Douluo Fire Phoenix

Chapter 54: Dramatic Change

A few days later, the three returned to Blazing Academy.

But Blazing Fire College has obviously undergone major changes. There seem to be many fewer students in Blazing Fire College than before. It seems that the inside of the college is not as peaceful and peaceful as before, but more impatient.

The three of them came to the dean's office, and deans Huo Tianchen and Huo Lie were both there. The two of them are not as calm as before, and they seem to be under a lot of pressure recently.

The dean asked: "How have you three been practicing in the Immortal Volcano recently? What have you gained?"

Huo Wu smiled and said, "Grandpa, we have found the place where the Shenhuo Sect is." Then the three of them described the situation inside the Shenhuo Sect. At the same time, the three people also talked about their recent practice. Seeing that the three of them had broken through to the realm of Soul Saint, the dean looked very happy.

Huo Wushuang asked: "Grandpa, what happened recently? Why do you feel something is wrong at school?"

Hearing this, the dean's face became a little solemn and said: "Something big happened in the soul master world. Something happened to the Seven Treasure Glazed Sect and the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Family. A month ago, a mysterious force attacked the two major sects. All members of the Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus family were killed, including the sect leader Yu Yuanzhen. Although the Qibao Glazed Sect was not destroyed, it suffered heavy losses. More than two-thirds of the sect's disciples died and the sect was destroyed. Now the Qibao Glazed Sect has been destroyed. Zong has moved to Tiandou City. The entire soul master world is in panic, and many students have been recalled by their families, and many students have chosen to graduate early."

Xiaofei thought for a moment and said, "Dean, what is the attitude of Tiandou Empire and Wuhun Palace now?"

"Both the Tiandou Empire and Wuhun Palace issued statements to condemn the murderer. However, the two sides did not completely break up. Everyone with a discerning eye in the soul master world knows that Wuhun Palace should be responsible for this incident. Wuhun Palace has made few moves recently. A lot, but the Tiandou Empire has made great moves recently.”

"The Wuhun Palace made a statement to the outside world, saying that since the world of soul masters is too dangerous, it is recommended that soul masters live in Wuhun City. Wuhun City can ensure the absolute safety of all personnel. The Tiandou Empire also summoned all soul masters to go to Tiandou City. Tiandou Empire Since the original strength of soul masters was relatively weak, the Dou Empire increased its recruitment efforts and provided very good treatment. It even issued a statement hoping that the soul master academy would be moved to Tiandou City. "

After saying this, the dean looked at Xiao Fei and said, "Xiao Fei, what do you think we should do now? Do we really want to move to Tiantou City?"

Xiao Fei thought for a while, shook his head and said: "With the strength of Wuhun Palace, if you want to destroy the Qibao Glazed Sect and the Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus Rex family, the price you pay must be very high. The Qibao Glazed Sect has Sword Douluo and Bone Douluo. In addition to Ning Fengzhi, the world's number one auxiliary soul master, Wuhun Palace must mobilize at least 10,000 elite soul masters and send at least four or more titled Douluo, otherwise it will be impossible to defeat the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Sect like this. To wipe out the Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus Rex family, it will take more than eight thousand elite soul masters and more than three titled Douluo."

"However, when the Wuhun Palace launched such a large-scale attack, the Tiandou Empire and the two major sects did not discover anything in advance, especially the Qibao Glazed Sect, which is only a few hundred kilometers away from the Tiandou Empire. The Tiandou Empire did not find any discovery or support. If we move into Tiandou City rashly, I am afraid that Blazing Fire Academy will become a vassal of the royal family, and we will be the first batch of cannon fodder if there is a problem."

The dean thought over and over again and felt that neither advancement nor retreat was an option. Neither Wuhun Palace nor Tiandou Empire can afford to offend. In fact, in this sensitive era, if you are not careful, you will be attacked by two forces.

The dean asked solemnly: "Then what should we do?"

Xiao Fei thought about it carefully, gritted his teeth and said, "Self-reliance, if we want to survive, we must be self-reliant."

The dean asked strangely: "Then how can we stand on our own? We must know that if we don't rely on both sides, we may become the target of both parties."

Xiaofei Youyou said: "I remember that our Blazing Fire Academy is surrounded by our own fiefdom, which completely belongs to our college. We can build an elemental city next to the original Blazing Fire City and invite Tianshui Academy and Shenfeng Academy to settle in. By The three of us jointly established an Elements College. The Elements College issued a statement that it will only be responsible for teaching and educating students. The college will not interfere in the recruitment of students or their destination after graduation. It has also re-established school rules. All students are equal in the college and no influence is allowed. Both the people from the Tiandou Empire and the Wuhun Palace can enroll."

"In this way, there will be one Titled Douluo, close to ten Soul Douluo, and dozens of Soul Saints in the Academy of Elements. No matter which force, no one dares to provoke them easily."

The dean thought about it seriously and said: "Okay, let's do it like this. I will contact Tianshui College and Shenfeng College as soon as possible. They are also under great pressure recently."

Therefore, Dean Huo Tianchen met privately with the deans of Shenfeng and Tianshui and informed the two deans of his intentions. The three deans each communicated some of their own ideas and details.

A week later, the three colleges jointly issued a statement: "Blazing Fire Academy, Divine Wind Academy, and Tianshui Academy have merged into one and jointly established an Elemental City about a hundred kilometers north of Blazing Fire Academy. (Elemental City is a similar distance from the three colleges. .) The three colleges will eventually belong to the College of Elements. The College of Elements will recruit students as long as they meet the admission standards. The colleges are divided into the Blazing Fire Department, the Tianshui Department, and the Kamikaze Department. The former deans of each will serve as department heads. "

"After the establishment of the Element Academy, Huo Tianchen served as the dean of the Element Academy, and Feng Xuan, the former dean of the Divine Wind Academy, and Liu Ruyan, the dean of the Tianshui Academy, served as vice deans. Each department has independent teaching, and the three deans vote to decide on the external affairs. The dean adopts a rotation system, and each dean serves for 10 years."

"The academy does not require students' backgrounds. Everyone can enroll. After graduation, the academy does not interfere with students' future."

After the Element Academy sent out this news, the world was shocked. Originally, the Divine Wind Academy, the Blazing Fire Academy, and the Tianshui Academy were all the top five academies in the Tiandou Empire. Now that they have merged, they have immediately become the second largest soul master academy on the continent, second only to the Wuhun Hall Advanced Soul Master Academy.

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