Douluo: I am unparalleled in the world

Chapter 641 The two sides ended in a draw!

Your Highness, don't overestimate your own strength. Once I release my soul skills, you and Ye Feng may not be able to open your eyes and see me.

Haotian Jiujue immediately attacked them!

These are the nine unique techniques of Haotian Hammer, each of which has its own evil characteristics. Although the random cloak hammer technique released earlier is not bad, compared with Haotian Jiujue, Haotian Jiujue should not be underestimated. The powerful power it brings in actual combat!

If he didn't want to, Tang Hao would now release Haotian Jiujue.

Haotian Jiujue.

Tang Hao firmly believed that he, Hao Tianjiu, could definitely beat the opponent to death!

The black soul power is coming!

After Ye Feng saw the other party's soul skills and soul power being fully displayed, if he wasn't nervous inside, it would be impossible for him to have some emotion in it.

Hmph! Since Senior Haotian really wants to fight to death, he has no intention of letting us two young people go.

It's just like a white-haired person giving a black person a gift, it's the same thing, right?

Your Tang San is also a white-haired man who sent a black man to you. What I said seems right and wrong, right?

I only saw Ye Feng speaking at this time.

Looking at the evil smile on Ye Feng's face, Tang Hao will not be much better next time!

Ye Feng is definitely not a vegetarian!

Originally, he wanted to listen to His Highness the Crown Prince and run away quickly, but Ye Feng was always a young man who would not give up easily and there was no way he would just give up.

Shut up!

Tang Hao's angry posture.


Haotian Jiujue first attacked Ye Feng and the others.

The first soul skill is to tear the sky apart!

Ye Feng had no time to think too much and immediately released his first soul skill.

Then take one more stamina pill. If you don't take it, you will probably die in the opponent's hands due to your own physical strength. At least you have to run ahead of the enemy to have a chance of survival.


The burst of soul power under the action of dual soul power is enough to blow the entire forest to the ground!

If we want to say who has more powerful soul skills between the two, then Haotian Jiu Jue is naturally the better one!

Ye Feng's soul skills were relatively inferior, but Ye Feng was directly knocked to the ground several hundred meters away.


His Royal Highness, because his attack speed was slower, was unable to dodge Tang Hao's soul skills and was attacked anyway.

What I said before was too early. This time I couldn't avoid Tang Hao's soul power. Don't underestimate Tang Hao, who is missing an arm, but his movements are still very flexible.

Ye Feng!!

His Royal Highness the Crown Prince shouted.

He saw with his own eyes that Ye Feng was blown away to the other side by the opponent's soul power in front of his eyes. Currently, he really doesn't know whether Ye Feng is dead or alive!

Damn it, is my Crown Prince really that bad? I don't believe that I can't beat you Tang Hao with my years of strength.

I am willing to risk my life for you for Ye Feng!

he muttered to himself.

Tang Hao looked at the opposite side with confusion on His Highness the Crown Prince's delay in taking action.

His Highness the Crown Prince has not yet transformed into Qian Renxue and is still a man.

Tang Hao's arrogant attitude looked at His Highness the Crown Prince's unconvinced expression, but he felt so happy that he wanted to take flight.

Just when he mistakenly thought that Ye Feng and the others might not be able to fight, he completely let down his guard!

I've made it very clear that you can't fight me.

Tang Hao said with joy.

The Sword of Angels.

His Royal Highness the Prince immediately attacked with his angel sword in the direction of Tang Hao.

He ran towards the front of Tang Hao at a fast speed, and the angel sword in his hand was extremely dazzling and stabbed the opponent's back mercilessly.

Just by looking at the other person's expression, you can feel the pain that is worse than death.

At this moment, he endured the pain and touched the back of his hands, which were covered with blood. The opponent didn't know yet that the opponent's angel sword didn't seem to do much harm unless it could stab people. Tang Hao didn't think much about it.

Before the opponent used the Angel Sword, Ye Feng sprinkled toxin powder on the blade of the sword in advance. The powder was so fine that outsiders could not see through it, so Tang Hao was unlucky not only to be hit but also toxin.

The lips slowly turn from rosy to deep red, and then turn to deep black, then to the internal organs until death!

Senior Tang Hao, are you surprised? My shooting speed has increased a lot, right?

His Royal Highness the Crown Prince smiled slightly.

Tang Hao really regretted that he had not been able to kill him and left him another chance. There was no point in regretting it now. As long as the other party was not dead, he would torture him half to death!

In an instant, Tang Hao was slapped in the face!

The old man is so proud that he will be slapped in the face too early. Do you really think that our Wuhun Palace is really that easy to bully? !

Why don't you open your dog eyes and take a good look at me, the Crown Prince of Wuhun Palace!

No titled Douluo has ever been able to defeat me!

His Highness the Crown Prince muttered.

That means I made a mistake, right?

But one thing you may have forgotten is that even I don't know whether Ye Feng is dead or alive.

What qualifications does Tang Hao have to accuse Ye Feng?

An old man is about to die, and he still has time to manage other people's homes, so he should think about how to detoxify himself next!

At this moment, Tang Hao felt that something was getting more and more wrong.


Suddenly a mouthful of old blood spurted out!

Ah! Senior Haotian, what's wrong with you? You were not doing well just now. The look on your face is not very good!

