Douluo Fire Phoenix

Chapter 37 The Way of Killing

Huo Wushuang said: "Where are we going now?"

Xiao Fei thought for a while and said, "We keep going west. Our next goal is to see blood."

Huo Lie, Huo Wushuang and Huo Lie were a little confused.

Xiao Fei said: "We have been practicing all this time, including fighting souls in the soul fighting arena, studying within the academy, and occasionally hunting soul beasts. The number of times we have seen blood is very rare. Our next plan is to kill people, and the Tiandou Empire will Going west will be more chaotic. There are many bandits and evil soul masters on the road. We try not to use soul skills and use our own methods to kill them. "

A question appeared on Huo Wushuang's face: "Why should we use less soul skills?"

Xiao Fei thought for a while and said: "Soul skills are only the abilities we obtain by hunting soul beasts. In fact, they are not the abilities of our own bodies. Sometimes, although we have powerful soul skills, they are the abilities we have for our own bodies. But the control is very poor. Real top masters are often able to kill enemies at higher levels, and among them is our control over killing, which I call the way of killing. There are so many people who can master the way of killing. "

In the original work, there are only three people who impressed Xiao Fei the most about leapfrog killings. They are Tang Hao, Tang Xiao and Jian Dao Chen Xin. Tang Hao mastered the realm of the God of Death. Whether it was a one-on-three victory over three titled Douluo Qian Xunji, or a one-on-one fight against seven in front of the Pope's Palace, these were all manifestations of leapfrog killing. Especially in the Soul Master Competition, the mountain of murderous intent and indomitable momentum were simply terrifying. In the battle of Jialing Pass, Tang Xiao used Haotian Jiujue's Killing Art to defeat the three major worshipers of Wuhun Palace alone. Ken Dao Chen Xin fought one against four in the battle to destroy the Qibao Glazed Sect, severely injuring three of the enemies. This is simply a model of fighting across ranks.

What the three of them have in common is that they use more self-created soul skills. Tang Hao's Great Sumeru Hammer, Tang Xiao's Haotian Nine Jue, and Sword Dao Chen Xin's Seven Kills Sword Technique. These all feel a bit beyond Douluo Continent. Soul master system.

Everyone still has great trust in Xiaofei. Huo Lie then left the team, and the three of them built a set of weapons in the blacksmith shop. Xiao Fei chose a soft armor, a sword, a claw, and shoulder pads. Unexpectedly, in addition to soft armor and shoulder pads, the weapons Huo Wushuang and Huo Wu chose were actually a big hammer. Xiaofei suddenly had countless questions in his mind. Is it really okay for a girl to play with a sledgehammer?

Not far out of the city, they actually encountered a group of thieves surrounding the three of them, and the strongest among them was a great soul master. Xiao Fei thought to himself: Are all the villains today so reckless and brainless?

I saw a deer-headed rat-eyed one among the thieves saying, "You three, please hand over your money as soon as possible, otherwise your life will be worse than death."

The leader of the thieves stared at Huo Wu and said: "Beauty, as long as you follow me from now on, I guarantee that you will be popular and drink spicy food in the future."

Huo Wu has lived like a princess since she was a child, and she has never received such words. Huo Wu suddenly became furious and hit him with a hammer. The thief on the opposite side thought he was a great soul master, but he just blocked it casually, and his entire arm was smashed into pieces. The leader was immediately frightened and ordered all the people to rush forward. Huo Wu used his soul power to kill for the first time. He was a little dazed when he looked at the blood on the opposite person's body and then at the blood floating on his own body. Fortunately, Huo Wushuang rushed up to help.

After a battle between the two sides, all the thieves on the other side were wiped out. Ever since Huo Wu adapted to this kind of bloody battle, she would chase the enemy with a hammer and hit them.

After a battle, several people were covered in blood, body parts, etc. Huo Wu kept vomiting while holding his mouth. Huo Wushuang and Xiao Fei also felt uncomfortable and turned pale. It's not that I'm tired, and I've never seen such a scene before. Huo Wushuang asked Xiao Fei: "Is this what you want to experience? It's also the way you are super strong."

Xiao Fei nodded: "This kind of seeing blood can make me see the true cruelty of reality. When we encounter real danger, with this kind of bloodiness, with this kind of bloody killing, we will become It makes it easier to adapt to the battlefield, which may give us the momentum to move forward. I call it the killing path. When we encounter difficulties or encounter bottlenecks, we can fight our way out, so it is called the killing path.

After sorting themselves out, the two of them continued walking towards the western border of the Tiandou Empire.

Along the way, for some unknown reason, various bandits or thieves kept appearing from various places, besieging them, poisoning them, assassinating them, or even getting hundreds of people to besiege them. The people who were besieging were of all types, including the most powerful Soul King, and more ordinary people. As a result, Xiao Fei and the other two were afraid to even sleep. Extremely nervous.

Finally one day, Xiao Fei and three others entered the city while eating. Suddenly several people next door said: "Have you heard of it? How many fat sheep have appeared on the road recently?" The others quickly asked: "What fat sheep?" The person continued: "It is said that there were three people and two on the road to the west recently. A man and a woman. It is said that the woman is the concubine of a noble in Tiandou City. This person took away all the property of the noble and then ran away with the two pretty boys. It is said that the concubine is very beautiful, but has a heart like a snake. With a sledgehammer, she beat many people to death, and there were already high rewards on the black market.”

After hearing this, Xiao Fei and the other three suddenly turned black and their whole bodies were shaking with anger. Queen Huo Wu actually became someone else's concubine, and Huo Wushuang and Wang Xiaofei actually became the kept pretty boys. The three of them made a big fuss, and the person who spread the rumor was beaten half to death.

Xiao Fei felt very strange. Who was spreading rumors? Otherwise, Xiao Fei thought of Huo Lie who had left, and then he opened up all his mental power and felt it carefully. There was actually a trace of concern from a distance, and it was a bit familiar. He couldn't help but complain: "It was indeed Teacher Huo Lie, who actually arranged his son and daughter like this."

Then the three continued to walk towards the west. In a blink of an eye, the three had been walking for almost half a year. After half a year of fighting, the temperament of the three had changed greatly, and they all looked more fierce. Wang Xiaofei began to condense a trace of murderous aura.

In the past six months, the three had basically no time to exercise their soul power, but the three also improved by one level. There was no resistance in this process, and it was natural and natural. Xiao Fei knew that this was the current realm of the three people. Xiao Fei even had some insights into swordsmanship, and the other two also realized a few hammer techniques.

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