Douluo: My System is Not Decent

Chapter 128: bad old man

   Chapter 128 Bad old man

   "Okay, Bibi Dong, it turned out that you stole Tang Hao's wife, but as a result, the old man took the blame," Qian Daoliu's words instantly made Bibi Dong's face darken.

  God stole Tang Hao's wife.

"Damn old man, can you speak, ah, who stole Tang Hao's wife. Fortunately, the whole continent now knows that Tang Hao's wife is not a human being, otherwise, the face of your angel family will be covered by you and you. That **** son is all gone. Hmph." Bibi Dong snorted coldly after speaking.

   "Xue'er, mother didn't say anything about you, but this lousy old man." Bibi Dong would not be polite to Qian Daoliu.

   Even if she recovers herself now, she still won't give Qian Daoliu a good look.

   Qian Daoliu was stared at by Bibi Dong blowing his beard, but what Bibi Dong said was the truth.

  I blame Tang Hao for saying that he stole his wife. It almost hurt him that he was not guaranteed at night.

   Qian Renxue was stunned, "Mom, what did you take out this soul bone for?"

   "Of course it's to avenge your stupid grandfather, that **** Tang Ritian dares to come to my Wuhun City to act wild.

   I will let him come to Wuhun City to die. Didn't he say your grandfather stole his wife? This seat will make him feel the fear of bullying everyone in my Spirit Hall. "Bibi Dong remembered Tang Hao's decisiveness in blowing up his ninth spirit ring. Then he thought about Qian Daoliu's statement that he received Tang Hao's all-out blow to blow up his ninth spirit ring.

   Then Tang Ritian gave Qiandaoliu a ruthless wave,

  Bibi Dong glanced at Qian Daoliu, who was full of blond hair and full of energy. There was contempt in his eyes.

   She never imagined that a rare Limit Douluo in the world of angelic **** servants would be tricked by a level 95.

   Qiandao vomited blood at that time, not because the injury was too serious, but because of his own stupidity.

   "Bibi Dong, can't you give me some face?" Qian Daoliu didn't know what happened to Bibi Dong this time.

   Not to mention her strength, and the most outrageous thing is that during this period of time, she hopes that her Spirit Hall will get better and better.

   "You're not ashamed, do you still want some face?" Bibi Dong didn't give Qiandao any face even in front of her precious daughter.

   Qian Daoliu was so scolded by Bibi Dong that his face turned red.

   "Mom, don't run against Grandpa." Qian Renxue couldn't bear to see her two relatives quarreling.

   Her eyebrows were almost condensed.

   "It's still my own family! No matter what, Bibi Dong is a foreigner after all." Qian Daoliu couldn't even mention how happy he was at this moment.

   "It's not worth my grandfather to love her for so many years!" Qian Daoliu was so moved by Qian Renxue's words that he almost couldn't hold back his old face.

   "Maybe it's because Grandpa is getting old, it's not very easy to work here!" Qian Renxue then added another sentence. He also poked his head with his jade finger,

   Qian Renxue finally got Bibi Dong's approval. Of course it's impossible to say that her mother Bibi Dong's is not.

   So looking at Qian Daoliu, his face became darker and darker. Qian Renxue stepped forward to grab Bibi Dong's arm and gave Qian Daoliu an apologetic look.

  She Qian Renxue thought about many reasons why Bibi Dong didn't want to see her, but she denied them all. Now that Qian Renxue knew the truth, she suddenly felt that her mother was still quite pitiful, and she couldn't help feeling a little sympathetic to her mother.

   So he held Bibi Dong's arms a little tighter.

   Qian Daoliu looked unkind when he saw this, as if his beloved treasure had been snatched away.

  Bibi Dong looked at Qian Daoliu and knew that the little old man was eating his own vinegar. But she wouldn't mind him.

   "By the way, Xue'er, when you return to Wuhun City this time, don't go back to the Heaven Dou Empire! Mom doesn't worry about you."

