Jialing Pass is the most important portal of the Tiandou Empire. It is surrounded by towering peaks on both sides and is surrounded by natural dangers. It is the best barrier. In front of it is the Lima Plain. It is extremely flat. Any attack by the army can be detected in advance. , can be said to be the most perfect barrier.

"The current Jialing Pass is led by two titled Douluo, Uncle She and Uncle Assassin, and there are 20,000 Qi-blood warriors. Coupled with various powerful weapons, it is not difficult to defend it!"

"But our goal is not to defend the Tiandou Empire, but to destroy the Star Luo Empire and the New Spirit Hall. Just defending Jialing Pass is not enough!"

Li Fei slowly said that he didn't know much about war. He had been busy practicing these years, and he had never read any art of war, so he still had to ask more questions about fighting.

Qian Renxue stepped forward and took Li Fei's arm and said with a smile: "Of course we know that Jialing Pass is just our first step. During this time, I have asked all the Qi-blood warriors in the country to enter Jialing Pass in batches. When the army After gathering, we can attack the two empires through Jialing Pass at any time! "

"That's good!" Li Fei nodded and asked, "Who is the leader?!"

Qian Renxue pointed at a burly man next to him and said with a smile: "This is Xiao Jinzhong, the new general marshal of the empire. His military ability is not inferior to that of Ge Long at all, but his soul power cultivation is a bit weak, and his strength is only soul power." Holy!”

"It doesn't matter your cultivation level, as long as you know how to fight!"

Li Fei said nonchalantly, he was afraid of an outsider guiding an expert. Like the Jialing Pass in the original work, where the Wuhun Palace had the absolute advantage, but because of the command, the city was almost destroyed by the two armies.

He has heard of Xiao Jinzhong's name. Since he was promoted to the Empire's Grand Marshal, he has been commanding several conflicts and battles within the Empire. He has achieved great results and is very capable.

Today is the first time I’ve seen him!

Xiao Jinzhong immediately stepped forward and said respectfully: "Thank you, Mr. Li Fei, for your understanding!"

"It's okay! Fight hard. As long as you can destroy the Star Luo Empire, I will personally improve your strength by then!" Li Fei gently patted Xiao Jinzhong's shoulder and encouraged him.

"Sir Li Fei, I will definitely work hard!" Xiao Jinzhong immediately said excitedly.

"Xue'er, since you have figured out how to fight, I will no longer care about the battlefield. I will go to the four major element colleges later to see if I can convince the four major colleges to help us!"

"Then go and come back quickly!"

Seeing that he had nothing to do here, Li Fei left the palace and walked towards the Four Elements Academy. Thunder Academy was controlled by the Blue and Lightning Tyrannosaurus Rex family and was immediately excluded by Li Fei.

The remaining ones are the three major academies of Tianshui, Blazing Fire and Kamikaze.

Hurricane City near Hurricane Canyon is the city where Kamikaze Academy is located. Teachers from Kamikaze Academy often take students to Hurricane Canyon to practice against hurricanes, which is also a feature of the academy.

This is also Li Fei's first stop.

In less than half a day, Li Fei arrived near Hurricane City from Tiandou City.

"The environment here is very similar to the Sao Feng Canyon environment where the Fengjian Sect is located, except that the hurricane force here is stronger and there is no thunder power from time to time above the Sao Feng Canyon!"

Standing next to Hurricane Canyon and observing the environment here, Li Fei understood the difference between this place and Sao Feng Canyon.

"Is this?!" Li Fei glanced around and found a little boy wearing a turban in the hurricane. Surrounded by wind-attributed soul power, he was constantly pushing forward against the hurricane. He also had strong Qi-blood martial arts training. He laughed. Said: "It must be Feng Xiaotian! I didn't expect him to work so hard at such a young age. No wonder he almost defeated Tang San in the original work."

Feng Xiaotian was facing the hurricane, constantly using his wind attribute soul power to offset the wind force, increasing the wind pressure and sharpness of his wind attribute soul power, and enhancing his strength.

"You are practicing wrongly. You must not only offset the power of the wind, but also use the power of the wind and integrate it into your daily practice. Only in this way can you go further!"

The sudden sound from behind made Feng Xiaotian startled. There was a glitch in the movement of his soul power, and he flew up without blocking the force of the hurricane.


Li Fei grabbed Feng Xiaotian's leg, lifted it up, and said with a smile, "Are you so excited?!"

"Let me go! Otherwise I'll be rude to you!"

