Douluo Fire Phoenix

Chapter 29 Seed Team Appears

The record of Blazing Fire Academy on the first day spread like the wind. Everyone knew that Blazing Fire Academy had a lineup of seven soul sects, including a level 49 soul sect. This lineup could be said to be the strongest in the history of the Tiandou Empire. Tianshui Academy, a recognized strong team in the Tiandou Empire, was defeated so completely and so quickly!

Many teams have assigned themselves to Tianshui College. I feel that this tactic of Blazing Fire Academy is a bit confusing. First, Wang Xiaofei continued to cover the entire field, then the four Fire Crane Soul Sects quickly completed the siege, then Huo Wushuang forced his way in and destroyed the defensive lineup, and finally Huo Wu's super energy soul skill harvested the entire field. A set of movements is like clouds and flowing water, linked together.

No matter Huo Wushuang or Wang Xiaofei, with their super high soul power, they can't stop them alone. Moreover, Chihuo actually has five students who can fly. They are extremely fast and cannot be guarded against.

There were three young people standing in front of the ring, two men and one woman, all of whom had solemn expressions. The woman has flowing blond hair and is very beautiful, with a charming look between her eyebrows. A man is very handsome, with a sharp look between his eyebrows. The last one has fiery red hair and a very resolute face. These three people are the three soul kings of the Golden Generation of Wuhun Palace: Hu Liena, Xie Yue, and Yan.

Xie Yue said, "Nana, what do you think of this Blazing Academy?"

Hu Liena smiled and said, "Their tactical plan is good, but it is still far behind ours. First of all, their average soul power is five levels lower than ours. If they cannot suppress their soul power, this strategy will be useless." The method works. Secondly, they have no support. Although their explosive power is very strong, their sustainability will be very poor.”

"Their main core is somewhat similar to ours, with one strong attack, one agility attack, and one control. As long as they block their first move, their lineup will be destroyed. As long as they can block that Wang Xiaofei and prevent them from surrounding and cutting the battlefield, then Let them fight each other, and we can easily defeat them."

Xie Yue and Yan also nodded.

At the same time, Shrek's Yu Xiaogang and others were also discussing this issue. Yu Xiaogang asked, "Xiaosan, what do you think of Chihuo's tactics?"

Tang San thought for a while and said, "Blazing Fire's tactics are actually very simple, but the difference in soul power between us Shrek and theirs is too big. Now we only have four soul sects, while Blazing Fire has 7 soul sects. They Their average soul power is six levels higher than ours. Even with Rongrong's increase, the gap is still relatively large, and they have five flying soul masters, and we only have one."

"Even if we use the seven-in-one fusion technique, their five flying soul masters can avoid us at extremely fast speeds and directly attack Rongrong and Xiao Ao behind them. It will be dangerous then."

"Now we can only use the Netherworld White Tiger to deal with Wang Xiaofei and strive for a quick victory. I will deal with Huo Wushuang."

Yu Xiaogang concluded, "Yes, this is the only way now."

The next game continued, Shrek Academy also easily defeated a weak team from Silla and advanced to the second round.

There was nothing particularly eye-catching about the first round. The strong teams basically won.

In the second round, Blazing Academy took a break, and at the same time, the three major seeds finally made their appearance. The strength of the three teams is eye-catching.

The first person to appear was Tiandou Royal Academy. Standing at the front were Yu Tianheng, Dugu Yan and Ye Lenglen. Yu Tianheng looked more domineering, Dugu Yan was more charming, and Ye Lenglen looked more quiet.

After the Tiandou Royal Academy team came on stage, the entire field was filled with Dugu Yan's poisonous mist. The poisonous mist was very corrosive, and then several team members gradually harvested it. Yu Tianheng also flashed with lightning all over his body, and his strength and speed were very good. The composition of the Tiandou Royal Academy team members is very balanced, including strong attack, agility attack, defense, flying, and nanny. There are people in each configuration.

Xingluo Royal Academy is even more domineering. Davis has very flowing golden hair, a handsome and bold face, and a pair of eyes that are a bit like the double pupils in fantasy novels. Zhu Zhuyun is as sexy as a cat, with a very exaggerated figure.

Star Luo Royal Academy focused more on offense and was more domineering. Davis and Zhu Zhuyun completed the fusion of martial arts in an instant. A huge and domineering ghost white tiger straddled the field and pounced directly on the opponent, stretching out its huge tiger claws. This strike It is estimated to be close to the Soul Emperor's attack. The Netherworld White Tiger wreaked havoc on the field. After a few rounds, all the opponents fell to the ground, leaving only a huge roar of tigers on the field.

The last one to appear is the Wuhundian team. Captain Xie Yue said to all the team members that now Blazing Fire Academy, Tiandou Royal Academy, and Star Luo Royal Academy have shown their momentum. We must show our strength and let everyone know who is the leader of this continent. Soul master overlord.

The trio of soul kings from Wuhun Palace walked at the front, followed by four team members. After the Wuhundian team came on stage, everyone felt a huge sense of oppression. There were three soul kings and four high-level soul sects, and their soul power was obviously better than the other members. After the Wuhun appeared, three black soul rings woke up all the audience. The 20-year-old Soul King was the seed of a titled Douluo. I saw Xie Yue and Hu Liena coming together. A burst of red light flashed from their bodies, and they suddenly turned into a demon wearing a mask and holding two swords in their hands. Then a large area of ​​red mist appeared, and the demon walked towards the away team. Only a scream was heard, the demon was lifted, the red mist disappeared, and all the visiting team members fell to the ground. Obviously, Youmei is the fusion skill of the two martial arts. Youmei's red mist has the ability to seriously isolate sight and mental power.

The victory of the Spirit Hall team caused panic in the whole audience. It was obvious that Yao Mei already had the strength of a Soul Emperor. The Soul Emperor was like an adult beating a child against a Soul Sect and a Soul Lord. Everyone was very frightened. Is this the strength of the Spirit Hall? Instantly killed a team that entered the finals, and basically showed no strength, and the opponent did not even resist.

The second round of the game ended just like this. The strength of the three teams that were sent in was very surprising. They are worthy of being representatives of a country. Shrek Academy once again drew an average team and easily advanced.

In the third round, Shrek Academy in the Tiandou region had a bye. Shrek Academy ranked second in the Tiandou region in the promotion match, only losing to Chihuo. Chihuo Academy appeared again, this time facing the Kamikaze team. Kamikaze and Chihuo had interacted many times, and the two sides knew each other well. After a battle, Kamikaze Academy was defeated. Captain Kamikaze looked at Huo Wu and left the field dejectedly.

And several seeded teams also advanced easily. In this way, the teams that advanced to the fourth round were Wuhun Hall Team, Tiandou Royal Academy Team, Xingluo Royal Academy Team, Blazing Academy Team, Shrek Academy Team, and Longkui Academy Team from Xingluo. Obviously, Longkui Academy Team was much weaker than the other teams, as they only had two Soul Masters.

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