Li Fei picked up a blue gem among the parts and said with a smile: "The really important thing about the soul guide is its core. The soul master controls the soul power output and carves the required magic on the gems and metals that can transmit soul power." Array, create the core, and then match it with the soul guidance device shell, which is the real soul guidance device. "

Lou Gao took the gem from Li Fei's hand and brought it to his eyes to observe: "So that's it. I asked you why there is a gem inside. It really has fine and exquisite lines on it!"

After studying for a while, Lou Gao knelt directly in front of Li Fei and said: "Your Majesty, when we get to the Tiandou Empire, you must teach me how to make a soul guide!"

"Okay, of course!" Li Fei quickly stepped forward to help Lou Gao up and agreed.

"Great!" Lou Gao shouted excitedly, and then pulled Li Fei to continue asking about soul guides.

Silong quickly packed up his and Lou Gao's luggage, followed by a few helping disciples. Ning Fengzhi also came back with a large amount of materials, and even purchased a lot of rare materials at the auction house, such as Black iron and other materials.

"Let's go!"

With everything ready, Li Fei also lifted the carriage into the air again, turning into two red-gold streams of light and flying towards Tiandou City.

After arriving at Tiandou City, Ning Fengzhi handed over all the materials he had picked up and photographed to Li Fei and Chen Xin flew towards Qibao City. Tang Hao also went to the headquarters of Haotian Sect.

After Li Fei arranged a residence for Lou Gao, Silong and others in the Ontology Sect, he took the two of them towards the volcano.

"There is one of my disciples who is in retreat there. I hope that the senior will help her with a few training rooms so that she can practice without being disturbed!" Li Fei told Lou Gao and Silong while walking in the Sunset Forest.

"It's easy to say, just ask Silong and the others to help build it, and make sure that the sound of my forging can't be heard at all~!" Lou Gao laughed.

Silong and the others, on the other hand, had grim faces and did not dare to complain at all.

"We're here!" Soon everyone came to the cave. Li Fei opened the door with a spare key and took Lou Gao and others in. The further inside, the higher the temperature inside, except Silong and Lou. Gao and the remaining blacksmiths couldn't hold on any longer.

"Trash, you can't hold on to this temperature, go out and guard the door!" Lou Gao said with a cold face.

"is teacher!"

Several people lowered their heads in shame and quickly walked out of the cave.

Soon we arrived at the bottom of the cave. Looking at the continuously rolling magma underground and the rich fire energy that filled the entire space, Lou Gao's eyes lit up. This was simply a holy land for blacksmiths!

"What a great place! It's such a great place. With a little modification to bring out the fire, it will definitely be the best forging furnace!"

Just as Lou Gao was muttering, Huo Wu on the platform next to him slowly opened his eyes, glanced at Lou Gao and Silong in confusion, then jumped in front of Li Fei, turned around, and said excitedly: " Teacher, you see my soul power has improved by one level, and it is much purer than before!"

"Well, not bad!" Li Fei nodded and found that it was indeed as Huo Wu said, the progress was very big, but this is just the increase after practicing in such a place for the first time, and the efficiency will definitely be much slower in the future. .

Looking at Lou Gao who was holding his chin in thought, Huo Wu said curiously: "Teacher, who are these two?!"

"This is the master craftsman Lou Gao and his disciple Si Long. In the future, the two of them will use the environment here to cast!" Looking at Huo Wu's troubled expression, Li Fei smiled and said: "Don't worry, they will build on these platforms I built. Some training rooms will not disturb you!"

"Thank you! Teacher!" Huo Wu nodded happily.

After confirming the magma utilization plan and the construction of the practice room in Lougao, Li Fei told him about the knowledge of soul guides and left with Huo Wu.

Master and apprentice Lou Gao was left behind to start transforming the interior of the cave.

With the addition of the Blacksmiths Association and the drawings of flintlock guns and cannons given by Li Fei, various weapons began to be continuously produced and transported to various important places in the Tiandou Empire.

The defenders in various places also took the time to train and become familiar with the newly issued weapons.

After Li Fei returned to Noumenon Sect, he taught Huo Wu about cultivation issues, but his parents nagged him, asking him to bring Li Fan back. He thought about it, there was indeed nothing wrong with the Tiandou Empire, Haotian Sect's Arriving takes away a lot of things to do on your own, and you can head to the Palace of King Silvis.

In Silvis Palace, Bibi Dong was looking at the mining report in her hand. The number of soul masters in her hands now accounted for 80% of the entire continent, with more than 10% of the remaining in the Star Luo Empire, and the remaining half in Tiandou. empire.