When Feng Xiaotian saw Li Fei, he shouted angrily, and his body struggled continuously, twisting and turning like a caterpillar, and the two-headed wind demon wolf instantly possessed him.

"The second soul skill: Possession by Two Wolves!"

"The first soul skill: Wind Blade Array!"

The only two soul rings lit up instantly, and with a wave of his hand, a pair of wolf claws appeared, and ten sharp wind blades were shot towards Li Fei's face.


Li Fei smiled and exhaled softly. The airflow turned into a strong wind, and the wind blades shot by Feng Xiaotian were directly blown away. Not only that, the hurricanes that kept blowing over were also offset.

"How is this possible?! Just one breath!"

Feng Xiaotian stopped struggling and looked at Li Fei in disbelief. The strong wind just blew past his face. He could clearly feel the power of the strong wind, which was far stronger than the concentrated hurricane in the hurricane canyon. Therefore, the hurricane can be easily counteracted, probably only by the wind deep in the canyon.


Throwing Feng Xiaotian to the ground, Li Fei smiled and said: "This hurricane canyon has a good environment and is very suitable for cultivating wind attribute soul power. It is no wonder that Shenfeng Academy has become one of the four elemental academies!"

"Who are you?! What are your plans for our Kamikaze Academy?!"

Feng Xiaotian got up from the ground, his eyes full of fear. At that moment, he understood that no one in the entire Shenfeng Academy could be his opponent. Even in the entire continent, he had never heard of anyone who could do it just by relying on physical fitness. It blew such a terrifying wind.

"My name is Li Fei!"

"What?! You are the master of the Noumenon Sect, the number one genius in the continent!"

Hearing this, Feng Xiaotian shouted in disbelief.

"Okay, take me to see the dean of Kamikaze Academy. I have something to talk to him about!"


In Shenfeng College, Dean Feng Shilin has received the news and is respectfully waiting for Li Fei's arrival at the gate of the college.

"Feng Shilin from Shenfeng Academy has met His Majesty Li Feimian!"

Seeing his son Feng Xiaotian walking towards this side with Li Fei, Feng Shilin immediately greeted him and said respectfully.

"Okay! Let the students disperse! I have something to talk to you, the school leaders." Li Fei waved his hand and said.

"Yes!" Feng Shilin bowed quickly and said, turning around and sending away the students and the irrelevant teachers: "Your Majesty Li Feimian, please follow me!"

Walking next to Feng Shilin, Li Fei looked at the layout of Shenfeng Academy. The roofs here are all tapered, and there are many wind flags on the roofs, fluttering in the breeze.

Soon they arrived at a large conference room. Feng Shilin directly asked Li Fei to sit at the front seat, and then he sat next to him with a flattering look on his face.

"I wonder if Li Feimian has any instructions from our Kamikaze Academy when he comes down?!"

Hearing this, Li Fei said directly: "I don't like to beat around the bush. I believe you can also see clearly the next situation on the entire continent. War is inevitable. I want to know the attitude of Shenfeng Academy. Is it choosing to join? Does the Tiandou Empire still choose to be an enemy of Tiandou?”

"Your Majesty, do we really have to make a choice?! Our Kamikaze Academy is just a school, a place to train children. Is it really okay to let them participate in the war at such a young age?!" Feng Shilin looked embarrassed. said.

This is not because he has any selfish motives, but because most of the students in the academy are children between the ages of twelve and sixteen, he is really unwilling to let these children enter the cruel battlefield, which is a real meat grinder. What a machine!

"I just want an attitude!" Li Fei looked at Feng Shilin seriously.

Feng Shilin looked at Li Fei for a while before slowly speaking: "I understand! Your Majesty Li Fei, Shenfeng Academy will always be a part of the Tiandou Empire, and will always choose to stand on the side of the empire, and Fight for it!”

A satisfied smile appeared in Li Fei's eyes, he took out a manual from the storage bracelet, put it on the table, and said: "This is the practice method of Qi and Blood Martial Arts. It is more detailed than the practice methods spread out. I believe it will be of great help to Shenfeng Academy!”

"Thank you, Your Majesty Li Fei!" Feng Shilin picked up the manual on the table with excitement and bowed to Li Fei repeatedly.

"As long as Kamikaze can remember today, the Tiandou Empire's support for Kamikaze will definitely be huge!"

After saying that, Li Fei smiled at Feng Shilin and disappeared into thin air.

Feng Shilin and others stared blankly at the position where Li Fei was just now. There was silence for a while. After a long while, after confirming that Li Fei had left, Feng Shilin wiped the non-existent sweat on his head, with lingering fear. Said: "Li Feimian feels so oppressed!"

