Douluo: My System is Not Decent

Chapter 168: Xue Qinghe imprisoned the peerless beauty

   Chapter 168 Xue Qinghe imprisoned the peerless beauty

   "Lao Xue, that's not right, the scent on your body is obviously a woman's, don't you..." Yun Xiaofeng's words scared Qian Renxue into a cold sweat, she thought she was exposed.

   "Lao Xue, you won't go to the places you shouldn't." Yun Xiaofeng looked at Xue Qinghe with a look of panic.

   He even shrank back his hand on Xue Qinghe.

  Xue Qinghe almost died of anger at what Yun Xiaofeng said.

   It turned out that he was contaminated with the scent of his mother's body, and Yun Xiaofeng thought he was going to a place he shouldn't be.

   "Don't talk nonsense, how could this prince go to any fireworks and willow lane." Xue Qinghe said righteously,

"You're right, I still remember the smell of this perfume that I researched, and the price of this perfume is also very unusual. People in those places really can't afford it, Lao Xue, tell me quickly, yes What kind of girl." Yun Xiaofeng looked like a cheap swish.

   "What do you want to do?" Xue Qinghe was very vigilant, he didn't know what Yun Xiaofeng wanted to do when he asked about it.

   "Dig the corner, this young master sees how attractive I am." Yun Xiaofeng said shamelessly.

   "You're going to die, you." Xue Qinghe was speechless to Yun Xiaofeng, and this guy didn't consider himself an outsider. In front of so many people, he actually said that he would dig his corner.

   "Brother Prince, you're not too young anymore, it's time to start a family, I'll tell the emperor when I go back, there's always a peerless beauty hidden in your Prince's mansion." Xue Ke's words made everyone stunned.

   "You talk too much." Xue Qinghe's face turned black.

   "Hmph, I'm so much younger than you and I'm about to get married. You haven't even married the crown princess. Are you waiting for someone?" Xueke's eyes finally fell on Ning Rongrong.

   Everyone looked at Ning Rongrong with Xue Ke's eyes.

  Ning Fengzhi helped his forehead. He's going crazy.

  Xue Qinghe is a good disciple of his, but his cultivation talent is not good at all.

   He didn't want his daughter to be remembered by Xue Qinghe.

   "Uh, that Qinghe, Rongrong is still young. She's not old enough to leave the cabinet. And she's your junior sister. You understand." Ning Fengzhi meant to tell Xue Qinghe not to worry about Ning Rongrong.

  Ning Rongrong had only met Xue Qinghe a few times. Can't talk about liking it at all.

  Xue Qinghe was about to cry.

   "Yun Xiaofeng, are you poisonous? Why are you all that?" Xue Qinghe said angrily to Yun Xiaofeng.

   "Master, you misunderstood. The disciple has no idea about Junior Sister Rongrong. You can rest assured." Xue Qinghe quickly explained to Ning Fengzhi. After all, he was telling the truth.

"Xue Qinghe, this young master warns you, don't worry about the girls here, all of them belong to this young master. If you want to, you can't even think about it." Yun Xiaofeng quickly stood in front of Xue Qinghe and put his back The few girls in the room blocked them all, like a hen guarding a chicken.

  Qin Ming, Brother Stone, and the three education committees were stunned when they saw Yun Xiaofeng's actions.

   Sword Douluo said in his heart, "He's in a hurry, he's in a hurry, he's calling out the name of His Royal Highness."

   Yun Xiaofeng's showy operation shocked Duguyan, Zhu Zhuqing, and others.

   They are still really afraid that His Royal Highness the Prince will take a fancy to them. When the time comes, they will be snatched up as crown princesses, or as concubines or something, that's not what they want.

   Zhu Zhuqing, Xiaowu and the others shrank their heads, for fear that Xue Qinghe would see the same.

  Ye Xiaorou, Ye Qi and his wife were also stunned by Yun Xiaofeng's show.

   "Yun Xiaofeng, you are going too far. Is this prince like that?" Xue Qinghe was almost smoking.

   "You know the person, the face, but the heart. On the mainland, you are an adult at the age of fourteen, and you are in your twenties, and you haven't gotten married yet??" Yun Xiaofeng moved his gaze to Xue Qinghe's lower abdomen.

