As soon as the words fell, waves of divine power erupted from the explosive ring rushed towards the Holy Angel Sword. The size of the Holy Sword became even larger than the Clear Sky Hammer, and the power it exuded was no weaker than the Clear Sky Hammer.

"How did you master the secret knowledge of the Clear Sky Sect?!" Tang Hao asked in disbelief, the soul power in the Clear Sky Hammer in his hand still condensing and compressing.

"Is the Ring Explosion only exclusive to the Haotian Sect?!" Qian Renxue asked disdainfully. The Angel Holy Sword began to compress continuously and became its original size. She only knew how to explode the Ring, and did not know how to use the Sumeru Hammer. , so you can only use the power of this ring explosion to display the divine machine.

"Then let me see which one is more powerful, your Ring Explosion or mine!" Tang Hao's voice was extremely cold. He picked up the huge Clear Sky Hammer in his hand and smashed it downwards. The air continued to explode with huge sounds. The wind pressure formed by the power vows to destroy everything in front.

"Big Sumeru Hammer!"

"Angel Holy Sword!"

The Angel Holy Sword in Qian Renxue's hand was slowly raised, and the two wings on the handguard released thousands of rays of light. You could clearly see countless golden rays of light quickly condensing towards the Angel Holy Sword. The two major elements, sacred and flame, were The attributes completely exploded through the power of the sun, and a red-gold sword that was 500 meters long was slashed forward.

The sword blade was blasted against the Clear Sky Hammer, and the sun's true fire exploded, spreading continuously to the surroundings, turning into a huge sea of ​​fire and sweeping in the Clear Sky Hammer and Tang Hao.

"Dad!" Seeing this, Tang San exclaimed worriedly, reaching out from his storage belt to take out the Soul-Chasing Soul-Destroying Gallbladder, and wanted to punch it out.

"Don't worry, with your father's level of cultivation, nothing will happen!" Li Fei stretched out his hand, not afraid of the poison, and directly took the two poisonous gallbladders in his upper hand, patted Tang San's shoulder lightly and said with a smile.

"Yes! Xiaosan, the second brother is Haotian Douluo. He is the youngest titled Douluo besides Lord Li Fei. Everything will be fine!" Although Tang Yuehua was worried in his eyes, he still stepped forward and held Tang San in his arms. Zhong comforted.

"My father is a Titled Douluo!" Tang San looked at the troubled boy in the distance in disbelief, not knowing what to say for a moment!

An incomparable violent soul power suddenly emerged from the sea of ​​fire, and then the scarlet light of Shura bloomed, turning the golden red sun fire into ice and freezing it. Then, Tang Hao's figure walked out of the sea of ​​fire, each step It will vibrate when it falls into the void. He is dragging a huge 100-meter-long Clear Sky Hammer in his hand, and a huge phantom of Shura also appears behind him.

"Nine rings exploded together, and the phantom of Shura was summoned. It seems that Tang Hao is really suitable for the Shura inheritance!" Li Fei said with some surprise.

"Brother Li Fei, are the techniques used by Dad and his opponents necessary for Titled Douluo?!" Tang San watched as Tang Hao's soul ring shattered, and the Clear Sky Hammer turned into a hundred meters in size. Such a huge size It's unimaginable to be able to swing it like an ordinary hammer.

Li Fei shook his head and said: "No, your father used the Haotian Sect's special skills, and Xue'er used the skills I taught her. This kind of skill requires very high requirements for state of mind, control and physical fitness. If one of them is not up to standard, it will be Let people explode and die.”

Tang Yuehua gently rubbed Tang San's head and said softly: "Xiao San, it's too early for you to do this. You must know that your father is the only one in the entire Haotian Sect who has learned this technique."

"So that's it!" Tang San showed a look of astonishment, looking at the two people in front who only had violence and skill.


The sound of breaking glass sounded again, and Qian Renxue's five hundred thousand-year soul rings were all shattered. A stream of red-gold soul power rose into the sky, and the entire sky seemed to be torn apart.

Tang Hao's eyes were extremely solemn. He only had one hundred thousand year soul ring, but Qian Renxue had five. The difference in soul power was huge.

A hundred-meter-tall angel shadow appeared behind Qian Renxue. His hands made a gesture of holding his heart, and the golden divine power condensed into a huge angel sword, which was held by the angel shadow.

"Angel Holy Sword!"

The holy sword and the giant hammer collided, and energy fluctuations that destroyed the world exploded, forming an energy storm, constantly destroying everything around them.

