Douluo Fire Phoenix

Chapter 36 The world is shocked

With Huo Tiancheng's announcement of becoming a Titled Douluo, the reputation of Blazing Fire Academy has risen again. Blazing Fire Academy has also become the only high-level soul master academy in the two empires with a Titled Douluo.

So far, Blazing Fire Academy's status in the soul master world has reached an unprecedented height. In the finals, Huo Wu's unparalleled elegance, Huo Wushuang's domineering side, and Wang Xiaofei's ever-changing soul skills have all become the faith of many young soul masters.

For a while, countless students came to Blazing Fire City to study, but unfortunately Blazing Fire Academy only accepted fire element soul masters, so they had to recommend some geniuses to other element academies. The result is that the other major element academies have risen in popularity. Even Tianshui Academy, which has always been strict in enrollment, has recruited many more talented students.

In this regard, all forces are discussing Blazing Fire Academy and Huo Tianchen.

In the Seven Treasures Glazed Tile Sect, the sect leader Ning Fengzhi sat together with Jian Douluo and Gu Douluo. Ning Fengzhi said: "With Huo Tianchen's aptitude, it should be difficult to break through in the short term. Did he really absorb the soul bones awarded by the Soul Master Competition? With Huo Tianchen's pattern, he should not take the rewards of several students, or does he have other opportunities? Especially Huo Wu and Huo Wushuang in the finals are his grandchildren. Uncle Jian, do you think Wang Xiaofei really wasted his potential?"

Jian Douluo shook his head and said: "I don't know. In the Soul Master Competition, I saw that his performance has far exceeded my expectations. As a soul master, he defeated two soul kings alone, and his soul power is very deep, which doesn't seem to be a loss of potential. Moreover, this person has a very good grasp of martial souls and soul skills. It can be said that he is invincible at the same level and can fight across levels. He can be said to be the first of the younger generation. However, he has been promoted to level 6 in two and a half years. I don't know why?"

Ning Fengzhi said again: "Uncle Jian, Wang Xiaofei, do you think it is necessary to win him over?"

Jian Douluo once again He shook his head and said, "Wang Xiaofei is very low-key. It is obvious that he does not want to participate in any struggle between forces. He is unwilling to go to the finals to receive the award. Obviously, he does not want to face the Pope's solicitation. He is so low-key. I am sure he is a very determined person. It is estimated that it will be difficult for us." Ning Fengzhi thought for a while and finally said, "In the past, we three sects were of the same blood and could fight against the Spirit Hall. But now he has retired in Haotian, and that Tang San obviously has his own little calculations. The Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus Rex family is supported by only the old dragon, and dare not act easily. The Blazing Academy and the Fire Leopard Sect of Xingluo are obviously connected, and the Fire Leopard Sect is backed by the Spirit Hall. Even if we can't win over the Blazing Academy, we can't let them lean on the Spirit Hall." "This time Huo Tianchen became a Titled Douluo, I plan to take Rongrong to the scene to congratulate him, and it would be best if Rongrong and Wang Xiaofei get to know each other. Uncle Jian, please take a look at it when the time comes." Jian Douluo nodded. Tiandou Palace, Emperor Xue Ye, Prince Xue Xing, Xue Qinghe, and Xue Beng were together. Emperor Xue Ye said, "Qinghe, this time you will take gifts to attend the coronation of Dean Huo Tianchen. If Huo Tianchen is willing to join the Tiandou Imperial Family, I can make him the Imperial Master and fully support the development of Chihuo Academy in the future."

"In addition, Huo Wu from Chihuo Academy is extremely talented and beautiful. You can try to date her."

Xue Qinghe smiled and nodded, while Prince Xue Xing and Xue Beng looked a little cold.

Xue Qinghe returned to the mansion with a sullen look on his face, saying, "This Emperor Xue Ye has a good idea. Yu Long, you should immediately notify that woman and tell her what Emperor Xue Ye thinks. At the same time, notify the Huobao Sect to increase efforts to win over Chihuo Academy, at least to prevent him from turning to the Tiandou Empire?"