"Yes!" The Education Committee in the room also nodded repeatedly, and then said in a solemn voice: "Dean, do we really want to follow the Tiandou Empire?! The children are still so young!"

"I don't want to! But this war will definitely sweep across the entire continent. Even if our Kamikaze Academy remains neutral, we will never be able to escape and will be involved in it, so there is no harm in joining the Tiandou Empire, and just now Li Feimian's The meaning is very clear, he will not choose to let these children enter the battlefield unless it is absolutely necessary!"

Feng Shilin sighed and said in an extremely calm voice.

"This is the best. If there is nothing we can do then, we old guys will go first!"


After leaving Shenfeng Academy, Li Fei flew towards Tianshui City in a good mood, where Tianshui Academy is located. Tianshui Academy is located in the eastern part of the Tiandou Empire. Tianshui City is built on the edge of an inland lake, and Tianshui Academy is built on the island in the middle of the lake. superior.

The entire college, both teachers and students, are all top-notch beauties. This also leads to a large number of single men staying in Tianshui City every day, with the purpose of looking for beauties like Fangze.

After arriving in Tianshui City, Li Fei did not go to Tianshui College immediately, but started walking around Tianshui City.

There are many beauties in Tianshui City, and various industries serve these beauties, whether it is clothes, food or perfume.

With snacks in hand, Li Fei walked towards Tianshui College.

“This fried yellow croaker is quite delicious!”

With the small yellow croaker stuffed in his mouth, Li Fei was very satisfied. He could only say that Tianshui City is indeed a city with abundant aquatic products. These aquatic snacks are really good.

As soon as Li Fei arrived at the gate of Tianshui College, he was stopped by the beautiful woman guarding the door. She said in a cold voice: "Who is it?! Men are not allowed to enter Tianshui College!"

Smiling at the six beauties guarding the gate, Li Fei opened his mouth to Tianshui College, but no sound came out.

"Lan Ran, an old friend is visiting!"

Lan Ran, who was teaching Shui Bing'er how to practice, suddenly heard Li Fei's voice in his ears, which made him startled. Then a look of surprise appeared on his face, and he quickly stood up and looked in the direction of Tianshui City Gate.

Seeing Lan Ran's surprised expression, Shui Bing'er suddenly felt confused and asked, "Sister Ran, what's wrong?!"

With a silly smile on his face, Lan Ran picked up Shui Bing'er and ran towards the door of Tianshui. Soon he saw Li Feizheng with his hands behind his back, looking at the water soul beasts that kept jumping on the lake.

"Li Fei, did you come to Tianshui College to see me?!" After saying that, Lan Ran looked at Li Fei expectantly.

Li Fei rolled his eyes helplessly and said without hesitation: "No! I'm here to see the dean of Tianshui College!"

Hearing this, Lan Ran was stunned, forced a smile, and asked: "What are you doing with our dean?!"

Li Feidao: "You'd better not get involved in this matter, just take me to your dean!"

Lan Ran nodded, walked to the beautiful girl guarding the door, and said softly: "This is His Majesty Li Feimian. He has something to do with our dean, please let him go~!"

"Your Majesty Li Fei..." When the beauties guarding the door heard this title, they immediately thought of something. They knelt down in front of Li Fei and said in horror: "Your Majesty Li Fei, please spare your life, we didn't know it was you!"

"Get up!"

Hearing this, several people stood up tremblingly and quickly opened the door, allowing Li Fei and Lan Ran to walk in.

Walking on the road, Li Fei looked at Shui Bing'er who was following Lan Ran and asked with a smile: "How is it?! How is your practice of Ultimate Ice?!"

Shui Bing'er's soul power was running, and cold air spread instantly on her hands, and the surrounding temperature began to drop. She said helplessly: "It still doesn't work. Although the temperature has dropped a lot compared to before, we still can't get the same connection as those two soul beasts." The soul power will be frozen!"

"Those two soul beasts are both more than 100,000 years old, close to 200,000 years old. How can you compare with them. But you are indeed one step away from the ultimate ice. If you continue to absorb powerful ice attribute soul beasts, you should be able to At the time of Soul Saint, it reached the level of ultimate ice!"

Li Fei said with a smile, although there is only one line left, it is this line that is the most difficult. It requires sufficient accumulation to transform. Shui Bing'er's current thirty-fifth level soul power, according to his calculations, is just short of Soul Saint. That's right, this is because of the Ice Phoenix Martial Spirit. If other ice-attributed Martial Spirits have such extreme training, they should reach the level of Titled Douluo.

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