"Bibi Dong! None of us in the enshrinement hall want you to kill your mother and daughter. I hope you can think about it carefully!" Jin Crocodile sighed in his heart, looked at Bibi Dong sincerely and said

After saying that, he turned around and walked out of the Pope's Palace!


After the golden crocodile left, a heartbreaking roar came from the Pope's Palace.

In the Haotian Sect, Tang Hao was sitting cross-legged in front of the Shura Demon Sword, absorbing the power of Shura to recover from his injuries. Knowing that as long as he became Shura God, he would have a chance to resurrect Ah Yin, Tang Hao also tried his best .

Tang Xiao stood in the distance and looked at it with a look of relief. If Tang Hao could really succeed in inheriting the throne of Shura, then the rise of the Haotian Sect would be unstoppable. Coupled with the emergence of new Qi-blood martial arts that are very suitable for the Clear Sky Hammer, Haotian What heights will Zong's future reach?

"Sect Master, I just got the news that Pope Bibi Dong of Wuhun Hall and the great priest Qiandaoliu have fallen out. Bibi Dong has taken most of the soul masters of Wuhun Hall and the major clan forces to the original Kingdom of Silvis to establish a new kingdom. The original Wuhun Temple has been restored to the Angel Temple!"

The Great Elder walked to Tang Chen's side and told the news.

"Martial Soul Hall actually split, why on earth?!"

Tang Chen was extremely shocked, but more importantly, he was confused. As the most powerful force in the continent, Wuhun Palace had always controlled the soul masters in the entire continent. How could it cause a split at this juncture?

"The reason on the surface seems to be that the Enshrinement Hall supports the spread of Qi and Blood Martial Arts, but Pope Bibi Dong does not support it, so the two sides fell out and split into two factions.

But this reason is what puzzles me the most. As the force with the most soul masters in the continent, Wuhun Palace, how could it suddenly support Qi and Blood Martial Arts? ! "

"Then there is only one possibility left, that is, the Enshrinement Hall has a lot to do with the spread of Qi and Blood Martial Arts. It is very likely that Xue Qinghe and the Noumenon Sect were supported by the Enshrinement Hall!"

Tang Chen analyzed calmly.

"You mean that Li Fei is from Wuhun Palace?!" the great elder said uncertainly.

"It's very possible that the speed of Li Fei's rise is very strange. Which soul master can reach the level of Ultimate Douluo in less than 200,000 years? I seriously doubt that Qian Daoliu discovered the power of Qi and blood. Strength, give it to Li Fei.”

Tang Chen nodded and began to analyze logically. In his opinion, how could such a power of qi and blood be discovered by a weak boy? Moreover, when Tang Chen returned to Haotian Sect, he told them that it was Li Fei who saved him. Himself, the strength he showed was actually his grandfather who had completed the Seventh Reliance of Shura at that time, which made him even more suspicious that Li Fei was a person trained by Qian Daoliu himself.

"Then Sect Master, now that the continent's forces are about to be reshuffled, should our Haotian Sect support the Tiandou Empire or the Star Luo Empire!" The Great Elder asked. As for the new Spirit Hall established by Bibi Dong, it is not in the Haotian Sect at all. within the scope of consideration.

Tang Chen said calmly: "In the Tiandou Empire, not only is Yuehua over there, but also Brother Hao's son is here, and that Li Fei saved his grandfather and is the new heir to Poseidon. No matter what the relationship is, the Tiandou Empire It’s our first choice.”

"The most important thing is that our Haotian Sect needs the practice methods behind Qi and Blood Martial Arts. Although it is okay to create and explore by ourselves, there are ready-made reference methods, so what else do we need to do so much trouble!"

The Great Elder nodded repeatedly: "Sect Master, you are right. But the only problem now is that the Qiandaoliu lineage represented by Li Fei has a grudge. After all, the last Pope Qianxunji was beaten to death by Tang Hao, and our Hao Tianzong also closed the mountain for more than ten years.

Do you think they will accept us? "

Tang Chen touched his chin and frowned: "This is a problem!"

"Brother, leave this matter to me!"

Tang Hao didn't know when he had finished practicing. He opened his eyes and said, "What happened back then started because of me, so naturally it will end because of me. It's time to put an end to it."

"What do you want to do?" Tang Xiao frowned slightly.

He was really worried. This younger brother of his had a bad temper. He would hit anyone when he was angry, regardless of the consequences.

"Brother, I know what you are worried about. For so many years, I have been hiding in that small place in Saint Soul Village and giving up on myself. Even if it is for my and A Yin's children, I will handle this matter!" Tang Hao said solemnly. .

"Okay! Remember to come back early, Haotian Sect will always be your home!"

