Douluo Fire Phoenix

Chapter 76 Seahorse Douluo

Xiao Fei looked at the sea in front of him and thought for a while: "Huo Wushuang, you go first and demonstrate. Remember, you must not hurt the sea soul beast."

Huo Wushuang nodded. Among the crowd, Huo Wushuang is basically the strongest except Xiao Fei.

Huo Wushuang's martial spirit possessed him and turned into a huge one-horned fire dragon. Wushuang deliberately controlled the amount of fire, and basically no flames were exposed. This was the result of training with Xiao Fei on the beach.

Huo Wushuang activated his first soul skill: Burning Silence Dragon Flame. The one-horned fire dragon spit out an extreme flame from its mouth, and the sea water was instantly evaporated in a straight line. Huo Wushuang ran quickly towards the straight line, and a larger wave hit Huo Wushuang again. Huo Wushuang activated his first soul skill again, and the wave was directly evaporated. When the flames were only 5 meters away from the Seahorse Holy Pillar, Huo Wushuang directly faced the waves and forcibly collided with them, and finally came to the front of the Seahorse Holy Pillar.

Seahorse Douluo nodded: "Strong martial spirit and physical fitness, good fire control ability, good, you can accept the test of the Sea God."

Huo Wushuang nodded: "Thank you!"

After watching Huo Wushuang pass, others also began to be eager to try, the second one was Feng Xiaotian. Feng Xiaotian directly activated the second soul skill: Double Wolf Possession, and then activated the fourth soul skill, Demon Wolf Storm, and a huge tornado was generally emitted from the sea in the sea, and Feng Xiaotian quickly passed through the sea in the sea.

Seahorse Douluo nodded: "Your two soul skills are very good, which can use the effect of wind on sea water to form a tornado. It's a very good method."

Next is Yang Pojun. Yang Pojun directly used his third soul skill: Break. A spear light on the soul-breaking gun directly separated the sea water, and then Yang Pojun moved forward rapidly on the sea surface. Yang Pojun's body speed was almost second only to Xiaofei and Feng Xiaotian among the seven people. In this way, Yang Pojun continuously activated the third soul skill, continued to advance, and finally came to the front of the opposite Seahorse Douluo. At this time, Yang Pojun was already sweating all over. Obviously, it was a huge consumption.

Seahorse Douluo nodded slightly: "Your soul power is low, but your attack is very good. Among soul masters of the same level, your attack should be the strongest."

The next one is Huo Wu, who is also the most difficult to pass among the seven people.

Huo Wu directly activated the third soul skill: Resist Fire Ring. Under the effect of the Resist Fire Ring, the surrounding seawater was either evaporated or repelled. What happened next was unexpected. Huo Wu actually pushed the Resist Fire Ring forward directly. In the end, relying on the Resist Fire Ring, she pushed forward all the way and came directly in front of Seahorse Douluo.

Seahorse Douluo smiled: "Little girl, your martial soul is the most restricted in the sea water, but you pushed it through with your deep soul power and almost perfect fire control ability, which is not bad."

Shui Bing'er was also the most relaxed among all the people. Shui Bing'er directly turned the seawater around her body into ice, and then walked gracefully on the ice and walked over easily. It made Seahorse Douluo a little uncomfortable.

Finally, Seahorse Douluo said, "Little girl, your control over ice is very strong. I haven't seen a soul master who has such a good control over ice for a long time."

Niu Meng was relatively simple. He directly walked through the sea with his martial soul. With his powerful defense ability, the surrounding sea soul beasts were helpless against Niu Meng's defense, and finally walked through the sea in the sea.

Seahorse Douluo did not comment on Niu Meng directly. It was too speechless. Where did this reckless person come from?

Finally, it was Xiaofei. Xiaofei directly activated the second soul power: Fire Rain Meteor. One by one, the flame feathers flew to the sea surface like an overwhelming blanket, and a large area of ​​the sea surface was instantly evaporated, but Xiaofei did not stop, but activated the second soul skill while walking. Finally, Xiaofei easily came in front of Seahorse Douluo.

Seahorse Douluo nodded: "Your flames are very strong and domineering, and you have a very good control over your soul skills. Judging from your consumption, your soul power is also very deep."

Seahorse Douluo smiled and said: "I didn't expect so many geniuses to suddenly appear on the continent. Judging from your combat experience and soul power level, you have all undergone rigorous training."

