Douluo Fire Phoenix

Chapter 32: Peerless Beauty

After the game, everyone returned to their hotels to prepare for tomorrow’s final.

Shrek Academy also returned to their hotel. Tang San was a little dizzy and swaying. Yu Xiaogang hurriedly said, "Xiao San, how do you feel now? Are you feeling well?"

Tang San shook his head and said, "Just a little dizzy, it should be fine after a rest."

Yu Xiaogang said to all the people, "Tomorrow is the finals, everyone should recover well. I believe everyone will win tomorrow."

Tang San said, "Teacher, I think Blazing Academy is more difficult to deal with than Spirit Hall Academy, especially Wang Xiaofei, his growth is terrifying to me."

Yu Xiaogang shook his head and said, "Although Xiaofei is growing very fast, his growth has a price. After all, his innate soul power is only level eight, and he has been squeezing his potential all these years. I learned from the latest news that Xiaofei was already level 43 when he was 12 years old, but now he has only grown to level six in two and a half years, which is very unscientific. It means that he took some medicine or used some means to squeeze his potential. You should soon surpass Xiaofei in the future."

After hearing this, everyone shook their heads. For everyone present, their talent must have improved by more than 6 levels in two and a half years. From the age of 12 to now, in two and a half years, everyone has basically improved by ten levels, among which Tang San has even improved by 13 levels. From level 29 to level 42. Tang San also felt a little pity, after all, Xiao Fei has always been Tang San's rival.

Wang Xiaofei relied on squeezing potential to improve his soul power level, and this news spread everywhere for some reason. Many people lamented that Xiao Fei was 11 years old, level 26, and 12 years old, level 43. Such a genius was wasted. However, considering the innate soul power level of 8, many people expressed understanding.

Xiao Fei felt very speechless about these rumors outside. Huo Wu waved her hand, "Xiao Fei, sister's soul power level will soon surpass yours, and sister will protect you in the future." Xiao Fei had to roll his eyes, and Xiao Fei felt that his bottleneck of level 50 had begun to loosen, and he could upgrade in a week at most.

In the evening, everyone was discussing tactics. Everyone was worried about Shrek's seven-in-one fusion skill. After all, Tang San's combat power today was close to that of a soul saint. Even Huo Wu, who was always optimistic, had a trace of solemnity.

Xiao Fei shook his head and said, "What are you afraid of? This seven-in-one fusion skill has many shortcomings. First of all, the players behind Tang San are his weaknesses. As long as one of them is injured, they may be backfired by soul power. Secondly, we are all fire-attributed soul masters, and there are five flying soul masters. When the time comes, we will fly farther in the air and waste time with Tang San. He will definitely not be able to hold on first. Moreover, the Clear Sky Hammer is so heavy that although Tang San's attack speed is very fast, it basically cannot move, and the movement speed is very slow."

"If the Wuhun Hall Academy breaks through the Blue Silver Prison today and scatters to fight Tang San, or has more flying soul masters, Shrek will be in trouble."

The next day, the finals finally began. There were three soul bones in front of the Pope, attracting everyone's attention.

The two teams walked into the arena in order. After the referee's command, both sides decisively deployed their formations.

Tang San once again instantly used his fourth soul skill, Blue Silver Prison, and instantly surrounded all the people from Blazing Academy. The people lined up like yesterday, and it seemed that they were using the Seven-in-One Fusion Skill again. Xiao Fei immediately activated his first soul skill, "Phoenix Flame", and in a few seconds, a huge flame shot up into the sky, burning all the people's Blue Silver Prisons. But they did not rush to Shrek like the Spirit Hall Academy did yesterday, and they did not even think about interrupting Shrek's spirit fusion skill.

Xie Yue on the sidelines said, "Since Wang Xiaofei from Blazing Academy can quickly break the Blue Silver Prison, why didn't he interrupt Shrek in the first place? Don't they know the power of the Clear Sky Hammer?" Hu Liena also shook her head.

Everyone at the scene felt very strange about the performance of Blazing Academy. Wang Xiaofei just said one word, "Disperse". Then all the people scattered. Among them, Xiao Fei hugged Huo Wu, Huo He hugged Huo Wushuang, and the five of them flew up instantly, and they were all far away from Shrek, flying very high. Especially Wang Xiaofei, he almost flew to the top of the ring. (To prevent flying spirit masters from playing tricks, there is a spirit barrier on the top, but it is very high.)

When Shrek completed the Seven-in-One Fusion Technique, the people from the Blazing Academy on the opposite side were very far away, far beyond the attack range of the Sky Hammer. Especially the five flying spirit masters, who flew very high. Tang San was speechless for a while. All the spirit masters on the scene suddenly understood that the only chance for Shrek Academy to win was to win quickly. After all, the consumption of the weapon soul true body was very large. As long as Blazing Academy would waste time, even if they did not take action, Shrek Academy would definitely lose.

In this situation, Tang San had no choice but to activate the Purple Extreme Demon Eye and throw the Clear Sky Hammer towards a person, but the Blazing Fire people were very fast and avoided it in an instant. Shrek's teachers were very anxious, especially Yu Xiaogang. After only a short while, Tang San began to become hideous, and the corners of his eyes gradually became painful, but he had no choice. (Except the protagonist, no one can use two martial spirits.)

In the end, Yu Xiaogang decisively chose to admit defeat. He knew that if he persisted, Tang San might be crippled. Moreover, he was disabled by himself, and the other members of Shrek would be seriously injured.

Just like that, the Blazing Academy won the finals without using any soul power or soul skills. This is probably the first time in history. The whole audience looked at the Blazing Academy team with strange eyes. Which old man in the Blazing Academy came up with this tactic, exhausting the opponent without using a soul skill. Xie Yue, Hu Liena and Yan were speechless. It turned out that winning was so easy. We actually rushed over desperately yesterday and asked for defeat.

In the end, the referee announced that the Blazing Academy won. Everyone took back their martial spirits. All the Shrek students were exhausted and fell down. Ning Fengzhi suddenly used a huge Seven Treasures Glazed Tower, and several rays of light fell on the scene and all the people. Suddenly, Xiao Wu's body flashed, and a stone fell out. It was the Breath-Retaining Stone. Xiao Wu actually had this treasure on her body. No wonder she was not discovered. All the Titled Douluo at the scene looked at Xiao Wu, and their eyes revealed greed and desire. Xiao Fei said, this is trouble.

At this time, the Pope snorted coldly, and everyone's eyes returned to the field. "Very good tactics. Congratulations to Chihuo Academy for winning the final championship. You deserve the title."

All the staff of Chihuo Academy cheered.

The red referee said, "Please invite the champion representative to the stage to receive the award."

Chihuo looked at Xiaofei, and Xiaofei felt a tingling sensation on his scalp. Then he said, "Sister Huowu, go up and receive the award." Huo Wushuang suddenly thought of something and said, "Sister, go up, you will be the real queen in the future." Huowu looked at everyone and nodded firmly. Then she walked up to the podium alone. Everyone saw Huowu's back, her determination and publicity. When Huowu took the brocade box from the Pope with both hands and looked back at the audience, Huowu's belief seemed to have changed, firm, glorious, domineering, and unattainable.

The only word that can describe her is peerless.

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