Douluo: My System is Not Decent

Chapter 156: This young master is very self-disciplined

   Chapter 156 This young master is very self-disciplined

   "Take this pill." Yun Xiaofeng took out a Zhuyan Pill from the storage ring and handed it to Liu Erlong.

"Little Snakeskin, the old lady only promised to be your bed-warming maid, and never promised to hand over her body to you. Don't go too far." Liu Erlong thought that Yun Xiaofeng, the little snakeskin, took out the pill. Medicine is definitely not a serious elixir.

   "This is Zhuyan Dan. You can lock your appearance and age at eighteen years old. What are you thinking about? Besides, is this young master the kind of person you think?"

   was misunderstood by Liu Erlong.

   Yun Xiaofeng was a little unhappy.

  Liu Erlong smiled, cast a disdainful glance at Yun Xiaofeng and said, "Then please take your salty pig's hand away from the old lady's Yuexiong first. Thank you."

   "Oh, I'm sorry, I just can't help it." Yun Xiaofeng touched his nose with the other hand. A little embarrassed said.

   "Hehe, God can't help it, snake skin is snake skin. No matter how quibble it is, it is also snake skin." Liu Erlong thought to himself.

   But still unable to resist the temptation of Zhu Yandan.

From her point of view, there is no such thing as Yan Yan Dan in this world, but Yun Xiaofeng can make Yun Xiaodie, Rou Anran, Yun Yun, Tang Yuehua lock the appearance of several women at the age of 18, which shows that this medicinal pill is really effective. Even if the effect is exaggerated a bit by snakeskin, it works.

   She is a woman, and it is her nature to love beauty. No woman can resist the temptation to become more beautiful.

   reached out and picked up the medicinal pill in Yun Xiaofeng's hand and swallowed it directly.

   The medicinal herbs entered the entrance and turned into a warm current that began to flow through Liu Erlong's body.

   "Come on, maid, this young master will rub your back personally. How about it." Yun Xiaofeng said with a smile to the tub in front of Liu Erlong.

   Feeling a sticky layer of dirt on her face and body, she had to admire Yun Xiaofeng at this moment.

   It turns out that the little snakeskin Yun Xiaofeng is waiting for her here.

   This layer of sticky dirt on her body is impossible not to wash.

   Since she has to clean up, Yun Xiaofeng has been guarding her here.

  Then her body must be seen by the little snake skin Yun Xiaofeng.


   "This little snake skin is too dog." Liu Erlong's heart began to collapse.

   "Why did the old lady come to the Tiandou Royal Academy so stupidly, and so stupidly proposed to gamble with Yun Xiaofeng." Liu Erlong felt a pain in his chest at this moment.

   "Do you need this young master to undress for you?" Yun Xiaofeng's words made Liu Erlong tremble. Especially the tone, as if the conspiracy had succeeded.

   "If you don't speak, you'll be acquiescing." Yun Xiaofeng slapped Liu Erlong all over the place.

   "Go in, what are you doing? Look at the impurities in your body. Tsk tsk," Yun Xiaofeng teased as he looked at the layer of black dirt that appeared on Liu Erlong's body after taking Zhuyandan.

   At this moment, Liu Erlong is still in a dazed state,

   Without her consent, Yun Xiaofeng stripped her completely, and the speed could be called an old hand. I don't know how many people were caught. That's how he achieved such an astonishing speed.

   Liu Erlong didn't care, he got into the tub and quickly washed his body. "Just look at the light."

   sighed inwardly.

   I have a feeling of breaking the jar.

  When the layer of black dirt on the body is cleaned.

   Liu Erlong felt relieved for a while.

   And in the bathtub, he broke through the spirit power to level seventy-ninth.

   This also caused the tub to burst.

  Yun Xiaofeng looked at Liu Erlong, who was sitting cross-legged with only the bottom of the tub still intact.

   The skin is fair, like a creamy body. A black hair draped behind his head.

   has a hot body.

   wiped the saliva from the corner of his mouth.

   He has to hold back now.

  Otherwise, with his knowledge of the system, he would definitely threaten him, and his eldest wife might be on her way.

   "Does it look good?" Liu Erlong's words seemed to be squeezed out of his teeth.

   "Well, it looks good. Not bad, this young master's maid is an alluring person. Her soul power has even broken through to level 79." Yun Xiaofeng stared at Liu Erlong with a pair of eyes. It's like admiring a perfect piece of art.

  Liu Erlong saw the vastness like the sea of ​​stars in Yun Xiaofeng's eyes.

   Although Yun Xiaofeng looked at him like this, he didn't feel a hint of lewdness in Yun Xiaofeng's eyes.

   This made her very puzzled.

   "What's the matter with this little snakeskin's eyes?" Liu Erlong had to ask in his heart.

   "Give me a set of clothes," Liu Erlong said. She was resigned.

   "I don't have any of your clothes in my collection." Yun Xiaofeng didn't take his eyes away, and stuck to Liu Erlong the whole time.

   "Turn around for me." Liu Erlong's cheeks flushed red.

  If she had beaten Guo Yun Xiaofeng, maybe she would beat Yun Xiaofeng violently at this moment.

   "So why bother, anyway, you have to warm the bed for this young master, and you have to take it off later." Yun Xiaofeng said directly without thinking.

   "Good guy, good guy. So I'm still waiting here." Liu Erlong was taken aback by Yun Xiaofeng's routine.

  If there is no Zhuyan Dan, then you can use her status as a bed-warming maid to ask her to warm the bed, and then look at her again.

   "Are you telling me to go out without clothes?" It's fine in the bathroom, but she won't agree to ask her to go out without clothes. After all, there are Qin Ming, two brothers of the turtle family in the academy.

   "How is it possible, you are willing, but this young master is not willing. You are my young master's person." Yun Xiaofeng pursed his lips. He is not happy.

   stretched out his hand and hugged Liu Erlong, a princess, who was sitting cross-legged on the ground, and picked him up.

The    "Blink." skill immediately disappeared into the bathroom.

When    appeared again, it was already Yun Xiaofeng in the dormitory of the Tiandou Royal Academy training ground.

   His dormitory is special.

   A big bed, the super big kind.

  Liu Erlong saw that the environment in front of him had changed, and the whole person had not recovered.

   "This is that?" Liu Erlong was hugged by Yun Xiaofeng and walked to the bedside.

   She never thought that Yun Xiaofeng would still have such an amazing skill, flashing. It's such a special space-based soul skill.

   This skill is quite scary. Unexpected, unpredictable existence.

   She is very nervous, this little snakeskin won't be so impatient, she will be dealt with immediately.

   "This is Young Master Ben's room. You are Master Ben's bed-warming maid, so you have to do what the bed-warming maid should do." Yun Xiaofeng put Liu Erlong on the bed, then pulled the quilt to cover her.

   At this time, Liu Erlong looked shy. She thought that Yun Xiaofeng would rectify the Fa on the spot.

"Don't worry, this young master is very self-disciplined. He won't take advantage of others' dangers, and he won't lose his life when he is still a minor. Even if you are very greedy for this young master's body." Yun Xiaofeng said to Liu Erlong. .

   At this moment, Liu Erlong had only one sentence in his heart.

   "The old lady really wants to kill Yun Xiaofeng, the turtle grandson."

   (end of this chapter)

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