After a while, Tang Hao came over in a carriage with Tai Tan.

Li Fei, Ning Fengzhi and Chen Xin also got on the carriage and headed to Gengjin City. In the car, Tang Hao also looked at Sword Douluo with some surprise. Unexpectedly, after not seeing each other for a while, his soul power increased again. class.

However, thinking of the wave of soul power that made him tremble just now, he shut up and said nothing. He roughly guessed who the source of the soul power was. After taking a look at Li Fei, he closed his eyes and began to practice.

Feeling the speed of the carriage, Li Fei frowned. It would take several days to reach Gengjin City at this speed. He was not in the mood to see the scenery along the way.

With a slight raise of his hand, the two carriages flew directly into the air. The members of the Li clan who were the coachmen suddenly became frightened and exclaimed.

"Don't be afraid, just sit tight!" Li Fei's voice came out, followed by a soft force that pressed the two of them to their seats. The next second, the two carriages turned into two golden-red streams of light. Flying towards Gengjin City.

"This is no weaker than my speed after Fengzhi assisted me!"

Feeling the speed of the carriage in the air, Chen Xin was very shocked. He knew in his heart that this was definitely not Li Fei's full strength. Looking at his relaxed expression, it was probably just a trivial amount of strength.

"It seems that I still underestimate Li Fei's strength. I can't match this speed alone!" Tang Hao's pupils shrank and he was also shocked.

In this way, with tacit understanding, several people quickly landed near Gengjin City and asked the two of them to drive to Gengjin City.

From a distance, the entire Gengjin City is a city made entirely of metal, so it is also known as the City of Metal. However, in fact, the main body is still a brick structure, just because almost all of the city's blacksmiths are building facilities in various places in the city. , and finally it slowly became like this.

After entering Gengjin City, everyone found that the atmosphere here was not as good as expected. Although there were still many blacksmith shops and the blacksmiths were constantly forging, it was obvious that their mood was not very good.

"The situation is not quite right. Let's go directly to the Blacksmiths Association!" Taitan frowned slightly, looked around, and suggested.


Li Fei nodded, and everyone walked towards the Blacksmith Association in the center of the city.

"Give it!"

At this time, a group of people came from a distance and began to pick up the stalls around them. From the leader's clothes and the people following behind, everyone recognized that they should be from Wuhun Palace.

"Since the split of Wuhun Palace, this new Wuhun Palace has gone too far. Even this kind of trash can become the bishop of the branch hall!" Ning Fengzhi frowned slightly, with a look of disgust on his face.


Li Fei's face instantly turned cold. It was this kind of rubbish that ruined the reputation of Wuhun Palace. With a thought in his mind, he raised his hand slightly, and all the spiritual energy in the world was converted into the fire attribute. A series of red-gold flames were waiting for Miles. The members of the Wuhun Palace burned. In front of the red-gold flames that had reached the ultimate fire level, even if Myers and others burst out their soul power to resist, it had no effect at all.

On the contrary, in front of the red-gold flame, the soul power also turned into fuel. In the blink of an eye, several people turned into fly ash.

After the battle with the Deep Sea Demonic Whale King, after Li Fei's cultivation level improved, it became easier to comprehend the avenue of heaven and earth. During this period, he could also turn the soul power of various attributes into the ultimate power. In terms of soul power alone, it was indistinguishable. With his divine power, his combat power has increased countless times.

"It's great to be dead! These damn guys from Wuhun Palace are finally dead!"

"Now you don't have to be frightened anymore!"


The surrounding blacksmiths cheered when they saw that all the Wuhundian members led by Miles were burned to ashes.

Li Fei raised his hand again, and a huge flaming fist appeared in the sky above the Wuhun Branch Hall of Gengjin City. The fist was completely composed of ultimate fire. The red-gold light flickered, but there was no trace of temperature. This shows that Li Fei has a deep understanding of the soul. force control.


The Wuhun Branch Hall, the largest building in Gengjin City, disappeared in an instant. Not only that, the precious metals decorating the Wuhun Points completely turned into molten iron and fused together, flowing into it. The attack just now left only a big hole like a huge abyss. The interior and surroundings were all filled with lava, and the temperature of the entire Gengjin City increased several times at this moment.

"Your Majesty Li Feimian, what was the flame just now?! Even the soul power can be burned, and there are many metals in the martial soul branch hall that are difficult to melt. How did your attack just now turn them into molten iron! "Tatan stepped forward and asked with excitement and disbelief. For blacksmiths, ultra-high-temperature flames are very important. With this method of using flames, he can't even imagine what he can create in the future. Something like that.