Otherwise, let's call it a truce. We don't have to keep feeling sorry for trivial matters and destroy everyone's feelings.

I told you before that someone could indeed help reattach Tang San's arm, but you just didn't believe me and thought I was deceiving you.

Look at your arm, isn't it that you have lost one of your arms? Don't you also hope that your Tang San will spend his life without an arm like you? If you don't want to think about it for yourself, you have to think about Tang San too!

I hope that you, father and son, will kowtow to Ye Feng in front of everyone and cancel all the previous accounts. What do you think?

His Highness the Crown Prince said in a cold tone.

Sure enough, he is a good prince who has always been interested in Ye Feng. I don't know how happy he will be when Ye Feng finds out!

Impossible, absolutely impossible. Even if our father and son are cut off, we will never bow to you and admit our mistakes. Besides, our mistress has not done anything to regret you. It is you who are asking for trouble and getting into trouble. How can you do that? It’s our fault.”

He still protected his son and never made any mistakes, which sounded quite touching, but in the eyes of the prince, he would never tolerate Ye Feng being looked down upon and refused to save him. It seemed that the beating was not harsh enough.

Okay, no matter how much you say, it's useless. I'll predict that you won't kowtow and admit your mistake, so you won't live for long. In a few hours, the toxins in your body will penetrate into your internal organs, and you will feel miserable. Only you can enjoy the pain for Tang San.

You thought it would be impossible for His Highness the Crown Prince to just give up. After Ye Feng was knocked down, he would certainly do it again and it would be even more powerful!

The Martial Spirit Seraphim flashed before his eyes.

Tang Hao was dumbfounded. The other party really didn't intend to stop here and would continue to fight to the end.

How could Seraphim defeat me without just one blow from me?

Tang Hao said in a confident tone.

He really underestimated the opponent's Seraphim. This is the top-level martial spirit in the legend. It is also a symbol and spokesperson. People with this kind of martial spirit are not only innate with full soul power, but also with innate full soul power of level 20. However, He had more than twenty levels of soul power than Tang San.

After possessing the first soul ring, it is naturally easy to obtain the second soul ring. Angel soul power is the purest sacred energy and can have purifying and dissolving effects.

Therefore, His Royal Highness is very confident that he can repel the opponent and defeat him!

Big Sumeru Hammer!!

Tang Hao gathered his energy and displayed his last soul skill.

This is to open up the field of killing!

The sky immediately turned so dark that it was no exaggeration to say that you could not see even if you stretched your hand!

Wait a minute and add me!

Suddenly a familiar voice sounded.

Do you think I will never come back after being knocked away by your hammer? Tang Hao, I told you to listen carefully. I, Ye Feng, am dying.

Ye Feng walked out with a swagger.

Tang Hao took a closer look and discovered that his dislocated arm was actually healed. As he watched the other party appear in front of him as if nothing had happened, a cold wind suddenly hit his back!

Ye Feng, just be okay. I'm telling you that Tang Hao has been poisoned by my Angel Sword and he will die soon.

His Royal Highness the Crown Prince said bluntly.

The fourth soul skill is the three-second deadly poisonous wolf.

He is adding another poison to the opponent.

Then he pulled out the bloodthirsty sickle machete from his waist and slashed at Tang Hao.

Tang Hao dodged to avoid his two soul skills.

You still can't do it!

Tang Hao mocked Ye Feng for his arrogant attitude.

Young people still have to suffer, old people are still hot!

Ye Feng, be more careful before he attacks you!

If His Highness hadn't kindly reminded Ye Feng, he would have been hit by the opponent's soul skill again.

It's ridiculous that you want to poison me.

Tang Hao mocked again.

The three-second Poisonous Wolf failed to attack Tang Hao once!

After one failure, Ye Feng became nervous and he missed!

Seeing that Tang Hao was about to counterattack Ye Feng with the next wave of soul power.

Suddenly, His Highness the Prince did a backflip and kicked the enemy directly!


Not only was there the explosion, but the three of them were fighting more and more fiercely and couldn't stop.

No, you're hurt.

Ye Feng said quickly.

His Royal Highness was hit so hard in the chest by the enemy that he almost vomited blood. Fortunately, he was stronger and continued to hit him.

With a distressed look on his face, Ye Feng watched his most beloved person silently pay the price for him and was so moved that he wanted to cry!

It's okay, it's a small matter!

His Highness the Crown Prince did not care about his own injuries and only wanted to beat Tang Hao to death as soon as possible so as to relieve Ye Feng's burden.

What he did really moved Ye Feng.

After settling the matter, you must treat him well, or at least treat him to a big meal. In their Wuhun Palace, there has never been any delicious food in the world. Only Ye Feng knows where the food is most worth tasting.

Chaos cloak hammering technique!

The black soul power reaches 200%!

The hammer falls slowly in the hand!

One second, two seconds, three seconds... almost a minute!

Hey, you two young men can still breathe for a few seconds. I'll hit you with a hammer and your whole head will explode.

Tang Hao has so many mouths!

The power of Titan.

Ye Feng's strong arms became tenacious and powerful, and he charged straight at the enemy to attack.


Ye Feng and His Royal Highness both released their soul power to the maximum limit.

Both sides lay motionless on the ground in a tie.

The surroundings became extremely quiet.

...(End of chapter)

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