Douluo: My System is Not Decent

Chapter 244: I'm devastated! 233

   Chapter 244 My mind is broken! 233

   Now the weather has turned a bit cooler.

  The music on the fifth floor of Yuexuan still rang all night.

   The next morning, the three beauties were lying on the bed in Tang Yuehua's boudoir on the fifth floor.

  The fragrance in the room made Yun Xiaofeng have an unfinished feeling.

   Last night he successfully completed a triple kill.

   At this moment, Liu Erlong has no strength at all.

   She finally understands why Yun Xiaofeng asked her to bathe and change last night.

  What's the matter, take her as a demonstration to Yun Yun and Tang Yuehua.

   She was very complaining in her heart at the moment. Yun Xiaofeng is a dog.

   "He won't treat you as a maid in the future, and he won't dare." Tang Yuehua knew very well that Yun Xiaofeng thought of today as soon as he accepted Liu Erlong and Jiang Zhu as maids.

   "Fortunately, I asked Xiaodie before, An Ran and the two of them. Otherwise, if it was just me and Sister Yunyun last night, the two of us would really not be able to stand the wind." Tang Yuehua thought to himself at this moment.

  Actually, Yun Xiaofeng was completely on fire last night, otherwise, Tang Yuehua, Liu Erlong, and Yun Yun would not be able to bear it with the battle state he was in with Wu Qingying in the Star Dou Great Forest.

   "Three ladies, this young master wants to discuss something with you." Yun Xiaofeng thought it was better to discuss it with them.

   "You can make up your mind about anything, anyway, you have a lot of crazy ideas. We need to rest." Tang Yuehua was pushing Yun Xiaofeng off the bed as she spoke.

   Yunyun and Liu Erlong also nodded weakly, agreeing with what Tang Yuehua meant.

   "Wife Yuehua, you're not trying to drive me out." Yun Xiaofeng felt that Tang Yuehua was pushing him out of bed, although his strength was small, but with Liu Erlong and Yunyun, it was different.

  Tang Yuehua, Yun Yun, and Liu Erlong, the three girls all nodded and said with particularly rosy faces: "Yes, hurry up and get out, we can't stand it anymore, we can't stand it."

   Among the three of them, Liu Erlong's spirit is a beast spirit, but even so, she can't stand the hustle and bustle of Yun Xiaofeng.

   "You guys are going too far, you turned your face even before you put on these pants."

   Yun Xiaofeng is not happy anymore.

   A big hand slapped on Liu Erlong's delicate buttocks.

The    ripples dissipated instantly.

   "Master Xiaofeng, I beg you, please go out." Liu Erlong was about to cry.

   This is their first time. She suffered from the pain last night, and it will take at least three days to get out of bed.

   At this moment, the bodies of the three girls seemed to be falling apart.

  If Yun Xiaofeng wanted to do something to them at this moment, they felt that they had no ability to resist.

   "I'd better go down and let Leng Leng come up to treat you guys. You guys make me feel a little bit unbearable." Yun Xiaofeng actually wanted to help them treat them by himself, but he was stopped before.

   After the three girls looked at each other, Yun Yun whispered: "You little bastard, forget it, this is the beginning of us becoming women, let us remember this moment. It will be fine in a few days."

   Yun Yun's words moved Yun Xiaofeng very much. He is indeed not someone who doesn't know how to pity Xiangxiyu.

   "That young master is going out to do errands today, you guys have a good rest at home, I'll go down and let Yun Xiaomiao and Jiang Zhu come up to take care of you. After all, you still have to eat at noon."

  Yun Xiaofeng thought for a while, now Yuexuan only Yun Xiaomiao and Jiangzhu are the nominal maids.

   He really couldn't think of who to come.

   "Don't, don't, let Xiaodie and Anran come up, after all Xiaomiao and Jiangzhu will embarrass the three of us, if it were Xiaodie and Anran it wouldn't be." Tang Yuehua said very thoughtfully.

   "Well, that's fine, I'll go down and let the two of them come up to take care of the two of you." After Yun Xiaofeng finished speaking, he kissed the three girls' faces.

  Yun Xiaofeng covered the three girls with the quilt, then went downstairs to find Ah Yin and Rou Anran, and asked them to go up to take care of Tang Yuehua, Yun Yun, and Liu Erlong.

   It was just that when Ah Yin and Rou Anran heard that Yun Xiaofeng asked them to take care of the three daughters, they both thought of it.

   After all, both of them have experienced it.

   The two women didn't feel anything wrong with Yun Xiaofeng's arrangement.

   readily agreed to Yun Xiaofeng's request.


   Yun Xiaofeng still has something to do today. After all, although he is not looking forward to being the champion of the Continental Advanced Spirit Master Elite Competition, she still wants to get Ah Yin's quick soul bone as a dowry gift.

   Since Yuexuan left alone.

   He went to the Star Dou Great Forest for a month, and he still didn't know what happened.

   Yun Xiaofeng swaggered into the Spirit Hall of the Heaven Dou Empire.

   sat directly in the position of the Platinum Bishop Salas of the Spirit Hall, waiting for Salas to arrive.

   "Sir, I don't know what your orders are." Salas came to Yun Xiaofeng.

   Watching Yun Xiaofeng put the five tokens in his hand on the coffee table beside him, he was terrified.

   He felt that the Pope's decree and the elder's decree in Wuhun Hall were like scrap metal in front of Yun Xiaofeng.

   "This time, this young master is here to announce something to you. I hope you will send it back to the Wuhun Temple as quickly as possible, and then let the Pope of the Wuhun Temple spread to the entire continent as quickly as possible."

  The main purpose of Yun Xiaofeng's visit this time is to let the world know about Yuexuan's energy and his confidence.

   "Sir, please." Salas is a smart old man. From Yun Xiaofeng's words, he could hear that this matter was not simple and extraordinary.

"Well, you send someone back to the Wuhun Temple to tell you that the Pope of the Wuhun Temple is hiding the world's family and moon, forget it, just write that the Yunlanzong was born." Before Yun Xiaofeng finished speaking, Salas already felt When something big happens, and it's not a small thing.

   It’s just that Yun Xiaofeng told him that the Yunlan Sect was born, he was really confused.

   He is a nearly 100-year-old old man, and he heard about the existence of the Cloud Lantern Sect.

   Not even in all the records of Spirit Hall.

   (end of this chapter)

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