Li Fei's face changed slightly. This energy wave had already threatened the Sunset Forest below. He quickly stretched out his hand and waved a red-gold stream of light, turning into a huge shield to block the sky above the Sunset Forest.


The energy storm hit the shield, and the crunching sound continued. After a long time, the storm became weak and disappeared.

"Tang Hao, you are really strong. After using the ten thousand year soul ring to explode the ring, your strength is only slightly worse than mine."

Qian Renxue held the Angel Holy Sword in her hand and looked at Tang Hao calmly, feeling extremely emotional in her heart.

Tang Hao always fights forward, putting life and death on the outside, using his unparalleled courage to exert his own strength to the extreme. The power of the blow just now may not be able to be caught by the Ultimate Douluo.

"Huhu!" Tang Hao gasped for breath. His body was covered with wounds torn by soul power. His whole body had become a bloody man, but the smile in his eyes did not dissipate at all, but became stronger. .

"It's not certain who will win or lose? Now we are both on the same starting line!"

Now Qian Renxue and Tang Hao have completely exhausted their soul power. The competition is physical fitness. As a pure strength soul master, Tang Hao is indispensable for physical fitness.

"Not always!"

Hearing Qian Renxue's words and looking at that contemptuous smile, Tang Hao's heart skipped a beat, as if he remembered something!

Qian Renxue saw nine blood-colored energy and blood soul rings rising around her body again, and waves of hot and fire-like breath rushed towards her face.

With the mobilization of Qi and blood, all the soul rings changed from red to gold, and the golden Qi and blood turned into Gang Qi to surround Qian Renxue.

The next second, Qian Renxue appeared in front of Tang Hao and began to attack continuously.

Tang Hao also had four energy and blood soul rings rising from his body, but the gap between the two sides was really too big. No matter how exquisitely Tang Hao Haotian's Jiu Jue was used, he had no power to resist in front of Qian Renxue, who was already in trance.

"Dad!" Tang San shouted worriedly.

"Second brother!" Tang Yuehua was also extremely worried.

"Don't worry, Xue'er is just venting her frustration in her heart and will not take Tang Hao's life!"

Li Fei said with a smile. He could tell that Qian Renxue was just venting his anger. Every blow seemed to be very hard, but it was very measured. It only caused Tang Hao's muscles and bones to break, but it would not kill him. .

The most important thing is that there is no murderous intention in Qian Renxue's eyes.

Soon Qian Renxue beat Tang Hao to death, held Tang Hao up with a stream of energy and blood, and came to Li Fei's side.

"Did you feel good?!" Li Fei didn't care about Tang San and Tang Yuehua and asked directly with a smile.

Hearing this, Tang San and Tang Yuehua glared at Li Fei, but they were more worried about Tang Hao, who was floating next to Qian Renxue.

"I will stay in the Noumenon Sect these two days, waiting for Tang Hao to wake up!" Qian Renxue rolled her eyes and said angrily. Although Jin Crocodile and Qian Daoliu told her what happened back then, she still wanted to know more. Lots of details.

"Okay!" Li Fei nodded, and as soon as he stretched out his hand, Tang Hao, who was seriously injured and unconscious, flew in front of Tang Yuehua and Tang San.

"Huh!" Tang San stepped forward and held Tang Hao in his arms, put his hand on his wrist, felt Tang Hao's injury, and breathed a sigh of relief.

The four of them quickly returned to the Noumenon Sect. Li Fei arranged rooms for Tang San, Tang Hao and Tang Yuehua, and then took Qian Renxue back to his room.

After a period of intense exercise, Li Fei hugged Qian Renxue and said, "The reason Tang Hao came here this time is because the Haotian Sect wants to form an alliance with the Tiandou Empire. What do you think?!"

"Haotian Sect has joined the Tiandou Empire, which is of course a good thing. With their help, our next actions will be much easier!"

"Yes! After all, they are still the top forces in the mainland. With their joining, the gap in our mid-level combat power will be filled, and then we can act unscrupulously!"

Because of the policies and actions of the Tiandou Empire and the split of the Wuhun Palace, most of the soul masters and sects were forced away. There is no shortage of high-end combat power and low-end combat power in the Tiandou Empire. What is lacking are those who can play the role of The intermediate combat force with a command role.

Although there are many soul kings and soul emperors in Qibao Glazed Sect, most of them are auxiliary soul masters and do not play a big role. With the addition of Haotian Sect, this gap can be filled.

In the guest room of Noumenon Sect!

Tang San was using the inner power of Xuantian Kung to heal Tang Hao's wounds. Next to him, Tang Yuehua was sitting dignifiedly on a chair, looking at Tang Hao with a worried look. A light blue halo spread, making Tang San feel peaceful. The operation of Xuan Tian Gong has also sped up a lot.