Tang Xiao patted Tang Hao's shoulder and said seriously.

The imperial palace, within the Noumenon Sect!

In the living room, Li Fei was holding a small red flag in his hand, frowning slightly as he looked at the huge sand table in the middle.

The area of ​​the Tiandou Empire on the sand table was covered with flags by Li Fei.

Each flag represents unrest here and there.

"I didn't expect that the strongest resistance would be the nobles and wealthy businessmen who represent the power among soul masters. On the contrary, the top forces I thought were very willing to accept Qi and Blood Martial Arts."

Li Fei was surprised. Since the spread of Qi and Blood Martial Arts, not only did the top forces in the Tiandou Empire not reject it too much, but they happily accepted this new power.

Except... throw the red flag on the mountain where the Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus family is.

"Yu Yuanzhen! Do you think you can get the maximum profit by being neutral?"

A sneer hung from the corner of Li Fei's mouth, and murderous intent was revealed in his eyes. He didn't look down on this kind of power at all. No wonder he was the first one to be destroyed in the original work.

"Sect Master, a sloppy uncle came outside and said he was Tang Hao of the Haotian Sect!"

At this time, an eight-year-old child ran in from outside and shouted to Li Fei.

"Yang Guang, I understand! By the way, you can ask the disciples of the sect to send people to Yuexuan and Tiandou Royal Academy, inform Tang Yuehua and Tang San, and ask them to come to the Noumenon Sect!"

Li Fei gently touched Yang Guang's little head and said softly.


Yang Guang nodded obediently, then turned to inform the others in the sect.

Li Fei tidied up his clothes and soon arrived outside the sect. He saw a middle-aged man with unshaven beard and slovenly clothes. It was Tang Hao. At this time, he gave people a sense of strength, and his body was obviously With fluctuations in energy and blood, he was completely different from what Li Fei had seen six years ago. It seemed that he had stepped out of the shadow of that year.

"Senior Tang Hao, why didn't you come to me?!" Li Fei looked at Tang Hao and said with a smile.

"Li Fei, I came here this time to learn about what happened back then. I already know that you are related to Wuhun Palace!" Tang Hao looked at Li Fei and said in a slightly cold voice.

"Let's discuss it in detail within our sect!"

Seeing Tang Hao nodding, Li Fei took him to the living room of the Noumenon Sect.

After Tang Hao sat down, Li Fei asked: "How do seniors want to settle what happened back then?!"

Tang Hao said solemnly: "Back then, Qian Xunji caused the death of my wife Ah Yin, and he also died because of me. The Haotian Sect also had a deep hatred for Wuhun Palace, but this time with the spread of Qi and Blood Martial Arts, Hao Tianzong is very optimistic and recognizes the potential of this system, so Haotianzong decided to help Tiandou Empire and Noumenon Sect. "

"So?!" Li Fei asked.

"I want to settle the matter of the past with Qianjia through a battle. No matter who loses or wins, the matter of the past will be settled!"

Looking at Tang Hao with a serious look on his face, Li Fei sighed inwardly, took out the communication bronze mirror from the storage bracelet, and poured his soul power into it.

Seeing Qian Renxue's figure appearing inside, Li Fei said in a deep voice: "Tang Hao is here with me!"

There was no sound in the bronze mirror for a long time. After a while, Qian Renxue's voice came out: "Okay, I'll be there soon. Just ask him to wait!"

Putting away the bronze mirror, Li Fei looked at Tang Hao and said, "Senior, please wait a moment!"

"Okay!" Tang Hao nodded, then looked at Li Fei with a complicated expression, and said, "I didn't expect that in just a few years, you could go from Soul King to Ultimate Douluo, and your strength has already exceeded I!"

"Luck, it's all luck!" Li Fei nodded repeatedly with a smile on his face.

"Luck, do you think I believe it?!" Tang Hao sneered, his eyes full of solemnity. According to his perception, Li Fei was just like the ordinary people on the street. Not only did he not have the slightest aura of soul power, he even I can't even feel the blood.

But he felt a strong aura of death on Li Fei's body, which he only felt when he was on the road to hell in the killing city.


As soon as Li Fei finished speaking, Tang Hao felt a breath as hot as the sun coming from the direction of Tiandou City, and then he arrived in the Noumenon Sect in an instant, and then he saw Qian Renxue with her golden hair standing upright. , walked in wearing a golden armor.

"This is?!" Tang Hao was a little confused!

"I am Qian Xunji's daughter - Qian Renxue!" Qian Renxue looked at Tang Hao and said with a complicated expression.

