Douluo: My System is Not Decent

Chapter 209: Sixteen Aunt

   Chapter 209 Sixteenth Aunt

  Yue Xuan,

   Yun Xiaofeng apologized one by one after returning.

  There is no way, who asked Qian Renxue to move the rescue soldiers to his house.

   "Brother Xiaofeng, this little girl named Qian Renxue knows that you are a robber in stockings. After that, wouldn't we have no robbery targets." Xiao Wu's words made Yun Xiaofeng look at her with admiration.

   This is how long he stayed in Yuexuan, and the word "chick" is used with perfection.

   "Xiao Wu, these little girls, you are so energetic, who taught you these words." Tang Yuehua wondered, she taught etiquette, and now Xiao Wu is also her student.

   She felt that these students were really difficult to teach.

   One of the figures began to slowly exit the door.

  Xiaowu proudly said, "Rongrong taught me, I think it's not bad. For example, when we slept last night, Rongrong also said that the big cat and the little cat are really fierce."

   "Xiao Wu, you killed me." Ning Rongrong, who was about to exit the door, knew that she couldn't get away.

   "Mr. Yuehua, I will learn etiquette with you tomorrow, and promise not to teach Xiao Wu to say these things again." Ning Rongrong immediately admitted his mistake, with a sincere attitude. The speed of admitting mistakes.

   "You guys, hey." Tang Yuehua had a special headache facing these girls.

   Among them, Zhu Zhuqing and Zhu Zhuyun both blushed.

   They didn't expect Xiao Wu to praise their sisters in front of so many faces.

   But she was a little embarrassed for boasting.

   After all, in front of so many people, they were both choppy.

"Wife Yuehua, in fact, you don't have to worry about it. Each of them has their own nature, and this cannot be changed. If you want to change it forcibly, it will only backfire." Yun Xiaofeng knew very well that among this group of people, For example, Xiao Wu, asking her to obey the etiquette rules, is more uncomfortable than killing her, and Rou Anran's words are similar.

"Well, okay, although the little **** excuses you like this, I hope you can learn more. Etiquette, rhythm, these two things are only good and not bad for everyone." Tang Yuehua can't help but laugh on the road.

   But Xiao Wu's words really made her feel right.

   The two cats are really fierce.


   "Master, are you planning to warm the bed for us?" A somewhat sweet voice said.

   "Master, I, I, I am also ready." A timid voice said.

"Jianzhu, Yun Xiaomiao, that's enough for the two of you, as my young master said, sleepy, sleepy." Yun Xiaofeng looked at the two maids, a little speechless, didn't they just sleep together? ?

"Oh, so that's the case, then can you take your hand out of my clothes first, young master?" Jiangzhu's voice was still sweet, and her big eyes looked at Yun Xiaofeng, as if full of insecurities. untie.

   "Uh, this, in fact, I just want to help you two measure it. In the future, if this young master goes out, I can help you buy clothes and so on." Yun Xiaofeng explained awkwardly.

"Well, it's alright, young master." Yun Xiaomiao knew how miserable her fate would be if it wasn't for Yun Xiaofeng. Now not only has her martial soul mutated, she can also stay in a place like Yuexuan. Can't even dream of it.

   So even if Yun Xiaofeng wants her now, it is also her honor.

   "Okay, you two, go to sleep." After Yun Xiaofeng finished speaking, he smiled at the two maids. Then I closed my eyes and went to sleep.


  The periphery of the Prince's Mansion of the Heaven Dou Empire.

   Yun Xiaofeng put the token of the Prince's Mansion on his waist and held a large bunch of roses in his hand. He wanted to continue to pursue the beautiful lady beside Xue Qinghe.

   "There is no problem with the body of this prince, right?"

   "Yeah, don't you think our Crown Prince is still single at such an old age?"

   "Yeah, the fourth prince Xue Beng, I don't know how many girls have been harmed, but this prince does not marry any of them, which is a bit unreasonable."

   "Hey, what you said also makes sense. It's the fourth prince Xue Beng. Really, if he wasn't the fourth prince, he would have been beaten to death many times."

