Chapter 214 Momoda

   Yun Xiaofeng and his group walked down the academy gate after dropping out of the Heaven Dou Imperial Academy.

   "Graphite, Graphite, you carry these two soul tools on your body, so that the fourth ring of the two of you will be purple when others see it, but it will not affect the effect of the ten thousand year soul skill.

   After all, your two families may not be able to protect your secret. "Yun Xiaofeng did this to protect the two brothers.

   If it is said that the Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus Rex family knows about it, and then the two brothers are taken back to do research, then the gain will outweigh the loss.

   "Thank you, Captain." The two Xuanwu turtle soul masters were very grateful to Yun Xiaofeng.

   Just the benefits of the fourth ring of ten thousand years to the two brothers are enough to get more things than the two dogs Yu Tianheng and Oslo went out.

"You're welcome, by the way, the two of you have nothing to do during this time, go to the Sky Dou City Great Soul Arena to fight, remember to report to Yuexuan before the Continental Senior Soul Master Elite Competition starts. Then Teacher Qin Ming will lead the team and fight. Wear the entire elite competition," Yun Xiaofeng finished, Qin Ming was excited.

   As a poor soul master, doesn't he just want to make a name for himself?

   If he was the leader of the champion team of the Continental Advanced Spirit Master Elite Tournament, with just this title, no matter which academy he went to, he would be treated as a VIP.

   And some time ago, he also practiced with the members of the Royal Fight Team and learned a lot.

   "Thank you, Xiaofeng." Qin Ming was really grateful.

   "Teacher Qin Ming, in fact, I know that Yu Tianheng and Oslo betrayed the Huangdou team, but it doesn't matter, you still have us." Yun Xiaofeng said,

   "That's right, Mr. Qin Ming, you still have us." Duguyan, Bai Chenxiang, and Ye Leng Leng. The two brothers, Shimo and Shimo, said in unison.

   "Thank you, everyone." After Yun Xiaofeng's insane sensationalism, Qin Mingdu was so moved that he almost cried. Especially when Yun Xiaofeng gave him a soul bone at the beginning, you must know that it is a soul bone. One can imagine the preciousness of spirit bones that are more than 30,000 years old. If someone from other forces knew about it, he wouldn't be robbed.

   Originally, his fifth spirit ring was purple, but now it is the same as the normal standard, two yellow, two purple, and two black.

   With his talent, there is no accident in the middle, and the potential to become a Title Douluo is still great.


   Star Dou Great Forest, at the core, above.

  A huge vortex appeared in the sky.

   lightning flashes,

  Daming of the Lake of Life, King Kong Ape, Titan Giant Ape, and the two beautiful women sitting on the Titan Giant Ape's shoulders all stood up and stared at the whirlpool.

   As if that vortex could swallow them all.

   The appearance of this vortex made the entire Star Dou Forest feel uneasy.

   All soul beasts are restless.

   But shortly after this vortex appeared, the thunder light disappeared, replaced by calm.

  A Yin and Rou Anran stood on the shoulders of the giant ape and looked at each other. Both of them felt that some terrible creature was about to appear here.

   But after the vortex appeared, there was a brief burst of energy that destroyed the sky and the earth, and then there was no movement. I fell into a brief silence, as if waiting for something to come.

   "Da Ming, Er Ming, San Ming, all three of you don't stay in the lake for a while, come to the shore." Rou Anran's words made the three super soul beasts have to listen.

   Don't look at Rou Anran as a food super Douluo, she is also unequivocal when she fights. Self-created soul skill, eight-dan fall. There is also the Six Meridians Excalibur, which is such a proper ADC route.

   As for Ah Yin, let alone, it is even more fierce, and the Blue Silver Overlord Spear is even more amazing.

   "Aunt Rou, is something going to happen?" As the eldest brother, Daming was the most calm.

   "Go ashore first, I don't know, I feel something will come out of the whirlpool." Rou Anran's voice just fell.

   "Well, um. It's better to come out with a female Titan Ape. Then I will have a daughter-in-law." The Titan Giant Ape's voice just fell.

   A huge python tail was drawn on it.

   Daming was so mad at the Titan Giant Ape. I don't know if this guy was stimulated or not. Recently, he has been looking for a female titan giant ape.

   But what about him, how rare their race is, doesn't he have a clue in his heart?

   Then, what greeted the Titan Giant Ape again was the Riding Face output of the King Kong Ape.

   "Sanming, if you talk nonsense again, be careful that my big brother and I will beat you to death." King Kong Ape was so angry that he was killed by the Titan Giant Ape.

   It has now been given by Yun Xiaofeng to a fairy grass that increases the life of the soul beast, and its wisdom is also higher than that of the Titan Giant Ape and the Great Tomorrow Green Gadfly.

   At the same time, she is also the only female soul beast among the three super soul beasts.

   belongs to the same species as the giant ape,

   But the giant ape, the Titan, actually thinks that she is not a Titan! Without the bloodline of their titanic ape family.

  I think she can be called the overlord in the Great Star Dou Forest now.

   Thinking about it makes me so angry, to be seen by her, I think it is an honor for this dead titan giant ape.

"Okay, everyone, stop making trouble. Be careful and watch! I don't know what's going to happen behind this vortex," Rou Anran and Ah Yin, one blue and one pink, the two figures are absolutely beautiful. exist.