Qian Renxue has now completed the first seven angel exams. Both her energy, blood and soul power have reached level ninety-seven due to the power given by God. Her realm has even reached the level of Xiaoding. The spiritual platform is clear and invincible to all evil.

"You are Qian Xunji's daughter!" Tang Hao instantly stood up and shouted angrily. The Shura Domain after the evolution of the Killing God Domain instantly opened up. Cold murderous intent raged throughout the living room, and frost instantly spread throughout the living room.

A red-gold halo of light appeared two meters around Qian Renxue, and the Angel Domain spread out, blocking the Shura Domain.

"Sure enough, the reason Tang Hao recovered was because of the hope brought to him by the Shura inheritance!"

The Shura Domain spread around Li Fei and dissipated like a breeze blowing on his face, but it was precisely because of this domain that Li Fei confirmed his suspicion.

"Senior Tang Hao, let's go fight in the Sunset Forest! I also have many details I want to know about what happened back then!" Qian Renxue said in a calm voice.

"Let's go!"

With a strong voice, Tang Hao turned around and turned into a red light and flew towards the Sunset Forest, followed closely by Qian Renxue.

"Tang Yuehua and Tang San came quite quickly!" Li Fei just stood up and wanted to follow, when he felt that Tang Yuehua and Tang San had already arrived at the entrance of the Noumenon Sect, and he reached the entrance of the sect in an instant!

"I've met Sect Leader Li!"

"I've met Brother Li Fei!"

When Tang San and Tang Yuehua saw Li Fei, they immediately saluted slightly.

"Okay, come with me first. If you have anything to do, we can talk about it later?!"

The two of them were about to ask Li Fei why he called them two, but Li Fei interrupted the two of them. With a wave of his hand, the two of them suddenly felt a buoyant force rising from their feet, and then they felt that the world was spinning. After regaining consciousness, the two found themselves in the sky near the Sunset Forest.

Li Fei stood beside the two of them, looking into the distance with a calm expression.

The two of them followed Li Fei's gaze and saw the two colors of gold and red light dividing the whole world into two halves. They were constantly colliding with each other, and the terrifying soul power was constantly erupting. The light swept away in all directions like a storm.

When Baofeng approached Tang San and Tang Yuehua, a golden-red shield blocked Baofeng outside!

"This is the second brother (father)!"

Tang San and Tang Yuehua looked at the middle-aged man in the center of the scarlet light and exclaimed, and then they looked at each other!

"Are you the second brother's son?!" Tang Yuehua asked doubtfully.

"Dare I ask you, senior?!" Tang San was even more confused. His father was obviously an ordinary blacksmith in Holy Soul Village, but he had such strength. This kind of fluctuation in soul power, even the three teaching committee members of Tiandou Academy were here. It’s like a drop in the ocean.

What made him even more confused was that the noble woman next to him actually called his father second brother.

"Since you are the second brother's son, you don't know who I am?!" Tang Yuehua also became confused!

"My father is just from the Holy Soul Village..."

Tang San was about to say what happened in the past, but when he saw Tang Hao in the distance wielding the Clear Sky Hammer and smashing it wildly, the words came to his lips, but he couldn't say anything.

"Watch carefully! Let's talk about anything after this battle!" Li Fei said, his eyes fixed on the battle in the distance. Once Qian Renxue was in danger, he would take action immediately.

"Nine Jue of Haotian·Zhen Zi Jue!"

Tang Hao shouted loudly, and the huge Clear Sky Hammer in his hand seemed to have no weight at all. It was swung around like a feather at will, using various exquisite moves. Every time he swung a blow, a concussive force spread out. .

Qian Renxue frowned, and she swung out the Holy Angel Sword to block the Clear Sky Hammer. A concussive force instantly spread throughout her body. Her body was instantly paralyzed, and her movements were also deformed.

The soul power and qi and blood circulate rapidly, eliminating the feeling of numbness.

"Angel Ripples!"

Immediately, the angelic holy sword in Qian Renxue's hand bloomed with golden-red light, and the holy sword began to vibrate at high speed. A vibrating force that was far beyond the extreme of shock, instantly broke Tang Hao's Clear Sky Hammer, and then began to continuously counterattack. stand up.

"Explode the ring!"

Seeing that the Haotian Nine had no effect, the first four of the nine soul rings surrounding Tang Hao exploded in an instant, and waves of violent soul power continued to converge on the Haotian Hammer. The Haotian Hammer also continued to grow in size. The power of each hammer increases exponentially.

A sneer hung from the corner of Qian Renxue's mouth, and nine soul rings, four black and five red, rose up. In Tang Hao's shocked eyes, the first four ten thousand year soul rings turned into pieces like him, and then Qian Renxue heard That cold voice.

"Explode the ring!"

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