Prince Xue Xing and Xue Beng also returned to the mansion, and were also very angry. Xue Beng thought for a while and said, "Uncle, is it possible for us to win over Chihuo Academy? Or is it possible for me to ask for Huo Wu's hand in marriage?"

Prince Xue Xing looked at Xue Beng with a little disappointment. He shook his head and said, "With your reputation, you might be beaten out if you come to ask for marriage. Huo Wu is very arrogant, and Xue Qinghe may not be able to do it."

Xue Beng gritted his teeth and said, "Even if I can't ask for marriage, I must not let Xue Qinghe succeed. Can you ask Dugu Bo to go and sabotage it?"

Prince Xue Xing shook his head and said, "Dugu Bo is only in the Tiandou Empire because he owes me a favor. He can't offend a Titled Douluo."

In the Wuhun Hall, the Pope looked at the message and said, "Ju Douluo, take Nana and the other two to the Blazing Academy. Remember, we want to win them over. We can't let him join the Tiandou Empire. The key point is to take a look at the kid named Wang Xiaofei. If he is good, please ask him to come to the Wuhun Hall." Ju Douluo below nodded, "Yes, Your Majesty the Pope!"

For a while, all forces in the Tiandou Empire expressed their intention to make friends. They all arranged key personnel to prepare for the visit with heavy gifts.

Wang Xiaofei, who was at Chihuo Academy at the moment, was a little entangled. He didn't want to participate in the coronation, but it was a bit unreasonable for him not to participate in the coronation of his dean. Besides, there were so many people on the scene, and it would be a bit troublesome to expose his strength. And he hadn't been home for a few years, and he wanted to go back to see old Jack.

Huo Wu saw Xiaofei's depression, and without saying a word, she took Xiaofei to Dean Huo Tianchen. The dean smiled and said, "Xiaofei, I didn't plan to let you three participate in this coronation. Otherwise, where do you think those rumors from the outside world came from?"

Xiaofei instantly understood the dean's intention to spread rumors, and stood up and bowed to the dean.

The dean shook his head and said, "You are all my students, and it is my duty to protect you. Recently, I asked Huo Lie to take you three out for training."

Just like that, when everyone was paying attention to Blazing Academy, Huo Lie, Xiao Fei, Huo Wu, and Huo Wushuang had already left Blazing Academy.

After leaving the academy, Huo Wu asked, "Xiao Fei, where are we going now?"

Xiao Fei thought for a while and said, "I want to go back to Shenghun Village to see my grandfather first. I haven't been home for two and a half years. I'm considering taking my grandfather to Blazing City?"

Several people nodded, and Huo Wu suddenly asked a little shyly, "This is our first visit, should we bring any gifts?" Seeing Huo Wu's expression, everyone was sweating.

After a few days, Xiao Fei returned to Shenghun Village.

Old Jack was very excited when he saw Xiao Fei, and Shenghun Village finally had another soul master.

After not going home for a few years, Old Jack seemed to have aged a lot. He asked a doctor to come back and see him. The doctor said that Old Jack was mainly too old, and coupled with years of fatigue, he was almost dying, and his life span was at most a few months.

Several people then stayed in Shenghun Village. Xiao Fei accompanied Old Jack when he had time, and practiced soul power at night. Huo Wu gave people a strange feeling, not as graceful as before, but a little bit of a little woman. Sometimes she even learned to cook, which made everyone look at her with strange eyes.

Meanwhile, Chihuo City was very lively. Countless people came to visit Huo Tianchen. But the three main players who performed best in the Soul Master Competition were not seen. Everyone was curious, and finally found out that several people actually went out to train? Those who wanted to win over or make friends left with disappointment.

Huo Tianchen himself had an attitude of not accepting, not rejecting, and not opposing the wins from all parties. At the same time, he repeatedly stated that he was just running an academy and didn't seem to want to get involved too much with any forces. Those forces who wanted to win over were a little speechless.

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