Douluo: My System is Not Decent

Chapter 102: rogue rabbit,

   Chapter 102 Rogue Rabbit,

  Tiandou Empire, Tiandou Imperial City, Yuexuan.

   At this moment, a tall and thin old man was held by Bai Chenxiang's wrist and walked into Yuexuan.

The head of the   Min clan, Baihe is here.

   "Old man, I want to ask you to help me work. The salary is absolutely unreasonable. How about it." In the Yuexuan conference room, Yun Xiaofeng said.

   Yun Xiaofeng saw the old man Bai Chenxiang was holding his arm, and he didn't need to think much to know that it was Bai Chenxiang's grandfather.

   Baihe was even more curious about Yun Xiaofeng.

  My baby granddaughter went to Tiandou Royal Academy to study, which is a blessing to the family.

   But the day before yesterday, his granddaughter came back and said that her boyfriend invited him to the Tiandou Empire, saying that he had something to arrange for them. It can bring a lot of benefits to their entire family.

   For the Minzhi clan who were so poor that they could hardly eat, Baihe followed Bai Chenxiang to Yuexuan without thinking.

   "Young man, are you Xiangxiang's target?" Baihe saw Yun Xiaofeng, handsome and sunny, and then glanced at his granddaughter.

   "Well, a perfect match." Bai He thought to himself.

Shouldn't    Baihe's focus be on the work arranged by Yun Xiaofeng for their Minzhi family?

   "Well, that's right! By the way, I want to arrange something for your Minzhi family." Yun Xiaofeng was thinking about business at the moment.

   He was very curious, shouldn't the Lanba Academy in Sky Dou City be renamed Shrek Academy?

  According to the timeline, Tang San and the others should go directly to Lanba Academy!

What    Yun Xiaofeng didn't know was that Yu Tianheng and Oslo became traitors of the Heaven Dou Imperial Academy.

How could    Qin Ming invite them to join the Heaven Dou Imperial Academy.

   Therefore, Yun Xiaofeng wanted to arrange for Baihe to let his clan help to inquire about the news. Such as the location of Shrek Academy and others, and so on.

The affairs of the    Min family were quickly arranged.

   Baihe received the first huge business in the history of their Minzhi family. Although the nature of this job is long-term, the salary for the task is quite good.

   Baihe completed one of the items himself.


   Yun Xiaofeng brought Bai Chenxiang back to the training grounds of the Tiandou Royal Academy.

   Arrange for them to continue training together.

  【Dog host, the Blue Silver Emperor can be resurrected, and Rou Anran can also be half resurrected. 】

   "God is half resurrected, don't tell me it's a rabbit after resurrection."

  【The dog host can go to the Eye of Ice and Fire in the Sunset Forest. 】

   "Oh, oh, then I'll go right away."

   "Xiangxiang, you guys are exercising well. If you have anything, you can find your godmother."

   As soon as Bai Chenxiang was sent to the Tiandou Royal Academy, Yun Xiaofeng's system master reminded him to let him go to the original eye of Ice and Fire in Sunset Forest.

  【The dog host can bring your child bride, Xiao Wu. 】

   "Well, that's true! Let her communicate with her mother."

   "By the way, where's Xiao Wu?" Yun Xiaofeng glanced at her, but she didn't find any trace of Xiao Wu.

   "Brother Feng, Xiao Wu was with my mother. She said she had something to ask my mother for. Then my mother took Xiao Wu out." Ye Leng Leng saw that Yun Xiaofeng was looking for Xiao Wu, so she hurriedly said.

   "Yeah. I have something to do with Xiaowu, you guys are busy first." Yun Xiaofeng said to Duguyan, Ye Lenglen, Xiaomao, Bai Chenxiang, and three other redundant male compatriots.

   "Mmmm," Duguyan and several girls nodded obediently, this action almost made the eyes of the two brothers Qin Ming and the Shi family come out.

   The Dugu Yan in their impression is an existence that has nothing to do with being cute!

