Douluo: I am unparalleled in the world

Chapter 320 No, this is not true!

Something's wrong? What happened???

After hearing this, Dugu Bo asked Ye Feng with a very curious attitude.

This is the first time I heard Ye Feng say such words.

Hmm, it feels like these wolves are seeking revenge!

Ye Feng said to him.

He always felt that there was an inexplicable killing intent coming from these wolves.

Revenge? Do they feel that the Wolf King is dead?

Dugubo asked.

I remember that they fought in a volcano, and the Golden White Wolf Emperor died in the magma.

It's incredible that these guys can actually feel it.

It's really incredible.

Is there really such a thing as the legendary spiritual intelligence?

Old Poison, let's leave without further delay. We have to go over and help Uncle Juhua, otherwise he might be seriously injured here.

After Dugu Bo's voice fell, Ye Feng said to Dugu Bo.

Getting hurt here is no fun.

This is the deep area of ​​the Star Forest.

Once you get injured here, it will be difficult to get out.

After all, you don't know if a hundred thousand year old soul beast will appear again.

Traveling here requires a certain amount of soul power.

Of course, the most important thing is the hundred thousand year soul beast.

Once a hundred thousand year soul beast appears, the injury will definitely be fatal.

Because being injured means you can't leave.

As for what it means to be unable to leave, I believe everyone knows it!

That means you have to be buried here!

Yeah, let's go there now.

Dugu Bo nodded.

Although he really hopes that Juhuaguan will suffer a little.

But he doesn't want the other person to die yet.

After all, in such a dangerous place, if you are injured, it will really be fatal.

So I still have to go over and help.

I think you are all looking for death!

On the other side, Juhuaguan is releasing his soul skills.

He found that after the eyes of these wolves turned red, they attacked like crazy, very quickly.

He stopped more often at this point.

We can no longer leave these guys behind as hard as before.

His body even had several wolf marks on his claws due to the attacks by these guys going crazy.

Now the whole thing is in a very painful posture.

I really never thought that I, a level 95 Super Douluo, would one day end up like this!

He looked like this after being chased by some wolves!


The wolves gather again.

Each white wolf looked at Ju Douluo fiercely.

The claws even tore at the ground.

It seemed as if the entire ground was being scratched to pieces.

You bastards, are you planning to keep me here? Hehe, you don't have this ability yet!

Ju Douluo's soul power increased at this time and he rushed directly into the wolves.

Then they started killing them.

In an instant, blood flowed into a river.

If you really want to kill him, keep him here, these guys are still young!

Even if his body is seriously injured, he will let these guys taste his anger!

He could even kill all the wolves if he wanted to.

The only trouble was that if he wanted to kill all the wolves here, he would have to pay the price of serious injury.

Being seriously injured deep in the Star Dou Forest, especially when there is no one around, is not a fun thing.

But if you run all the way, when your soul power is exhausted, the price will not be serious injury, but death here directly.


A wolf grabbed Ju Douluo.


Ju Douluo screamed in pain.

I want you all dead!

Juhuaguan was immediately angry.

He decided to fight against the odds.

Let the other person feel your anger.

He actually chased him for such a long time.

After all, he is also a level 95 Super Douluo.

If the tiger doesn't show off his power, he would really be thought to be a sick cat.

Isn’t it a serious injury?

I'm seriously injured in exchange for all of you dying, I'm worth it!

Ju Douluo's body burst out with unprecedented soul light.

He was ready to release his ninth soul skill.

This ninth soul skill is called The chrysanthemums are broken, the ground is covered with wounds, and the flowers fall and people are heartbroken.

Once released, his own Strange Velvet Babel Chrysanthemum will be shattered, and each petal of the broken Strange Velvet Babel Chrysanthemum will rotate like a crescent blade, forming a huge golden tornado.

It can kill hundreds of wild wolves that are over 50,000 years old at one time.

He wants to use this skill to disrupt the opponent first.

Then dive again.

call out--

Suddenly at this moment, a scythe flew towards the direction of Ju Douluo.

Several wolves were directly hacked to death.

At the same time, a big green snake appeared.

There is an old man with green light on top.

