Douluo Fire Phoenix

Chapter 31 The Pope

At the referee's command, the game officially began.

The three colleges sent out their first players, including Wang Xiaofei from Blazing Fire College and a level 46 soul master from Spirit Hall College. On Shrek College's side, the master sent Huang Yuan first.

The draw was conducted by these three people to decide which two colleges would play the first game, and the winner would continue the battle, and so on.

Shrek College was surprisingly lucky, and Huang Yuan drew a bye right away. Being able to have a bye in the first round means that the Shrek College players can play later, not only can they wait for the first round, but also can better see the former's strength. This is undoubtedly a good sign. Xiaofei complained.

Xiaofei and the Spirit Hall students walked onto the ring together. The opponent's spirit was a black bear, which was obviously a power type. Xiaofei attacked him with his fast speed, but this black bear soul master was far inferior to Xiaofei in strength. He could not catch up or hit him, so he had to admit defeat in the end. Xiaofei didn't even use a soul skill.

Then it was Shrek's Huang Yuan's turn. Huang Yuan was about to go on stage. Suddenly, Yu Xiaogang stopped Huang Yuan from going on stage, and then said, "Please wait for the game!" The referee was so angry that he almost wanted to expel Yu Xiaogang from the arena.

As a result, the Pope raised his hand and said, "Please tell me your reason?"

Yu Xiaogang said lightly, "We Shrek Academy are willing to admit defeat and voluntarily enter the loser group in the afternoon."

Bibi Dong said lightly, "Why?"

Yu Xiaogang said directly, "There is no reason. I think it is our right to admit defeat."

But what is even more unexpected is that Pope Bibi Dong slowly stood up and nodded to the master, "You are right, this is your right, blame me for asking unnecessary questions. Sorry, Elder Yu."

After these words, Xiaofei was obviously speechless. What are these two people doing in such an occasion? After the Pope's words, Yu Xiaogang was determined to be the official elder of the Spirit Hall. Who would dare to provoke him in the future?

Xiao Fei thought about it carefully, and then he made up his mind, "Damn it, you two bastards, believe it or not, I will make you look bad."

At this time, the referee said to Xiao Fei, "Do you want to continue?"

Xiao Fei looked around and said, "Of course I will continue!"

So the Spirit Hall sent out another Soul Sect, this Soul Sect was as high as level 48, which was very close to Xiao Fei's level. But when fighting against Xiao Fei, it was obvious that he was not as strong as Xiao Fei. Both the strength and speed were far apart, and after a while, he was defeated by Xiao Fei. At this time, the Pope's face was a little unhappy.

Then the third one to appear was Yan. As a Soul King, Yan was obviously much stronger than the previous ones. Xiao Fei and Yan kept colliding fists. Yan was indeed a top soul master with dual attributes of fire and earth, and his defense was terrifyingly high, which made Xiao Fei sore. Yan's soul skills were good, but the group attack type soul skills were useless for Xiao Fei who could fly.

Finally, Xiao Fei also used his third soul skill "Phoenix Flame Claw" in the Soul Master Competition. Xiao Fei's entire left arm turned into a phoenix arm, and his five fingers turned into sharp claws. The whole arm was covered with high-purity phoenix flames. The strength and speed of his claws were significantly improved. He kept grabbing Yan, and finally Yan had several huge scratches on his body and flew out of the ring.

So far, Xiao Fei has completed a one-on-three. Of course, Xiao Fei's face also looked very tired at this time, a bit like a collapse. Of course, Xiao Fei did not use soul bones for treatment, nor did he suffer any serious injuries. He pretended to be exhausted. The staff next to him hurriedly pulled Yan for treatment.

Yu Tianheng, Yu Xiaogang, and some senior executives who were born from the Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus Rex changed their faces instantly after seeing Xiao Fei's soul skills. Because Xiao Fei used the dragonization of the Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus Rex family. Some senior executives, especially those at the Titled Douluo level, understand what the word dragonization means?

Many people in the Wuhun Hall have turned a little black at this time. The referee asked Xiao Fei, "Team member, do you want to continue?" Xiao Fei nodded and said, "Go ahead."

The next player to play in the Spirit Hall was Hu Liena. At this moment, the Spirit Hall couldn't afford to lose. After all, three people were injured now. If they lost now, it would be difficult to play in the afternoon.

After Hu Liena came on the court, she attacked Xiao Fei continuously. Xiao Fei was exhausted from parrying. Suddenly, Xiao Fei felt that his vision was a little blurry, and Xiao Fei instantly understood what was going on. It was probably Hu Liena's charm. Finally, when Hu Liena attacked, Spell was injured and gave Hu Liena a heavy blow, and the two fell off the ring at the same time. Xiao Fei was bleeding.

So far. Xiao Fei has completed a one-on-four. The people on the scene were a little stunned. They were also impressed by Xiao Fei's strong fighting power. The Spirit Hall staff had a livid face.

