Douluo: My System is Not Decent

Chapter 266: [If anyone votes for recommendation again, I will protest.

  Chapter 266 [If anyone votes for the recommendation again, I will protest, and vote for Xiaowu's book. 】

   "Stinky boy, how did you talk. You don't know how to respect the old." Shui Xianrou played a rogue,

"Hey, don't do this for this young master! Believe it or not, this young master will take you today, forget it." Originally, Yun Xiaofeng almost said that the Fa-rectification was done on the spot, but after thinking about it, there were other people beside him. Forget it.

   "What are you going to do to the dean today!" Shui Xianrou heard the meaning of Yun Xiaofeng's unfinished words. It is nothing more than righteousness on the spot.

   Not to mention, she actually had a little bit of expectation in her heart that this man would push her down.

  Shui Shui approached Yun Xiaofeng step by step.

   Rou Anran and Ah Yin looked at Shui Xianrou very vigilantly. Both of them were afraid that Shui Xianrou would suddenly violently kill people.

   Yun Xiaofeng stretched out his hand and waved at her twice, indicating that it was all right.

   So the two girls felt a little more at ease!

   "Forget it, this young master doesn't care about you anymore." Yun Xiaofeng waved his hand, as if I forgave you. Let Shui Xianrou want to slap Yun Xiaofeng's ass.

   "Hey, don't get so close!" Yun Xiaofeng has been pasted by Shui Xianrou at this moment,

   is almost attached by the water soft dribble.

   Yun Xiaofeng didn't realize that Shui Xianrou was so sturdy.

  Shui Binger, Shui Yueer and Xue Wu all opened their eyes wide and covered their red lips, looking like a complete hell.

In the hearts of the three of them, the high-cold dean who wears glasses and has always been cold and never smiles at any male, plus the beautiful dean who is rumored to be indifferent from the outside world, plus the image of the teacher of the three of them is in Their hearts collapsed instantly.

   Yun Xiaofeng was forced back a few steps by Shui Xian. Then I found that I couldn't go back.

   So he was hit by the soft wall of water.

   This **** is just talking nonsense!

   He, Yun Xiaofeng, once beat Hu Liena, but today he was beaten by the tiger girl Shui Xianrou.

   "What do you want?" At this moment, Yun Xiaofeng was stretched out by Shui Xianrou and pressed a lotus arm against the stone behind Yun Xiaofeng. His body was resisted by the delicate and elastic body of the water, making him unable to move.

   "Marry me!" The **** red lips that were almost soft and soft pressed against Yun Xiaofeng's ear, and the short two words exploded in Yun Xiaofeng's mind like thunder!

   Feel the fragrance exhaled from the soft red lips of water,

   "This woman is sick!" This was Yun Xiaofeng's first instinct.

   And since all the people present here are soul masters, almost everyone has heard them.

   Ye Xiaorou's mentality collapsed.

   This is really a good girlfriend with a rock-like heart, cold and ruthless.

   Ye Qi was envious, but he didn't dare to have other ideas.

   Ah Yin and Rou Anran breathed a sigh of relief at the same time, they felt that there was one more person to share the firepower.

   It's no longer necessary for Yun Xiaofeng to take care of the two of them after the big sisters in the Star Dou Great Forest left.

   Dugu Bo is helpless!

   He felt that it would be better to let Yun Xiaofeng come out as little as possible in the future.

  Otherwise, he always felt that wherever Yun Xiaofeng's charm could go, he would cause harm wherever he went.

  【Dog man, you are not allowed to agree to her, otherwise this palace will make your little wind twenty centimeters shorter. 】

   "Fuck, I still owe you two centimeters."

   Yun Xiaofeng is sure, this woman in front of her definitely doesn't know when she offended Wu Qingying. Absolutely.

【Humph. 】

  Yun Xiaofeng is really speechless.

  Wu Qingying did not allow him to agree, otherwise, although he knew that the punishment might not be true, he would not dare to take the risk!

  【Dog Man, Shui Bing’er, Shui Yue’er, Xue Wu’s three can be considered in this palace with her. 】

   "Wu Qingying, I beg you to be serious."

  【On Douluo Continent, as long as the women in the fourth ring of ten thousand years are yours, you understand now! 】

   "Shui Xianrou is the fourth ring of ten thousand years?"

  【Bullshit. This woman has an unusual relationship with you! 】

   Wu Qingying sounded in Yun Xiaofeng's mind with a seductive voice!

   "Stinky boy, if you don't marry me, my three apprentices, Shui Bing'er, Shui Yue'er, Xue Wu, don't even think about any of them, trust me, and don't even think about threatening me."

  Shui Xianrou continued to exhale like blue in Yun Xiaofeng's ear.

   "What do you want!" Yun Xiaofeng was helpless!

   "I know I'm handsome, rich, talented, and young. But you mustn't tell me you fell in love with me at first sight. Tell me about your purpose."

  Yun Xiaofeng was knocked on the stone by the wall, Rou Anran, Ah Yin, Ye Xiaorou and his wife, Dugu Bo and the others were going to the melon seed bench to watch the play at this moment.

  Shui Binger, Shui Yueer, and Xue Wu were buzzing in their heads.

   What did the three of them see at the moment? Their teacher slammed Yun Xiaofeng.

Especially Shui Bing'er, Shui Yue'er, and Xue Wu had heard what their teacher said before. If she didn't marry her, she would not let Yun Xiaofeng marry Shui Bing'er, Shui Yue'er, and Xue Wu. .

"My purpose is to marry you, and what you said is right, I just fell in love with you at first sight. Just say whether you want to marry or not," Shui Xianrou pressed her body tightly, Yun Xiaofeng's chest .

   Feel the soft body of the water. As well as the plump body, Yun Xiaofeng is no longer an ignorant boy. But Wu Qingying had already been turned into a man long ago.

   "Can we be normal, are you really okay?" Yun Xiaofeng thought that Shui Xianrou was just impulsive.

   "The first time this dean saw you, I already determined that you are the person I have been waiting for. So" Shui Xianrou hasn't finished her words yet.

   "Seventh spirit ability, spirit avatar." With a huge roar, Yu Yuanzhen rushed out of the poisonous mist. He was about to collapse at this moment, watching all the people in his sects being poisoned to death, turning into pus and blood.

   He wants to take revenge at this moment, that is, he will kill everyone outside, and then go to kill Yu Xiaogang, the beast who used his tricks to kill him!

   "Your uncle, the real body of Wuhun, court death." Shui Xianrou left with the delicate body of Yun Xiaofeng's body, and turned her head to look in the direction of Yu Yuanzhen. His eyes were extremely cold.

  A blue dragon with lightning bolts on it.

   This should be the strength of the Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus Rex.

   is simply sparks with lightning all the way.

   "Dare to disturb my mother's good deeds, bastard." Shui Xianrou was angry, her face was as black as the bottom of a pot, she could not wait to smash Yu Yuanzhen into pieces.

  Shui Xianrou turned her delicate body and whispered in Yun Xiaofeng's ear, "Wait for me to come back."

   Yun Xiaofeng shuddered instantly when he heard this.

  Shui Xianrou's expression became cold when she turned around. A pair of icy eyes stared at Yu Yuanzhen's Wuhun avatar at this moment.

The    spirit ring began to slowly rise from under her feet.

   Every step. A spirit ring rose under his feet.

   "Two yellows, one purple," the first three spirit rings are still normal.

   The fourth black ten thousand year spirit ring made Yun Xiaofeng's mouth twitch.

   (end of this chapter)

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