Douluo Fire Phoenix

Chapter 62 Guests from all parties

As the five deans displayed a huge sign of the Element Academy in front of everyone, the opening ceremony of the Element Academy ended.

Next was the recruitment of new students. Five small recruitment venues appeared under the high platform. All students who came for the interview first had their martial souls' elemental attributes and soul power levels tested uniformly. Then they were taken to the departments for internal tests. After several rounds of interviews, if they were successful, they would be given school uniforms and school rules and regulations, introduced some admission procedures, etc., and then taken to their respective dormitories. In short, the whole process highlighted one sentence: as long as they meet the admission rules, everyone will be accepted. It also emphasized that the school's internal rules are strict.

The spectators couldn't help shaking their heads when they saw the enrollment of the Element Academy. I'm afraid that this time the Element Academy will recruit many good seedlings, and the Element Academy will be even stronger.

Next, the dean led everyone to receive guests from all parties.

First of all, the reception was naturally the three people from the Spirit Hall, Ju Douluo, Ghost Douluo, and the Golden Generation. The three people from the Spirit Hall's Golden Generation have all broken through to the Soul Emperor level. Compared with Qin Ming, who is known as the second youngest soul master to break through the Soul Emperor in history, the three are much faster.

Ju Douluo looked at Yang Wudi and Niu Gao and said, "I didn't expect that you two remnants of the Haotian Sect would actually join the Elemental Academy. It's quite interesting!"

Yang Wudi snorted coldly: "Our two clans have long withdrawn from the Haotian Sect. Now we have drawn a clear line with the Haotian Sect and will no longer have any contact with the people of the Haotian Sect."

Ju Douluo nodded: "I hope so, otherwise you will bring the entire Elemental Academy into the abyss." Yang Wudi and Niu Gao felt that this was a strong warning, but because of their relationship with the Haotian Sect, they didn't care about Ju Douluo's warning at all.

Ju Douluo's eyes suddenly lit up, and he quickly flew in front of Xiaofei and the other two. Dean Huo and others were about to intercept him, but Ju Douluo raised his hand: "With my seniority and strength, I will naturally not embarrass the three children. I just want to take a look."

Ju Douluo smelled Wang Xiaofei, Huo Wu and Huo Wushuang, and kept tapping his fingers a few times, with an intoxicated look on his face: "It's this kind of breath, it's really fascinating." Especially when he smelled the breath on Huo Wu, he even half-knelt down.

"If I guess correctly, you should have eaten the fairy herbs of Qirong Tongtianju, Jiupin Longzhi and Xiangsi Duanchanghong respectively. No wonder the three of you can reach the Soul Saint level at such a young age, they are indeed fairy herbs. And judging from your condition, you should have completely absorbed the fairy herbs."

Everyone present felt confused, only Huo Tianchen and Yang Wudi were shocked. Huo Tianchen was shocked: Fairy herbs, the three of them have been taking them for more than five years, and Ju Douluo can actually smell it? What kind of nose! Yang Wudi has never seen any fresh fairy herbs in his life of pursuing medicine, but he didn't expect that these three juniors have actually taken fairy herbs.

Ju Douluo suddenly said solemnly: "Wang Xiaofei, Huo Wu, Huo Wushuang, I am willing to accept you three as my disciples, what do you think?"

The three of them saluted and said: "Thank you for your appreciation, Senior Ju Douluo, but we are all students of the Element Academy and have no intention of accepting you as our disciples for the time being."

Ju Douluo looked disappointed, and then said: "I will be in the Element Academy in the next few days, and I will visit you three children separately."

At this time, Hu Liena walked towards Wang Xiaofei: "Wang Xiaofei, you should be the Phoenix Slayer. I didn't expect to meet you again so soon. I want to challenge you."

Xiaofei shook his head and said lightly: "I am already a Soul Saint." The three people of the Golden Generation were shocked.