"Aunt Yuehua is indeed not simple!"

Tang San was extremely shocked, and with the help of Tang Yuehua, he began to focus on repairing Tang Hao's injuries.

After a while, Tang San recovered his soul power and laid Tang Hao down on the bed.

"Mistress, second brother, are you okay?!" Tang Yuehua immediately put away the noble domain and asked with some worry.

"Aunt Yuehua, it's okay. You should be fine after just two days of rest!" Tang San looked a little confused, looked at Tang Yuehua, and asked doubtfully: "Aunt Yuehua, I always thought that dad was just a blacksmith in a village, but... Now it seems that my father’s identity is extremely unusual! Can you tell me who that woman is?!”

Tang Yuehua said in a deep voice: "Your father Tang Hao is a disciple of the Haotian Sect. He and your uncle Tang Xiao were known as the Haotian Twin Stars more than twenty years ago. It was not until fourteen years ago that the second brother broke through to the Title Douluo and was beaten to death. Since then, the Haotian Sect has been under pressure and had to remove your father and then seal the mountain.

It wasn't until your great-grandfather Tang Chen rushed back to the Haotian Sect half a year ago that the closure of the Haotian Sect was lifted and your father was able to return to the sect. According to the news I received from the sect, he came to Tiandou this time. City, the purpose is to cooperate with the Tiandou royal family. As for why I fought with that woman, I have some guesses! "

Tang San said doubtfully: "Aunt Yuehua, you know that woman's identity!"

Tang Yuehua analyzed: "Seeing the girl fighting just now, the incomparable sacred Seraphim spirit has only appeared in the Spirit Hall in the entire history. I speculate that she should be the daughter of the previous pope!"

"So that's it! No wonder she would fight with dad to that point!" Tang San showed a look of surprise, then looked up at Tang Yuehua and asked anxiously: "Auntie, do you know what happened when I was born?! And who is my mother?”

The bloody battle scene he saw when he was just born kept popping up in Tang San's mind. Is that blue-haired woman his mother?

"I actually don't know exactly what happened that year. I only know that after that battle, your mother A Yin disappeared, and the former Pope Qian Xunji was seriously injured. He died of serious injuries not long after returning to Wuhun Palace. Dead!"

"Then who is my mother?!"

"I don't know much about her. I only know that I met her when my eldest brother and my second brother were traveling. I have never seen her specific appearance or personality!"

Seeing Tang Yuehua just shaking his head, Tang San was filled with disappointment and whispered softly: "That's why my mother died in that battle, and that woman died of her father!"

"That should be it!" Tang Yuehua nodded.

After a long while, the disappointed Tang San recovered and continued to ask: "Then what method did you use just now, aunt? How is it different from the scarlet mask used by my father?!"

Tang Yuehua explained: "That is the power of the domain. Mine is the noble domain, and your father's is the killing god domain. Not all soul masters have the domain. There may not be even one soul master among ten thousand. There are definitely no more than ten fingers in the entire continent, and most of them are hundred thousand year old soul beasts!"

"So few!" Tang San said with a surprised look on his face: "Then how did you and dad cultivate the spiritual realm?!"

"My aristocratic domain was something I inadvertently understood after I studied aristocratic etiquette to a certain extent, and your father's killing god domain should have been obtained naturally after breaking through the killing city. That girl should have been born with a martial spirit, and she also You just have to figure it out step by step like Li Fei did.”

Seeing that Tang San was still deep in thought, Tang Yuehua stepped forward and held him in his arms, comforting him: "Xiao San, you are still young, you don't have to think so much now!"

"Yeah!" Tang San nodded.

In New Spirit City, on a balcony of King Silvis's Palace, Hu Liena was sitting on the edge of the balcony, looking at the starry sky and thinking about something!

"Nana!" Yan arrived at the balcony at some point and said softly.

"Yan, why do you think Teacher insists on opposing the Tiandou Empire?! Aren't we also practicing Qi and Blood Martial Arts?!" Hu Liena did not look back, her eyes were still staring at the sky in confusion.

"What His Majesty the Pope thinks has its own reasons. Can't we just do what His Majesty the Pope said?!" Yan persuaded.

"How is Brother Fan?!" Hu Liena asked.

"My soul has been sealed by His Highness the Pope. As long as I don't leave the royal city, I'll be fine!"

"Let's go and see Brother Fan. He has been taking care of us for so many years!" Hu Liena stood up and walked out of the palace.

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