Douluo Fire Phoenix

Chapter 77 Seven Sacred Pillars Assessment

Seahorse Douluo slowly walked to the front of the holy pillar, his face full of piety: "Come up, one person."

The seven Xiaofei people were a little nervous, knowing that the real test was coming.

The first one to play was Huo Wushuang. Xiao Fei had already made arrangements for the order of playing in the assessment. Huo Wushuang was the first to play, and Shui Bing'er had to be the last one to play. Others are more casual.

When Huo Wushuang stepped forward, Seahorse Douluo slowly raised his hands, with a look of piety on his face. He raised his hands to his chest, with their palms facing each other half a foot apart. A faint blue light slowly appeared in the middle of his palms. The position caused the entire Seahorse Sacred Pillar platform to be filled with a clear blue light. Immediately afterwards, there was a flash of light below the Seahorse Holy Pillar, and a blue light spread up along the lines on the Holy Pillar. It rose to the top almost in the blink of an eye. It seemed like he was notifying Lord Poseidon that someone was coming to take the assessment.

Seahorse Douluo turned around and faced Huo Wushuang, pointing his right hand at Huo Wushuang's body. A blue beam of light fell from the sky and enveloped Huo Wushuang's body. Huo Wushuang was a little dazed bathing in the beam of light, and he obviously didn't feel anything.

The color of the light beam began to change, from blue to white. Immediately afterwards, it quickly changed from white to yellow, and then to purple almost without any pause, and the purple gradually deepened. After a short time, the purple light had completely turned into black, almost completely covering Huo Wushuang's body under the beam of light. On the Seahorse Holy Pillar behind Seahorse Douluo, the bottom lines began to turn black and gradually climbed upward.

Immediately afterwards, a total of six black lights shot out, appeared in front of Huo Wushuang at the same time, turned into a six-sided square light curtain, and imprinted into Huo Wushuang's eyebrows, forming a black six-pointed star. The first black light has turned into a card and appeared on Huo Wu's hands.

Seahorse Douluo smiled bitterly and said: "Six exams for the black level. Two exams more than what I took before."

Everyone looked at Seahorse Douluo, full of doubts.

Seahorse Douluo explained: "The Sixth Black Level Examination is the most difficult among the Black Level Assessments. Among our Seven Holy Pillars, only Sea Dragon Douluo has passed the Black Level Sixth Examination. Now he is already a Level 95 Titled Douluo."

"In the past hundred years, there have been a total of 31 black-level assessments, 24 of them failed the assessment, and only seven succeeded. They are the current Seven Sacred Pillars of our Sea God Island. Each assessment of our sea soul masters takes ten years, and your land Each assessment for a soul master only lasts for one year."

Everyone looked at each other, but no one had any intention of backing down. For everyone, there is only forward and no retreat. If you want to retreat, you might as well die.

At this time, Huo Wu stepped forward: "Senior, please arrange for me to take the exam."

Seahorse Douluo said in surprise: "It's so dangerous, do you still want to take part in the assessment?"

Huo Wu said with a domineering face: "If there is no danger, then it is not called an assessment. We are here for the assessment and we will not back down." Huo Wu's eyes were full of perseverance.

Seahorse Douluo looked at everyone's determination and nodded: "Okay, very good, I will continue to arrange the assessment for you!"

Next, similarly, blue rays of light came from the Seven Holy Pillars, covering the fire dance. The light gradually changed from white to yellow, from yellow to purple, and finally from purple to black. Among them, black turned into red, Seven red rays of light sank into Huo Wu's eyebrows, and Seahorse Douluo next to him exclaimed: "Seven red-level exams?"

Seahorse Douluo saluted Huo Wu with great respect: "Hello, dear lady, I don't know why you were able to get the top seven exams? I will work hard to serve you in Poseidon Island!"

Huo Wu said strangely: "Senior, is there a big difference between the seventh test of the red level and the sixth test of the black level?"

