Douluo: Awakening the original martial spirit at the beginning

Chapter 127 Special Body Martial Spirit Fire Dance

"We still have to go to the Soul Saint!" Shui Bing'er was a little disappointed. She originally thought that the Soul King would be enough.

"Don't be too greedy. Most soul masters haven't cultivated to this level yet?!"

Although Li Fei speculates that ice attribute soul masters can reach the ultimate level of ice after practicing the Title Douluo level, the Title Douluo level will kill 99% of people, and basically there is no way to break through. This is a matter of qualifications.

"That's right!" Shui Bing'er smiled.

Entering a building on the right, everyone soon reached the third floor and arrived at the door in the middle.

"The dean works inside!" Lan Ran said to Li Fei and knocked on the door.


A slightly lazy voice came from inside.

"Dean, Li Feimian came down and said he has something to do with you." As soon as he opened the door, Lan Ran said to the inside.

Bang! Bang!

There was a sound of tables and chairs falling to the ground, and Li Fei saw a plump woman wearing only underwear hurriedly getting dressed. It was a feast for Li Fei's eyes, but he still turned around politely.

Shui Bing'er reprimanded loudly: "Mom, why are you working in just your underwear?!"

"How do I know that a man will come in? Aren't you used to this?!" Dean Tianshui defended helplessly.


"I'm dressed!"

The two quarreled for several minutes. Li Fei turned around, looked at the blushing Dean of Tianshui College, and showed a smile.

"I wonder what Li Feimian is talking about here?!" Dean Tianshui quickly adjusted himself and asked doubtfully.

The negotiation with Tianshui College went very smoothly. Dean Tianshui quickly expressed his attitude after hearing Li Fei's intention. Li Fei also left a detailed manual of Qi and Blood Martial Arts and walked towards Blazing Fire College.

This time, Li Fei didn't wander around and went directly to Blazing Academy. Compared to Tianshui Academy, the guards at Blazing Academy were not as strict. When walking inside the academy, he saw students running in the same direction, and he followed. Go up.

"Hurry, hurry! Huo Wu is going to fight Huo Wushuang, so you can't miss it!"


"It turns out to be a battle between two brothers and a sister!"

Listening to the words of the students around him, Li Fei was also very interested. He suddenly remembered that Huo Wu's martial spirit seemed to be a kind of original martial spirit. He also quickened his pace and came to the audience.

The battle between the two sides had already begun. Huo Wushuang used the explosive power of the offensive spirit master to attack continuously, while Huo Wu's martial arts performance surprised Li Fei. A burning shadow appeared around Huo Wu, and every time he attacked, They are equivalent to two people. Not only that, Huo Wu can also exchange places with Hokage, which is almost impossible to guard against.

"But Huo Wu's exchange frequency is too low. Are there any restrictions on this move?!"

Seeing Huo Wu use exchange again after a long time, Li Fei began to think in his heart. This ability of space exchange is the most powerful killing move at any time, and he also got some understanding of Huo Wu's martial spirit.

The combination of Huo Wu's soul rings is also reasonable. They are all elemental soul skills, which are very suitable for an energy-based martial soul like Naruto.

"It's a pity that I haven't done any research on this type of martial spirit, and I don't know if I can let her have a second awakening!"

After watching for a while, Li Fei left. Through Huo Wu's several exchanges just now, he also noticed a hint of the mystery of space. He converted the soul power in his body into the power of space, and appeared in the courtyard of Blazing Fire the next second. long office.

"Who?!" Dean Chihuo was instantly possessed by the one-horned Fire Tyrannosaurus, and a violent force of flames attacked the location where Li Fei appeared.

Li Fei waved his hand and the power of the flames dissipated instantly, and said with a smile: "Is this the way Blazing Fire treats guests?!"

When Dean Chihuo saw it was Li Fei, he immediately came out of his work station, knelt down on one knee and said, "Huo Jing, I have seen His Majesty Li Fei! I didn't know it was Your Majesty who came here, so please forgive me!"

"Get up!" Li Fei sat down where Huo Jing had been.

"Yes!" Huo Jing stood up quickly, walked to Li Fei, bowed his waist and asked with a stern expression: "Your Majesty, what's the reason for you coming to our Blazing Fire Academy?!"

Li Fei asked: "Two things. The first thing is to get an attitude from Chihuo Academy. Shenfeng and Tianshui have already expressed their willingness to be attached to the Tiandou Empire. What about Shirano Chihuo's attitude?!"

