What the hell is going on? Why are these wolves like this??

Seeing a pack of wolves howling crazily, both Dugu Bo and Ju Douluo fell into a state of extreme alert.

I really can't figure out what happened to these wolves.

Why are these wolves acting like this.


Soon they discovered that these wolves had turned around miraculously.

Ah what? What's wrong??

Ju Douluo and Dugu Bo both looked confused.

Just now he thought these wolves were going to launch a final attack.

He was still thinking about how to deal with it.

The results of it?

The other party actually evacuated.

I really can't figure it out.

Is it because of the soul ring?

At this moment, Ye Feng asked.

When their soul rings were released, they might have the aura of the previous Wolf Emperor. It was probably because they sensed the Wolf Emperor's message that they retreated.

Ye Feng also noticed that his soul ring seemed to be a little shaken just now.

It was as if he had established some kind of connection with these wolves.

Maybe these wolves were afraid, or maybe the Wolf King released some kind of aura to stop them.

Don't tell me, Lao Bapi, it's possible.

After hearing this sentence, Dugu Bo nodded.

Because this kind of thing can happen.

After all, Ye Feng had just obtained the Wolf King's soul ring.

It is normal for them to be afraid of the Wolf King's aura.

So this is how things end today??

Ju Douluo, who only saw this moment, asked.

This made him confused.

I never expected that it would end like this.

Of course it's over. Do you still want to be here, you old chrysanthemum? Don't get involved with us until you die.

After hearing this sentence, Dugu Bo said to Juhuaguan with an angry attitude.

Can't you say a nice word, you old poisoner? It's like a dog's mouth can't spit out ivory.

Ju Douluo looked at Dugu Bo and rolled his eyes. Why did he always feel that this guy was against him.

Now that the crisis has been resolved, Uncle Juhua and Old Poison have been tired for a day and a night. Why don't we find a place to rest and wait until we regain our strength tomorrow before going out to avoid accidents or the like.

Ye Feng looked at the sky, which was now dimly lit.

They traveled all day yesterday, and then they planned to rest at night, but they didn't expect to encounter a Titan ape.

After following the opponent to the central lake of the Star Dou Forest, they directly entered the core area.

Originally, I planned to rest in the core area and roast a rabbit, but as a result, I was directly surrounded by wolves.

This battle has been fought directly until now.

To be honest, they were all exhausted.

At this time, it is better to find a place to have a good rest first, and then go out after regaining strength tomorrow.

If you insist on going out and encounter trouble, it will be difficult. After all, you won’t have the energy to solve it.

This is not bad, but Xiao Fengfeng, where are we going to rest? What if we are attacked by a spirit beast again?

Ju Douluo asked Ye Feng.

too tired.

Now he said that he really just wanted to find a place to rest.

But this is a strange place after all.

It can be said that they are unfamiliar with people and places. If they go to a place they shouldn't go, it will be very troublesome.

It's definitely not possible here, but the cave we just went to is okay. Even if a spirit beast comes in, it's easy to defend and difficult to attack, enough to ensure our safety.

At this moment, Ye Feng expressed what he was thinking.

He thought that place was indeed a nice place.

At least it can protect everyone.

It will not be disturbed by other soul beasts.

Even if a soul beast really comes, he can still drag the opponent under the magma.

After all, he now has his seventh soul ring.

This seventh soul ring is no joke, it is a hundred thousand year soul ring.

In terms of combat prowess, he is probably at the level of a Titled Douluo now.

That place is indeed good. Just do what this guy says. It will be safe for us to rest there.

Dugu Bo nodded.

He was very much in favor of Ye Feng's idea.

Now that I am not strong enough, it is not the time to go out.

Resting and recuperating here is the best option.

And so they set off.

On the way, Ju Douluo found the hare he had lost before.

Then they went to the cave.

Make a fire and roast the rabbit! !

After all, they promised to roast rabbit before.

In the end, because of the attack of these wolves, the joy was completely in vain.

Now I can finally eat rabbit meat in peace.

It turns out that this is where you killed the hundred thousand year old soul beast. Oh, it's such a pity for this soul bone.