The opponent's big snake spit out a green liquid from its mouth, and many wolves fell directly to the ground.

Xiao Fengfeng? Old poison?

Seeing the visitor, Ju Douluo looked very surprised.

Why are these two people here?

Normally, shouldn't the other party be dealing with a hundred thousand year soul beast?

Old Juhua, you can't do this. It's really embarrassing to be chased by so many wolves.

Dugu Bo said to Ju Douluo with a smile at this time.

There was a mocking attitude in his eyes.

He knew that if he were here, he would never be able to reach the level Juhuaguan is at now. He would probably be seriously injured now, but this did not prevent him from taunting the other party.

After all, between him and Juhuaguan, aren't they just quick to talk?

You old poisoner, do you know what's going on now! These wolves are crazy! They were fine earlier, I could avoid them, and they couldn't catch up with me. I don't know what happened. , all of them turned into pink eyes one by one, and started chasing me like crazy!

After Dugu Bo finished speaking, Ju Huaguan immediately complained.

The injuries on his body were all caused by the crazy wolf behind him.

In the early stage, he had no injuries at all.

I don’t know what happened next.

So what if you're crazy? Didn't you say that you are a Super Douluo? A mighty Super Douluo can't deal with these things?

Dugu Bo still had a sarcastic attitude.

Of course, he was relieved to see that Ju Huaguan was fine.

You! If you can do it, come on!!

Ju Douluo was immediately angered.

This guy has no idea what's going on here!

Uncle Juhua, don't pay attention to this old poisoner. He's just trying to make a fool of himself.

Seeing that the two were bickering again, Ye Feng said to Ju Douluo.

He knew that Old Poison still cared about Uncle Juhua.

After all, the other party just chased me directly.

The expression was full of worry.

Now I'm here probably just to have some fun.

In fact, sometimes it is difficult for Ye Feng to understand this relationship.

I'm too lazy to pay attention to him, but Xiao Fengfeng, why are you here? That hundred thousand year soul beast didn't attack you or did it give up halfway?

Ju Douluo asked Ye Feng very curiously.

To be honest, he still couldn't figure out how Ye Feng did it.

They actually escaped from the hands of the 100,000-year-old soul beast.

And managed to come here to find him.

Even though Dugu Bo is a level ninety-five Super Douluo, he doesn't have the confidence to face a hundred thousand year old soul beast.

Well, even if Ye Feng is very fast and the opponent escapes the pursuit of a hundred thousand year soul beast, how did this old poisonous creature do it?

After all, the opponent's speed is not very good.

In the Titled Douluo world, the opponent is just famous for his poison.

Regarding the speed, it is really inferior.

Just now, I couldn't escape from the speed of these 80,000-year-old soul beasts in their crazy state. It's probably not easy for them to escape when a 100,000-year-old soul beast is in a crazy state!

A hundred thousand year soul beast? Of course you killed it so the other party didn't chase it.

Ye Feng replied.

At the same time, he had a very confident smile on his face.

Because he did kill the hundred thousand year soul beast.

Ah? Killed? Xiao Fengfeng is not joking!

Ju Douluo looked disbelieving when he heard this.

How could the two of them kill a hundred thousand year old spirit beast?

This is simply a fantasy.

To be honest, even if you add yourself, it is very difficult to kill the opponent in such a short time.

Since Uncle Juhua said that this spirit beast is not dead, then why do you think this hundred thousand year old spirit beast didn't chase after it?

Ye Feng looked at the other party.

It's impossible for this soul beast to show mercy and let them go, right?

This kind of thing is basically impossible.


Ju Douluo was even more confused.

He really didn't know what was going on.

Because it's too abnormal.

If Ye Feng and the others had not killed so many wolf soldiers and generals before, then it was still possible that the other party might have chased them too far and wanted to give up.

But just now they killed so many of the opponent's men.

Under normal circumstances, it is absolutely impossible for the other party to let Ye Feng and the others go.

So, only by killing the other party can we not be able to pursue you, and we can find you safely and quickly, right?

Ye Feng spread his hands.

He knew that Ju Douluo might not believe it, after all, this thing sounded very exaggerated, but it was the fact.

