Douluo: My System is Not Decent

Chapter 157: borrow this old man

   Chapter 157 Borrow this old man

  Tiandou Royal Academy, the newly established educational committee of the royal family.

  Meng Shenji, Bai Baoshan, Zhi Lin, the three Contra Education Committee, sitting in the position of the Education Committee, looked at the three people below with a smile on their faces.

  I can't help it, the relationship between the Empire and the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School is already very good.

   Besides, the suzerain of the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School is also the teacher of the prince of their Heaven Dou Empire.

  If Xue Qinghe inherits the throne of the Heaven Dou Empire in the future, then Ning Fengzhi will be directly called the emperor in the future.

"Sect Master Ning, there is no problem with the fact that Ling Ai wants to join the Heaven Dou Imperial Academy. But now the Royal Fight team is full, and I believe you know that we poor old men can't control the current Royal Fight team. Captain." Meng Shenji said bluntly, meaning that Ning Rongrong wanted to join the Imperial Fight team, and he had to ask the little devil Yuexuan.

   But what he said was the truth. Yun Xiaofeng probably didn't care about him except his few wives.

   Fifty-seventh-level spirit power dares to carry a sword and chase after Dugu Bo's fierce man, are they the spirit Douluo who dare to manage?

   Then there is his background, Yue Xuan. Ninety-ninth level Limit Douluo.

   Nine Heart Begonia Sect, the first son-in-law of the Healing Department Titled Douluo in the whole continent.

  Unconstrained by anyone, a single soul skill can poison the grandson-in-law of Dugu Bo Poison Douluo who can poison everyone in a city.

   Two Titled Douluos came here yesterday. Said it was here to protect those girls.

   "Chief Meng, I have discussed this matter with Little Demon King Yuexuan, so you can rest assured. He will not embarrass you." Ning Fengzhi wanted to let his precious daughter bring harm to the Tiandou Imperial Academy.

   "Well, since Sect Master Ning said so, then naturally there is no problem." Mengshenji breathed a sigh of relief.

   The current Heaven Dou Imperial Fighting Team can be said to be entirely owned by Yun Xiaofeng.

  In case one of Yun Xiaofeng was upset, he flipped the table and went on strike. Then the Royal Fighting Team is still playing a fart.

   Actually, when Yun Xiaofeng told Ning Fengzhi that he was in the Heaven Dou Empire Emperor Fight Team, he had already prepared that Ning Rongrong would definitely come.

   "Yo, Uncle Ning, it's so early." Yun Xiaofeng was about to return to Yuexuan.

   I didn't expect to find Ning Rongrong who had been robbed twice by him when he passed by the Education Committee of the Heaven Dou Imperial Academy. Actually appeared in the board of education.

   Then he found out that Sword Douluo and Ning Fengzhi were also there.

   "Well, little devil, I sent my daughter Rongrong to the academy and handed it over to you." Ning Fengzhi looked at Yun Xiaofeng and walked in in a condescending manner, he said directly.

"Let's not make trouble, Uncle Ning. You can put her in the Imperial Fighting Team. It's okay, but you have to promise me one thing." Yun Xiaofeng is now thinking about him giving Rou Anran and Ah Yin a month's stay False, then there is only Dugu Bo, the titled Douluo, in the academy.

  Tang Ritian is now in Tiandou Imperial City. Even if Tang Ritian is injured now. Dugu Bo is also not an opponent.

   "You said." Ning Fengzhi also asked.

   "Well, lend me this old man for a month." Yun Xiaofeng pointed at Ning Rongrong, the silver-haired old man in white with threatening sword energy,

   Sword Douluo was a little angry when he heard Yun Xiaofeng say so,

  God lent you a month.

   There is ambiguity in the words, okay?

   "Can you tell me, what do you want to do with Uncle Jian?" Ning Fengzhi still needed to ask.

   "Don't worry, I won't take this old man to the land of Fireworks and Willow Lane. At least to go to a place like the brothel that suits Sword Douluo's identity." Yun Xiaofeng looked at Sword Douluo with a smile.

   Sword Douluo had the urge to beat Yun Xiaofeng.

   "This **** can't say good things, he wants me to beat him to death." Sword Douluo's heart was very angry.

   "Cough, serious." Ning Fengzhi also knew that Yun Xiaofeng was joking, but he didn't care, he also wanted Sword Douluo to leave some seeds on Douluo Continent.

   But the motto of Sword Douluo is that there is no woman in the heart, and the sword is drawn.

   He couldn't even persuade him.

