Douluo: My System is Not Decent

Chapter 243: Yun Xiaofeng is such an asshole

   Chapter 243 Yun Xiaofeng is such an asshole

"Don't talk nonsense, how could I be afraid, I respect her. One day I really can't help it, the young lady is too beautiful. So I don't want her to know, otherwise, it will be a bit abrupt." When Yun Xiaofeng said these words, Qian Renxue almost pointed at his nose and cursed.

   "That day you kissed my mother, that's my mother!" Qian Renxue wanted to blurt out these words and throw them on Yun Xiaofeng's face.

  Bibi Dong, who overheard the conversation between the two inside, was shocked.

   It turns out that Yun Xiaofeng is the robber in stockings who dared to go to Wuhun City single-handedly, and Wuhun Temple asked her to exchange for soul bones. In this way, she understands.

"It seems that this guy really doesn't know my true identity, but fortunately my disguise here is really good. I don't even know myself. I just didn't expect Xueer to be so anxious, yes What are you afraid of?" Bibi Dong put her ear against the door of the room and continued to eavesdrop.

   "By the way, Mrs. Fifteen, aren't you from the Spirit Hall? Why did you suddenly run to the Heaven Dou Empire to be the prince!" Yun Xiaofeng asked with some pretended doubt.

   Qian Renxue had already anticipated the transfer of this topic.

"If I say, I'm here to seek the throne of the Heaven Dou Empire." Qian Renxue's women's clothing is always so charming, and she has the same lavender eyes as Bibi Dong, she quietly stared at Yun Xiao Feng, want to see a little flaw in his face.

"This young master still said that, as long as it doesn't hurt the lives of Xue Ke and old man Xue Ye, you can do whatever you want. Don't you even want to be emperor? I can help you." Yun Xiaofeng said to the sky He doesn't really care who the emperor of the Dou Empire ends up being, as long as it's not Xue Beng's 250, that's all.

   Qian Renxue's original purpose of telling Yun Xiaofeng her true identity was to make Yun Xiaofeng stop teasing her mother. His fifteenth aunt was always there.

   As a result, Yun Xiaofeng led him away.

   Qian Renxue did not dare to tell Bibi Dong that she was her mother without Bibi Dong's consent.

   Qian Renxue cherishes this belated maternal love.

   "Why do you still help me?" Qian Renxue asked out of curiosity.

"This Douluo Continent should be unified, otherwise, the two empires of Heaven and Luo will be fighting for years. The people will not be able to survive. The poor live in the heat of water every day, so the only way to solve this problem is to unify the continent. Only This can be solved at the source.

  Since my 15th concubine has such a good intention to save the world, if my husband doesn't do something for you, then there will be a big problem. Am I right. "Yun Xiaofeng has long been very dissatisfied with this so-called aristocratic system of the empire.

  With these assholes, the poor would never want to stand out.

   Only by becoming a soul master, otherwise there is no one to help awaken the martial soul, how can the poor survive.

   Hearing Yun Xiaofeng talking eloquently: "Are you serious?"

   Qian Renxue still couldn't believe it, is this guy in front of him the real Yun Xiaofeng? Could it be that he didn't know that their Spirit Hall's ambition to unify the continent was still very big.

   "Tsk tsk, of course seriously, otherwise you think I'm just joking with you, right? Auntie Fifteen. Hurry up and let my husband hug me." Yun Xiaofeng suddenly turned into a mean swoosh.

   "Well, this is just like him. I thought he was replaced by his serious appearance just now." Qian Renxue thought to himself.

   Yun Xiaofeng had already embraced her delicate body.

   "Aunt Fifteen, let's discuss something." Yun Xiaofeng's final true face also began to be revealed.

   "You said, what's the matter." Qian Renxue also naturally wrapped a pair of jade hands around Yun Xiaofeng's neck, the two of them were very close at the moment.

   Seeing that Qian Renxue's eyelashes flickered, Yun Xiaofeng could see clearly. She exhaled like a blue in front of Yun Xiaofeng.

"It's about the little sister your grandfather sent to protect you. Can she be my sixteenth concubine? I will definitely be nice to the little sister who protects you. Really." Yun Xiaofeng Said with sincerity.

   But Qian Renxue's face was getting darker and darker.

   At this moment, she also believed that Yun Xiaofeng didn't know that the little sister in his mouth was her mother, otherwise it would not be like this.

   Yun Xiaofeng really didn’t know.

  On the Douluo Continent, there were only three titled Douluo women in his memory.

   Wuhun Hall, His Majesty the Pope, Bibi Dong.

  Poseidon Island, Poseidon Sacrifice, Bo Saixi.

   Spirit Hall, Elder Hall, Flame Eagle Douluo, in the original work, participated in the hunt for the soul of the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School. (Before it became Phoenix Douluo.)

   Obviously, Yun Xiaofeng directly lined up the first two,

   Pope Bibi Dong, he has seen,

  Poseidon Island and Wuhun Temple have hatred, so how could Bo Saixi come to protect Qian Daoliu's granddaughter?

  Therefore, Yun Xiaofeng has enough reasons to believe that the person Qiandao Liu placed beside his granddaughter to protect her is the Flame Eagle Douluo of the Hall of Spirits, the Hall of Elders.

   At this moment, Qian Renxue really wanted to sting her 37 size high heels into Yun Xiaofeng's face.

   She simply admired Yun Xiaofeng to death. She didn't expect it to be such a time, and she still misses her mother.

   "No, I can't be her master." Qian Renxue just wanted Yun Xiaofeng to retreat.

"It's okay, I have met your mother before, and even said that I can go to Wuhun City to negotiate a deal with your grandfather, and let him marry me the little sister who was arranged by your side to protect you, Hehe." Yun Xiaofeng has to deal with Qian Daoliu's bad old man, isn't it easy? It's simply simple and couldn't be simpler. Hehe smiled.

   Qian Renxue felt relieved when she heard Yun Xiaofeng say so.

  Bibi Dong is her grandfather's daughter-in-law, no matter how **** her father is, this is a fact that cannot be changed. He didn't dare to marry Bibi Dong to someone else.

  If other people on the continent knew that Qian Daoliu had betrothed his daughter-in-law to others, he would not need his rank 99 Angel Douluo prestige.

   If this is the case, Qian Daoliu may be ridiculed by all the soul masters in Douluo Continent.

   Although she knew that her mother and Qian Daoliu would not deal with each other, Qian Daoliu really couldn't be Bibi Dong's master.

"Hehe, then I wish you success, and I hope you won't be killed by my grandfather." Qian Renxue imagined that Qian Daoliu **** Yun Xiaofeng and hung it above the Elder Hall of Wuhun Hall. Listening to Yun Xiaofeng from below, he begged for mercy loudly. An indescribable relief in my heart.

"Do you really want me to be her sixteenth concubine? My apprentice Hu Liena seems to be the thirteenth concubine, and my baby daughter seems to be the fifteenth concubine." Thinking of this, I eavesdropped on the conversation between the two inside. Bibi Dong is like hitting someone.

  Yun Xiaofeng is such an asshole.

   (end of this chapter)

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