Douluo Fire Phoenix

Chapter 59 Soul Core

While the outside world was discussing the establishment of the Academy of Elements, Xiao Fei was already preparing to practice in seclusion.

This time Xiao Fei went into retreat just to see if he could condense a soul core. Xiao Fei's retreat location was chosen in the Shenhuo Sect's Shenhuo Tower. Is it the element of fire or the level of safety? Those are the places that Xiaofei feels are most suitable at this stage.

This time, I still went there with Huo Wu and Huo Wushuang.

, Kan Huowu and Huo Wushuang can only practice in Shenhuo Sect, while Xiaofei himself entered the Shenhuo Tower alone.

Xiao Fei carefully reviewed the original work of Douluo Dalu. The original work said very little about soul core cultivation. In the original work, Huo Yuhao finally cultivated three soul cores because of various opportunities.

There are several decisive factors for Huo Yuhao's success. First of all, Huo Yuhao's martial soul is Spirit Eyes, so Huo Yuhao's mental power is far superior to ordinary people. During the Soul Saint period, his mental power has reached the level of Titled Douluo. In terms of mental power, , even more powerful than Tang San at the same time; secondly, the sacrifice of the million-year-old soul beast Tianmeng Ice Silkworm, which brought Huo Yuhao's soul strength and mental power to unprecedented heights; and Xuan Yuhao, as the top titled Douluo With Mr. Xuan personally giving guidance, regardless of Mr. Xuan’s experience or Mr. Xuan’s protection, you will be safer and have less worries.

Xiao Fei is far different. Although Xiao Fei has a spirit and a wise skull, his overall mental power is only at the level of Contra, and he has no guidance or protection from anyone. It can be said that if Xiao Fei wants to condense and mix, it will be very dangerous.

Of course, Xiao Fei also has his own trump card, which are Xiao Fei's three high-end soul bones and the endless power of the Blue Silver Emperor, which can at least ensure Xiao Fei's safety, as well as the ice and fire body refining and the strange velvet Tongtianju. Use it to make Xiao Fei's physical fitness unprecedentedly strong.

In the Divine Fire Tower, Xiao Fei closed his eyes and carefully watched the Fire Phoenix Spirit in his body. This was the first time Xiao Fei interacted with the Fire Phoenix Spirit in this way. In Xiao Fei's eyes, the Fire Phoenix Spirit is so noble, ferocious, fiery, powerful, and has an aura that looks down on the world.

Xiao Fei gradually condensed the power of his Fire Phoenix Martial Spirit into the palm of his left hand, and a shadow of a Fire Phoenix gradually appeared on the palm of his hand, and gradually became solid as Xiao Fei's soul power was injected into it. In the end, the Fire Phoenix martial spirit seemed to have materialized, but no matter what, it could not go any further. In the end, as Xiao Fei's soul power gradually exhausted, he could no longer support the Fire Phoenix in his left hand. The Fire Phoenix dissipated in the air with a bang, and Xiaofei's body also suffered a lot of damage. Fortunately, there was the Blue Silver Emperor's right leg bone, otherwise the injury would have been much more serious.

For half a month, Xiao Fei has been condensing martial souls, but Xiao Fei is disappointed. Xiao Fei can't even pass the simplest first level, let alone the more difficult ones that will follow.

This is the fire phoenix in his left hand. Xiao Fei always feels that this scene seems a bit familiar. "Soul core, soul core, soul core... core." Xiao Fei muttered to himself, feeling that he had forgotten something. Xiao Fei's eyes lit up, "Isn't this a bit like the Rasengan in Naruto? Pill, Core? It will naturally be solid."

You can start injecting soul power into your left hand again. This time Xiao Fei uses more mental power to control the rotation of the soul power flowing in. As Xiao Fei controlled the rotation and compression of his soul power at the same time, a fiery red ball gradually formed and solidified in Xiao Fei's hand. However, the red ball gradually became unstable and violent due to the injection of soul power, and it seemed that it might explode at any time. Xiao Fei hurriedly stopped condensing soul power.

Xiao Fei thought carefully and realized that soul power could indeed be condensed into a ball, but the stability could not be determined. Such a soul power ball was like an unstable bomb that could explode at any time. This requires extremely high requirements for the soul master, especially the fine control of soul power and mental power. In other words, the injection of soul power must be as smooth as hair.

For the next full month, Xiao Fei concentrated his soul power into a ball. Finally, a month later, he was able to gather his soul power into a stable and rapidly rotating solid sphere. But the next two most difficult questions are how to make the soul power ball rotate independently and absorb the surrounding soul power, and how to return the vitality ball back to one's own body?

The first question is a little easier to handle. In the original work, Huo Yuhao used the Xuantian Technique to integrate the soul core with the Xuantian Technique. Xiao Fei's idea was to integrate his own meditation method and blending.

The problem is how to return the soul core to one's Dantian. This is also the most dangerous step. If you are not careful, you may become disabled.

