Douluo: My System is Not Decent

Chapter 127: Soul bone of the right leg of the 100,000-year Blue Silver Emperor

   Chapter 127 The Soul Bone of the Right Leg of the One Hundred Thousand Years Blue Silver Emperor

   "Mom, can you do me a favor?" Qian Renxue has never received maternal love since she was a child.

   After the current Bibi Dong wakes up, of course she will be tired for a while.

   "What does Xue'er need from her mother?" Bibi Dong asked curiously.

   "Mom, some time ago, I was robbed by a guy with stockings on his head, and, and..." Qian Renxue said, feeling a little embarrassed.

   She couldn't say that her first kiss was taken away.

  Remembering that Yun Xiaofeng said at the time that she could barely be his 15th wife aunt with her figure, she gritted her teeth with hatred.

   "And what happened?" What Bibi Dong cared about was what the robber in stockings did to her precious daughter.

   "It's nothing, it's just that my angel sword is still in the soul tool. It was robbed by that thief." Qian Renxue was still embarrassed to tell her mother that her first kiss was taken away.

"Xue'er, do you know, Hu Liena, Xieyue, Sanhuo, Yueguan, Guimei, they were also robbed by a stocking robber in the Star Dou Great Forest. And the immortal grass that mother took should be the one he let Nana brought it back to her mother." Bibi Dong understood why Yun Xiaofeng ran away.

   What a robbery of his own daughter.

   He now admires Yun Xiaofeng's courage. too big,

   "Ah, after that thief robbed me, he also gave me a fairy grass, saying that she would make me her 15th wife in the future." After Qian Renxue said this, Bibi Dong became restless.

  Hu Liena is the thirteenth room, how could her daughter become the fifteenth room.

   "No, what the hell, he has such a wife," Bibi Dong instantly realized that his focus was wrong, and then instantly thought of the key point.

   "Have you taken Immortal Grass?" Bibi Dong asked.

   "Mom, I haven't taken it yet. After all, the origin is unknown. I don't dare to take it either." Qian Renxue's cautiousness made her not take Immortal Grass until now, but Bibi Dong also understood.

   "What kind of fairy grass. Can you show it to me?" Bibi Dong was very curious what kind of fairy grass that kid Yun Xiaofeng gave his daughter.

   "Look, Mom." Qian Renxue took out the fairy grass with the attribute of light from her new soul tool.

   "What a strong light attribute, it seems that the kid knows your martial spirit and chose it for you." After Bibi Dong finished speaking, she saw Qian Renxue looking at her.

   "Ahem, Xue Er, actually that kid was chatting with me in the Spirit Hall before, and then suddenly ran away. He must have sensed that you were back in the Spirit Hall." Bibi Dong finished.

"What, Mom, that **** is in Wuhun City. No, I'm going to ask my grandfather to hack that turtle grandson to death." After Qian Renxue finished speaking, she was about to leave Wuhun Hall and head to Douluo Hall to find Qian Daoliu .

"Okay, Xue'er, first refine the immortal grass, and then discuss **** that turtle grandson." Bibi Dong wanted to see what kind of abilities the immortal grass obtained by Qian Renxue had. Does it have the same effect as hers?

   "Then thank my mother for helping me protect the Dharma." Now that Qian Renxue has received maternal love, she naturally cherishes it very much and listens to her mother's words.

   About half an hour later, the Seraph Martial Spirit behind Qian Renxue had six extra wings.

   Qian Renxue's movement after refining the immortal grass naturally caused Qian Daoliu of Douluo Hall to open his eyes, and he looked in the direction of Spirit Hall in disbelief. He was going to see what the **** that woman Bibi Dong was up to, with such a strong aura of light.

   "This is? The Twelve-Winged Archangel?" Qian Daoliu felt it instantly when he came to Wuhun Hall.

   He ignored Bibi Dong's instructions to the guards and entered the main hall directly.

   "Bad old man, what the **** is the twelve-winged archangel?" Bibi Dong asked Qian Daoliu curiously.

"The twelve-winged archangel is the emperor of the angel family. It is more precious than the six-winged angel, and the cultivation talent is even stronger. Such a martial spirit does not need to inherit the divine position at all, and there is no bottleneck in training to the 100th level. After the level, he will become a **** in place. If there is a god, it will be inherited from the **** king, and that will be faster." Qian Daoliu's explanation made Bibi Dong stunned.

   Her daughter is so fierce.

   "Looks like that kid treats you very well." Bibi Dong was very happy, her own daughter could become a **** by training directly to level 100. No need to inherit the throne.

   "That Xueer, what happened to your spirit? Wasn't it a seraph before? Why did it suddenly become twelve wings?" Qian Daoliu asked curiously.

   "That's because Xue'er just took an immortal herb with the attribute of light." Bibi Dong answered Qian Daoliu's words for Qian Renxue.

   Qian Renxue always felt that something was wrong, and then the spirit ring began to rise slowly.

  Two yellows, one purple, and three blacks. Six spirit rings rose from under her feet.

   "The fourth ring, ten thousand years. How is that possible." Both Bibi Dong and Qian Daoliu knew that Qian Renxue had not yet inherited the throne.

   The appearance of the fourth ring, Wannian, both of them were very surprised.

"Grandpa, Mom, my spirit power seems to have broken through to the sixty-seventh level, and it is extremely solid. The effect of this fairy grass is really good." Qian Renxue was surprised that Yun Xiaofeng gave her The effect brought by that fairy grass is really too powerful.

   "Then Xue'er, do you still want to take your grandfather to hack that turtle grandson to death?" Bibi Dong looked at her daughter with some playfulness.

   "I want to cut, who let that thief rob my angel holy sword." After Qian Renxue finished speaking, Qian Daoliu became restless.

   "Xue Er, what did you just say, someone robbed your angel holy sword?" The angel holy sword is an artifact, the artifact of their angel family. It was actually robbed.

   "Well, yes, but that person was wearing stockings, I didn't see it." Qian Renxue said that she was gnashing her teeth.

   "The thief is probably afraid that I will retaliate against him, so prepare in advance not to let me recognize him." Qian Renxue guessed.

   "Okay, Xue'er, this soul tool is for you," Bibi Dong took out the soul tool left by Yun Xiaofeng when she ran away and gave it to Qian Renxue.

   "Ah, mother, why is this soul tool here with you? It can't be..." Qian Renxue guessed that it wasn't her mother who had someone rob him.

"What are you thinking, that kid came to me before and exchanged a soul bone with me, and then he should have sensed that Xue'er had returned to Wuhun City, and then ran away. I guess he was afraid that you would hack him to death. "Bibi Dong smiled playfully.

"By the way, bad old man, in this Continental Advanced Spirit Master Elite Competition, I am going to give out four spirit bones as a reward for the champion. I believe you will be very interested in one of them." Bibi Dong said to Qian Dao. Flow is a mocking smile.

   "This old man is full of spirit bones. Are there any soul bones that would interest this old man? Just kidding." Qian Daoliu looked helpless at the current Bibi Dong.

   In front of him, he called himself the old lady.

"How about the soul bone of the 100,000-year-old Blue Silver Emperor's right leg? Are you surprised, surprised, or happy?" After Bibi Dong finished speaking, she felt that if this matter spread out, the entire Douluo would definitely be affected. The mainland was shocked.

  【Congratulations to EDG for entering the finals. 】

   (end of this chapter)

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