Douluo Fire Phoenix

Chapter 61 Elemental Academy

Then several deans continued to communicate about the college's founding ceremony, including some personnel reception matters. Xiao Fei and the other seven people began to get to know each other, mainly the two young men from the Po Yi Clan and the Yu Yi Clan.

Niu Meng, 23 years old, a level 45 defensive battle spirit master, with a martial spirit of plate armor giant rhinoceros. Niu Meng is nearly two meters tall, and is quite sturdy and strong. It seems that he has been beaten for many years and has outstanding defense.

Yang Pojun, 22 years old, a level 46 strong attack battle spirit master, with a martial spirit of soul-breaking spear. Yang Pojun is about 1.8 meters tall and has a firm face. Perhaps due to long-term practice of soul-breaking spear, Yang Pojun has full attack power and a sharp sense.

The two are the youngest geniuses of the Po Yi Clan and the Yu Yi Clan of this generation, and Yang Pojun is the grandson of Yang Wudi, while Niu Meng is the grandson of Niu Gao. Both of them inherited their grandfather's martial spirit and strength, and are also the young patriarchs of the two clans.

In terms of strength, the two of them can barely be considered as little geniuses. You know that the Soul Master Competition gathers all the talents under the age of 25 in the entire Douluo Continent. According to the rules, each team basically has 1 to 2 Soul Masters. The negative example is Feng Xiaotian, who has full soul power innately and is only level 44 at the age of 24. The talents of these two people are actually not inferior to Feng Xiaotian. (No matter who it is, they always have to complain about Feng Xiaotian's waste of talent)

Two days later, the opening ceremony of the Element Academy was officially held.

In the center of the Element Academy is a huge platform with five seats in the center, representing the logos of the five departments of the academy. There are many seats on both sides of the platform for management personnel.

In the front row on the left side of the platform sat Ning Fengzhi, Jian Douluo, Ning Rongrong and Prince Xue Qinghe of the Seven Treasures Glazed Sect. Behind them were personnel from various forces, including the deans or leaders of various academies in the Tiandou Empire. The establishment of the Element Academy made the other academies feel very stressed, but in any case, they were considered colleagues and still had to help. Although the colleges compete for students, they also have various exchanges and competitions from time to time, and the relationship between them is very good.

Ning Fengzhi looks more haggard than before, obviously affected by the loss of the sect. The right arm of Jian Douluo next to him was cut off, but Xiaofei felt that his momentum seemed to be stronger than before. Is the 97-level Title Douluo so much stronger than the 96-level? Prince Xue Qinghe still has a normal smile, and it seems that there is no change. Ning Rongrong is no longer the little witch in the past.

To Xiaofei's surprise, the golden iron triangle also came. Flanders, Liu Erlong and Yu Xiaogang sat in the second row behind Ning Fengzhi. Yu Xiaogang was obviously much more haggard, and his face became more and more unkempt. His eyes seemed to be full of indignation, hatred, helplessness, and madness. Liu Erlong looked angrily at the two Title Douluos opposite, Jue Gui, and seemed to want to eat them alive. Flanders still felt a little calm.

Sitting at the front right of the platform were Ju Douluo, Ghost Douluo, the three members of the Golden Generation of the Spirit Hall, and the leader of the Elephant Armor Sect, Hu Yanzhen. In terms of strength and status, they were higher than the others. Ju Douluo and Ghost Douluo looked indifferent, while the three members of the Golden Generation of the Spirit Hall were full of fighting spirit, as if they wanted to challenge Wang Xiaofei and others again.

The leader of the Elephant Armor Sect, Hu Yanzhen, had a dark face throughout the whole process. Although they were both defensive, Hu Yanzhen seemed to have a higher defense than Niu Gao, and his research on the earth element was also stronger. What's more, the Elephant Armor Academy was originally one of the five element academies. Now that the Element Academy was established, it actually kicked out its own Elephant Armor Academy. Therefore, Hu Yanzhen had a dark face throughout the whole process, but it was difficult to get angry.

Xiaofei thought it was a bit strange. According to the plot of the original work, shouldn't Ju Douluo, Ghost Douluo, Hu Liena and others be on the way to hunt Xiao Wu? I don't know how Xiao Wu is now?

In addition, Hu Liena actually came out of the Slaughter City. Did Tang San come out too? Did Hu Liena and Tang San obtain the Killing God Domain? When he came out of the Slaughter City, the King of Slaughter sacrificed most of the members of the Slaughter City in order to open the Hell Road. Logically, there were not so many people to arrange for Hu Liena and Tang San to continue to challenge. Hu Liena and Tang San want to obtain the God of Slaughter domain, at least five years or more, otherwise even the Hell Road cannot be opened.

Hu Liena looked at Wang Xiaofei, her eyes seemed full of fighting spirit.

Below the platform are five independent blocks, each block has a unified costume, but the costumes of each block are different. They are the fiery red Blazing Fire Department, the sky blue Sky Water Department, the cyan God Wind Department, the khaki Xu Earth Department, and the black Geng Gold Department. The Xu Earth and Geng Gold Departments have not yet started to recruit students, so the number of people is relatively small, only the children of the Po Yi Clan and the Yu Yi Clan, while the Blazing Fire, Sky Water, and God Wind each have hundreds of students. The five departments have nearly 2,000 teachers and students in total.

Seeing so many teachers and students, the eyes of the people in the audience were a little twitchy. Although many of them were students, those who were still in the academy were basically the key students of the academy or those who cared about the academy. The overall strength was probably not weaker than the three major sects.

The host of the opening ceremony was a beautiful girl from Tianshui: "Thank you all for coming to participate in the founding ceremony of the Element Academy. Now, please invite our Dean Huo Tianchen, Vice Dean Feng Xuan, Vice Dean Liu Ruyan, Vice Dean Niu Gao and Vice Dean Yang Wudi to the stage!"

The venue suddenly became quiet, and five shadows flashed to the center of the high platform. Huo Tianchen, Feng Xuan, Liu Ruyan, Niu Gao, and Yang Wudi sat in the seats belonging to their own departments.

Dean Huo Tianchen spoke first: "Friends in the soul master world, after consultation among the five deans, we have decided to establish the Element Academy. The purpose of the Element Academy is to teach and educate people. We will not participate in any power struggles, nor will we restrict students' backgrounds and their development after graduation. As long as they meet the admission standards of the academy, they can enroll."

"But any teacher or student who enters our Element Academy must comply with the academy rules of our Element Academy."

After speaking, the five people exerted force on the boulder behind them at the same time. The red cloth on the boulder was exposed, and the academy rules were engraved in large characters on the surface, which even ordinary people could see clearly. Although the handwriting was not very beautiful, every stroke was like a work of magic, deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. The soul master masters present even felt a murderous intent, which showed that the academy rules of the Element Academy were strict. Even Jian Douluo Chen Xin nodded after reading it: "Good murderous intent, good words! It should be engraved by Yang Wudi using the Soul-Breaking Spear."

Next, the vice deans introduced some of their own teaching policies and student recruitment conditions. Originally, Ju Douluo wanted to lead the golden generation of the Spirit Hall to challenge the Elemental Academy, but when he saw the soul power of Wang Xiaofei and Huo Wu, he decisively gave up the idea of ​​​​this challenge.

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