However, the strength of the conventional army is too small. Now the New Spirit Hall has completely occupied the four major kingdoms of the Tiandou Empire, but it has found that the mineral resources needed for various wars are very scarce. In the past, they were completely provided by the Tiandou Empire.

"No wonder the Tiandou Empire can firmly control the four kingdoms. It turns out that there are huge military restrictions!"

Throwing down the report in his hand, he looked at the Golden Iron Mountains on the sand table, which is closest to the Silvis Empire, and began to think in his mind: "The Golden Iron Mountains are the main source of iron ore for the Tiandou Empire. If the New Spirit Hall can If you occupy this place, you will have the foundation to build an empire!”

"However, as the main source of iron ore, the Jintie Mountains must be heavily guarded. It is not very far from Tiandou City. With the speed of Li Fei and Qian Renxue, they can arrive there in more than half an hour."

Sensing the difficulty, Bibi Dong frowned, and the Wuhun branch in the Tiandou Empire had almost been removed by Li Fei and Qian Renxue. Even if they sent scouts, the intelligence of the Tiandou Empire was not as good as before. Comprehensive and timely, she received the news after Li Fei went to Gengjin City that Li Fei had conquered the Blacksmiths Association.

"No, I have to prioritize and quickly establish an excellent intelligence network, otherwise the next actions will only be handcuffed. Not only the soul masters have to work hard, ordinary people are the top priority."

Bibi Dong also thought of a way. The current Tiandou Empire is mainly based on Qi and blood martial arts, supplemented by soul power, and overall strength is still respected. Although ordinary people have become better than before because of Li Fei and Qian Renxue. There are few, but the overall situation is still not taken seriously, so the scouts composed of ordinary people will not attract attention.


"My subordinate is here!"

Ghost Douluo's figure appeared from the black mist and immediately knelt down on one knee.

Bibi Dong asked: "How about the soul master scout troop I asked you to train?!"

The ghost looked very ugly and said: "Reporting to your majesty, we have trained three batches so far. The first batch has sneaked into the Star Luo Empire and can deliver the news in a timely and accurate manner, but the second and third batches that went to the Tiandou Empire are not so good. In this way, it is difficult for the news to spread only in some unimportant cities, such as Tiandou City and several nearby core cities!"

"And according to the recent news, the Tiandou Empire's scout troops have now been joined by the Min clan, making them even more difficult to approach!"

There was murderous intent in Bibi Dong's eyes, and she said in a cold tone: "If I had known that the Min clan would have wiped out all the four single-attribute clans back then! Now that the Min clan has joined the Tiandou Empire, will the other single-attribute clans also join in? !”

Ghost Douluo nodded repeatedly: "That's right!"

"Although the number of soul masters controlled by the Tiandou Empire in the Enshrinement Hall, the Seven Treasures Glazed Sect, the Haotian Sect, and even Poseidon Island is small, they are all elites, especially the number of titled Douluo, which is even greater than that of several in the New Spirit Hall. Times, coupled with the accumulation of various national policies in recent years, it has reached an invincible existence. "

Bibi Dong's expression was extremely ugly. Her only advantage now was the huge number of soul masters, but in front of Titled Douluo, these soul masters were no different from leeks. They could only wait to be cut off.

"Ghost, this time I go back to train ordinary people as scouts. They won't attract attention easily. Maybe they can have miraculous effects!"

"Yes! Your Majesty!"

The ghost nodded, and his whole person turned into black mist and disappeared.

After the ghost left, Bibi Dong sat on the Pope's chair, thinking solemnly: "What should I do?! The power of Rakshasa God alone cannot resist the cooperation of angels and Poseidon. Will I be destroyed if this continues? The ideals and ambitions of angels cannot be realized."

Now she has completed the first seven tests of the Rakshasa God, has obtained the Rakshasa God's artifact, the Rakshasa Magic Scythe, and knows many things about the god. She does not care about people below the god level. The Rakshasa God has too many secrets. Magic can make up for this shortcoming. As a god in charge of death and evil thoughts, she can create immortal undead soldiers, which can make up for the gap.

But the battle between gods is difficult to make up for. Even if the Rakshasa God is a little stronger than the Poseidon and Angel God, how much stronger can they be as first-level gods? Faced with the two gods joining forces, she has no chance at all.

