Douluo Fire Phoenix

Chapter 28 The Finals Begins

Three days later, the highly anticipated finals of the Continental Soul Master Elite Competition began.

Huo Tianchen organized everyone together, including substitutes and several teachers. After looking at everyone carefully, he said: "The finals are about to begin. Let me tell you the rules of the finals. A total of thirty-three teams participated in the finals. Among them, the three seed teams were composed of two empires. The team selected by Wuhundian Academy is undoubtedly the biggest threat to you. They are also the biggest stumbling block to your final victory."

"There are only five rounds in the finals. It takes a shorter time than the qualifiers and promotion rounds. But because the competition is fierce, there will be one day of rest and adjustment time between each round and the next round. The final There are three days of adjustments before the fifth round. In the first round, the three seed teams will have a bye, and the remaining thirty teams will compete for fifteen promotion places. The losers will be directly eliminated. The brutal knockout will definitely destroy each team. The division team must work harder, and you must not be careless. At this time, the hidden abilities of all teams will be released, and there will be no reservations about even the teams you have defeated before. "

"According to the rules of the competition, the first-place college in the second round of the two major empire division promotions will have a bye. In other words, after we win the first round, we will get enough rest time in the second round. This is also the reason why the promotion competition exists Meaning. By then, eight of the sixteen teams will compete for the third round, plus our two bye teams, there will be a total of ten teams.

The second place in the promotion round will get a bye in the third round, and the remaining eight teams will decide four places to advance to the fourth round with them. There will be no byes in the fourth round. Therefore, in the promotion round, only the top two teams can benefit from the finals, and the earlier the team gets a bye, the more advantageous it will be, because it can avoid being eliminated prematurely.

In the fifth and final round, only three teams will enter the competition. Each of the three teams will be eliminated in a round-robin manner with seven players in a promotion round to determine the team with the strongest individual strength. Then the loser's two teams will fight in a team battle, and the winner will challenge the winner of the previous individual competition to determine the final championship. Do you all understand? "

Huo Tianchen said seriously, "You are the strongest of all the teams I have led. You have put in all your efforts for this competition. You work harder than the students from other colleges. I believe you can make it to the end." ”

"Xiao Fei, I don't know what you are worried about. I only know that you are a student of my Blazing Academy. If someone wants to hurt you or a student of my Blazing Academy, they need to step on my body. This finals You can do whatever you want. After graduation, you will be the vice president of our Blazing Academy."

Xiao Fei said seriously, "I will try my best to win the championship for us. Let everyone know the true strength of our Blazing Academy."

For the finals of the Continental Advanced Soul Master Academy Elite Competition, Wuhun City specially opened up a special venue. This site is located in the center of Wuhun City. The huge arena is also a hundred meters in diameter and is completely repaired from granite. This huge competition stage is also reinforced with a large number of soul guides to prevent damage.

Directly in front of this competition stage is the Papal Palace. From here it is less than a kilometer away from the hill where the Papal Palace is located. The final three finalists will compete in front of the Pope's Palace. At that time, the Pope will appear in person and crown the final champion.

Early in the morning, all participating colleges arrived at the competition venue under the leadership of dedicated personnel from Wuhun Palace. Each college has its own rest area. On both sides were huge stands, where people from the two empires came to watch the ceremony. In front of them was the referee team of Wuhun Palace.

Early in the morning, Dean Huo Tianchen went to draw lots. After a while, Dean Huo Tianchen came back with a smile on his face. Others quickly asked, "Dean, what's the result of the lottery?"

"Tianshui College, our opponent in the first round is Tianshui College."

The game started soon. This was the third game of Blazing Academy. The finals seemed to be very fast-paced. They almost ended in less than half an hour. Finally, it was Blazing Academy's turn to start.

Seven people from Blazing Academy walked into the competition venue. Tianshui College opposite also entered the venue. Shui Bing'er suddenly said, "Brother Xiaofei, I didn't expect you to finally play. Is this your strongest lineup?"

Huo Wu said domineeringly, "You will know if it is our strongest lineup just by comparing it?"

Everyone in the Tiandou area basically looked towards Blazing Fire Academy. After all, as we all know, Blazing Fire Academy has four soul sects, but in addition to the four soul sects, three completely new faces actually appeared. Is it still better to go to Blazing Fire Academy? Do you dare to use this kind of finals to train newcomers? Or is it that Blazing Academy has always hidden its strength? Everyone's minds were filled with doubts. The Blazing Academy, headed by Huo Wushuang, lined up. Tianshui College is also lined up opposite.

The referee came to the center of the two teams, "Get ready for the game. You can release your martial arts. The rules of the game are as before. The loser will be eliminated directly, and the winner will advance to the top sixteen. Blazing Fire Advanced Soul Master Academy Team vs. Tianshui Senior Soul Master College. Preparation.”

