Dou Po: I married my wife Xun Er, but she refused to consummate the marriage!

Chapter 156 Xun'er feels a sense of superiority!

Ancient tribe, on a beautiful mountain peak.

This is the reception place arranged by the ancient tribe. In the pavilion in the center of the mountain peak, several young men in silver shirts attracted a lot of attention.

These young men were all wearing silver fir, and they looked very energetic. The silver fir was very dazzling under the sunlight, like the remnants of lightning streaking across the sky, faintly flashing with terrifying thunder energy, and they had a demeanor of calm and self-power.

And these young people are all from the Thunder Clan.

"Thunder attribute fighting spirit is really domineering!"

"Yes, even Brother Qingyang was defeated by that Lei Dong."

"Has ThunderClan reached this point now?"

In the main hall, many young people from the Ancient Clan were talking a lot, and they were in awe of these young people from the Thunder Clan.

Especially to their leader.

There was even some admiration in his eyes, which was a natural emotion towards the strong.

This person is none other than the number one young person in the Thunder Clan, Lei Dong!

"Brother Lei Dong, this ancient race is known as the strongest ancient race, but the strength of this younger generation is only like this!"

Someone next to Lei Dong boasted.

"Yes, looking at the eight ancient tribes, who can compare with Brother Lei Dong!"

"Even among all the ancient races, Brother Lei Dong is the number one genius!"

"Any ancient soul clan will be stepped on by Brother Lei Dong in the future!"

"Okay, we are guests in the ancient tribe now. If you tell such truth, it will make us look very rude..."

The man named Lei Dong said, and it could be heard from his tone that the younger generation of the ancient tribe was not taken seriously by him.


When some young people from the ancient tribe heard Lei Dong's words, they immediately turned red with anger. But then they thought, their talents are indeed not as good as theirs, are they going to be humiliated like this?

With Lei Dong's support, other Lei Clan children treated the Ancient Clan youth with even more contempt.

"I heard that the strongest among the ancient tribe is Gu Fei. He is also Miss Xun'er's ex-husband. I wonder how strong he is?"

"Don't you even think about it? Brother Lei Dong can deal with Gu Fei with just one finger."

"Is that one finger too many? Brother Lei Dong is a half-saint, and those who are less than a half-saint can be destroyed with just one thought!"

The surrounding Lei Clan children insulted Gu Fei, but Lei Dong frowned slightly and looked unhappy.

"Gu Fei..."

He whispered the name softly in his heart, with a bit of teasing and contempt in his eyes, but more of a bit of jealousy.

He knew that Gu Fei was Xun'er's ex-wife, and Gu Fei was Xun'er's first husband.

After all, the two of them are called husband and wife, so it is inevitable in daily life...

Thinking of this, Lei Dong's eyes were a bit cold, but they softened in the next second.

Fortunately, he already knew that although Xun'er had been married, she was still innocent.

Lei Dong once had the opportunity to look at Xun'er. At that time, Xun'er's clear and bright eyes, as well as her beauty that could make the world eclipse, and the feeling of a thousand years, deeply fascinated Lei Dong.

So even if Xun'er has been married once, he doesn't care.

As long as he can be with Xun'er, everything is enough.

"Xun'er, I heard that Lei Dong is crazy about you, you are so lucky!"

"Being a half-saint at such an age and the heir to the Thunder Clan's clan leader, if you marry him, you will become the clan leader's wife in the future!"

"Madam, the leader of the Thunder Clan, what an honor that is!"

Xun'er also learned about the arrival of the Thunder Clan's envoys and the purpose of their trip, but she never cared about it.

I just heard some women in the clan say some words of envy for me, but Xun'er didn't think so.

It is true that reaching the semi-saint level at the age of thirty is already a genius.

But this talent is nothing in Xun'er's eyes. At least compared to Gu Fei, Lei Dong is not as good as Gu Fei.

Age is an irreversible gap. No matter how powerful Lei Dong is, he can't change the fact that he is thirty years old.

But Gu Fei is only twenty-two years old this year, and Lei Dong is seven or eight years older than him.

The seven or eight-year age gap only widened the gap. Xun'er felt that with Gu Fei's talent, his achievements would be higher than those of Lei Dong at the same age.

It doesn't even take that long.

"He was already a four-star Dou Zong when I was in seclusion. Now that I have stepped into the Dou Zong, he must not be too weak!"

Xun'er unconsciously clenched her fists, wanting to fight with Gu Fei.

Of course, Lei Dong's proposal of marriage this time always gave Xun'er a sense of superiority: "You have excellent people around you to pursue you, and I am not bad either..."

"Thunder Clan people are a little arrogant!"

"What can you do if you are arrogant? You can't let the elders of the clan teach them a lesson just because they are competing with each other, right?"

"We are indeed inferior in skills"

Gu Qingyang had a helpless smile on his face, and Gu Yao and Gu Zhen beside him also looked embarrassed.

Occasionally, Thunder Clan disciples would pass by, but they were too embarrassed to look at each other.

It turns out that when the younger generation of the Lei Clan first arrived at the Ancient Clan, they threatened to compete with the youths of the Ancient Clan and said that they had no rivals in the Ancient Clan.

The young people of the ancient tribe are also the proud sons of heaven, and this is their home court. There is no reason to swallow their anger when they are humiliated like this.

As a result, a large number of young people from the ancient tribe swarmed out to compete with the children of the Lei tribe.

Top geniuses such as Gu Yao and Gu Qingyang also came to support them, and they could not let the ancient clan lose face.

At the beginning, it was just ordinary children of the family competing against each other. Both sides had their wins and losses, and the confrontation was quite entertaining. The whole scene was filled with fierce confrontation.

This situation only lasted until Lei Dong appeared.

Lei Dong came as a semi-saint and completely swept the young talents of the ancient clan. After all, the semi-saint has the word "saint" in his name, and a group of Dou Zun are no match for him.

Seeing that none of the family members could resist, Gu Qingyang, as the strongest person on the scene, could only bite the bullet and fight.

In the end, there was no suspense. In front of the semi-saint, Gu Qingyang had no chance of winning and was defeated miserably.

"Even you lost... Who else can be his opponent?"

Gu Zhen sighed and shook his head.

"Are our generation of ancient clan youth going to be completely trampled under the feet of the children of the Lei clan?" Gu Yao looked at Lei Dong, who was enjoying the cheers with pride, and his heart was full of unwillingness.

The expression in Gu Qingyang's eyes kept changing, and after a long time, it suddenly became clearer.

"Maybe there is someone who can help us save face!" Gu Qingyang said.

"Who?" Gu Zhen asked in confusion.

"Gu Fei!"

When everyone heard this name, they suddenly showed a look of realization.

Gu Fei usually doesn't like to show off, but his strength is obvious to all.

He defeated Gu Qingyang to become the seventh commander.

Later, he even challenged all the way and directly became the commander of the Black Annihilation Army.

Gu Fei is the real number one among the young generation of the Gu clan.

"I wonder if Gu Fei can beat Lei Dong!" Gu Qingyang's eyes were full of expectation, hoping that Gu Fei could win back the face for the Gu clan.

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