Douluo Fire Phoenix

Chapter 55: Elemental Academy

Since the three academies announced their merger into the Element Academy, all the forces outside seem to be discussing them.

In the Spirit Hall, Pope Bibi Dong said to the people below: "What do you think about the merger of the three academies?"

Ju Douluo saluted the Pope and said: "Your Holiness, we have just taken two major actions, and the personnel losses are heavy. It is not appropriate to make other moves, nor should we make too many enemies. Moreover, the Element Academy has merged, and in terms of overall strength, it is no weaker than the Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus Rex family. Moreover, the Element Academy has issued a statement, obviously not wanting to participate in the power struggle, so we might as well wait and see. As long as we unify the continent, the Element Academy will naturally belong to us."

The Pope nodded and said: "Then don't worry about it, Yue Guan, when the Element Academy is established, you take our Spirit Hall Golden Generation to watch the ceremony."

In the Tiandou City Palace, all the important officials of the Tiandou Empire were there. Emperor Xue Ye was very angry. He originally hoped that the Element Academy would enter Tiandou City, so that it would be more suitable for control and increase the strength of the soul masters of the Tiandou Empire. But now they have merged, and from the statement, they clearly rejected the royal family's solicitation and did not want to participate in the fight against the Spirit Hall.

Prince Xue Xing said: "The three academies obviously refused to be recruited by our royal family. Why don't we take the opportunity to wipe them out to show the majesty of our royal family."

Emperor Xue Ye shook his head and said: "The three soul master academies merged, their strength should not be underestimated. If we rashly send troops there, it will probably be difficult to wipe them out. Qinghe, what do you think?"

Xue Qinghe, who was in the lower position, said: "The merger of the Element Academy did not violate any law of the Tiandou Empire. If we rashly send troops there, it will probably make other soul master forces in the empire feel insecure, and may force them to turn to the Wuhun Hall. Besides, didn't they say in their statement that they would not interfere with the development of students after graduation? We can go to the Element Academy regularly to recruit talents. Wouldn't they directly help us train talents? Why not?"

Emperor Xue Ye nodded: "Qinghe, when the Element Academy is established, you will go to the ceremony in person. At the same time, communicate with them about the issue of recruiting graduates from the empire."

In the new sect of the Seven Treasures Glazed Sect in Tiandou City, Ning Fengzhi looked at With the news in hand, he said to Jian Douluo and Gu Douluo: "Uncle Jian, Uncle Gu, what do you mean by the Element Academy?"

Jian Douluo said: "Obviously, they don't want to choose between the Spirit Hall and the Heaven Dou Empire. As I said last time, they have been waiting for time. And the situation is very delicate now, so delicate that neither side will offend them too much. I guess they are also waiting for those geniuses."

Ning Fengzhi said a little bitterly: "This is a very smart move for them. They don't offend anyone, and they don't establish a sect. When their students are all over the world, even the two empires and the Spirit Hall can't easily deal with them. With Huo Tianchen's knowledge, they may not be able to think of such a move. It's a pity that this force can't deal with the Spirit Hall together."

In Shrek Academy, Liu Erlong said with red eyes: "What does this Element Academy want to do? They still want to remain independent until now. Don't they know the harm of the Spirit Hall to the soul master world?" Yu Xiaogang next to him also looked livid.

Since the Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus Rex family was destroyed, Yu Xiaogang and Liu Erlong tried their best to fight against the Spirit Hall. However, now that the Seven Treasures Glazed Sect is crippled and the Haotian Sect is still in seclusion, there is no force in the spirit master world that can compete with the Spirit Hall, and more spirit masters choose to join the Spirit Hall. Yu Xiaogang feels very powerless.

Regarding the establishment of the Element Academy, the various forces outside have different reactions, but for ordinary students, it is more attractive.

First of all, the Element Academy does not ask about birth, as long as you pass the assessment, you can enroll. Many civilian spirit masters, especially those with not very outstanding talents, find it difficult to find a suitable spirit master academy. Now the Element Academy is naturally the first choice. And they can come and go freely, which is suitable for spirit masters without power.

Secondly, the Element Academy consists of three major colleges, which have always been star colleges. It has a high prestige among students, and the Blazing Fire College won the championship last time, which is very glorious.

Finally, the Element Academy has a Titled Douluo sitting in it, which is basically one of the best colleges in the whole continent.

In short, the number of people in the Element Academy may grow explosively next time they enroll.

Shrek Academy, which also recruits civilian soul masters, is expected to be the most affected.

Yu Xiaogang and others were even more depressed about this.

In the next few days, several principals discussed the planning of the new academy. Including construction, regional division, new school rules, teacher arrangements, arrangements for original students and other issues.

That day, Xiaofei found the dean and said, "Dean, I have a suggestion about the construction of the academy."

The dean immediately became interested: "Xiaofei, I didn't expect you to know everything about building an academy. Tell me, do you have any good suggestions?"

Xiaofei said: "Now our Element Academy already has three elements: Divine Wind, Sky Water, and Blazing Fire. Can we establish Thick Earth and Gengjin at the same time? If we have all five departments, the enrollment of the academy will be more comprehensive. It will also be better for students to choose, and it will prevent some students from other elements from missing the opportunity to enter the school."

The dean shook his head: "Your idea is good, but building an academy requires not only students, but also a lot of teachers and related resources. We have a very long history of these three elements and do have our own unique insights. But for thick earth and Gengjin, we are not very familiar with it."

Xiao Fei said seriously: "Aren't we going to build the academy soon? We can ask the Yu clan to come and help build it. The Yu clan has a unique understanding of the earth element. At the same time, we can also ask Yang Wudi of the Po clan to come and ask for advice on refining medicine. The Po clan's Pohun gun can be said to be the strongest among the Gengjin. If the two clans join, our academy will be more complete."

The dean thought about it and said: "Let me think about this. Aren't we afraid of the Wuhun Hall if we do this?"

Xiao Fei smiled: "We are just building an academy, not a sect. We can also invite the descendants of the Wuhun Hall to study in our academy at the same time."

The dean thought about it carefully, so he went to Feng Xuan and Liu Ruyan to discuss it. In the end, the dean personally wrote a letter to Yang Wudi of the Po clan and Niu Gao of the Yu clan.

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