Ju Douluo left the three people reluctantly, walked towards Dean Huo Tianchen, and then said seriously: "I hope you will just run the academy and don't get involved in other things. Do you understand?"

The five principals of the Element Academy nodded. Now the five people have some foundation and will not go against the Spirit Hall headlessly.

As soon as the five people from the Spirit Hall left, Ning Fengzhi, Ning Rongrong, Jian Douluo from the Seven Treasures Glazed Tile Sect, and Xue Qinghe, the crown prince of the Tiandou Empire, arrived.

This time, Ning Fengzhi did not mention the topic of alliance. Now, anyone who is not a fool knows the attitude of the Element Academy. You can fight however you want, as long as it does not involve me.

The two sides had a good conversation. Ning Fengzhi expressed that he hoped that some disciples of the Seven Treasures Glazed Tile Sect could go to the Element Academy to study, and Xue Qinghe also hoped that some royal children could come to the Element Academy to study. In this regard, several deans said that they would not refuse anyone, as long as they met the admission standards of the Element Academy, they could all be admitted. However, the rules of the academy are strict and everyone needs to abide by the rules of the academy.

Xue Qinghe, on behalf of Emperor Xue Ye, conferred the title of Duke to the five deans, but the five declined.

Finally, Xue Qinghe invited the Element Academy to go to Tiandou City. Huo Tianchen thought about it carefully. The Element Academy is located in the territory of the Tiandou Empire and it is not appropriate to offend too much, so he said that he would visit the Tiandou Royal Academy in the near future. Not mentioning the visit to Emperor Xue Ye, this also shows the attitude of the Element Academy: exchanges between the academies are fine, but they will never join in the power struggle.

The four of them left the dean's reception room with regret. After returning to the accommodation arranged by the Element Academy, Ning Rongrong hurriedly asked: "Dad, what is the attitude of the Element Academy now? We came here this time to unite with the Element Academy to fight against the Spirit Hall, why didn't you ask this question?" Ning Rongrong was young after all, and her handling and knowledge were far inferior to Ning Fengzhi, so she asked these questions.

Ning Fengzhi shook his head and said: "The attitude of the Elements Academy has been very clear, that is their school rules. In any case, the Elements Academy will not participate in the struggle between us and Wuhun Palace, even if the original Po Zhi clan and The Imperial Clan has a grudge against Wuhun Palace and will no longer interfere in our struggle. Wuhun Palace sent Ju Douluo and Ghost Douluo here today, which is obviously a warning."

"Uncle Jian, what do you think of Wang Xiaofei, Huo Wu and Huo Wushuang?"

"All three of them have reached the Soul Saint level, and their soul power is quite solid. They should be able to break through soon." Sword Douluo said solemnly.

Xue Qinghe also looked surprised, and even couldn't help but grit his teeth.

Xue Qinghe returned to his room and took a look at his face in the mirror. He had never hated this face as much as he did today. It was obvious that he had level 20 innate soul power and was the best in the world, but he was actually caught up by several children who were much younger than him. Isn't it a joke to have level 20 innate soul power? No, I have to end this life as soon as possible.

After Xue Qinghe left, only Ning Fengzhi, Sword Douluo and Ning Rongrong were left in the room. Sword Douluo said: "Fengzhi, I think the development of these three children from the Element Academy is very abnormal. There must be some secret? How about I -"

"Uncle Jian, it's too late now. The three children Wang Xiaofei are already at the Soul Saint level, and the three of them are inseparable. If you want to deal with them, unless you or Uncle Gu take action personally. Now the overall strength of the Elements Academy is stronger than ours , We can't make any more enemies, otherwise the Elemental Academy will completely fall to Wuhun Palace," Ning Fengzhi said with a serious face.

Ning Rongrong on the side was shocked. She and Xiao Fei were the same age. But he has just reached the Soul King level and is already considered a rare genius in the history of the Seven Treasures Glazed Sect, but these guys from the Element Academy are simply monsters. A monster more exaggerated than the Shrek Seven Monsters.

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