Douluo: I am unparalleled in the world

Chapter 642 The red gas is released by Yaner

Suddenly at this time red haze hit them.

What's going on!

Isn't it over already? Why is there another big wave of red gas!

Are you going to exhaust me, Ye Feng, to death today? !

If it doesn't work, I'd better open my system and take a look. I feel that things are not simple. There must be an error somewhere that causes a large red haze around me.

According to normal people, there is usually a red haze in front of them, making it almost impossible to see anything clearly.

But in Ye Feng's eyes, it was very simple and he could quickly find out the reason.



[Ding, Master, you have a message that you have not yet viewed. 】

It just so happened that Ye Feng hadn't been able to take a good look at the system for several days.

Ye Feng was walking and suddenly noticed something under his feet.

So he squatted down and opened one leg to see what was on the sole of the shoe. It was very uncomfortable to rest his foot on.

The little stone almost wanted to send him away!

Only then did Ye Feng remember that someone was secretly investigating him.

The red gas was released towards Ye Feng by that mysterious figure again.

[Someone is secretly investigating you, Master, only about one kilometer away from you. 】

When Ye Feng gently tapped his finger on the information column, his eyes stared at each piece of content. The most important thing was that someone was planning to attack him again!

And this is related to the red gas, but fortunately Ye Feng has a system that can be reminded in advance, otherwise Ye Feng will be attacked again and the fight with the old man Tang Hao takes a long time and consumes a lot of energy.

[Master, you still have 10 million gold coins to break through to the next soul ring]

It is not difficult to break through the next soul ring at any time, but it requires a lot of gold coins, so Ye Feng is a little worried!

If he is really anxious to break through to the next soul ring, he still has one million gold coins!

I think it's better to forget it. It won't be too late to leave it for the next breakthrough. Anyway, Tang San hasn't settled the debt he owes me yet, right? So in my opinion, I can raise my soul in front of him after I find him. Wouldn't it be an insult to his strength?

So he looked forward and looked at Tang Hao who fell to the ground and shook his head.

This is a Haotian Douluo who has fallen to this level. If Tang San found out that he watched his father being defeated by Ye Feng and the others, he would be very sad.

[Master, this is a good opportunity. You can immediately advance to the next level of soul power, level ninety-five. The current level is level ninety-two! 】

The system reminded him again that the opportunity was right in front of him and he should not miss it!

【Ding! Cancel option! 】

Four big red warnings appeared on the system screen, and Ye Feng really refused the opportunity to advance.

He has no mind at all about promotion now. He just wants to know who the mysterious figure will be!

Soon the system disappeared from sight.

Ye Feng, are you okay? What's going on? There's a red gas all around us. Could it be that we were poisoned and hallucinating?

The prince's face was full of doubts.

After he stood up from the ground, he looked around.

It seems that the red gas is not an illusion but is real.

I am fine!

Ye Feng said quickly.

Then his expression twitched. His Royal Highness noticed that Ye Feng didn't look right.

So he immediately walked to Ye Feng and looked at it carefully.

You look at me and you say everything is fine, but one of your fingers is broken, from five to four.

If Ye Feng hadn't been too busy, he wouldn't have lost a finger just now.

Ah, I lost one of my fingers and I just realized it now.

At this moment, he wanted to rush forward again and directly eliminate Tang Hao.

But he stopped and stopped walking forward.

Because they are now tied!

It's okay. The only problem is that one of them is broken. The remaining four will not be affected at all.

Ye Feng felt very uncomfortable when he saw that the five fingers turned into four.

He endured the pain and gritted his teeth and insisted not to make any sound of pain.

The eyes of death looked towards Tang Hao again.

Tang Hao hadn't woken up yet. Ye Feng had an idea in his mind. The other party hadn't woken up yet, so he could take advantage of it. If it were later, the other party would wake up immediately, it would be difficult to do so.

What are you thinking now?!

His Royal Highness the Crown Prince asked quickly.

He still couldn't hide it from His Highness the Crown Prince. He could tell at a glance that Ye Feng was going to do something big next!

Well, of course. Your Highness, please wait for me here. I'll come as soon as I go.

Ye Feng stood up and strode forward without saying a word.

The opportunity is right in front of you, of course you have to cherish it and you don’t know when the next one will be.

It was impossible for Tang Hao to die now, so Ye Feng's idea was very simple and he gave the opponent a violent beating first.

Do you need my help? I think you can add me as well.

The red gas is getting thicker and thicker and we can barely see the road. We should act quickly. He will wake up soon and it will be difficult to run away.

Find some time to investigate later and find out what the red gas is all about!

Let Ye Feng deal with the matter in front of him first before going!

His Royal Highness the Crown Prince spoke.

He stood aside and watched how Ye Feng would take action!