There is no way to deny the fact!

Old Poison, what on earth is going on? Is the one hundred thousand year old soul beast, the White Wolf Emperor with golden patterns, really dead?

Ju Douluo looked at Dugu Bo.

To be honest, although Ye Feng looked very serious, and there seemed to be no problem with his words.

But he still didn't believe it was true.

Because it's so incredible.

Just the two of them, how could they do this?

And it took such a short time!

It was indeed killed, but with the help of external force. At that time, the gangster lured the opponent under the volcanic magma and then pushed the opponent under the magma and burned him alive.

Dugubo replied.

There is no need for him to beat around the bush on this matter.

What happens is what happens.

Huh? Burned to death??

Ju Douluo was stunned!

Really killed.

But these two people are really crazy, especially Xiao Fengfeng, who actually used a trick to push the other party under the magma.

Shocked, aren't you? To be honest, if I hadn't seen it with my own eyes, I wouldn't have believed it! This is just like the Tianxiaqiao storyteller bragging.

This is not a joke by Dugu Bo.

This is real!

If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, he wouldn't believe it no matter how true it was.

Because this is completely counterintuitive.

Oh, that's a pity for the soul ring.

Ye Feng said that he might not believe it, thinking that the other party might be joking with him, but now that the old poisonous man has repeated his words, he knows that there is no lie.

It's just a pity for this soul ring.

After all, if the soul beast is pushed into the magma, the soul ring will naturally float on the magma surface.

Who among these normal soul masters can absorb soul rings on the surface of magma?

Even he couldn't do it.

What kind of soul ring is it a pity? Do you think this guy will let go of the soul ring?

After hearing Ju Douluo say this, Dugu Bo said with an angry expression.

Ye Feng is such a pickpocket that he can pick out anything for you.

Especially what the other party is eyeing.

Just like this soul ring.

The magma plan was probably hatched before entering the cave.

The only miscalculation should be the soul bone.

The thing was really unexpected when it peeled off its skin, and then it was burned to ashes by the magma.

Ah? So you also brought this soul ring?

Ju Douluo was shocked when he heard this sentence and immediately looked around, only to find that he didn't see anything.

Suddenly the whole person was filled with doubts.

Since he said he would not let go of the soul ring, what about this soul ring now?

Could it be that it has dissipated? ?

It shouldn't be.

If Ye Feng gets the soul ring, he should absorb it directly on the spot.

Even if you stay with him, it won't last more than an hour, because the soul ring will automatically dissipate after an hour.

Of course I absorbed it.

Dugu Bo said to him.

Old Poison, can you be more serious? It's been about four hours since you left, and you told me that you absorbed it. Do you think it's a ten-thousand-year soul ring?

Ju Douluo said angrily to these red-eyed wolves while killing them.

Do you really think he is a three-year-old child?

It takes a long time to absorb a hundred thousand year soul ring.

At least a few days!

Let alone a hundred thousand year soul ring for a few hours, even a ten thousand year soul ring is enough.

Especially for a person who has been promoted to Soul Saint level from Soul Emperor.

Of course he knew that Ye Feng was abnormal.

But it's definitely not possible so fast.

You don't believe it? In fact, I don't believe it either, but there is such a monster in this world. What can I do?

Dugu Bo is helpless!

To be honest, he didn’t want to complain at all!

But sometimes, certain people always like to hit him like this, making him pregnant every time.

No way, Xiao Fengfeng, you can't really absorb a hundred thousand year soul ring, can you?

Looking at Dugu Bo's expression, he didn't know why Ju Huaguan felt that his heart was a little shaken for the first time.

But only about four hours have passed. Isn't it incredible to kill a 100,000-year-old soul beast and absorb the opponent's soul ring at such a fast speed?

Bloodthirsty Demon Scythe!!

Ye Feng's wrist moved slightly.

The next second, streaks of soul light appeared on his body.

First it was purple, then black, and finally a bright red soul ring.

Ju Douluo's eyes were rounded.

It’s actually a hundred thousand year soul ring! !


At this moment, something strange happened. The wolves were howling crazily! !

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