"This is the ultimate fire, the most extreme fire attribute soul power. Just like your force clan, it is the flame soul power that can only appear when a single attribute is cultivated to the true extreme. It is infinitely powerful. It can not only burn the soul power, Its temperature is not comparable to ordinary flames, and it can naturally melt all kinds of metals!"

A wisp of red-gold flame appeared on the tip of Li Fei's finger, and he handed it to Tan Tan and explained. Tang Hao, Ning Fengzhi and Chen Xin also approached. Several of them had seen Li Fei's previous blow and did not dare to use their hands. Even though they touched it, they were not weak in strength and could clearly feel the temperature and energy contained in this flame.

"Your Majesty, what you mean is that if I cultivate to the level of Titled Douluo, my soul power will also undergo transformation!" Tai Tan asked with joy flashing in his eyes.

"With your family's powerful gorilla martial spirit, coupled with the practice of full-power attribute soul skills, you will definitely have a chance to transform into the ultimate power when you become a titled Douluo, but it will be difficult. The transformation of ultimate power is more difficult than other attributes. According to my guess, you have to reach at least level ninety-seven to have a chance!"

Li Fei explained that the powerful gorilla can only be regarded as an advanced martial spirit, not an ultimate martial spirit. It can only be achieved by evolving the martial spirit twice after level 95.

"Thank you, Your Majesty!" Tai Tan thanked Li Fei, feeling very grateful. It was Li Fei's explanation that made him more determined to get to the end with strength.

"Vice President Titan, it's really you!" At this time, the burly Silong ran from a distance and shouted loudly after seeing Titan.

"Good boy, it's really you! You're getting stronger and stronger!" When Taitan saw Silong, he excitedly stepped forward and patted Silong's burly figure. The banging sound showed that Taitan's power was definitely not small. .

As a blacksmith and a member of the force clan, Tai Tan knew that the stronger, the better. He pulled Silong to Li Fei and others and introduced: "This is Li Fei's Crown, Haotian's Crown, Jian's Crown and Qibao Glazed Sect Master Ning!”

Silong was shocked and immediately knelt down on one knee and said: "Junior Silong, I have seen you all, Your Majesty!"

"You came just in time. Take us to find the master craftsman Lou Gao. I happen to have something to see him!" Li Fei stretched out his hand, used his soul power to lift Silong up, pointed to the big hole in the distance, and said with a smile: "I just came here There are several extreme fires left in the big hole created. The flames in this hole will not go out in a short period of time. If you need it, you can use the flame wrought iron."

"Is this caused by the huge flaming fist just now?! This temperature is much higher than the temperature of the teacher's blast furnace!" Silong immediately ran to the big hole caused by Li Fei's attack, lay down and felt the temperature inside in surprise road.

"Okay, boy, take us to Lou Gao! This flame won't disappear for the time being, and it won't be too late to come back later. Can you bear the responsibility for neglecting these seniors?!" Tai Tan stepped forward and lifted Silong away. Get up and said angrily.

"Seniors, please!" Silong reacted immediately, smiled at Li Feisan, and immediately took the lead towards the Blacksmiths Association.

Entering the Blacksmiths Association, Silong began to introduce each floor, which gave Li Fei and others a good understanding of the Blacksmiths Association, and soon they reached the top floor, where the building is located.

At this time, Lou Gao was holding his chubby belly, waving the forging hammer in his hand and constantly hitting the metal on the table.

"Teacher, Vice President Taitan is here, and he is also accompanied by Li Feimian, Haotian Mianxia, ​​Jian Mianxia and Sect Master Ning!" Silong quickly came to Lou Gao to remind him, deeply afraid that his teacher would The creation neglected these big guys.

"Your Majesty!" As he waved the forging hammer and stopped in the air, Lou Gao had doubts on his face. He turned to look in the direction of the door and found a young man and three middle-aged men standing there.

He had seen both Lou Gao and Tang Hao, and his identity and strength were definitely not simple to be accompanied by these two people. He also understood that what Silong said was right. He put the forging hammer on the table and immediately said respectfully: "Lou Gao, see you. Your Majesty!"

"Senior Lou Gao, you don't need to be polite. I'm here to ask you something!" Li Fei stepped forward and said with a smile.

"Your Majesty, please speak!

Even if Lou Gao himself was unconventional, facing a titled Douluo like Li Fei, he would not dare to show any slightness and said seriously.