Huo Jing thought for a while, then gritted his teeth and said with difficulty: "Blazing Fire Academy is willing to attach itself to the Tiandou Empire. I wonder what the second thing your majesty said?!"

Li Fei slowly said: "Your daughter Huo Wu has a special martial soul. I want to accept her as my disciple. What do you think?! It is a waste of her qualifications for her to practice with you."

As the leader of the Noumenon Sect, he wanted to understand all the Noumenon Martial Spirits to lay the foundation for the sect's practice system in the future. Moreover, Huo Wu's own qualifications were not bad, and the Martial Soul was the mutated Noumenon Martial Spirit Hokage. In his It shouldn't be a problem to become a Titled Douluo under his guidance.

"That's great. It would be an honor for my little girl to become your disciple. I will send someone to notify Huo Wu!" Huo Jing had a look of surprise on his face. He originally thought that Li Fei's second The thing was that he was asked to choose students to go to the battlefield. I didn't expect it to be such a good thing.

After saying that, Huo Jing ran out of the door and ordered someone to call Huo Wu.

"Dad, what did you ask me to do?! I can defeat my brother right away. What can't be done after I defeat my brother!" Before Huo Wu even entered the door, the angry voice rang out.

"I'm sorry, Your Majesty Li Feimian, my daughter has such a personality!" Huo Jing quickly apologized with a smile.

"It's okay!~" Li Fei smiled. She had long known that Huo Wu was hot-tempered and irritable, aggressive and domineering, but very straightforward.

As soon as Huo Wu entered the door, he was pulled over by Huo Jing, pressed his head and bowed, urging: "Why don't you hurry up and see Li Feimian!"

"Your Majesty Li Feimian?!"

"That's right! Your Majesty Li Feimian came here to accept you as his disciple!" Huo Jing quickly explained Li Fei's purpose.

This made Huo Wushuang, who had just come in, froze in place. Everyone in this continent had heard the name Li Fei, but he didn't expect that he would even think of accepting his sister as his disciple.

Huo Wu also stared blankly at the man who was perfect in all aspects as the dean, and his heart was filled with shock. This was an unprecedented genius in the mainland, the creator of Qi and Blood Martial Arts. He would actually think of accepting him as his disciple. !

Li Fei smiled and said, "What do you think?! Don't worry, I won't force you. If you don't want to, I'll turn around and leave immediately!"

Before Huo Wu could speak, Huo Jing hurriedly said: "How could you not want to?! My little girl is very willing to become your teacher!"

"Why do you want to accept me as your disciple?! Don't you only accept the original martial spirit?! My martial spirit is just the mutated martial spirit Hokage!" Huo Wu was very confused and asked several questions in a row!

Li Fei smiled: "Who told you that you are no longer the main body martial soul? Your martial soul is not only the main body martial soul, but also very special. It is also a very rare shadow type martial soul among the main body martial souls. If you don't practice correctly, With this method, your future achievements will only be at the Contra level."

"Huo Wu has met the master!" Hearing this, Huo Wu immediately knelt down and worshiped without any hesitation.

"Very good!" Li Fei nodded with satisfaction, threw the detailed cultivation manual of Qi and Blood to Huo Jing, and then said to Huo Wu: "Pack your things and follow me back to the Noumenon Sect! Now You have to practice at my place for a while before you can come back!"

"Master, I'll clean it up right away!" Huo Wu put a smile on his lips and his eyes were full of joy. He said with a smile, turned around and ran towards his room.

After Huo Wu packed her luggage, Li Fei took her and flew towards the Noumenon Sect.

Looking at the retreating clouds all around, Huo Wu also had a look of surprise on his face, but he was even more looking forward to the next practice and study of the Noumenon Sect, so he asked: "Master, how should I practice next?!"

"What you have to do next is not training, but precipitation~! There is a big difference between the Hokage martial spirit and the body-like martial spirit. The main thing is not the body, but the mental power and soul power. Otherwise, there is no way at all. Second awakening!”

"My martial soul can also awaken a second time!" Huo Wu said in surprise.

"Well, that's right, so when you go back this time, you have to follow my method to refine your soul power and spirit first, and strengthen your foundation. When you accumulate enough, you can soar into the sky."

"But I still want to get a good ranking in the Continental Senior Soul Master Elite Competition in a year's time?! If I just strengthen my foundation, will my strength not be able to keep up by then!" Huo Wu looked confused, regarding The Blazing Fire Academy has been preparing for this continent-wide senior soul master elite competition for a long time, and their purpose is to compete for the first place.

