Douluo: My System is Not Decent

Chapter 103: Liu Erlong shouted in the sky, "My mother is going crazy!"

   Chapter 103 Liu Erlong shouted in the sky, "My mother is going crazy"

  Lanba Academy, as an academy in the Imperial City of the Heaven Dou Empire, is specially opened for the common people.

  Liu Erlong has been the principal of this academy for more than 20 years in order to make an agreement with Flender, who was in the golden triangle.

   "Who." Liu Erlong was in the forest of Lanba Academy, and she personally liked silence. A sudden loud shout.

   Liu Erlong quickly came out of the room.

   A blue-colored shirt is very close-fitting, which perfectly outlines the hot body.

   When she ran outside the hut where she was staying.

   She only saw a box that was a little bigger than Yu Xiaogang's head, and she felt that the other party was very strong. But doing such a sneaky thing, she scolded in an instant: "That bastard, don't let the old lady catch him, or he will be skinned."

   "Fortunately, that kid Xiaofeng reminded me and told me to put things at her door and run quickly. This woman is really a female tyrannosaurus!" Baihe was hiding in the dark at the moment. watching quietly.

   He did not expect Liu Erlong to be so vigilant.

   Fortunately, he is an agility attack type Contra, otherwise, he would not be able to run away.

   Liu Erlong calmly opened the box.

There are only two simple things in   .

   A recording crystal ball.

   An envelope that was personally opened by Dean Liu Erlong.

   Open the envelope

   Junxiu's font appeared in front of Liu Erlong.

   "Dean Liu Erlong, hello.

  Thank you for everything you have done for civilian soul masters,

   Your original intention and purpose of establishing Lanba Academy are to represent the poor soul masters.

   I also know that you are the daughter of Yu Luomian, the Blue Lightning Overlord Longzong, although you do not admit it. But it doesn't matter.

   The important thing is that I found a scum of the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Sect. Everything he did is recorded in the crystal ball, you can watch it.

  If you want to verify whether the records in the crystal ball are true, you can go to Nording Province, Nording City, and Nording Junior Spirit Master Academy to investigate.

   Zeng Shuai

Keep. "

   After reading the letter, a flame burst out from Liu Erlong's palm and burned the envelope and letter paper.

   Then there is a recording crystal ball in his hand.

   Holding the recording crystal ball in his hand, he walked into the hut.

   After entering the door, the fiery red soul force moved lightly, and the door closed naturally.

   The layout of the room is very simple, a small table, a bench, a pot of tea, and a tea cup.

   It can be seen that the dean of Lanba College lives a very simple life.

   Liu Erlong injected his soul power into the recording crystal ball.

The picture inside    emerges.

  A middle-aged man with vicissitudes of life, full of stubble, entered the door of the room in a decadent manner.

   "Hello, Master."

"Who are you."

  ………………(Introduce each other.)

   "Master, that girl named Xiao Wu is very suitable for Xiaosan. I hope you can confirm the relationship between the two after graduating from Notting Junior College.

   You have to know her restraint on Xiaosan's martial spirit, it can be said that Xiaosan's first martial spirit has absolutely no effect on that girl.

   So you should understand that if she is not the mistress's partner, I can't let her grow up. "

   "Your Majesty Haotian, I understand what you mean, don't worry, Bibi Dong was fascinated by me at the beginning, I will teach the little three well in this regard.

   Even if it is the last way to use the medicine, I will let Xiaosan stay with her. "

The unshaven middle-aged man inside    nodded in satisfaction. He smiled and nodded to Yu Xiaogang with satisfaction.

   It seems that Yu Xiaogang suits his taste very well.

   It's just that Tang Hao didn't understand why Yu Xiaogang didn't give Bidong the medicine back then.

  How could Tang Hao understand Yu Xiaogang's suffering!

  He thought too! But he has no chance!

   When Bibi Dong travels, there are so many people around. He definitely won't give Yu Xiaogang a chance for this bitch.

  Lanba Academy, after Liu Erlong read the entire piece of information recorded in the crystal ball, his whole body was trembling.

   She was very reluctant to believe that this particular thing was true,

   The man she has loved for so many years, even her cousin, is the man she loves!

  Tang Hao's shit, many forces in Sky Dou City know about it, even Liu Erlong is only a small dean.

   Sacrificing his wife and giving him a child, now some of the big forces in the entire Douluo Continent are laughing at the so-called youngest titled Douluo.

   After reading everything in the recording crystal ball, Liu Erlong became restless. A flame spewed out.

   Her anger was hard to subdue, a dragon roared, and a fire dragon possessed her body.

  Her cabin turned to ashes in an instant.

   The teachers and students of the entire academy were stunned.

  Liu Erlong is known as the Horn of Slaughter. This is no joke. She slaughtered an entire forest of soul beasts when she had a big desire to kill.

The    college teacher and several students ran to Liu Erlong's dormitory and saw a piece of rubble turned to ashes.

   They all thought that Liu Erlong was attacked.

   "Dean, Dean, where are you!" Liu Erlong was the face of Lanba Academy. Soul Saint level cultivation base!

   Who has nothing to do to sneak up on Liu Erlong!

The group of teachers below    were extremely depressed.

  Liu Erlong vehemently vented against the big stone in the forest later, and then took off his martial spirit avatar and appeared in front of many teachers and students.

   "It's okay, there was just a thief who stole it to the dean, and I solved it." Liu Erlong said nonsense and opened his eyes.

   She wouldn't say that she was angry because she saw the crystal recording ball, let's vent the anger in her heart!

   "This thief must have had eight lifetimes of blood mold! He dared to attack the female Tyrannosaurus when he stole something, and now there is probably no scum left."

   All the teachers and students were talking about it.

   Suddenly a powerful murderous aura enveloped all the teachers and students.

   Everyone looked at Liu Erlong tremblingly.

   "Don't go back to class for my mother, do you need my mother to invite you to dinner?" Liu Erlong was full of soul power.

   looked at the many teachers and students viciously, turning around and running while making them tremble.

   As he ran, he said, "Beautiful and gentle dean, we will go back to class immediately."

   Liu Erlong suddenly stopped his aura when he heard the words of a sycophant who didn't know who it was.

   "These bastards. You know each other." Liu Erlong muttered.

   Numerous teachers and students left the place, leaving only a beautiful girl with short hair,

   She understood that Liu Erlong might have really encountered something.

   She is a thirty-fifth-level healing spirit master, Jiangzhu, and a martial arts healing scepter. It is considered to be the goddess of the school beauty level of Lanba Academy.

   "Mr. Erlong, have you encountered any trouble?" Jiang Zhu is that kind of cute little girl. Her fierceness in the face of Liu Erlong did not fade in the slightest.

   Because she knew in her heart that Liu Erlong would not hurt her.

   "Jianzhu, how many times have I told you that I'm not your teacher, and I can't be your teacher. You have to know that there can only be one teacher in one's life."

  Liu Erlong had no idea what to do when he took the red beads, and he had a headache.

   Her headquarters can bully such a cute little girl.

   "But I've already decided that you are my teacher." Jiang Zhu tilted her head and looked at Liu Erlong with a mischievous wink.

   "Ah,,, the old lady is going crazy." Facing Jiangzhu's cuteness, Liu Erlong shouted in the sky.

   (end of this chapter)

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