  Yun Xiaofeng is simply the idol of the Shi brothers.

   They looked at Duguyan's tender, water-like eyes at Yun Xiaofeng again and again.

have to

   There is nothing to do with that traitor Yu Tianheng.

   The two brothers decided that they must blind the traitor Yu Tianheng at the Continental Senior Spirit Master Elite Competition in more than a year. Let him betray, let him be a traitor.


  Tiandou Royal Academy Education Committee,

   Mengshenji's old man's face was about to rot away from laughter.

   As a loyal supporter of His Royal Highness the Crown Prince, a titled Douluo of the Healing Department appeared in the Dou Empire today.

   This special thing is equivalent to the existence of a million army!

   So he decided to tell the prince Xue Qinghe about this.

   tried to get him to win Begonia Douluo.

   After Ye Xiaorou became a Title Douluo, she did not go to Wuhun City to obtain a title. She also knew in her heart the importance of her ability to the two empires.

   The army of the Star Luo Empire is stronger than that of the Heaven Dou Empire.

   And Wuhun Temple is a powerful force.

   She didn't want to cause trouble to her son-in-law.

   So she was not in a hurry to go to the Spirit Hall of Spirit City to certify the title Douluo qualification.

   But nine spirit rings represent everything.

   "Meng Shenji, why are you laughing? You found a beautiful woman?" Yun Xiaofeng walked into the hall of the Education Committee and saw the old man Meng Shenji with a chrysanthemum-like smile.

   "God has picked up a beautiful woman." Meng Shenji was a little surprised to see the arrival of the little devil Yuexuan. A heartfelt rant.

   "Xiaofeng is here! I just suddenly thought of a happy thing." The old man Meng Shenji would not tell Yun Xiaofeng what he was thinking.

   "Your daughter-in-law has a baby?" Yun Xiaofeng asked with a bewildered expression.

  The old man of Mengshenji was embarrassed by this question.

   "Pooh, yes, old man Meng's second wife gave him another litter." A fat man with a weight of over 300 pounds who was the second seat of the Education Committee replied.

   "Old Man Meng, it's alright! It's good to be old and strong! Congratulations." Yun Xiaofeng just said something casually, but he didn't expect it to be true.

   "Old Bai, **** your uncle, nonsense." The old man Meng Shenji was angry. Obviously Fatty White is talking nonsense.

   "By the way, where is my mother-in-law!" After Ye Xiaorou was promoted to the title Douluo, she passed on the position of the suzerain of the Nine Hearts Begonia Sect.

   At the same time, she also told her sect that her daughter's martial spirit, Nine Heart Begonia, had mutated. Therefore, the people of the sect can awaken the Nine Heart Begonia Martial Spirit again.

   She did this just because she didn't want these **** to harass her daughter again.

   Although she is not afraid now, she will be very upset!

   "Oh, you said Begonia Douluo! She went shopping with your little girlfriend." After Meng Shenji finished speaking, she looked at Yun Xiaofeng with a smile.

   "Oh, oh, goodbye then. I'm going to go find them." After Yun Xiaofeng finished speaking, Senluo Wanxiang Domain activated. He soon discovered Xiao Wu's position.

   Walked out of the Education Committee of the Heaven Dou Imperial Academy.

   The three old men and sons of the Education Committee were still chatting with a smile.

   "It is estimated that His Majesty's intention to recruit a concubine will be in vain!" The old man Meng Shenji looked at Yun Xiaofeng, who had left the Education Committee, and shook his head.

   "Yeah! Begonia Douluo's precious daughter, Poison Douluo's precious granddaughter, the energy of these two titled Douluos can belong to superpowers." said the 300-pound Fatty Bai.

   "Your Majesty's idea is indeed good. Although Princess Xueke is very beautiful, Ye Leng Leng, Duguyan, and his two child brides, plus a new Bai Chenxiang. If there are two more,

   His girlfriends are so capable of forming a team. And it's all about the beautiful girl team! "The second of the three old men, he is the control system soul master, the martial soul Tian Qingteng. He is relatively thin and tall.


