability, thunderous." This is Yu Yuanzhen's eighth spirit ability now. After he broke free from the water's soft ice, he took this opportunity to use it.

   At the same time, this is also the strongest single attack soul skill of his Blue Lightning Overlord Dragon Sect, Yu Yuanzhen.

   Above the sky, a dark cloud floated softly towards the water. The clouds condensed into a bolt of lightning and went straight to the water.

  Shui Xianrou didn't feel scared when she saw such a situation, but an imperceptible smile appeared on the corner of her mouth, and she also felt disdain for it.

   "Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus Rex is nothing more than that," Shui Xianrou has now seen the power of Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus Rex. For her, Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus Rex is really nothing more than that.

   "Dare to be called the world's number one beast martial arts spirit, I think the world's number one **** beast martial arts spirit is more or less the same." Shui Xianrou not only deals damage to Yu Yuanzhen's body. Also very worried.

   "You dare to insult my Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus Rex." Yu Yuanzhen was extremely angry when he heard Shui Xianrou's words.

   "Just like you, is it worth my humiliation? Little loach!" The words that were not very hurtful and highly insulting fell into Yu Yuanzhen's ears again. When he heard it, he wanted to vomit blood.

   "Scholars can be killed but not humiliated, bastards." Yu Yuanzhen did not expect to provoke such a powerful woman.

   "The ninth soul skill, freeze you **** to death." Shui Xianrou's right palm turned upward, and an ice crystal-like cage shook Yu Yuan inside.

   "This kind of control system soul master is really awesome. Especially the soul master who has the ultimate ice." Yun Xiaofeng couldn't help but sigh.

   "Also, isn't the name of her ninth spirit ring skill too aggressive!" Yun Xiaofeng was speechless when she heard Shui Xianrou's ninth spirit ring skill just now.

   Director of Kamikaze Academy,

   Dean of Blazing Academy,

   Dean of Thunder Academy,

   When the three Contras rushed to the forest behind Tianshui College,

   A set of ice crystal-colored cages has trapped a blue-electric Tyrannosaurus rex inside.

   It's just that the Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus Rex is struggling.

  Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus Rex's martial soul avatar, plus Zongmen's dragon transformation secret technique. It made Yu Yuanzhen's physique stronger to a certain extent, and even so, he couldn't bear the frostbite of the extreme ice.

   The dean of Blazing Academy came to Shui Binger, looked at the sluggish Shui Binger, and patted her shoulder: "Binger's niece. What's the situation!"

   "Auntie, I don't know either. It seems that my teacher suddenly became a 98th-level Title Douluo." Shui Bing'er was still in a sluggish state, not to mention the two women next to her, Shui Yue'er and Xue Wu.

  The whole person's mind is blank.

   Their teacher turned out to be so fierce?

   The relationship between the dean of the Blazing Academy and the Shui Binger family is very good, and it's not a loss for an aunt to call.

   After listening to Shui Bing'er's brief remarks, the dean of Chi Huo Academy thought: "Good you, Shui Xianrou."

  Huojing, as the dean of Blazing Academy, is Contra, but except for Shui Binger's three daughters, she looked at Yun Xiaofeng curiously.

   She could feel that Yun Xiaofeng should be the youngest here. But the degree of danger is not weaker than that of an old man wearing a dark green robe standing like a javelin, like a poisonous snake.

After   Huojing asked Shui Binger, she returned to the two deans of Kamikaze and Thunder Academy.

   The dean of Thunder Academy, although his spirit is not the Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus Rex, he is extremely familiar with the Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus Rex!

   Their academy is an affiliated school of the Blue Lightning Overlord Dragon School, so he is a member of the Blue Lightning Overlord Dragon School as a matter of course.

   His eyes were fixed on the Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus Rex that was using all his strength to break the ice under Shui Xianrou's ninth spirit ability.

   [Actually, Xiao Wu's rebirth book is relatively slow-burning, and it's almost to the place you like to read. 】

   (end of this chapter)

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