Douluo: My System is Not Decent

Chapter 169: Don Doudou was beaten

   Chapter 169 Tang Doudou was beaten

  Tiandou Empire, Prince's Mansion,

   "I'm mad at me, I'm mad at me." As soon as Xue Qinghe returned to the mansion, he sat on the sofa and kept getting angry.

   "Xue'er, what's the matter with you today? That **** made you angry?" Bibi Dong looked at her precious daughter who was so angry that she was smoking. she was also angry,

"Yuexuan's little devil. His uncle's, he still shows off his wife in front of me. I'm too old to marry a prince." Qian Renxue will be at the Tiandou Royal Academy today. Bibi Dong said all the anger he received.

   also told Bibi Dong about Yun Xiaofeng's combat power.

   She also listened to the fact that Yun Xiaofeng's level 57 spirit power could be tied with Sword Douluo Chenxin's level 90 and eight-ring spirit Douluo. She wouldn't take it seriously.

   But she also remembered that Yun Xiaofeng is a genius.

"Xue'er! Why don't you go back to the Wuhun Temple with your mother! What a **** prince, we don't do it right, otherwise it will be easily exposed!" Bibi Dong comforted Qian Renxue, her anger subsided a little , Bibi Dong smiled and said to Qian Renxue.

"Mom, I don't want to give up halfway. I have to control more energy. Now Ning Fengzhi from the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School supports me, and I also have a good relationship with Yuexuan. After all, I had a deal with that little **** Yun Xiaofeng. I have done a great job for the Heaven Dou Empire!"

   "Hey, let's take one step at a time!" After Qian Renxue sighed, she thought of an interesting thing!

"Mom, there will be a battle of the soul between the Heaven Dou Empire and the Royal Academy of the Star Luo Empire. Would you like to come with me? Then show off your love." Qian Renxue didn't know if her brain was flooded, or if Confused by Yun Xiaofeng.

   "You, it seems that you were confused by that little devil king Yuexuan!" Bibi Dong stretched out her index finger and poked Qian Renxue's forehead in an angry and funny manner.

"Don't care what other people say! It's really difficult to handle this matter anyway. After all, there are quite a few spies from the Heaven Dou Empire in Wuhun City. I don't want to put Xue'er in danger." Bibi Dong said to Qian Ren. Snow is a little hard to understand.

   But this thing is all because Yun Xiaofeng's dog's nose is too smart.

  If Yun Xiaofeng knew that the person he had molested was Bibi Dong, then he would not know how he would feel.


   Heaven Dou Empire Great Soul Arena.

A young man with blond hair and a gigantic waist, looked at the team in front of him, and said with disdain, "Dai Mubai, I didn't expect you to run away! Not only did you run away your fiancee, but also Almost erected a great enemy for the Star Luo Empire!

   I just admire you to death,"

   Davis simply admired his younger brother.

   He was often in and out of Goulan at a young age, especially the prince of the Star Luo Empire.

   It's like losing the face of the royal family of the Star Luo Empire!

"Davis, don't be so pretentious, you must be extremely happy now! You should be very happy that I don't have the martial arts fusion skill! But do you think that I Dai Mubai only rely on the martial arts fusion skill? ?"

   "Little San, I'll ask everyone from now on." Dai Mubai's identity is so well known now.

   The prince of the Xingluo Empire went to the Heaven Dou Empire to study in junior high school, so Dai Mubai's life is not easy now!

   "Brothers, brighten your spirit rings." Davis let out a low roar. The entire team, all of them were two yellows and two purples, the best match of spirit rings.

   On the Shrek Academy side, there were only Dai Mubai and Yu Tianheng from the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon School. The soul ring ratio of the two is the best soul ring ratio.

   The other Tang San, Ma Hongjun, Oscar, Tailong, and Oslo are all spirit masters with three rings, two yellow and one purple.

  Flander knew that he lost by looking at the team configuration.

   He also went to bet on Shrek Academy winning.

   Now there is a shortage of talents.

  Tang Hao was also secretly observing the strength of the team, although he already knew that Shrek Academy lost, but this "doesn't matter!"

   After all, because of the advantage of being older. An age difference of nearly ten years!

   When Tang Ritian was in his twenties, he was able to surpass two levels and beat the Soul Emperor.

   This is a game without suspense.

   The Star Luo Empire Royal Academy team played against the Shrek Seven Devils team, just like a grandfather playing a grandson. It was easily taken down.

   After all, the current Star Luo Empire Royal Academy’s advantage is too great.

  Yun Xiaofeng is also in the Soul Arena,

   When he saw the Shrek Seven Devils being beaten into dogs, Yun Xiaofeng knew by looking at their expressions, his mentality was so blown up!

   They added Ning Rongrong when they were in Soto City, Shrek Academy. The Shrek team at that time was invincible!

  Why did it change after arriving at the Heaven Dou Empire Heaven Dou City!

   Could it be because of incompatibility? Still lost the support of the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Pagoda. Still the reason.

  Especially Tang San, he was beaten today and was a little autistic.

   When fighting against the white tiger and the ghost cat's martial arts fusion skill, the ghost white tiger, his blue silver grass skill is like a piece of paper,

  Tang Ritian also noticed that Tang San's expression was very bad.

  Tang San was thinking at this moment, since his father is back, then he will communicate his thoughts with him.

   As for Dai Mubai, Davies and Zhu Zhuyun gave him a deep lesson today. Even if he is currently a forty-one soul sect cultivation base, under the strength of Davis and Zhu Zhuyun's two forty-fourth-level soul sect martial soul fusion skills, the Nether White Tiger is the material to be crushed!

   is so embarrassing.

   Not only was he aggrieved, Dai Mubai was almost beaten to death.

   Even if he didn't die, it would take a long time to recover.

   In general, there is no healing spirit master.

   Dai Mubai was destined to lie in bed for half a month!

  Yun Xiaofeng went ahead to collect the reward that belonged to him,

   He just bet 10,000 Gold Soul Coins for a small amount of money, and he didn't win a lot. He probably got less than 30,000 Gold Soul Coins in total.

   But he felt very comfortable seeing the Shrek Academy's people being beaten and losing their sense of self.

   Especially when Tang Doudou was beaten, he felt more comfortable.

  Comfortable ones are not comfortable anymore.

   It was like drinking a bottle of Sprite from 1982, the heart was cool and the heart was flying.

   One word, comfortable!

  Tiandou Imperial City Grand Battle Arena.

  Tang San was beaten and came to Tang Ritian in a somewhat autistic manner.

   "Rake, I let you down."

  Tang Ritian saw that the entire team seemed to have lost the courage to fight. This is not a good thing for him.

   After all, he still relies on this team to win back the soul bone of the right leg of the 100,000-year Blue Silver Emperor for his son!

  When the seven team members of Shrek Academy appeared in the lounge,

  Tang Ritian also saw Dai Mubai, the third prince of the royal family of the Star Luo Empire, being carried in on a stretcher.

   He didn't say anything, even though the Clear Sky Sect was a supporter of the Star Luo Empire!

   (end of this chapter)

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