It's not like she hasn't thought about becoming a god in advance and killing the two inheritors of the gods, Li Fei and Qian Renxue, in advance, but first, Qian Renxue is her daughter, she still has family affection in her heart, and she doesn't want to kill her, and second, Qian Renxue is her daughter. Qian Renxue's deity inheritance speed is much faster than hers, and she may become a god before her.

As for Li Fei, she believes that the speed is not slower than hers. Being able to get the artifact means that she has at least completed the seventh test, and is even better than herself.

"It's better to wait and see if the Star Luo Empire, which has been inherited for nearly five thousand years, has any divine inheritance to improve its confidence in fighting against the Tiandou Empire. It's better not to use that secret technique until the last moment! However, I also It is best to complete the eighth and ninth Rakshasa exams as soon as possible and become a god before Qian Renxue and Li Fei!"

Thinking of the inheritance of the secret technique in the Rakshasa God's inheritance, Bibi Dong thought it was better to wait a moment. She flashed and came to a special space underground. The space was filled with corpses of various creatures, most of which were... It's human.

There is a ferocious temple in the center of the space, with a huge eyeball pattern completely condensed from gray light. This is the place where the Rakshasa inheritance takes place.

"Li Fei, this is a reminder from you when I was a kid. There are more soul beasts in the sea and they are stronger. Didn't you expect that I would find three hundred thousand year old soul beasts in a special sea area in the Star Luo Empire? , Completely complete the cultivation of the Soul-Eating Spider King!"

The second martial soul, the Soul-Eating Spider Emperor, was possessed, and nine soul rings, five black and four red, rose up. Bibi Dong looked at the eyeball, with a solemn face, and turned into a stream of green light and rushed towards the eyeball.

This is Bibi Dong's eighth test, relying on her own strength to break through the Rakshasa seal and enter the Rakshasa Temple.

Two days later!

In the sky above the Silvis Kingdom, Li Fei's figure appeared instantly, the red-gold light in his eyes flashed continuously, and he looked at the entire royal capital with sharp eyes.

"Demon Bear, Ghost Leopard, Tuoba Xi, Yue Guan, Gui Mei, and the eighth and ninth elders, there are actually eight titled Douluo. Except for Tuoba Xi who is weak in the newly joined Title Douluo, the rest are all There are ninety-five levels. The foundation of Wuhun Palace is really deep. The new Wuhun Palace has been divided and there are so many titled Douluo, but Bibi Dong is not here!"

Not seeing Bibi Dong, Li Fei's heart was full of doubts. He was only slightly surprised that there were so many titled Douluo gathered here. He had long heard that the nine elders in front of Wuhun Palace were all titled Douluo. , and they are all super Douluo.

The seven great worshipers occupy the positions of the first seven elders. The eighth and ninth did not enter the worship hall due to some reasons, but their strength is also level 95. In the original work, they died together with the Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus Rex family.

"Found it, Xiaofan!"

After scanning around, Li Fei saw Li Fan training in a manor near the royal city. The space fluctuated, and Li Fei arrived next to Li Fan.


Hearing the familiar voice behind him, Li Fan couldn't hold the tungsten steel rod firmly in his hand and dropped it directly to the ground. He turned around stiffly and looked at the familiar figure. Tears instantly flowed out and he shouted: "Brother !”

"You are already a man, why are you still crying?!" Li Fei stepped forward and hugged Li Fan in his arms, his face full of guilt, and he forced a smile.

"Brother, you finally came to pick me up. I thought you all didn't want me anymore?!" Li Fan cried loudly. At this moment, he was like a child. Being adopted, he was far more sensitive than ordinary people. , during this period of time, I practiced until I was exhausted every day, just to stop myself from thinking randomly.

"I'm here to take you home!" Li Fei let go of Li Fan, stretched out his hand to wipe away his tears, and said with a smile.

"Yeah!" Li Fan nodded heavily.

"I'll unlock your soul power seal first. It hurts a little, so bear with it!"

Seeing Li Fan nod, Li Fei used his fiery eyes to look at the seal formed by the Rakshasa divine light in his dantian, and was a little surprised. This meant that Bibi Dong's inheritance of the Rakshasa god was almost over.

A red-gold light appeared in his hand, and Li Fei turned his hand into a claw shape and printed it directly on Li Fan's Dantian. Each fingertip was on the center of the seal. The red-gold energy was injected into the seal of the Rakshasa divine light. Broken instantly.

Li Fan's soul power also exploded at this moment, coaxing the remaining Rakshasa light into his veins and refining it with Li Fei's energy, transforming it into Li Fan's soul power.

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