   The faces of the two are already beautiful, and now they have been super-evolved. With the credit of Yun Xiaofeng,

   Two peerless beauties, but they appeared at the core of the Star Dou Great Forest. If this was discovered by many outside spirit masters, they would think it was too dangerous!

   But no matter what the outside world would have thought, the emperor in the Great Star Dou Forest called the woman in the pink dress Auntie.


  Tiandou Imperial City, Yuexuan, on the fifth floor, inside a delicate, elegant and warm room.

  Yun Xiaofeng hugged these two stunning beauties on the left and right.

   "Wife Yuehua, wife Yunyun. I will leave tomorrow," Yun Xiaofeng didn't want to leave either! But the eldest wife of his family came, he dared not to obey, he still didn't know what the mad woman's background was.

   But he was sure. Definitely better than the so-called gods of the gods, not a single star.

  Tang Yuehua and Yun Yun both looked at each other,

   "Little bastard, what are you going out for?"

   "Little hooligan, you want to harm that girl again." The words of Tang Yuehua and Yun Yun made Yun Xiaofeng fall.

   "Two wives, this time I'm going to do business." Yun Xiaofeng was completely righteous at this moment. As if to do something earth-shattering.

   "Oh ^O^ little bastard. Tell me, what business do you have to do?" Tang Yuehua looked at Yun Xiaofeng with a bit of madness,

  Although Tang Yuehua doesn't have many requirements for Yun Xiaofeng's appearance, Yun Xiaofeng's appearance is indeed too special.

   To say something shameless, now fourteen-year-old Yun Xiaofeng. One meter eight. A long light blue hair. Handsome features. All can be elected as the most beautiful man in the whole continent.

   Of course, Tang San, who had lost the Blue Silver Emperor's bloodline, could definitely be elected the ugliest title in the entire continent.

   "That, wife Yuehua, wife Yunyun, I'm going to see your eldest sister." Yun Xiaofeng said apologetically.

   There is no need to hide this.

   He didn't even bother to hide it,

  Tang Yuehua and Yun Yun both knew each other's existence,

  Especially Yun Yun, she is also very interested in which mysterious eldest sister.

   "Little bastard, isn't it just to see the eldest sister? Did you make such a deadly expression?" Tang Yuehua wondered, wouldn't their eldest sister want to eat people!

   "Pooh, hahaha, Sister Yuehua, what you said is great. I also feel that Xiaofeng's expression corresponds to what you said, seeing death as home." Yun Yun also talked to Yun Xiaofeng about their elder sister's expression. Somewhat strange.

  How did Yun Xiaofeng talk about their eldest sister, she felt as if she was about to face a high voltage of 100,000 volts, which made her think that their eldest sister was a devil.

   "Hey, you don't know! That crazy woman often threatens me," Yun Xiaofeng felt that Wu Qingying was coming, so he felt that it didn't matter.

   has already reached this point, so he wouldn't threaten him again. In that case, this eldest wife would be too boring.

   "You little bastard, be careful we complain about you. You actually said that the eldest sister is a crazy woman, you are courageous enough." Tang Yuehua was also curious about the eldest sister Yun Xiaofeng said, after all, she was the second.

  Although she knows very little about their big sister, it doesn't prevent the two of them from competing.

"Sister Yuehua, the eldest sister is very powerful. I feel that ten thousand of me can't beat her. She can stab me to death with just one finger. If you complain, the eldest sister will definitely take care of the rascal." Yun Yun said with a smile.

   "Oh...that's a bit interesting, the little **** is really brave. By the way, is the charm of the little **** really that big? You have accepted such a strong goddess as a big wife." Tang Yuehua was a little bit tasteful.

   Actually, Tang Yuehua was the first goddess Yun Xiaofeng met.

"Wife Yuehua, don't be jealous. Who knows how that crazy woman has a crush on me, maybe she's greedy for me." Yun Xiaofeng wrapped Tang Yuehua's slender waist with one hand, and was very close to his ear. Shamelessly whispered.

   "Little hooligan, you are not afraid of big sister." Yun Yun was curious, what happened to Yun Xiaofeng today, she is still not afraid of their big sister.

   A pair of beautiful eyes looked at Yun Xiaofeng curiously, wanting to see the true meaning of Yun Xiaofeng through his expressions.

   "Wife Yunyun, I am a man, how can I be afraid of my wife. Right, you know this."

   "Hey, yes, some men know to bully me." After Yun Xiaofeng finished speaking, Yun Yun gave him a blank eye.

   I have to say that Yun Yun is still so gentle and kind.

   Even if Yun Xiaofeng occasionally put the salty pig's hand into her belly pocket, she didn't kill this guy.

   Yun Yun's kindness can already be seen from this point alone.

   "When are you going, can you tell us about it there?" After Tang Yuehua finished speaking, Yun Yun nodded with a smile, meaning that she actually wanted to know.

   "Go to the Great Star Dou Forest. When you come back in a few days, take Xiaodie and Anran back with you." Yun Xiaofeng actually missed Ah Yin and Rou Anran a little.

   "Well, pay attention to safety. We will take care of your little girlfriends." Tang Yuehua and Yun Yun both knew that as long as they were in the forest, even Yun Yun might not be able to catch him or subdue him.

   "Well, my husband thanked the two wives here, Mu Ma. What?" The moment they spoke, they kissed Tang Yuehua and Yun Yun's cheeks. It made the two girls smile.

   (end of this chapter)

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