Xiao Fei carefully reviewed the training system of Douluo Continent. As we all know, level 89 and level 90 are a huge threshold. After becoming a titled Douluo, both strength and physical fitness will soar qualitatively. For synchronization, you can refer to another threshold, the threshold of level 69 and level 70. The strength also changes greatly. After level 70, the soul and the martial spirit can better communicate, thus using the true form of the martial spirit.

Soul, martial spirit, and body, these are the most basic conditions for a soul master and one of the most important conditions. All titled Douluo must cultivate these three points to an extremely high level. According to legend, a titled Douluo needs to be recognized by the martial soul, and the martial soul seems to be able to think and be alive. The most typical example is Yu Xiaogang's Wuhun Luo Sanpao.

Although Xiao Fei's strength is basically invincible at the same level, he relies more on his strong physical fitness and combat use, as well as the super powerful soul skills provided by absorbing soul rings through leapfrog levels, rather than the application and understanding of his own martial soul.

Xiao Fei thought of Yang Wudi. In terms of understanding and application of martial spirits, no one in the entire Douluo Continent seems to be better than Yang Wudi in the first part. This also enables Yang Wudi to cross the gap between Title Douluo and Soul Douluo and defeat Title Douluo Snake Lance. Yang Wudi himself seems to be like a living soul-breaking spear, sharp and unyielding.

Xiao Fei stared at the Fire Phoenix martial spirit in his body again. Thinking carefully about every bit of the Fire Phoenix, perhaps only by being as noble, fiery, and unyielding as the Fire Phoenix can you gain the recognition of the Fire Phoenix martial spirit.

The Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus Rex martial spirit is known as the world's number one beast martial spirit. In the eyes of everyone, Yu Yuanzhen in the Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus Rex has always been a proud and domineering person, but it is this kind of arrogance and domineering that makes him go forward. In the original work, even when facing three Title Douluo, he can replace one of them. He is also a powerful soul master who is unyielding in desperate situations.

Thinking of all this, Xiao Fei began to gather his soul power again. This time, Xiao Fei's heart was unprecedentedly ethereal, as if he was already a phoenix. The soul power gradually formed a rapidly rotating ball in Xiao Fei's hand. The color of the ball gradually changed from fiery red to a hint of gold, and Xiao Fei's mental power gradually merged into the golden red ball. , It was like a layer of solid spiritual existence, perfectly maintaining the stability of the soul core. The terrifying soul power fluctuations continued to increase, and Xiao Fei began to struggle. The speed at which the soul core absorbed his own soul power began to increase continuously. Xiao Fei only felt that the soul power in his body was outputting outward like a flood, and the rotation speed of the solid soul power had reached a level that he could not see clearly even with the soul bone.

50%, 60%, 70%...

When more than 70% of his own soul power was absorbed by the solid soul power, Xiao Fei could no longer control the leakage of his soul power. At this time, the entire Shenhuo Tower emitted a faint flame. In the Shenhuo Tower, the huge heaven and earth elemental power continued to converge in the direction of Xiao Fei.

80%! Xiao Fei's own soul power has been devoured by more than 80%. He now has to divide a part of his mental power to control his body with all his strength to prevent his body from collapsing. His forehead is covered with sweat and his face begins to turn pale. Xiao Fei's heart is awed, and he continues to output soul power. The solid soul core is not only absorbing his soul power, but also absorbing the fire elements in the entire God Fire Tower.

The rotation speed is still increasing, and the solid soul power has begun to gradually change from a light golden red to gold.

The gold color is getting richer and richer, and the breath of the fire phoenix has begun to completely immerse in the solid soul power. Xiao Fei gritted his teeth and supported himself, but the emptiness in his body could not be completely supported by forcing himself. The soul power was decreasing like a thread, and Xiao Fei's body began to shake slightly. At this time, Xiao Fei's right leg once again emitted a burst of blue light, gradually stabilizing Xiao Fei's body.

Suddenly, Xiao Fei seemed to enter a void. There were various birds in the void, hunting, flying, courting, etc. Among the hundreds of birds, there is a huge fire phoenix. When the fire phoenix cries, all the birds fly towards the fire phoenix regardless of everything, just like hundreds of birds paying homage to the phoenix, and all the flames in the void swing towards the fire phoenix, just like thousands of fires paying homage to the phoenix.

Hundreds of birds pay homage to the phoenix, thousands of fires pay homage to the phoenix, that is the fire phoenix.

Xiao Fei's sight returned to reality again. The phantom of the fire phoenix seemed to appear in the soul core, and it seemed that a solid fire phoenix appeared. With a click, the soul core gradually cracked, and the fire phoenix became more solid. In the end, the fire phoenix was like breaking out of its shell. As Xiao Fei used the last soul power to guide, the fire phoenix soul core slowly returned to Xiao Fei's lower dantian...

I really don't know how to write this article. I borrowed some parts and simplified it a lot.

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