"Xiao Die and An Ran are planning to go home for about a month, so I want to ask this old man to stay in the Heaven Dou Empire as a bodyguard for my wives for a month. Don't worry, just a month. "Yun Xiaofeng said with certainty. A month is enough for them to go back to the Star Dou Great Forest to play for a while.

   "Yunyun is going to be in Yuexuan, and my Yuehua wife hasn't reached the title Douluo yet. So there is no bodyguard." Yun Xiaofeng spread his hands. Expressed that he was also very helpless.

  Ning Fengzhi wanted to hit someone.

   Yun Xiaofeng is too loaded.

   His Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School only had two Titled Douluos. There must be one person in his sect no matter what.

   He went out with one.

  If Sword Douluo were to lend it to Yun Xiaofeng, then he would not have to leave the sect for a month.

"But you know, I only have two Titled Douluos, Uncle Jian and Uncle Bone. One of the Titled Douluo must be in the sect, which means that I don't have enough manpower." Ning Fengzhi was really struggling, he wanted to borrow it. , but you can't borrow it.

   "That's it," Yun Xiaofeng picked the back of his head with his hands.

  If Xiaodie and An Ran and the others were to return to the Great Star Dou Forest later, it would be fine.

   But after they came back to life, Yun Xiaofeng still wanted them to go back and have a look.

   I haven't been back to the Great Star Dou Forest for more than ten years,

  Yun Xiaofeng also understands the feeling of missing home.

  Ning Fengzhi really wants to borrow it, but he has more than enough energy.

"How about this, Uncle Ning will be at the Heaven Dou Imperial Academy this month. If that's the case, this old man's fighting ability is not very good. I just want to see which **** dares to rob my child bride." Yun Xiaofeng knew that Tang Ritian might be coming, but he was not sure yet.

  If only Poison Douluo was there, then Xiao Wu might be robbed.

   Yun Xiaofeng won't let Xiao Wu be snatched by Tang Ritian.

   After all, she was a child bride who slept with him for six years.

  Ning Fengzhi listened to Yun Xiaofeng's suggestion and was also thinking.

   There really aren't many things in their sect.

   He turned his gaze to Sword Douluo.

   means asking Sword Douluo for his opinion.

   Sword Douluo is a super straight man of steel, who can have any opinions.

"Well, that's fine, I'll just live in the Tiandou Royal Academy for a month. That way, I'll have more time to spend with Rongrong." Ning Fengzhi stretched out his hand and touched his precious granddaughter's brain.

   The three education committees of the education committee felt that they had no voice at all.

   Only watch and listen quietly.

   Yun Xiaofeng was also happy after waiting for Ning Fengzhi to answer his affirmative answer.

  My two wives can go back to the Star Dou Great Forest, which is considered a trip back to their parents' home. Yun Xiaofeng also wanted to go and see, but I don't know what happened to the three-headed Tie Hanhan of Daming, Titan Giant Ape, and King Kong Ape.

   Now, with the strengths of Da Ming, Er Ming, and San Ming, if it is not a Title Douluo who has a limit or is close to the limit, don't want to cause harm to the three of them.

   Just like King Kong Ape and Daming, they can get smaller and disguise themselves, and then suddenly launch an attack. Except for Limit Douluo, Yun Xiaofeng really can't think of anyone who can hurt the three of them.

   Maybe even kill a few Titled Douluos.

   The Great Star Dou Forest covers an area so large that it is already equivalent to the Kingdom of Balak! The soul beasts inside are extremely powerful, and not cats and dogs can enter at will.

   Even if Titled Douluo wanted to enter the Great Star Dou Forest now, he might not be able to get out safely.

  The King Kong Ape is now the brains of the Azure Bull Python and the Titan Giant Ape.

   Brain seeds are extremely clever, and if you want to hunt them down, none of the three sects in the entire upper sect can do it.

  The **** servant of the **** of thousands of angels, guarding the Wuhun Temple, it is impossible to go to the Lake of Life in the Star Dou Great Forest to look for trouble.

  Tang Chen is still being controlled by the Rakshasa Spiritual Mind in the capital of slaughter.

   Bo Saixi, that guy is the subordinate of a fishing expert, and he will not leave Seagod Island easily.

   So Yun Xiaofeng is not worried at all about the safety of Ah Yin and Rou Anran returning to the Star Dou Great Forest.

   A 99th-level Food-type Limit Douluo, and a 98th-level Control, Power Attack, and Healing Super Douluo. Besides, the Great Star Dou Forest was the hometown of the two of them, so there would be absolutely no problem with their safety.

   With the fighting strength of Rou Anran and Ah Yin, they can completely slaughter the sleeping bear in the fierce land of the Star Dou Great Forest.

   (end of this chapter)

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