   "Your uncle, you are ill. This prince is too lazy to take care of you." Xue Qinghe was suffocated by the angry Qiqiao. With a flick of his hand, he left the training ground.

  Ning Fengzhi didn't expect Xue Qinghe to be foul.

   You must know that Xue Qinghe is known as a gentle and elegant person.

   was actually so angry.

   "Looks like I have to talk to Emperor Xueye about Qinghe's private affairs."

  Xueke is the boss with a pair of lovely eyes.

   She knew what kind of person her brother was,

   But the foul language when Xue Qinghe left just now subverted her three views.

   "Brother Xiaofeng, His Royal Highness doesn't like you." Xiao Wu's words instantly calmed the air.

   Zhu Zhuqing looked at Xiao Wu, Duguyan looked at Xiao Wu, Ye Leng Leng looked at Xiao Wu, and everyone present looked at Xiao Wu.

  Yun Xiaofeng had to help his forehead, "Sure enough, it's incredible that the 100,000-year-old hooligan rabbit has become a hooligan."

   "Don't talk nonsense, rogue rabbit. Your brother Xiaofeng is a serious person." Yun Xiaofeng would not admit that Xue Qinghe likes him.

   Even if you want to admit it, you have to ask Qian Renxue to admit it, otherwise it will be too twisted.

   Actually, Yun Xiaofeng also knew that he thought too much, how arrogant Qian Renxue was. The Seraph Martial Soul, the descendant of God, is destined to be extraordinary for this woman. If this woman doesn't spank her and wants her to like you, dream.

   But Yun Xiaofeng thought about the original work, **** that Tang San. Qian Renxue spared his dog's life again and again, but he did not repent. However, in the end, Xiao Wu was used as the scabbard of the Asura Sword, and the Asura God was achieved. In the end, Qian Renxue's godhead was shattered.

   In the original Douluo novel, Yu Xiaogang lived on a woman to survive,

  Tang Hao, relying on women, no, he lives on female spirit beasts.

  Tang San, Kuan Xiaowu, Hu Liena, Qian Renxue. This is so outrageous,

   But Yun Xiaofeng thought about it, he seems to be too, he was born by Tang Yuehua, and then by Yun Yun. In fact, Wu Qingying was the one who made him rely the most.

   "Hey, this is another tragic girl waiting for this young master to save." Brazenness seems to be the norm of Yun Xiaofeng.

"No, my brother has someone. When I went to his Prince's Palace two days ago, I found a very beautiful woman in his room, and they were hugging each other." Xue Ke took him to Xue Ke before. The Qinghe Palace has all been said and heard.

  The girls heard what Xueke said that His Royal Highness had someone, and then reluctantly believed it.

   "Xueke, what does the woman in His Royal Highness's room look like?" Yun Xiaofeng was very curious, because when he went there, he saw a beautiful woman.

   But he was not sure if it was the same person Xue Ke saw, if not, then the problem would be bigger.

   "What do you want to do? I won't tell you, don't you really want to dig the corner of my prince's brother? Humph." Xueke turned her head willfully, she suspected that her brother Xiaofeng would dig the corner of her prince's brother. This wasn't what she wanted to see.

   "Don't make trouble, I'm just helping you to analyze the prince's brother. Let's see, His Royal Highness has always been a gentle and good man.

   Don't you all wonder why His Royal Highness would hide a girl in his palace? And it has never been discovered for so long, and it was Xiaoxueke who saw it after accidentally bumping into it once. "Yun Xiaofeng saw everyone nodding.

   Then proceed to start the analysis.

   "First of all, Xue Qinghe is His Highness the Crown Prince, and he has a lot of power. That is to say, whether the woman he wants to get is a nobleman or some small sect, this is easy for him."

   Then, under the analysis of Yun Xiaofeng, Xue Qinghe was analyzed as a prince who imprisoned a peerless beauty and had a human face and a beast heart.

  Ning Fengzhi was stunned.

   Yun Xiaofeng has such a grudge against His Royal Highness the Crown Prince.

   But when Ning Fengzhi faced Yun Xiaofeng's analysis, he knew that what Yun Xiaofeng said could not be true, but he couldn't find a reason to refute it.

   This is outrageous,

   (end of this chapter)

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