   What Bibi Dong said is also true.

  Although Qian Renxue's spirit bone skills can be perfectly disguised, and there are two titled Douluos to protect her, but as a mother, Bibi Dong still wants her precious daughter to stay by her side.

  Bibi Dong looked at Qian Renxue with a smile on her face.

   "But Mom, the plan is almost a success, Xue Er doesn't want to give up halfway!" Qian Renxue wants to have a beginning and an end in everything.

   Besides, she still wants to pull Yuexuan into her camp. Then she can help her mother to fulfill her wish to unify the continent sooner.

   Although she is not sure what kind of organization Yuexuan's existence will be.

   But at least she wants Yuexuan not to be an enemy of Spirit Hall, this is a good thing. Otherwise, Yuexuan would come forward to hinder it, and this matter would be a big deal.

   In terms of the number of Titled Douluos, Spirit Hall has a considerable advantage, but Yuexuan Yunyun's sword can kill Titled Douluo in seconds.

   Too many people are useless!

   "Since Xueer, you have decided, then mother will support you too." Bibi Dong now wants to be a good mother to make up for the guilt she felt for Qian Renxue over the years.

   At this moment, Qian Daoliu was standing aside, and he saw Bibi Dong and his precious granddaughter sitting beside him.

   "Could it be that this old man has a foreign surname? It's impossible! How could it be that my granddaughter and I both have the surname Qian, and it's all to blame for this crazy woman named Bibi Dong.

   She was the one Bibi Dong who didn't like to see Xue Er before was more pleasing to the eye. "Qian Daoliu thought dissatisfied with Bibi Dong who snatched away his precious granddaughter.

   "Well, thank you mom." Qian Renxue really didn't expect that her mother told her everything, and she didn't blame Bibi Dong at all, she blamed the **** Rakshasa.

  Rakshasa God: "I've been completely killed. I can thank you all!"

"She's your mother, what's there to thank. By the way, Xue'er, what are you doing back to Wuhun City this time?" Qian Daoliu was afraid that their mother would ignore his existence, so he quickly brushed his sense of existence and even repeated Bibi Dong's words. All robbed.

   "Oh, yes, grandpa, I was robbed after absorbing the spirit ring in the Sunset Forest of the Heaven Dou Empire some time ago. Even the two elders, Snake Spear and Thorn Dolphin, were instantly subdued."

   Qian Renxue thinks this is not a trivial matter.

   "I was subdued in an instant. No matter how **** Snake Spear and Thorn Dolphin are, they are still Titled Douluo? Could it be Chen Xin's shot?"

   "It's not Chen Xin, it's a female control system titled Douluo, and the martial spirit is a pale pink vine similar to blue silver grass." Qian Renxue's words made Qian Dao's brain buzz.

   "Even if it's a wild Title Douluo, it's impossible to bind the snake spear in an instant, stab the dolphin? Those who can control the two of them in an instant must be at least level ninety-seven.

   And what's more, it's a female titled Douluo. "Qian Daoliu's analysis is well-founded.

After    Qian Daoliu finished speaking, he turned his gaze to Bibi Dong.

   Because there are only three female titled Douluos he knows,

   Poseysi is impossible,

   Not even a Phoenix Douluo in their Elder Hall,

   Qian Daoliu looked at Bibi Dong and said nothing.

   "Damn old man, look at the old lady again, the old lady beat you up, Xue'er is my daughter, so use your brains." Bibi Dong's words calmed Qian Daoliu.

"Xue'er, let's forget about this matter? That kid also gave you a fairy grass to super-evolve your martial soul. And your soul tool is also in your hands, you didn't suffer at all, and You've made a lot of money!" Bibi Dong looked at her daughter with a smile.

   "Mom, I just don't know that the brat you mentioned forced a kiss to you. If you knew, would you hack that grandson to death?" Qian Renxue thought to herself, but didn't say it.

   (end of this chapter)

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