Tang Hao, you're such an old guy, you broke one of my fingers, right? You're really awesome. I really admire you for that. But it's a pity that I can't live well just by breaking one of my fingers. It doesn't have much impact on me, but your Tang San's arm was disabled. If I, Ye Feng, hadn't come to rescue him, even if you could find the genius doctor in the entire Douluo Continent, you could have cured his disabled arm. Until now, you still can't. I didn't realize that I, Ye Feng, have this strength.

Ye Feng told Tang Hao directly in front of him that the mysterious bone setter was himself!

Until now, Tang Hao was still lying on the ground. Ye Feng kept pressing into his ear, as if he was chanting gold to him.

It turns out it's you Ye Feng. You still have this ability and it's only now that you realize how powerful you are.

His Royal Highness looked at Ye Feng with an attitude of admiration.

Well, I have also spent some time over the years learning the art of bone grafting by holding it for fun. I'm not sure if I can really reattach the arm. I'm just joking. Don't take it seriously.


Ninety-nine blows almost sent Tang Hao away!

Fortunately, Tang Hao didn't wake up. If the other party opened his eyes and found Ye Feng hitting him in the face, Ye Feng might not be able to dodge the other party's soul power and hit him directly.

Ye Feng's palm slapped Tang Hao's face ninety-nine times in succession. The sound of these ninety-nine slaps was very clear, and this number was also very familiar.

Tang Hao's Haotian Jiujue also requires ninety-nine strokes of soul power before it can be used on the hammer to explode with strong power to attack the opponent.

His face is so ugly. Ye Feng, you are so cruel.

His Royal Highness the Crown Prince spoke quickly.

What I couldn't believe was that he actually dared to strike Tang Hao's face!

Tang Hao's face was swollen like a big pig's head!

I think it's almost done. We should leave here as soon as possible. If he wakes up and wants to leave, it will be too late and it will be very troublesome.

I saw His Highness the Crown Prince speaking at this time.

He really doesn't want Ye Feng to risk his life just for the last breath. It's not worth it!

Okay, let's leave now.

So when Ye Feng and His Highness the Crown Prince left, the red gas became thicker and thicker.


Suddenly Ye Feng called Xueer to stop.

There was no one else around, so Ye Feng directly called Xue'er by her name, and he was the only one who could call her Xue'er in this way.

Xue'er nodded quickly.

Feng, we haven't solved the red gas problem yet. Please see what we should do now.

It is said that inhaling too much of this gas will cause great harm to us. My suggestion is to find out the cause before we leave the forest.

Xueer's cold attitude.

In fact, he is not very afraid that even if he dies, it will be worth dying with him!

Only Ye Feng's love for him is the most sincere.

Come out!

Is Ye Feng talking to Xue'er? Something doesn't feel right!

Xue'er is next to him!

Feng, what's wrong with you?!

Xue'er looked puzzled.


Ye Feng showed off his martial spirit and looked like he was about to fight again.

They were already far away from Tang Hao and could not catch up for the time being.

Xueer also increased her vigilance and noticed that someone nearby was secretly observing them. This was also related to the red gas.

It's my senior brother Ye Feng.

Dugu Yan!

Why did you come here all of a sudden!

His grandfather Dugu Bo is different and we are together. Could it be that something happened to the old man!

Normally nothing good would happen to Dugu Yan after he found Ye Feng.

He must have come with bad news and wanted Ye Feng to come to the rescue!

Oh, it turns out to be Miss Yan'er. Why are you looking for me? What's the matter with the red gas? I almost mistakenly thought that we were going to fight again, but it turned out to be you.

Dugu Yan looked at Xueer the whole time.

This is His Royal Highness the Crown Prince.

From Ye Feng's confused posture, how could the other party tell that it was His Highness the Crown Prince!

It turns out that Xueer transformed back into the form of the Crown Prince in advance.

His Royal Highness the Crown Prince nodded.

Well, Sister Yan'er met once in the Soul Master Competition earlier, and now I'm lucky enough to meet you again. You've made great progress now.

Although His Highness the Crown Prince is about the same age as Yan'er, the Crown Prince comes from a much larger empire than the Wuhun Palace, so he still feels a little nervous when he sees someone from the Soul Palace.

When Yan'er gets nervous, her feet will tremble involuntarily.

His Royal Highness the Crown Prince smiled slightly.

I released the red gas on purpose. I was passing by here and heard a loud noise in front of me and immediately ran towards the sound, so I happened to meet you.

At that time, you were still lying on the ground motionless. I thought something had happened to you and didn't dare to move forward. I kept waiting for you to wake up early.

Why don't you just kill Tang Hao and keep him? What's the point? Tang San is not a good guy, he's not even a dog!

Yan'er was speaking for Dugubo, and Dugubo later told him about Yaoyuanzi.

So Dugu Yan knows many things.

If you can't kill him right now, you'll still be able to use it later. Don't worry, there are plenty of opportunities.

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