Douluo: My System is Not Decent

Chapter 208: Dig a pit for Tang Ritian

   Chapter 208 Digging a pit for Tang Ritian

   "Crack." Tang Yuehua slapped Qian Renxue's face.

   A slap print appeared in Qian Renxue. On her delicate face, but at the moment she could only cover her face and suffer.

   I can only hope that the old snake skin of Yun Xiaofeng will be fine. Otherwise, she will never forgive herself in her life.

   "Why do you put the little **** in danger alone?" Tang Yuehua went mad and said angrily at Qian Renxue.

   "Woooooo, I'm sorry, I really didn't mean it." After Qian Renxue came back and told Yue Xuan to tell everyone the news,

   Yunyun, Dugu Bo, Ye Qi, and Ye Xiaorou, the four titled Douluo now, all went to Sunset Forest!

   was slapped by Tang Yuehua. She didn't even think about resisting. And she couldn't resist.

   It's just that she is very worried about Yun Xiaofeng at the moment!

   "Do you know who Tang Ritian is? He won't show mercy to Xiaofeng at all. If Xiaofeng has three strengths and two weaknesses, I don't care who you are from the Spirit Hall, I will perish with you."

  Tang Yuehua was almost **** off by Qian Renxue.

   Yun Xiaofeng was asked by her to go out for a duel. Then she came back to rescue the soldiers by herself.

   This makes Tang Yuehua not worried.

   How not to get angry.

   "Sister Yuehua, don't be angry! Brother Xiaofeng will definitely be fine." Some of Xiaowu, Ye Lenglen, Duguyan, and Zhu Zhuqing persuaded Tang Yuehua, while others comforted Qian Renxue.

   Qian Renxue is actually Xue Qinghe!

  Tang Yuehua's temper is quite good. This is what Qian Renxue learned from the time when His Royal Highness came to Yuexuan!

   But this time he was furious!

  Someone put Yun Xiaofeng in danger.

   The slap just now was not polite, and hit Qian Renxue directly in the face.

   "I'm sorry everyone. Xiaofeng will be fine. He promises to live like me!" Qian Renxue's tearful and pitiful appearance made Tang Yuehua a little apologetic!

   "Little girl, I'm sorry. I was too nervous about the safety of my little **** before. Sister Yunyun, they should bring him back soon." Tang Yuehua apologized to Qian Renxue. Qian Renxue was a little flattered.

   This thing was indeed caused by her. Put Yun Xiaofeng in danger. It was something she could not have imagined.

   She didn't even think about it, even Yun Xiaofeng didn't think about it now, because he's been a little swollen recently. Sunset Forest actually does not open the field.

   is too arrogant.

   "No, I won't blame you, Sister Yuehua." I still have something to do, so I'll go back first. "

   "Leng Leng. Help this girl get some treatment!" After all, the slap Tang Yuehua had just slapped Qian Renxue's face swollen.

   Ye Leng Leng Leng Leng Leng Leng opened Martial Soul, at the same time the Soul Ring also appeared.

  Two yellows, one purple, and one black. Four soul rings.

   When Qian Renxue looked at Ye Leng Leng's fourth ring of Wannian, she thought that Yun Xiaofeng seemed to have said that all the beauties in the fourth ring of Wannian belonged to him. Hmm, seems to have said that.

  The brain is a little down!

   If this is the case, then the problem is too serious!

   The healing effect of Nine Heart Begonia Emperor is really not covered.

  Ye also felt that there were other injuries on Qian Renxue's body when he was treating coldly.

   With the gorgeous petals of the Nine Heart Begonia Emperor entering Qian Renxue's body, the wound on her **** that was hit by Yun Xiaofeng is also healed!

   "Well, how can you be hurt here!" After Ye Leng Leng treated Qian Renxue, he pointed to Qian Renxue's little **** and put away his martial soul. Then he asked Qian Renxue.

   "My name is Qian Renxue, you can call me Xue Er. That was beaten by her husband." After Qian Renxue finished speaking, everyone in the room looked at her curiously.