After a long journey, they came to the volcano cave where they were before.

And it's still next to the magma.

Why, because this magma is a natural oven.

Put the rabbit meat here and don't mention how fragrant it is.

Ju Douluo came to the edge of the magma.

The whole look was very heartbreaking.

The soul bone that he was thinking about was completely gone now.

However, he was also grateful to Lao Duwu and Ye Feng. If they had not appeared in time, he would have been seriously injured today.

Getting hurt in a place like this is no fun.

You may even lose your life directly.

Old Juhua, everything depends on a destiny. Since you don't have this thing in your destiny, of course there is no way to get the soul bone, so just accept your fate.

At this time, I heard Dugu Bo talking to Ju Douluo, with a very playful expression on his face.

Go, go, you old poison, I think you just don't want me to get the soul bone. If I get the soul bone, I will definitely be able to defeat you and you will not have the advantage before.

Ju Huaguan rolled his eyes directly at Dugu Bo.

In his opinion, it must be Dugu Bo who cursed himself from the beginning.

Otherwise, he would never be as unlucky as he is today.

But it didn't matter even if he couldn't get the soul bone, because he saw the potential of Ye Feng.

It is simply incredible that he has reached the 70th level of Soul Saint at such a young age.

Of course, the most important thing is that the opponent can absorb a full 100,000-year-old soul ring at this level.

This 100,000-year-old spirit ring was not obtained by someone else who killed a 100,000-year-old spirit beast on his own.

Who of the same age can do this?

Take their young master as an example, he probably can't even do it.

Although their young master was called by the elders a genius rarely seen in a thousand years, he was the future hope of the entire Wuhun Palace, as well as the hope of the Angel Family. But facing the difficult challenge of killing a hundred thousand year old soul beast, it is estimated that even the other party will not be able to complete it.

I helped him today.

I believe the other party will also remember it.

What is more important than the other person remembering me and getting a favor for me?

In other words, it is this kind of genius' favor that is priceless.

It's indeed a pity, but if I didn't do this, there would be no chance of getting the soul ring. Uncle Juhua is really sorry.

At this moment, Ye Feng sighed slightly.

He can only rely on lava to kill.

Because the 100,000-year-old soul beast is really too strong.

Especially since the other party has the special ability to absorb the power of the moon and use it for himself.

It's totally cheating.

Xiao Fengfeng, you don't have to blame yourself too much. Although I didn't get the soul bone, this trip has given me a lot of knowledge. This is something I have never seen in Wuhun Palace before.

At this time, Juhuaguan was speaking to Ye Feng with a very sincere expression. Indeed, he had never seen anything he was experiencing outside.

It can be said to be the most unforgettable memory.

And it will also have a great effect on him in the future.

It can be said that this trip is a guaranteed profit.

But Uncle Juhua, since you came here with me and I promised to give you soul bones before, I will never break my promise.

Ye Feng, who only saw this moment, said to him.

Since I promised to give the other party soul bones, I naturally have to give them!

Why do you plan to drag me here again when you are about to become Contra?

After Ju Douluo heard this sentence, he looked in the direction of Ye Feng with a surprised expression.

When the opponent becomes a Contra, he really needs to get another soul ring.

If you still have to choose a 100,000-year-old soul beast, it will definitely be difficult for him to do it alone.

Even if you summon Dugu Bo, an old poisoner, it would probably be very difficult.

So help is definitely needed.

He guessed that Ye Feng in front of him might be looking for helpers for himself in advance, and then they would enter this place together to look for the 100,000-year-old soul beast to kill and serve as his soul ring.

There must be soul bones at that time.

But there will be a lot of people at that time.

It's not certain whether the soul bones can be obtained by him.

No, no, no, those things about Uncle Juhua are too far away. We will talk about it when the time comes. What I want to say is that I still have a soul bone here. If you need it, I can just give it to you.

At this moment, Ye Feng directly took out a soul bone from his soul guide.

This is a soul bone that I got when I killed a pack of wolves before.

Belongs to ten thousand years.

It’s a pretty good soul bone, so give it to Uncle Juhua.

As for himself, in fact, the system had previously rewarded him with an attached soul bone, but he hadn't used it yet.