Huo Wu said domineeringly, "" Blazing Fire Academy, release the martial spirit and let us give them a surprise. "

The seven people released their martial souls instantly. In front of them all were yellow, yellow, purple and purple soul rings, and behind them were shadows of their martial souls. A huge fire phoenix instantly appeared behind Wang Xiaofei, looking at the people on the opposite side with a look of disdain. The fluctuation of soul power in Xiao Fei's body was even higher than that of Huo Wushuang. The soul power is level 49, which is higher than Huo Wushuang. This is also the student with the highest soul power currently appearing. And he seems to be less than 15 years old.

As the opponent also released his martial spirit.

"The game begins." With the referee's order, this attention-grabbing competition finally began.

Xiaofei was instantly possessed by the martial spirit, the fire phoenix flapped its wings and flew into the sky, and the second spirit ring lit up. "The second soul skill, heart of fire is like rain." Then countless feathers on Phoenix's body shot towards the students of Tianshui Academy. All the feathers are like swords.

Sword Douluo, who was watching the scene, looked at the fire rain, smiled, and said, "It's interesting!"

The other members of Chihuo rushed towards the students of Tianshui Academy. The four Fire Crane Martial Spirit students flew to the four directions of Tianshui Academy and began to release their soul skills, which were also filled with sparks like rain. Huo Wushuang directly released his first soul skill, Fire Dragon Impact, and rushed towards the Tianshui Academy lineup. Huo Wu uses the fourth soul skill, Huo Wu Yaoyang, a super wide range attack skill.

On the opposite side, Shui Bing'er relied on her fourth soul skill Ice Ring Armor and her instant first soul skill Ice Frozen to support her. However, Xiao Fei's rain of fire seemed to be endless. It not only had super high heat, but also had cutting damage, and both ice and water disappeared quickly.

Huo Wu's Fire Dance Yaoyang on the opposite side has been completed. As soon as Huo Wu is released, it will directly hit Tianshui's team members. It is estimated that Tianshui Academy will be seriously injured even if they do not die.

Shui Bing'er decisively chose to admit defeat. All members of Blazing Fire also recalled their soul power, and the game was over. The consumption of several people is not much, it can be said that it is easy to win.

At this time, Shui Bing'er came over and asked, "Is it because of you that Blazing Fire Academy has become so powerful? And with your strength, the fire rain just now should be able to last for a very long time, right?"

Before Xiao Fei could speak, Huo Wu said directly, "Of course, Xiao Fei's strength is more than that."

Shui Bing'er said sadly, "If I had known earlier, I should have kept you in Tianshui College." Then several people left the venue lonely.

Huo Wu raised his eyebrows, bit his silver teeth, and said angrily, "What, Xiao Feizi, you actually wanted to go to Tianshui Academy before?" Huo Wu rolled up his sleeves and punched Xiao Fei, while the others were While watching a play. Half a minute later, Huo Wu left with a refreshed look, while Xiao Fei became bruised and swollen.

The people in the audience were very surprised when they saw the performance of Blazing Academy. Especially that Wang Xiaofei, whose strength is a bit scary. His second soul skill seems to be stronger than many people's fifth soul skill.

A solemn-looking Yu Xiaogang in the audience asked Tang San next to him, "Xiao San, what do you think?"

Tang San thought for a while and said with a solemn expression, "Xiao Fei, this move is simply incomprehensible. Although it looks like a simple phoenix feather attack, these feathers are like swords, with strong cutting and piercing abilities. The Blue Silver Cage probably won't be able to stop him for long. And it's obvious that Xiao Fei can control the density of his feathers, which makes it difficult to deal with it. Coupled with his deep soul power, it's estimated that not many teams can stop Shui Bing'er. It's fast enough, and it can't be blocked even if it uses two soul skills in succession. Moreover, the fire damage of Xiao Fei's soul skill is very strong, much stronger than Fatty's."

Yu Xiaogang nodded.

Ning Fengzhi in the audience said, "Uncle Jian, what do you think of this move?"

Sword Douluo shook his head, "Wang Xiaofei's move should be the Flame Bird's soul skill, but he modified the feathers in this soul skill to look like swords. I guess only the soul kings from Wuhun Palace can block it. Teams at the Soul Sect level can't resist this move. Don't forget, this is just his second soul skill. How terrifying will his fourth soul skill be? In terms of Wang Xiaofei's true combat power, it is almost as good as a high-level soul skill. Emperor."

Ning Fengzhi nodded and said, "What a terrifying genius! Now I want to see what his fourth soul skill is like?"

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