"I hope you, Senior Lou Gao, can lead the entire Blacksmith Association to join the Tiandou Empire!" Li Fei's expression also became serious.

"Your Majesty, but..."

"Don't think about rejecting it yet. Can you listen to my reasons first?"

Seeing that Lou Gao wanted to refuse, Li Fei quickly interrupted.

"Your Majesty, please speak!" Hearing this, Lou Gao did not dare to refuse and said in a somewhat embarrassed tone.

"I know that Gengjin City remains neutral on the mainland, and the Blacksmiths Association is even more so, but the next war is likely to sweep across the entire continent. Do you think Gengjin City and the Blacksmiths Association can still remain neutral?!"

"Even if this is the case, do Gengjin City and the Blacksmith Association have to choose the Tiandou Empire?!"

Lou Gao frowned slightly and said slightly unhappy.

"The person next to me is the master of the Seven Treasures Glazed Sect. You must also know the treasure appraisal ability of the Seven Treasures Glazed Tile. After joining the Tiandou Empire, the Seven Treasures Glazed Sect will give priority to providing various precious materials to the Blacksmith Association!" Li Fei walked up to Beside Ning Fengzhi, said with a smile.

Ning Fengzhi was a little embarrassed and forced a smile to Lou Gao.

Lou Gao swallowed unconsciously and said harshly: "We in the Blacksmith Association also have many martial spirits with strong appraisal ability. We are not short of precious materials!"

"There is a volcano in the Sunset Forest of the Tiandou Empire. I have set up a formation inside, and it contains flames of this intensity!" A wisp of ultimate fire appeared on Li Fei's fingertips, and he placed it in front of Lou Gao's eyes and continued to seduce.

Feeling the temperature of the flame, Lou Gao's Adam's apple kept moving up and down, his eyes fixed on the ultimate fire, he took a piece of cold-hearted iron essence from the forging table next to him, and put it on the flame at Li Fei's fingertips , quickly turned into molten iron!

"This is the hardest metal in the entire continent, and it turned into molten iron in just a few seconds!" Lou Gao looked at the molten iron dripping on the ground in shock, and looked up at Li Fei: "My Majesty, are you sure there is such a thing? A level of flame!”

"Of course, I won't lie to anyone, but the flame is deep in the magma. It will take some effort for you to use it!" Li Fei said with a smile.

Lou Gao was suddenly disappointed: "It's deep in the lava!"

"I have some drawings here, I think you will be very interested!" Seeing that Lou Gao was already moved, Li Fei smiled softly, took out the drawings of the soul guide he designed from the storage bracelet, and put He handed it to Lou Gao.

"This is...the blueprint for the soul guide..." Lou Gao looked at the blueprint in his hand, his body began to tremble, and his eyes were full of excitement.

"Of course, I am not only a soul master, but also a seventh-level soul master. As long as the Blacksmith Association joins the Tiandou Empire, I would like you to hand over all the knowledge of soul guidance devices that I have studied over the years to your seniors!" Li Feixiao He nodded and took out a few more soul guides he made and handed them over.

Lou Gaoyi looked at the drawings and soul guide in his hand with an obsessed look, and said to Silong next to him: "Silong, pack your things quickly, we are moving!"

"Where to move to?!" Silong asked confused.

"Idiot, of course I moved to Tiandou City. What if I don't use the good conditions there and waste them?!" Lou Gao slapped Silong on the forehead and said angrily.

"Ah!" Silong looked shocked: "What about the Blacksmiths Association?!"

"Let Sizhe serve as the president of the association here, and you come with me to Tiandou City!" Lou Gao thought for a while and said.

Silong: "..."

Li Fei: "..."

Titan: "..."

Several people present were helpless. Li Fei's lips twitched. They didn't expect that just a few soul tools and blueprints would make Lou Gao what he is now. If he had known it, he would have taken it out earlier.

Seeing Lou Gao who was still obsessed with soul tools and blueprints, Li Fei sighed and said helplessly: "Sect Master Ning, this is Gengjin City. There are a lot of dusty metals. Please go and purchase them."

"Okay! I'll go right away!" Ning Fengzhi saw that Lou Gao still needed some time, so he agreed, walked out of the Blacksmith Association with Chen Xin, and started purchasing.

Li Fei stayed next to Lou Gao, waiting for the answer to the question. Sure enough, after Lou Gao fired a cannon, he had already taken apart the soul cannon and started studying it.

"Your Majesty, the structure of this soul cannon is obviously very simple. How did it allow my soul power to condense into soul power cannonballs?!"

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