Seahorse Douluo smiled and said: "The black-level assessment corresponds to our seven sacred pillars, while the seven red-level assessments correspond to the Great Enshrinement of Poseidon Island. Most of our current Poseidons on Poseidon Island are also the red-level seven examinations. Moreover, in the history of Poseidon Island, there has never been a situation where one failed to pass the seventh test of the red level!”

Xiao Fei next to him thought to himself: Huo Wu now has many faulty soul bones, including an external soul bone that can evolve. Moreover, after eating the Heartbroken Red, his physical fitness and talent are extremely high. No wonder he can reach the red level. Seven tests.

Xiaofei thought for a while, walked forward, and said to Seahorse Douluo: "Senior, please arrange my assessment!"

Seahorse Douluo nodded. He could clearly see that among the seven, Xiao Fei was the youngest, but had the highest soul power level. As the core of these seven, the assessment would probably not be easy.

Under the guidance of Seahorse Douluo, a blue light from the Seven Sacred Pillars covered Xiao Fei's body. Xiao Fei felt as if he was in an endless ocean. This power was somewhat similar to the Vast Sea Universe Barrier.

Xiao Fei only felt that the light in front of him changed from white to yellow, from yellow to purple, from purple to black, gradually turned into deep red, and finally turned into nine blood-red rays of light, sinking into Xiao Fei's eyebrows. Seahorse Douluo next to him was shocked: "Ninth red level test?"

Xiaofei asked in surprise: "Senior, what is the ninth red-level exam?"

Seahorse Douluo shook his head: "I don't know what the ninth red-level examination is."

"Let me introduce you!" An ethereal voice came from the sky, which seemed unfathomable and out of reach.

I saw a huge burst of red light falling from the sky, and a beautiful woman was wrapped in the red light. This woman is the most beautiful, majestic, and noble woman Xiao Fei has ever seen. Xiao Fei immediately understood that this should be Seagod Douluo Bo Saixi.

Poseidon said to Xiaofei softly: "It's Poseidon, the great priest of Poseidon Island. Can you introduce yourself first?" Although the voice was soft, there seemed to be an irresistible majesty in it, as surging and deep as the sea.

Xiaofei hurriedly saluted Poseidon: "Senior, I am Wang Xiaofei, with the martial soul Fire Phoenix, from the Element Academy."

Poseidon nodded: "Xiaofei, the red level nine test has never appeared in the history of Poseidon Island, which only shows that this person is of great significance to Poseidon Island and is a friend of Poseidon Island. Lord Poseidon has already sent down the oracle, Lord Poseidon knows what you want, you can rest assured to take the test."

Xiaofei hurriedly thanked Poseidon and Poseidon. Suddenly, Xiao Fei seemed to think of something and asked Poseidon: "Senior Poseidon, can I ask you a question?"

Poseidon smiled and said: "Of course, Xiao Fei, what's your question?"

"Excuse me, Senior Poseidon, what's the difference between a sea soul master and a land soul master?"

Poseidon smiled and said: "Both sea soul masters and land soul masters are essentially soul masters, but the difference is that the martial spirit of a sea soul master is mainly sea soul beasts, and they need to believe in the sea god."

Xiao Fei quickly pulled Shui Bing'er to the front and said: "Senior Poseidon, this is my friend Shui Bing'er, her martial spirit is the ice phoenix, and the ice phoenix itself lives in the extreme north, which should also be The land ruled by the Sea God, I think Shui Bing'er should be considered a Sea Spirit Master. "

Poseidon did not reply to Xiao Fei's words, but looked at Shui Bing'er carefully, as if he could see through Shui Bing'er's soul, and then gently asked: "Shui Bing'er, can you believe in the Sea God for life and never betray?"

Shui Bing'er thought about it, gritted her teeth: "I swear by my martial soul that I am willing to believe in the Sea God for life and never betray!"

Poseidon smiled: "Congratulations to the Shui family of Tianshui College for returning to the Sea God Island. From now on, you are the people of the Sea God. I hope you will always keep your oath. "

Hearing Poseidon's words, Xiao Fei breathed a sigh of relief.

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