Douluo Fire Phoenix

Chapter 58 Monster

Three people attacked Niu Gao, including Feng Xiaotian's 54 consecutive slashes of the Wind Wolf, Huo Wu's Huo Wu Yao Yang, and Huo Wushuang's sixth soul skill "Tyrannosaurus Impact".

I saw a black soul ring of Niu Gao light up, which was Niu Gao's fifth soul skill: Heavy Armor Defense. The three people who attacked Niu Gao were instantly bounced away and seemed to have suffered some damage. Shui Bing'er said: "Senior Niu Gao's defense has rebound damage. We can't break his defense at all." After hearing this, the others quickly dispersed and changed to fighting and controlling Niu Gao.

Niu Gao felt a little speechless. He just revealed a little bit of his defensive ability, and the other party immediately took measures to stop fighting him head-on. These young men reacted very quickly.

Niu Gao is the patriarch of the Yu clan. Almost all of his soul skills are defensive. On the Douluo Continent, in terms of defense, he can be ranked in the top three in the Soul Douluo realm. How could he be broken by a few young men who are lower than the Soul Douluo?

Time passed quickly, and in a blink of an eye, two incense sticks had burned out, and the third one had begun. Niu Gao and Yang Wudi felt ashamed. The two top Soul Douluo were actually held back by a few young men. The seventh soul rings of Niu Gao and Yang Wudi lit up, and both of them activated the seventh soul skill: martial soul true body.

The seventh soul rings of the two flashed, and Yang Wudi turned into a huge phantom, holding a huge soul-breaking spear in his hand. At the same time, Niu Gao turned into a huge plate armor giant rhino. The two were full of momentum. Yang Wudi's soul-breaking spear carried endless Gengjin Qi, as if it could pierce everything, while the plate armor giant rhino was extremely thick, as if it was integrated with the earth.

Xiao Fei and the other two looked at each other, and the seventh soul ring flashed. A huge fire shadow appeared in the upper area of ​​the martial arts field, and at the same time, a huge unicorn fire tyrannosaurus appeared. Both carried endless flames, especially the unicorn fire tyrannosaurus, which was simply a combination of power and flames.

The red soul ring on Xiao Fei's body flashed, and the unique aura of a hundred thousand year soul beast instantly overwhelmed the whole arena. Xiao Fei himself turned into a huge fire phoenix, emitting blazing phoenix flames all over his body. The diameter of the fire phoenix reached 100 meters, and the entire fighting soul arena seemed to be in shadow. And it seemed that all the beast martial spirits were suppressed by the fire phoenix.

Yang Wudi activated the fifth soul skill: Break. There seemed to be a sense of breaking from the tip of the soul-breaking gun in the air, and Xiao Fei activated the sixth soul skill: Phoenix Slash. A slash of flames collided with the soul-breaking gun and finally disappeared into thin air.

On the ground, the huge plate armored giant rhinoceros collided with the unicorn fire Tyrannosaurus and the Naruto. One was as solid as a rock, the other was as domineering as a real dragon, and the Naruto burned like the sun. The three confronted each other.

Xiao Fei suddenly sent a voice message to Yang Wudi and Niu Gao and said, "Two seniors, we have almost fought, why not make peace?"

Niu Gao and Yang Wudi thought about it and nodded.

So Xiao Fei was the first to remove the spirit's true body state, and the others also removed the spirit's possession state.

Fei hurriedly saluted Niu Gao and Yang Wudi and said, "Thank you two seniors for your guidance and mercy."

The others also saluted to express their gratitude.

Yang Wudi snorted and said, "The battle just now was quite exciting. If we continue to fight, it's hard to predict whether we will win or lose, but you will definitely have no problem holding on for three incense sticks. You guys are worthy of being the geniuses of the younger generation."

"The Blazing Twins are indeed not inferior to the Haotian Twins in terms of soul power, but your actual combat ability, especially the ability to fight across levels, is far behind the Haotian Twins."

"Wang Xiaofei, if they can be said to be peerless geniuses, then you should be a peerless monster. How much of your strength did you use to fight me just now?"