As of this point, there are still 6 people in the Blazing Academy, and all 6 are Soul Sects, while the Spirit Hall has only 3 people. The only advantage is that there is still the Soul King Xie Yue. Pope Bibi Dong looked at the scene, thought seriously, and suddenly said, "The Spirit Hall team voluntarily admits defeat and enters the loser group in the afternoon."

The two teams for the afternoon competition have been decided, namely the Spirit Hall team and the Shrek team. The Shrek team was the first to admit defeat and finally ushered in the advantage. In any case, at least two injured soul kings of the Spirit Hall could not fully recover in the afternoon.

As for Wang Xiaofei of Chihuo, although he seemed to have lost a lot of blood, he was not seriously injured.

After leaving the court, four Soul Saint-level healing soul masters continued to treat Hu Liena and Yan. However, it is estimated that it will be difficult to recover to their peak state before the afternoon game. After Xiao Fei was treated, he was already alive and kicking. Huo Wu and Huo Wushuang both said that Xiao Fei was a monster.

In a blink of an eye, the afternoon game time came. Shrek Academy now used the full main lineup, and the Spirit Hall Academy continued to use the three soul king lineup. Hu Lina and Yan were obviously in a bit of a bad state. According to Xiao Fei's estimation, the two of them could only recover 70% to 80% at most. However, the soul power between the two teams was similar, with a difference of ten levels. This gap was not so easy to deal with.

After the game started, Tang San immediately used the fourth soul skill "Blue Silver Cage". Seven huge blue silver grasses surrounded the seven people from the Spirit Hall Academy. Then the seven people lined up in a row, in the order of Oscar, Ning Rongrong, Ma Hongjun, Zhu Zhuqing, Xiao Wu, Dai Mubai, and Tang San.

Oscar put his hands close to Ning Rongrong's back, and all of Oscar's soul power poured into Ning Rongrong's body. Then, Ning Rongrong summoned a huge Seven Treasures Glazed Tower, and the three soul rings on the Seven Treasures Glazed Tower merged into one, which was Huo Wu's ultimate move, the Ring Fusion.

Then all of Ning Rongrong's soul power poured into Zhu Zhuqing's body, followed by Xiao Wu, Dai Mubai, and finally all of the soul power of everyone merged into Tang San's body. Tang San's soul power suddenly surged, as if it was about to burst Tang San's body. Suddenly, a black and gold hammer appeared in Tang San's hand. The soul power that surged in Tang San's body seemed to be integrated into this hammer. After receiving the soul power, the hammer gradually became larger and condensed, becoming a hammer the size of a water tank, and the hammer handle was as thick as a normal person's thigh.

Some high-level soul masters saw this situation, especially some soul douluo and titled douluo, some of them even murmured, "Clear Sky Hammer, weapon soul true body?"

In the distance, the spirit hall staff had already discovered something was wrong. Yan directly activated the fourth spirit skill "magma rolling", while Xie Yue used the moon blade to desperately cut the blue silver grass.

When they broke the blue silver cage, the weapon soul true body of the Clear Sky Hammer had succeeded. Xie Yue and Hu Liena instantly completed the spirit fusion skill Yao Mei, and then he flew behind Tang San like a residual image. It seems that the spirit hall staff also knew that Tang San’s current weakness was the team members behind him. After all, Tang San’s soul power came from the transmission of the team members, especially Ning Rongrong. The fusion ring and amplification of the Seven Treasures Glazed Tower were the key to the entire lineup.

However, Tang San activated the Purple Extreme Demon Eye and aimed at the Yao Mei with a hammer. The Yao Mei flew out of the playing field like a baseball. The guards brought the two back, but they had fainted, with many broken bones all over their bodies, and it was estimated that the injuries were very serious.

The other five members of the Spirit Hall rushed towards the people behind Tang San from different directions. But Tang San gritted his teeth and used the Purple Demon Child and the Chaos Cloak Hammer Technique at the same time to hammer all five members of the Spirit Hall out of the field. When Tang San released the Soul Body, everyone also released the Seven-in-One Fusion Technique.

In the end, Shrek Academy won the game. The Pope looked at Yu Xiaogang with a serious face, and then left the field.

Xiao Fei carefully observed Tang San from beginning to end. When Tang San used the Soul Body, it was not as easy as in the original book, and there was even a trace of pain in the corner of his eyes.

Xiao Fei shook his head and left the field. According to Xiao Fei's understanding, the Soul Body needs to integrate the martial soul and mental power into one. Even the Soul Saint has a bit of effort to use it, and it will be weak for a period of time after using it.

Tang San's mental power obviously cannot reach the Soul Saint realm. It is estimated that his mental power has been slightly damaged. If he uses the Soul Body many times, he may become an idiot without others' help. Yu Xiaogang is a low-level soul master after all, and he doesn’t know much about some things about high-level soul masters.

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