"Don't worry, I won't delay your cultivation. I guarantee that you can easily crush your brother when you come back!" Li Fei smiled, feeling a little ridiculous in his heart. He was taught by a titled Douluo, but you are still afraid that your cultivation level can't compare with him. other people.

"That's great, let's see if I come back and crush him next time!" Huo Wu laughed excitedly, then looked at Li Fei flying next to him: "Master, let's go back quickly! I can't wait to It’s time to practice!”

Li Fei smiled helplessly, and a protective shield protected Huo Wu. His speed suddenly increased ten times, turning into two red-gold streams of light and flying towards the Sunset Forest.

"Sect Master, Haotian Sect has come out of the mountain. Sect Master Tang Xiao has arrived at Tiandou City with five hundred soul masters. His Majesty found an open space in the west of Tiandou City and temporarily placed them there! Haotian Mian has already brought them Follow Tang San and pass!"

As soon as Li Fei landed, Yang Guang ran over to report. He had just seen the tent in the west and felt Tang Hao's strong soul power from the air.

"Okay, I get it!" Li Fei gently rubbed Yang Guang's little head, rolled his hair into a chicken nest, turned to Huo Wu and said, "Follow Yang Guang first and let him arrange a place for you. , come to me after the arrangements are made, and I will take you to the place of cultivation."

After Huo Wu left, Li Fei sat on the chair next to him, thinking about the arrangements of the Haotian Sect. With the addition of the Haotian Sect, the four single-attribute clans under it would also be put on the agenda. Li Fei was comparable to the four clans. The Haotian Sect has many things to pay attention to. The Li clan forges iron, the Yu clan builds houses, the Sensitive clan scouts, and the Po clan refines medicine. Each sect has its own characteristics.

Moreover, these four side jobs are all closely related to life. Except for the Min clan, it is impossible to leave them no matter what.

This is also the reason why Li Fei has not touched these four clans. He just wants to wait for an opportunity to completely integrate them into the Tiandou Empire. Now that Tang Hao comes over, it is a good opportunity. Not only that, with Tai Tan and Tang Hao, Geng The Blacksmiths Association of Jincheng will also be included.

"Teacher, I've sorted it out. Where should we practice?!" At this time, Huo Wu hurried in from a distance and shouted.

"follow me!"

After saying hello, Li Fei took Huowu Sunset Forest and walked away.

Walking in the Sunset Forest, Huo Wu saw that many places in the Sunset Forest were full of big pits, surrounded by collapsed and dead trees, including corpses of soul beasts. There were also many places that had completely turned into scorched earth, with no grass growing, and he was surprised. , what kind of battle caused this.

"Teacher, is this caused by your fight with Sword Douluo?!" Huo Wu asked.

"Yeah!" Li Fei nodded sheepishly. The Sunset Forest was completely destroyed by him. Not only were there traces of battles everywhere in the forest, but there were even fewer soul beasts. Fortunately, Li Fei let Qian Renxue sent people to temporarily seal off the Sunset Forest, and I believe it will be restored soon.

The place Li Fei chose for Huo Wu was the cave that could lead to the inside of the volcano where the Fire Spirit Holy Beast was trained. As a fire attribute soul master, an environment like this was the most suitable. After Huo Wu actually passed the test, she practiced The place is next to the fire eye of the ice and fire eyes, and that is the paradise of fire attribute soul masters.

The cave was hidden by Li Fei using a door-shaped soul guide, and only the key could open it.

Li Fei inserted the key into the door, input his soul power, and then the door slowly opened. He threw the key to Huo Wu and said, "I will lead the way this time. You will have to come here by yourself later, and so will the soul beasts on the way." Solve it and avoid it yourself, I won't help you!"

"Yes, teacher!" Huo Wu took the key and looked at the cave curiously, wondering where this place was.

"This used to be the training ground I arranged for Hu Zi. He is now at Tiandou Royal Academy and only comes here occasionally. From now on, this place will be yours!" Li Fei introduced to Huo Wu as he walked, Hu Zi's soul ring is all They are all fire-attribute amplifying soul rings, which are very suitable for his heart martial soul. After the second ring, his training venue is in this volcano. The divine power from the battle of the Fire Dragon King still remains here, so the temperature deep in the magma is also extreme. Fire, this was also discovered by Li Fei after he reached a high level of cultivation.

Feeling the increasing temperature, Huo Wu was also shocked. You must know that she is a fire attribute soul master with extremely strong heat resistance, and she can actually feel the heat.

"This is inside the volcano!" Huo Wu said in shock as he looked at the rolling magma below.

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