   "You mean Brother Xiaofeng spanked your ass?" Xiao Wu, the rogue rabbit, walked to Qian Renxue's side, and lightly patted Qian Renxue's buttocks with a small hand.

   "Tsk tsk, it's really exciting." She looked like a hooligan.

   "Oh, Xue'er, don't bother with this rogue rabbit! That's how she is." Duguyan hurriedly stepped forward and explained to Qian Renxue.

   "It's okay, it's okay." Qian Renxue glanced at Xiao Wu curiously.

   "Hehe, we actually met before." Xiao Wu's words made everyone dizzy.

   Not to mention Qian Renxue herself, no one in the room except Xiao Wu has a picture.

   "It was Brother Xiaofeng who took me to rob you once before, do you remember?" Xiao Wu proudly finished speaking and took out her stockings from the soul tool and put them on her head.

   Then the girls were stunned when they saw Xiao Wu,

   "So the little **** has such a hobby." Tang Yuehua didn't expect that Yun Xiaofeng's hobby was really special.

   "Oh, I remember. So you were there last time." Qian Renxue remembered.

   "Xue'er, tell me why brother Xiaofeng wants to spank you." Xiao Wu seemed to be acquainted with Qian Renxue, and the corners of the mouths of others twitched. They didn't believe Qian Renxue's good intentions.

   "That, it's nothing, nothing, I still have things to do. I'll go back first. I'll come back later."

   She admired Xiao Wu that rogue rabbit.

   This is all possible.

  I want to have a relationship, set her up, what are you thinking about?

   Sunset Forest, Tang Ritian came to the Shrek Seven Devils team at this moment, and took the seven of them to hide in a cave.

  Because he felt the imposing aura of four Titled Douluos coming.

   The strongest aura made him feel the trembling of his soul.

   If you don’t run at this time, you will wait.

   "What the hell, the one I hammered to death just now couldn't be Bibi Dong's own son. Four Titled Douluos." Tang Ritian growled inwardly.

   Outside, inside a big pit.

The    pit was also very deep, which was smashed by Tang Ritian's chaotic cloak with the Clear Sky Hammer.

   But there is no body inside.

   There was no bloodstain.

   The moment before Tang Ritian's chaotic cloak hammered down, Yun Xiaofeng used his flash to leave, and went to a tree trunk two kilometers away to watch.

  Tang Ritian turned his head back confidently after he was hammered, and left without looking to see if there were any corpses in the pit he hammered. Such a situation was naturally seen by Yun Xiaofeng.

   "Do real men never look back? Tsk tsk, that's kind of interesting." Yun Xiaofeng stayed where he was, he wanted to wait for Phoenix Douluo to come.

   With Qian Renxue's energy, he might even bring all the Heaven Dou Empire branch of the Spirit Hall.

   "Little hooligan, are you alright." Yun Yun and Dugu Bo, Ye Xiaorou, and Ye Qi4 descended from the sky.

  's crisp, tactful and elegant voice reached Yun Xiaofeng's ears.

   "I'm off, Qian Renxue went to my house to rescue soldiers, this stuff is really interesting." Yun Xiaofeng thought for a while.

   "Wife Yunyun, I'm fine." Yun Xiaofeng stood there.

   Yunyun stepped forward and hugged Yun Xiaofeng, "Little rascal, don't put yourself in danger in the future. The family is terrified."

   "Well, don't worry, no one will be able to stop me if I want to run." Yun Xiaofeng didn't expect all four titled Douluos from Yuexuan to come out.

   "Good boy, you've gotten to grips with Tang Ritian. Where's that **** Tang Ritian?" Dugu Bo simply admired Dead Yun Xiaofeng.

   A Soul King started to provoke Title Douluo.

   Dugu Bo didn't know that Yun Xiaofeng had hacked to death a Title Douluo in the Star Dou Great Forest. Although he had just been upgraded, it was extremely boring to be considered a Title Douluo.

   "Maybe I sensed your arrival, so I ran into the Sunset Forest to hide." Yun Xiaofeng put Yunyun's head on his shoulder and hugged her tender body tightly.

