Douluo Fire Phoenix

Chapter 6 Goals

Finally reaching level 10, Xiao Fei's face was full of excitement.

The next morning, Xiao Fei walked to the teaching office and applied to the teacher in the teaching office for help from the school in hunting the first soul ring. Xiao Fei has several plans for the first soul ring. First of all, it must be a fire attribute soul beast. It is best to be more than 400 years old. It can be increased appropriately, but it is best not to exceed 600 years.

After half a year of training, Xiao Fei feels that his body's lifespan should be longer than that of many soul masters. It should be able to withstand more than one or two hundred years. But if it is not possible, the unicorn arm can also withstand part of the soul ring's power. After all, the fundamental advantage of the body's martial soul is that it can absorb it for a long time. Soul ring evolution.

Finally, there is the issue of soul beast bloodline. The best ones are of course those of the Phoenix bloodline. However, the soul beasts of the Phoenix bloodline in Douluo Continent are very rare, even rarer than dragons, and they are basically flying types. It is very difficult to hunt them. It is impossible for a small family to hunt them down, let alone a commoner like Xiao Fei.

Notting College is a soul master college. College teachers and

Leaders are all soul masters. Among them, the teaching director is a soul master, and the dean is a level 42 weapon soul sect. They are also well-known figures in Notting City. The academy regularly organizes personnel to go hunting in the nearby spirit beast forest, but most of them are low-life spirit rings.

The dean replied to Xiaofei that it would take some time to prepare for the school. At the same time, Xiaofei also mentioned his needs, which was about 400 years old and had a fire attribute. The dean said it needed to be considered.

Wang Xiaofei's innate soul power is level 8, and he has become a quasi-soul master in less than half a year, and he is usually destined to become a soul master before graduation. He is also very hard-working and can be said to be a model of serious study among students. After the principal organized a meeting with teachers to communicate, it was determined that his requirements were met. Of course, in this case the principal decided to take action personally. After all, this is also a favor from a big shot in the future.

A few days later, it was time for the soul hunt organized by the college. Six students, including Xiao Fei, went to hunt for souls together. The other five students were basically senior students. The principal personally led the team, as well as the school's dean, a level 36 soul master, and a martial soul black bear. Two other teachers accompanied us, basically the best lineup in the school.

A group of 10 people and two carriages headed to the nearby Soul Hunting Forest.

After arriving at the outskirts and storing the carriage, there were noisy voices everywhere at the entrance of the Soul Hunting Forest, "I need a warrant, bring one." "The warrants are complete, but I need an assistant." "Accept all kinds of soul hunting employment, guaranteed satisfaction."... In short It's just a small market.

The dean took the opportunity to teach all the students: "There are various dangers in the Soul Hunting Forest. Many of them are caused by soul beasts, and more are caused by people. There are no rules in it. Many people come here to grab a high-quality soul beast. Attack each other. So every year, many people die in the Soul Hunting Forest, and more people disappear in the Soul Hunting Forest.”

After entering the Soul Hunting Forest, several teachers have obviously changed. The principal himself and a teacher are in the middle with six students. The dean of students, Wu Changqing, is responsible for scouting and opening the way in front. Another teacher is blocking the way in the back to prevent being caught by the souls behind. Attack by animals or people. It can be said that he is quite well-trained.

Entering the Soul Hunting Forest, you feel like you have entered another world completely. There are towering trees everywhere, the ground is only for walking, and various plants are densely scattered around the forest. From time to time, two small snakes or other small animals emerged. Xiao Fei felt that this place was scarier than the animal world in his previous life.

The afternoon went relatively smoothly. Two classmates found suitable soul rings, both of which were just over a century old. At night, the principal took out several tents. Several teachers took turns keeping vigil. Teacher Wu also took out some powdery objects and sprinkled them around. "This is the feces of the Titan ape. It can scare away most of the spirit beasts."

Maybe I was lucky the next day, and I met a group of flaming lions. The largest one among them was more than 3 meters long. According to the principal's analysis, it was estimated to be more than 400 years old.

Several people analyzed it and finally looked at Xiaofei. Xiaofei thought for a while and finally made up his mind: "Principal, just this flaming lion. I have good physical fitness and should be able to withstand it." The principal lowered his head and said nothing. He raised and lowered his hands and touched Xiao Fei a few times before saying, "You have good physical fitness, you should be able to do it."

Several people set up a relatively large trap near the blaze master, and then Teacher Wu attacked the blaze master. After being attacked, the blaze lion became obviously angry, and a ball of flames appeared all over its body, attacking Teacher Wu like a fire unicorn. The principal took the opportunity to attack the blaze master. After some fighting and attraction, the blaze lion fell into a pre-arranged trap, and the other little blaze lions fled in a rush. In the end, after some attacks, the Blazing Lion fell in a pool of blood.

The principal nodded to Xiaofei. Xiao Fei stabbed the flaming lion in the eye with a long knife. Then, a yellow soul ring appeared over the body of the blazing lion. Xiaofei summoned his own martial spirit according to the principal's instructions, and then guided the spirit ring to the Fire Phoenix. A powerful soul force rushed towards Xiao Fei, with a very powerful flame in it. Like a raging flame, the shadow rushed towards Xiao Fei. Xiao Fei suddenly felt very painful, and his whole body seemed to explode.

Half an hour later, Xiao Fei felt more and more painful, and his body felt like it was going to explode. The principal looked at Xiao Fei's painful expression, and then took a closer look at the body of the Blazing Lion. "No, this is not the Flame Lion, it's the Flame Lion King. It's the mutation of an ordinary flame master. It's over 500 years old, and it's almost 600 years old. Xiao Fei is in danger now."

Looking at the principal's expression, everyone else showed some worry.

Xiao Fei himself just felt that his body was burning like a flame, and he gritted his teeth and endured it. It felt like his body was about to collapse at any time. Could this be the consequence of forcibly absorbing a high-year soul ring? At the critical moment, Xiao Fei's right hand began to change a little, and began to actively bear part of the flame and energy. The whole arm seemed to feel like it was roasted on fire. Xiao Fei's body also began to slowly adapt to this uncomfortable feeling.

An hour later, the power on his body finally began to disappear, and Xiao Fei finally breathed a sigh of relief. This soul ring was finally absorbed, and this level was finally passed. Opening his eyes, several teachers and classmates finally breathed a sigh of relief.

The principal hurriedly asked: "Xiao Fei, how do you feel now? Are you uncomfortable? I'm really sorry, this time I made a wrong judgment. This Fiery Lion King is almost 600 years old."

Xiao Fei also suddenly realized that it was so difficult to absorb the soul ring this time? The body felt so uncomfortable. If it weren't for the right hand absorbing part of the energy, I'm afraid I wouldn't be able to pass this level. Xiao Fei closed his eyes and felt his body carefully. He felt that his whole body was extremely unobstructed, and the meridians all over his body had an indescribable feeling of comfort. Especially the right hand, I feel that the strength has increased a lot. But the right palm feels a little numb, as if the bones have changed a little.

Xiao Fei opened his eyes, glanced at the people around him, lowered his head and thought for a while. He secretly breathed a sigh of relief and said, "Principal, I feel very good now."

"Very good, let's leave here first, there are still a few people's soul rings to hunt." The principal said.

So several people continued to move in other directions according to the plan, and the formation was still the same as before.

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