Douluo Fire Phoenix

Chapter 5 Exercise Program

After getting the meditation method, Xiao Fei started trying to meditate that night. The first meditation was not so smooth and there was a slight resistance. Is this the contrast between ordinary soul power and innate full soul power? In fact, the method of meditation is very simple. Through meditation, the soul power circulates and flows in the body. Through the operation and flow, the soul power in the body gradually increases. When it reaches a saturated state, it is about to be upgraded, and the soul power The upgrade indicates a certain improvement in physical fitness and other aspects.

No wonder the higher the level of the soul master, the stronger the suppression of the lower level soul masters. The higher the soul power level, the stronger the physical fitness. If you look carefully at the direction of the soul power, it should be the so-called meridians in the martial arts world, but there are no meridians in Douluo Continent. This concept, for those so-called titled Douluo, is just to open up all the meridians in the body and achieve a qualitative improvement in physical fitness. No wonder Tang San's Xuantian Technique was so helpful to his cultivation.

Different meditation methods are probably related to the direction and location of the soul power in the body. For example, the transformation of the dragon in the Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus family should focus on the part of the body where the soul power is concentrated in the early stage. The transformation of the dragon in the air is different. Meditation method.

After a night of meditation, Xiao Fei felt that his soul power had improved slightly. This should be the benefit of meditation. Xiao Fei couldn't help but think of the training of running with stones in Shrek Academy in the original book, which means people constantly break through their limits. When they are extremely tired or in a state of breakthrough, the meditation speed will be faster. Sure enough, the body is the foundation of everything.

In the next few days, Xiaofei will start to formulate his own exercise plan. After getting up in the morning, it is a day of normal exercise, which mainly includes weight-bearing running, weight-bearing frog jumps, boxing and punching sandbags, etc. Through these high-intensity movements, try to have a hearty breakfast. The main work in the morning is class and meditation. This is mainly for learning knowledge, including but not limited to the teacher's class, checking library materials, checking related soul beast information, etc. In the afternoon, I have to find a way to work outside. Since I am of the fire element, it is best to go to blacksmithing, so the blacksmithing room is always the place with the highest concentration of fire element in the entire city. The last thing is to meditate in the dormitory at night.

In this way, a few days passed and it was the weekend. Xiao Fei found a blacksmith shop.

As soon as he arrived at the blacksmith shop, the owner of the blacksmith shop came to receive Xiao Fei: "Hello, guest, do you need to build something? If you need something, it's best to ask your adults to come over."

Xiao Fei immediately said: "Uncle, I am a student of Notting College, and I can come to you to apply for a blacksmith apprenticeship. I am very strong." All the blacksmiths around were curious. An old blacksmith next to him said: "Kid, from the look of you, you should be a student of the Soul Master Academy. Soul masters are the profession that everyone on the continent respects the most. The professional status of a blacksmith is relatively low. How can anyone go down low? of."

Xiaofei replied, "Hello, Master, I have been interested in blacksmithing since I was a child, and my martial spirit is related to the element of fire. Blacksmithing is helpful to the cultivation of my martial spirit. My grandfather and I are the only two people in the family who depend on each other. I’m not afraid of hardship and can help.”

At this time, the owner of the blacksmith shop spoke: "Hello, kid, my name is Tieniu. I am the owner of this blacksmith shop. Decent work is more labor-intensive. You can stay here and give it a try. The main work of the blacksmith shop is It's all about blacksmithing. You can give it a try with that casting hammer. If you can work here," he pointed to an empty blacksmith's bench next to him. There is also a larger hammer on the bench.

Xiao Fei walked to the blacksmith's bench, picked up the casting hammer, and based on his previous memories, he hammered the pig iron in front of him for a period of time. After about half an hour, he didn't know how many times he actually hammered it, and the pig iron gradually became Small molding, gradually giving off a dark luster.

Xiaofei stopped and looked at his boss Tieniu. Tieniu clamped the forged iron block with pliers and observed it carefully: "Kid, you must have never learned to forge before. It seems that you are very strong and rhythmic. You can make it alone after learning for a while. You You can come here to work every afternoon. The salary here is not high, one Gintama coin per month, but we include dinner here and you are guaranteed to have enough to eat." (In Douluo Continent, one Gintama coin is equal to ten Gintama coins, which is equal to one hundred. (bronze soul coins, the main character is physically better than Tang San, so the salary is the same).

Xiaofei looked happy and quickly thanked him: "Thank you uncle, I will come here every afternoon to study and work."

Amid everyone's laughter, another teacher was assigned to Xiao Fei, who mainly taught Xiao Fei how to forge. Forging is not that simple. Basic blacksmithing also includes other processes such as iron block shaping and water passing. So, under the guidance of an old master, Xiaofei started his first day of work. In the words of a master, learn to blacksmith first and then learn other things. Once you can master all of them, you will be a genuine blacksmith.

In the afternoon, Xiaofei kept working there, almost never stopping. Until the sun was about to go down, as the boss said something, everyone was collecting things and stopped working for the day. Xiaofei was also so busy that he had no strength left in his body. After all, it was such a heavy physical work for a child to sit and forge. At dinner, a group of big blacksmiths gathered around the table and ate very happily. Although the things are very ordinary, Xiao Fei feels that this is a bit like the warmth of home. This is the ordinary life of civilians in Douluo Continent.

At night, Xiaofei dragged his tired body back to the dormitory. Sitting on the bed, Xiaofei began a day of meditation. Do you think today's meditation is more efficient than yesterday? Maybe it's because of the contact with the fire element for a day, or it may be because he was busy all day and broke the limit of his body.

The next morning, Xiaofei got up and started a new day of study. After working for a week, Xiaofei suddenly had an idea today. If he meditated in the blacksmith shop after get off work that day, what would the effect be?

So, Xiaofei did it immediately when he thought of it. On that day, after get off work from the blacksmith shop, after dinner, Xiaofei did not return to the dormitory immediately, but meditated at the place where he worked during the day. After a period of meditation, Xiaofei summarized himself. "As expected, meditating in the blacksmith shop is more efficient than in the dormitory. This is the so-called simulated environment."

The next day, Xiaofei found Tieniu and said, "Boss, I see there is an empty utility room upstairs. Can I live in the blacksmith shop at night in the future? I feel that meditating in the blacksmith shop is much more efficient than in the dormitory." Boss Tieniu thought for a while and said, "That room is relatively empty and there is nothing now. If you want, you can live here. I will ask a few people to tidy it up after dinner and put a bed there." Xiaofei was very happy to get the boss's consent.

Another day later, Xiaofei found the director of the school's teaching department and told him about moving out. The director of teaching wanted to refuse on the grounds of student safety, but because Xiaofei was a part-time student, the school's housing was originally tight, and he was still familiar with Tieniu, the owner of the forging shop. After a period of communication, it was finally agreed that Xiaofei could live in the blacksmith shop. Of course, Tieniu, the owner of the blacksmith shop, also went to the school on purpose.

Xiao Fei's life was quite monotonous. He would exercise in the morning, study in the morning, work in the blacksmith shop in the afternoon, and meditate in the blacksmith shop. He kept doing this for half a year. Finally one day, Xiao Fei felt a sense of relief in his body. "I have finally reached level 10." Xiao Fei officially broke through to level 10, and felt the bottleneck of cultivation after level 10. The next step was to get a spirit ring.

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