   "Then I'll go in and kill him." Yun Yun heard this, pushed Yun Xiaofeng away, and summoned her martial soul and cyan long sword. Soul rings, two black and seven red, a pair of Tang Ritian, who was about to go in and kill him, was in a state of not leaving his armor behind.

   "Okay, Yunyun wife, calm down. He will die sooner or later, and now it's better to let him sit around for a while."

   Yun Xiaofeng knew the anger of his Yunyun wife.

   "Alright then, I'll listen to you." Then he took back the spirit ring and martial spirit.

   Dugu Bo, looking at Yun Yun's spirit ring, fell into autism.

   Ye Xiaorou, Ye Qi is the same,

   The spirit ring configuration of two black and seven red is too scary.

   "Poison old man, come with me, I have something to tell you." Yun Xiaofeng asked Dugubo and him to walk aside, and then opened the domain so that Yunyun and the others would not hear.

   "Stinky boy, what's going on, it's so mysterious." Dugu Bo looked at Yun Xiaofeng speechlessly.

"Let me tell you, you go and put a poisonous mist around the original Binghuo Liangyi Eye, which is to dye people's bodies into colorful poisons, but it is not fatal, can you do it?" Yun Xiaofeng thought for a while, Even if the ice and fire eyes in the Sunset Forest were fake, then he wouldn't have cheapened Tang San and the others.

   You must know that Dugu Bo has already ignored the eyes of ice and fire.

   And really, the two eyes of ice and fire are on him,

   He wouldn't let Dugu Bo guard there, even if he was at the 96th level now, he might not be Tang Ritian's opponent.

   "Isn't the eye of the two eyes of ice and fire gone?" Dugu Bo was a little confused.

   "That's probably because you're not old-fashioned, and you've gone the wrong way. Remember, don't be fatal, just turn the poisonous into colorful.

   Also, don’t be rude about the flowers and plants inside, the flowers and plants in there are no longer usable. Don't touch it. "

   Dugu Bo was stunned, "Boy, who are you planning to cheat?"

   "Tang Ritian's son, his father wants to kill me, so I can dig a hole for his son." Yun Xiaofeng said without thinking.

   "The flowers and plants in there are so cheap for them?"

  【Actually, as a dog host, you don't need to let Dugu Bo to release poison at all, because as long as they absorb the fairy grass inside, their body will change color. 】

   "So powerful."

  【Yes, dog host. 】

   "Actually, the flowers and plants inside are all fake, and have no effect at all." Yun Xiaofeng still told Dugu Bo about this.

   Dugu Bo almost jumped up, "That's okay too."

   "Okay, let's go and get busy. If you meet Tang Ritian, retreat immediately. Don't give him a chance to attack you." Yun Xiaofeng's way of cheating people gave Dugu Bo a great inspiration.

   He was already thinking about how to trap chrysanthemums once in the future.

   He and the dead **** Yueguan are simply in love and killing each other.

  After Yun Xiaofeng finished speaking, Dugu Bo flew away and went to Binghuo Liangyiyan.

   He is quite good at poisoning.

  After Dugu Bo flew away, Yun Xiaofeng walked up to Yun Yun, looked at Ye Xiaorou and his wife again and said, "I've made you all worried."

   "Hmph, it's good to know. Let's go back with us." After Yun Yun finished speaking, Ye Qi had to speak.

   "That brother, and Your Majesty Yun Yun, Xiaorou and I will not be going back to Yuexuan tonight." After Ye Qi finished speaking, Yun Xiaofeng glanced at his mother-in-law strangely, only to see Ye Xiaorou's face blushing.

   "Well, come on then, Senior Brother Ye Qi. I'll just go back with Yun Yun." Yun Xiaofeng still didn't understand that Ye Qi and Ye Xiaorou were going to build a trumpet.

   But the big one has been taken away by him, so it is a good thing for the two of them to practice the small one.

   So that night, the Tiandou Imperial City, the Rose Hotel, a couple with a titled Douluo, happily created people for one night.

   (end of this chapter)

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