Wang Xiao Fei thought about it seriously and said, "About 80%!"

Yang Wudi nodded, and then said to Dean Huo: "Dean Huo, my Po Yi clan always keeps its word. From now on, my Po Yi clan will join the Element Academy. I hope you can do as promised. At the same time, my Po Yi clan will issue an announcement that it will no longer be involved in any sect affairs and will only focus on education in the future."

Niu Gao also nodded and said, "The same is true for my Yu Yi clan."

Next, Dean Huo, Niu Gao and Yang Wudi discussed the specific matters of joining and the subsequent work. At this point, the Yu Yi clan and the Po Yi clan officially joined the Element Academy.

Three days later, after Dean Huo communicated the details with Yang Wudi and Niu Gao, he took the five people away from the Yu Yi clan and prepared to return to the academy. Yang Wudi and Niu Gao prepared to move.

During this period, Bai He of the Min Yi clan also visited the Yu Yi clan

Dean Huo also invited Bai He. Bai He had a special relationship with the Haotian Sect and could not give up his relationship with the Haotian Sect. Bai He was also invited by Titan from the Power Clan. After much deliberation, Bai He finally decided to reject Dean Huo's invitation and move the whole clan into Tiandou City. Niu Gao and Yang Wudi were reluctant to leave.

So far, the construction of the Element Academy has basically met Xiao Fei's expectations. Originally, according to Xiao Fei's plan, the academy included six elements: gold, wood, water, fire, earth, and wind. However, Xiao Fei and Dean Huo studied for a long time and found that there were basically no top independent soul masters of the wood element in Douluo Continent. In Xiao Fei's impression, the most famous wood element soul masters in Douluo Continent were Yue Guan, the Chrysanthemum Douluo of the Spirit Hall, and Zhi Lin Soul Douluo, the teaching committee member of Tiandou Royal Academy, but it was obviously unlikely for both of them to join. Dean Huo did invite Zhi Lin Soul Douluo, but was politely declined.

Finally, the school's plan still included six teaching areas. Including the five major areas of Blazing Fire, Sky Water, Divine Wind, Gengjin, and Xutu, as well as a huge plantation, the plantation is temporarily headed by Yang Wudi. The Thunder Academy in the original book was kicked out of the plan by Dean Huo and Xiaofei because it was too deeply involved with the Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus Rex family and there were relatively few people practicing the thunder element.

The specific construction plan for the academy has been completed, and construction will begin after Niu Gao arrives in Element City.

A month later, Niu Gao and Yang Wudi brought their tribesmen to Element City. At the same time, the two announced that they would join the Element Academy and serve as the dean and vice dean of the Xutu Department and Gengjin Department respectively, which shocked the world.

In the Pope's Hall in Wuhun City, the Pope was sitting on the throne with a beautiful figure, and said to the elders below: "What do you think about the Yu clan and the Po clan joining the Elemental Academy?"

The Ju Douluo Yue Guan below saluted the Pope and said: "Yesterday I received a visiting card from Yang Wudi and Niu Gao. The two announced that they would withdraw from the feuds in the soul master world in the future. At the same time, they said that they had broken up with the Haotian Sect and would concentrate on running the academy in the future and would no longer interfere in any battles in the soul world. At the same time, they invited our students in the Wuhun Hall to go to the Gengjin Department and Xutu Department of the Elemental Academy for exchanges and learning."

"In addition, yesterday I also received a visiting card from Huo Tianchen, the dean of the Elemental Academy. The Elemental Academy will be officially established in three months, and invited our Wuhun Hall personnel to participate in the academy's establishment ceremony. And Huo Tianchen also attached a copy of the Elemental Academy's school rules." At the same time, he handed the visiting card and the school rules to the Pope with both hands.

The Pope carefully read the school rules and visiting cards, then handed them to other staff members and said, "Although they are establishing an elemental academy, our Spirit Hall Spirit Master Academy must not lag behind. Ju Douluo, Ghost Douluo, you two should lead our Spirit Hall Golden Generation team to watch the ceremony. We must not lose our dignity. Nana, you should also go and meet these old rivals."

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