   "Hey, I have pity on those lovely girls."

   "I said you guys, what are you chatting about?" Yun Xiaofeng suddenly appeared next to a few chatting people and asked.

"Hey, I'm just talking about His Royal Highness, and about the fourth prince Xue Beng. I heard that yesterday Xue Beng gave a noble family's daughter to Huo Huo while he was drunk. Which daughter is going to die or live this morning. Now it's a mess. I went to Emperor Xue Ye."

"Fuck, the operation of Xue Beng is ok. Although it is a bit scum, the effect is immediate. It seems that Xue Beng has to suffer a little." Yun Xiaofeng was stunned, but he did not expect Xue Beng. Dare to do this.

  Yun Xiaofeng no longer pays attention to the chat content of unrelated people.

   He had a chat with the young lady yesterday.

   Yun Xiaofeng has the token of His Royal Highness in his hand, so he can come and go freely in the Prince's Mansion, and no one cares about him at all.

   walked into the Prince’s mansion with a large bouquet of red roses.

   I saw that the young lady was already sitting idle at the gazebo. drinking tea.

   "Miss, I haven't seen you for a day, it's like every three autumns." Yun Xiaofeng placed a large bouquet of red roses on the stone table and looked at Bibi Dong.

  Bibi Dong looked at Yun Xiaofeng meaningfully, and thought to himself, "This guy can save Xue'er from Tang Ritian's hands, and now he's still appearing in front of me unharmed, he's a bit capable."

   "Young Master, please sit down." Bibi Dong really didn't understand Yun Xiaofeng, so she politely invited him to sit down and have tea together.

   "Thank you, Miss." As soon as Yun Xiaofeng sat down, Bibi Dong helped him pour a cup of tea with a teapot.

   "I heard from His Royal Highness the Crown Prince this morning that last night, the Young Master seemed to be in trouble." Bibi Dong asked.

  Bibi Dong was really puzzled, she was shocked when Xue Er said that this guy has space-type soul skills.

"Hey, I went to Sunset Forest with my 15th concubine last night, and met the most shameless titled Douluo in the whole continent. In the end, I asked my 15th concubine to leave first, and then I went with that guy named Tang Ritian. After more than 300 rounds of battle, it was the one who fought in the dark, the sun and the moon without light. He knew that Qian Renxue had told Bibi Dong, but she definitely didn't know what happened next.

   "Young Master, your ability to deceive people is still a bit poor. Tell me how you got away in the end." Bibi Dong looked at Yun Xiaofeng with deep meaning.

   and Tang Ritian fought for 300 rounds, and he didn't believe Bibi Dong was killed.

   Yun Xiaofeng's combat power Qian Renxue told her, titled Douluo.

   But he has space soul skills. Weird.

   "Hey, well, it seems that I can't hide it from the young lady." Yun Xiaofeng sighed, then smiled bitterly.

"In the next six months, my soul power will stay at level fifty-seven and won't improve. That's the price. But I'm satisfied to be able to save my fifteenth concubine by Tang Ritian's bastard." Yun Xiao Feng shamelessly traded him with the system, and the fact that his soul power stopped growing for half a year now was attributed to the battle with Tang Ritian last night.

   "Ah." Bibi Dong was stunned after hearing this.

   "Miss, don't get excited, if it were you, I would do the same." Yun Xiaofeng almost stood up when she saw Bibi Dong's excitement.

   "But is it worth it for the young master to save the 15th concubine? Is the price too high?" Bibi Dong asked curiously.

   Thought in her heart, if this person treats Cher with sincerity, she will have no regrets.

   "Miss, you are joking, there is no value or not, only willing or not. I am willing to save him just because she is my lover." Yun Xiaofeng said calmly. He picked up the tea on the stone table and took a sip.

"Actually, if the little sister is hurt, I will give my life to save it. After all, the little sister has already been designated by me as the sixteenth aunt." Yun Xiaofeng finished speaking so shamelessly, looking at the little girl opposite her. Sister, her face was clear, red and white, just like a chameleon.

   Please pay more attention to the new book "The Rebirth of the Little Dance of Douluo"



   (end of this chapter)

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