Seahorse Douluo suddenly thought of something, his face changed, and a pressure suddenly pressed on everyone. Except for Xiaofei, everyone else seemed to be under considerable pressure.

Xiao Fei said quickly, "Senior Seahorse Douluo, I wonder why you suddenly got angry? We all have great respect for the Sea God."

Seahorse Douluo said in a deep voice, "Given your age and soul power level, and your different attributes and martial spirits, which big force trained you geniuses?"

Xiao Fei immediately understood why Seahorse Douluo was angry, and said quickly, "Senior Seahorse Douluo, we are from the Element Academy, not from the Spirit Hall. Some of us have a feud with the Spirit Hall."

Hearing what Xiao Fei just said, Seahorse Douluo's face became much calmer: "The Spirit Hall has always coveted our Sea God Island. Many years ago, they even sent people to invade the Sea God Island, trying to blaspheme the majesty of our Sea God. Although they were defeated by us, they have always been unwilling to give up. Especially you are all gifted, and your martial spirits are different. Except for the Spirit Hall, no other force has so many geniuses with different martial spirits. So I doubt that you said that they were spies sent by the Spirit Hall."

Although Seahorse Douluo's tone was much better, the pressure on everyone did not fade at all.

"We are indeed not from the Spirit Hall, we are from the Elemental Academy." Xiao Fei said quickly.

Seahorse Douluo looked puzzled: "Although my Sea God Island is far away from the mainland, I am not unaware of the mainland's affairs. When did the mainland have an Elemental Academy with so many geniuses?"

Xiao Fei said quickly: "Senior, our Elemental Academy is a newly established high-level soul master academy. It was jointly established by the original Blazing Fire Academy, Divine Wind Academy, Tianshui Academy, and the Po Clan and Yu Clan affiliated with the original Haotian Sect. . The purpose of our college is to do everything for teaching and never participate in any sect power struggle."

When Seahorse Douluo heard about Tianshui Academy and Haotian Sect, he thought about it briefly and removed the pressure on everyone. Haotian Sect and Wuhun Palace have a feud, he still knows this.

"Tell me about your life experience and martial arts. Don't lie."

Xiao Fei and others quickly began to introduce themselves:

"Wang Xiaofei, born as a commoner, former student of Blazing Fire Academy, now a student of Blazing Fire Department of Elemental Academy, martial soul fire phoenix, level 75 soul saint."

"Huo Wu, originally from Blazing Fire Academy, his grandfather is the dean Huo Tiancheng. Now he is a student of Blazing Fire Department of Elements Academy, Martial Soul Hokage, Level 73 Soul Saint."

"Huo Wushuang, originally from Blazing Fire Academy, his grandfather is the dean Huo Tiancheng. Now he is a student of Blazing Fire Department of Elemental Academy, a martial soul one-horned fire tyrant, and a level 72 soul saint."

"Feng Xiaotian was originally from the Divine Wind Academy. His grandfather was Dean Feng Xuan. He is now a student of the Divine Wind Department of the Elements Academy, a two-headed wolf of the martial spirit Gale, and a level 65 soul emperor."

"Shui Bing'er, originally from Tianshui College, her teacher was Dean Liu Ruyan. Now she is a student of the Tianshui Department of the College of Elements. She is a martial soul ice phoenix and a level 62 soul emperor."

"Yang Pojun is from the Po clan. His grandfather is Yang Wudi, the clan leader. He is now a student of the Geng Gold Department of the Elements Academy. He possesses a martial soul-breaking soul gun and is a level 52 soul emperor."

"Niu Meng is from the Yu clan, and his grandfather is the clan leader Niu Gao. He is now a student of the Earth Department of the Academy of Elements. He is a martial soul, the Ancient Dragon Rhinoceros, and a level 52 soul emperor."

After listening to the introductions of the seven people, the corner of Seahorse Douluo's mouth twitched a little. Looking at these seven people, the highest one is less than 30 years old, and the rest are generally under 25 years old. There are three soul saints, two soul emperors, and two soul kings. With such talent, they are all geniuses.

Seahorse Douluo straightened his expression: "Very good, you are all qualified to participate in my Poseidon Island assessment. I used my soul power to suppress you just now. On the one hand, I wanted to prevent Spirit Hall spies from sneaking into Poseidon Island. On the other hand, I wanted to Let’s test your strength and see that your performance is very good.”

The seven Xiaofei people quickly saluted and thanked him!

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