Douluo: My System is Not Decent

Chapter 213: fairy grass

   Chapter 213 Immortal Grass

   "Er Long, I'll give you a fairy grass when I look back, and we'll give birth to eight.

   There is also Xiao Xiao, and I will also have you in the back. When the time comes, I and you will strive to turn your martial spirit into a big tiger, so that we don't have to walk. Riding a Martial Spirit for walking is a good idea. "Yun Xiaofeng's words were undoubtedly said to Yu Xiaogang, and the irritating Yu Xiaogang didn't want it.

   "Xiancao." Yu Xiaogang heard the word fairy grass.

   This kind of thing is actually what he wanted to give to his disciple, Tang San. Then try to ask Tang San to find one for him too.

   In that case, he can make a breakthrough in his martial spirit,

   He knew that his martial soul was a mutation failure caused by insufficient innate soul power. If he made up for his innate soul power at that time, wouldn't he be able to become a real golden dragon.

   Then he Yu Xiaogang can also summon his martial spirit,

   Be a happy dragon rider.

   But he could only think about it, he dared not say that Yun Xiaofeng must give him one, unless Tang Ritian was there.

   And Yun Xiaofeng hugged Liu Erlong's slender waist and showed waves in front of Yu Xiaogang.

   For a while, it was a fairy grass that could make the martial spirit evolve, and for a while it was a way to make the out-of-body martial spirit evolve, and there was also the use of the fourth ring for ten thousand years.

   "Eight births are too many. No, no." Liu Erlong blushed and shook his head. She felt that having eight births was too scary. So quickly refuse.

   "Brother Xiaofeng, I can give birth to eight." It is estimated that only the rogue rabbit dares to stand up for this kind of thing.

   Everyone heard Xiao Wu's voice, and all turned their heads to one side, indicating that I didn't know Xiao Wu. unfamiliar.

  Xiao Wu's operation made everyone dizzy.

  Yu Xiaogang was about to vomit blood at this time. He saw the brand new Liu Erlong today, and he held back the excitement of wanting to confess. He planned to go after he obtained the information on the fourth spirit ring for ten thousand years.

   But he couldn't help it, because at this moment Liu Erlong is really too beautiful.

   It's just a pity that he couldn't think of why Yun Xiaofeng wanted to play him.

   But he had no chance in front of Yun Xiaofeng.

"What are you thinking, Rogue Rabbit, what I said is that I will give you a fairy grass at that time, which can increase your soul power by eight levels, how about it, is it good?" Yun Xiaofeng's words instantly made the Yu Xiaogang was full of blood and resurrected.

   He Yu Xiaogang wanted it, he wanted it too much, he raised it by eight levels.

   He dreams about it,

   But he knew that Yun Xiaofeng was definitely playing him.

"Oh, by the way, the stupid goose, let your martial spirit evolve once, lest you think that your martial spirit is too fat and can't fly." Yu Xiaogang heard Yun Xiaofeng's words, and he was not calm. , the fairy grass that can make the martial soul evolve, Yun Xiaofeng actually holds such an earth-shattering thing in his hand. It's just incredible,

   "Ah, are you serious? Brother Xiaofeng." When Xueke was told by Yun Xiaofeng, she was excited, she never liked to fight. As long as you give her a flying martial spirit, she can fly around Douluo Star in a full circle. If she wants to catch her, there is no door, not even a window.

   "Hmph, stupid goose, when did your brother Xiaofeng deceive you." Xueke didn't believe him, he was unhappy.

   "Then I will help Brother Xiaofeng give birth to eight." Xueke's words almost made Yun Xiaofeng fall to the ground. This is too much information. He has to slow down.

   Hearing this, what Yu Xiaogang said this time, even if he asked Tang Ritian to help him grab it, he would get it. It is his dream to be able to make the martial spirit evolve again. That way he can tear off the trash sticker stuck on him.

   "Also, when Erlong reaches level 80, I will take you to a place in Sunset Forest. Although a few of you have already taken it, our family can consider it a trip.

   "Okay, I'll listen to the young master." Liu Erlong and Yun Xiaomiao were as obedient as they were at the moment.

   "Rogue Rabbit, show your spirit ring and let this invincible master give you pointers." Yun Xiaofeng continued to let Xiao Wu stimulate Yu Xiaogang.

"Yellow, purple, purple, black, black. The second ring is the thousand-year-old spirit ring, that master Yu Xiaogang, look at Xiao Wu's spirit ring, I don't know if you can pass the top ten martial arts spirits. The insight of the author of the core competitiveness." Yun Xiaofeng continued to stimulate Yu Xiaogang,

  Xiao Wu's spirit ring ratio is simply unseen. can scare him to death.

   But what can he do, arrest Xiao Wu, take him back and ask him, he can only think about it now.

   Everyone here, including Avalanche, can easily stab him to death. He dared to move. He dared to move a hammer.

"Xiao Wu, for the sake of us studying in the same academy, tell me how to get the fourth ten thousand year spirit ring." Yu Xiaogang began to develop feelings for Xiao Wu in front of so many people. Card.

"Uh, I actually don't know about this. You have to ask Brother Xiaofeng, he helped me get it." What Xiao Wu said was true. If Yun Xiaofeng hadn't urged her to practice in elementary school, he would have been able to improve. so fast.

   And following Yun Xiaofeng will also increase the speed of cultivation.

  Yu Xiaogang glanced at Yun Xiaofeng and asked him, forget it, he still has a little self-knowledge. Don't go to Yun Xiaofeng to humiliate yourself.

   "Actually, Master Yu Xiaogang, sometimes trash is really trash, especially you, relying on all kinds of shameless means to obtain resources, and then became the recognized master of theory of all poor soul masters on the mainland,

   But haven't you thought about letting your sect Blue Lightning Overlord Dragon Sect spread the secret of dragon transformation? In this case, I can actually consider giving you an immortal grass that can increase your level 8 spirit power, and even allow your martial spirit to evolve once. Oh, the golden holy dragon, how much energy is there,"

   "Hehe, you are dreaming, you want my Blue Lightning Overlord Dragon Sect's secret technique, don't even think about it." No matter how stupid Yu Xiaogang is, he will never take out the Blue Lightning Overlord Dragon Sect's secret technique.

"Hehe, don't do what you don't want to, don't do it to others, don't you understand? You are no longer a member of the Blue Lightning Overlord Dragon Sect, and you are unwilling to spread the secret of dragon transformation. Why do I want to be able to I'll tell you how to absorb spirit rings by leaps and bounds, right, Master Yu Xiaogang." Yun Xiaofeng's words were meant to be angry at him, but he was indeed very angry.

   He was kicked out by the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Sect, but it was impossible for him to admit that he was trash.

   So he chose Tang San as his apprentice. If he wanted to get rid of the word trash, then he only needed to train Tang San into a genius, especially the spirit master who was born full of spirit power and abolished the martial spirit Blue Silver Grass was definitely the best existence to fool.

  Yun Xiaofeng still remembered that when Yu Xiaogang saw the introduction of Wuhun Hall at the entrance of Nuoding College, it was written that when the Wuhun axe was at the fifth level of innate soul power, he expressed obvious disdain.

   When he saw Tang San's innately full of soul power Blue Silver Grass, he immediately jumped out and pretended to be coercive.

   (end of this chapter)

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