Huh? Soul bones??

Seeing the other party take out a soul bone directly from the soul guide, both Dugubo and Juhuaguan looked very surprised.

The soul bone is just like cabbage. Can you take it out casually? ?

Old Papi, are you mistaken? You still carry the soul bone with you?

Dugu Bo looked at Ye Feng with a very surprised attitude.

Normal people would absorb it directly if they have soul bones.

Sure enough, this guy.

Xiao Fengfeng, when did you get this soul bone?

Ju Douluo also looked at Ye Feng with a very surprised attitude.

This is the soul bone I got from killing the soul beast before I came in. Since I couldn't get the soul bone of the 100,000-year-old soul beast, I will give this soul bone to you, Uncle Juhua, for now.

At this moment, Ye Feng directly gave the piece of soul bone to Ju Douluo in front of him.

You guys, this is actually a ten-thousand-year-old soul bone. Don't you use it?

Ju Douluo took the piece of soul bone, and then looked at Ye Feng with a very surprised attitude.

This is a ten-thousand-year-old soul bone.

For soul masters, soul bones are rare.

Back then, the two kingdoms of the Tiandou Empire even went to the point of launching a war over a ten-thousand-year-old soul bone.

As a result, the other party actually gave it to me like this.

And it's still a very casual attitude.

Normally, the opponent should be in great need of these soul bones at this level now!

Isn't it just a ten-thousand-year-old soul bone? I'll give it to you directly, Uncle Juhua. It will be used as payment for the hard work of coming to the depths of the Star Dou Forest this time. I also owe you a favor for what happened today.

Ye Feng said to Ju Douluo in front of him.

If Ju Douluo hadn't come over, the wolf feast tonight might have been them.


Because the 100,000-year-old Wolf King and so many wolf soldiers and wolf generals couldn't hold them back!

Well, since Xiao Fengfeng is so generous, I will just take this soul bone.

In fact, Ju Douluo couldn't guarantee that he would get the soul bone of a 100,000-year-old soul beast this time.

According to his guess, if there is a one percent chance of getting it, it would be pretty good.

The main reason for this recently is that the young master wants him to protect Xiao Fengfeng. At the same time, the most important thing is that he also wants to know whether the other party really knows the way to the depths of the Star Dou Forest.

Meeting the legendary Azure Bull Python was what interested him the most.

Because this also means that the next time there is a need, people from Wuhun Palace can be brought to kill these soul beasts.

I believe that I will be very happy working with Lao Gui.

You are welcome.

Seeing Ju Douluo directly retracting his soul bone, Ye Feng suddenly felt a lot more comfortable.

He was afraid that Ju Douluo would not like this piece of soul bone, which would be more troublesome.

Old Papi, you can't be so partial. Why did you give this old chrysanthemum a soul bone and say you owe it a favor? Didn't my work today go in vain?

I saw Dugu Bo on the other side at this time, speaking in a different tone.

Why do you, an old poisoner, still want to take advantage of you? Xiao Fengfeng is your savior. What's wrong with finding a soul beast to help your savior do something? You want to repay this? I've seen people with big faces, but never with faces. As big as you!

Before Ye Feng could speak, Ju Douluo on the other side said directly to Ye Feng angrily.

Eh? You old chrysanthemum, did I tell you? Why are you jumping over the wall in such a hurry? Are you afraid that I will torture you after I get the soul bone?

Dugu Bo replied directly.

What the hell? You are obviously afraid that I will torture you after I get the soul bone, so you jumped over the wall to ask Xiao Fengfeng for the soul bone! I have seen dogs, but I have never seen a dog that does not shake the green lotus!

Juhuaguan said at this moment.

There was still a trace of disdain in his eyes.

When it comes to cursing people, he doesn't hesitate!

Chrysanthemum! Who did you call dog??

When Dugu Bo heard this, he immediately glared at the other party!

I'll call whoever answers the question a dog!

Ju Douluo was not afraid of trouble and replied directly.

Ye Feng, who was roasting rabbit on the side, was trembling because he noticed an inexplicable fighting spirit slowly rising.

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