  The Imperial City of the Tiandou Empire, which belongs to the imperial capital, is one of the three most prosperous cities in the whole continent.

  Xiao Wu is in a very good mood today.

   Because of her godmother, Ye Xiaorou went shopping alone with her today. Bought her a lot of things.

   Pink small bag. Carrots, and carrot pillows.

  The two mothers and daughters were wandering the streets of the Imperial City of the Heaven Dou Empire.

   The two of them are quite comfortable. Ye Xiaorou not only bought a lot of things for Xiao Wu.

   Kitty, Dugu Yan, Bai Chenxiang and Ye Leng Leng are all available.

   Ye Qi, who was secretly protecting, was a little hard.

   His wife and his brother's child bride were shopping for clothes. He was also very helpless and could only protect Ye Xiaorou secretly.

   But he obviously underestimated how crazy Xiao Wu and Ye Xiaorou went shopping.

  Xiao Wu was basically with Yun Xiaofeng when she was a child, and she never lacked money.

   A proper little rich woman.

   Yun Xiaofeng noticed that Xiao Wu was shopping with his mother-in-law through the Vientiane Realm. He was a little puzzled. He didn't understand Xiao Wu's intentions.

   But Yun Xiaofeng has important things to do with Xiao Wu.

   So it doesn't matter so much.

  Xiao Wu and Ye Xiaorou entered the clothing store to buy a big push of clothes, and as soon as they went out, they encountered Yun Xiaofeng standing outside the clothing store.

  Yun Xiaofeng stood outside the clothing store for nearly an hour. Although it was nothing to him.

   But Ye Qi has been following him all day in the dark!

   "Mother-in-law, I'm looking for Xiao Wu for some urgent business. I'm disturbing you guys shopping. It happens that my father-in-law is in the dark. You can ask him to accompany you and live through the two-person world." After Yun Xiaofeng finished speaking.

   Pulled up the hand of Xiao Wu, who was happy after seeing Yun Xiaofeng appear, and ran.

   Ye Xiaorou saw her son-in-law coming. She wanted to say something, but Yun Xiaofeng pushed Ye Qi out to accompany her to go shopping, then took her daughter Xiao Wu's hand and left.

   She couldn't even react.

   "Xiaofeng, why are you running so fast? My mother and I are shopping!" Xiaowu was pulled by Yun Xiaofeng and ran away.

   She was a little stunned.

   She was thinking that Xiaofeng would not want to be with her!

   "Rogue Rabbit, what are you thinking?" Yun Xiaofeng looked at Xiao Wu's pink face and was about to drip water. He knew that Xiao Wu was thinking about hooliganism again.

   gave Xiao Wu a brain break: "Look at your mother-in-law and the couple, you, why are you disturbing the world of the two of them!"

"Uh, uh, uh. Why are you beating my head, it hurts. Be careful I tell Sister Yuehua, Sister Yunyun and the others that Xiao Xiaofeng is bullying me. Humph." Xiao Wu turned her head and carried Yun Xiaofeng on her back .

   "At least be angry for two minutes. Ignore him. Humph." Xiao Wu thought to herself.

"Rogue Rabbit, let's go, this young master will take you to a good place, there will be a surprise!" Yun Xiaofeng said from behind Xiao Wu, two salty pigs wrapped around Xiao Wu's slender waist, whispering softly in Xiao Wu's ear .

   "What surprise? Is it a carrot?" Xiao Wu was hugged by Yun Xiaofeng, and when she heard that there was a surprise, she broke down in an instant.

   At this moment, she still remembers the two minutes of ignoring Yun Xiaofeng who just thought about it.

   God's special carrot,

   This stupid rabbit.

   Yun Xiaofeng supported his forehead.

   Ask for a recommendation ticket, ask for a collection. Seek comfort. Guys, please leave a message!



   (end of this chapter)

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