Dou Po: I married my wife Xun Er, but she refused to consummate the marriage!

Chapter 155 The Thunder Clan delegation arrives and wants to marry Xun'er!

"hope everything is fine!"

Compared to Zhuli's optimism, Gu Fei, who was originally confident, frowned slightly.

At this moment, he did not dare to relax at all.

He knew that the energy contained in the Dragon Phoenix Origin Fruit was very terrifying, comparable to the entire fighting energy in a four-star Dou Sheng expert, and it would not be easy for Zi Yan to absorb it.

What Zi Yan has absorbed now is only the top layer.

Sure enough, after absorbing some of the energy of the Dragon Phoenix Origin Fruit, the overflowing energy not only did not decrease, but actually exploded again!


As a dull sound came out of Zi Yan's body, her whole body was wrapped in purple and gold energy.

In fact, the energy has turned into liquid and seeped out, shuttling between Ziyan's flesh and blood.

Her body could no longer bear so much energy, which caused it to overflow.

"The overflowing energy is crystallizing!"

Qing Lin suddenly exclaimed, and she felt that Zi Yan's arm had begun to solidify.

"If the energy cannot be absorbed in time, she will eventually be sealed by the energy, like a bug in amber!"

Gu Fei's face was extremely solemn.

Zi Yan's face changed from gloomy to sunny, and she showed a painful expression with a smile on her face. The energy churning in her body almost exploded his body.

"Before this, the Dragon Phoenix Origin Fruit has appeared several times, but in history, it has only been successful twice!"

Zhuli frowned, very worried.

"The absorption success rate of this thing is so low?!"

Hearing this, Cai'er looked at Zhuli in surprise, and then looked at Zi Yan, her eyes full of worry.

"The two dragon and phoenix origin fruits were obtained once by the demon phoenix clan. They successfully absorbed the dragon and phoenix origin fruit and gave birth to a super strong man. During that time, our Taixu ancient dragon clan was suppressed by the demon phoenix clan. Fortunately, hundreds of years later, our ancient dragon clan also successfully obtained a dragon-phoenix origin fruit."

"The seniors of our clan successfully absorbed it and regained the disadvantage. Unfortunately, in a bloody battle between the two clans, two strong men with super bloodline died together..."

Thinking about the records in the secret history of the Taixu Ancient Dragon Clan, Zhuli began to doubt himself.

He looked at Zi Yan who was in great pain in front of him, and regretted that he should not let Zi Yan absorb the Dragon Phoenix Origin Fruit now. It was too early for Zi Yan to absorb this kind of treasure now.

Gu Fei saw Zhu Li's worry and comforted him: "Elder Zhu Li, there is no need to worry! Since I dare to let Zi Yan refine the Dragon Phoenix Origin Fruit now, I have full confidence!"

After saying that, Gu Fei immediately sat cross-legged behind Zi Yan, pressed his hands on Zi Yan's back, and strange fire appeared, wrapping Zi Yan in it.

His strange fire is a combination of Qinglian Earth Core Fire, Sea Heart Flame, Fallen Heart Flame, and Three Thousand Flame Flames. It is very powerful and is enough to refine the dragon and phoenix crystals produced by excess energy.

With him here, there is no need to worry about Zi Yan being wrapped in crystalline energy.

There is no need to worry about the excess energy stretching Zi Yan to death.

He is Zi Yan's last line of defense.

Gu Fei's soul power spread, he was very focused, and tried his best to control the temperature of the strange fire.

It ensures that the temperature will not harm Zi Yan at all, and can also help her refine the original energy of the dragon and phoenix that has been solidified into crystal.

This requires extreme control over the strange fire, and even Gu Fei needs to concentrate.

With Gu Fei's help, the overflowing energy will turn into liquid again after solidification, and flow back into Zi Yan's body at the appropriate time, reintegrating into her flesh and blood.

In the process of helping Zi Yan absorb it, the strange fire will naturally refine part of the energy for Gu Fei's use.

Gu Fei didn't mean to rob Zi Yan's opportunity, but there was just too much energy overflowing.

If it were all stuffed inside Zi Yan's body, it would only cause Zi Yan to feel very painful.

Gu Fei's proper absorption of some of it will not affect Zi Yan, and it can also share the pressure for Zi Yan. Moreover, for him, the energy of the Dragon Phoenix Origin Fruit is also a good opportunity.

"With the help of Brother Gu Fei, Zi Yan's face looks much better."

Qing Lin was worried about Zi Yan.

"Mother, sister Ziyan, will she be okay?"

Xiao Xianle was lying in the arms of the little medical fairy. When she heard the conversation of several people, she was also very worried about Zi Yan.

"Don't worry, Zi Yan will be fine. Didn't you realize that daddy is also helping?"

"With your dad here, any trouble can be solved..."

The little medical fairy touched Xiao Xianle's head and asked her to relax.

At this moment, the terrifying and pure energy of the Dragon King Origin Fruit was constantly surging on the Gu Fei Mountain Peak.

"Huh? The power of the Taixu Ancient Dragon Clan... no, there is even the Sky Demon Phoenix!"

Deep in the Ancient Saint Mountain Range, in a palace, Gu Fei's grandfather, Black Annihilation King Gu Lie, felt this aura and immediately captured the source of the aura. As a result, he found that it actually appeared on Gu Fei's mountain peak.

He knew that Gu Fei had a friend from the Taixu Ancient Dragon Clan. Gu Lie came to the mountain peak with doubts in his heart and saw Gu Fei helping Zi Yan refine the Dragon and Phoenix Origin Fruit.

"Such pure energy... This is a great opportunity!"

Gu Lie stared at Zi Yan. Even a person like him couldn't help but sigh after feeling the terrifying energy in Zi Yan's body, with surprise on his face.

"Yes, and this is a unique opportunity for the Warcraft clan."

Suddenly, a voice sounded next to Gu Lie, and a floating shadow appeared. It was Gu Yuan. He also sensed the abnormality and landed here immediately.

"This little girl will definitely have extraordinary achievements in the future. She has a deep friendship with Gu Fei, which is also a good thing for our ancient tribe."

Gu Lie smiled and nodded.

On Gu Fei Mountain

Even with Gu Fei's help, the refining time still lasted for a long time. Gu Fei's ability could not withstand such a terrible consumption.

Fortunately, Gu Fei carried a lot of recovery pills that he had refined in advance.

While helping Zi Yan refine, he kept taking drugs, which barely supported the strange fire.

The whole process lasted for more than a month, and the surging energy in Zi Yan's body was a little stable.

Gu Fei's pressure became much less, and he also gained a lot in helping Zi Yan refine for more than a month. He felt that he was only one step away from the nine-star Dou Zun.

As long as he wanted, he could even step directly over.

"Is it done?"

Zhu Li saw that Gu Fei's expression was no longer solemn, and Zi Yan's breath was much more stable, so he asked.

"Zi Yan still has some time to come out of retreat, but there should be no problem."

Gu Fei breathed a sigh of relief.

Suddenly, a dizzy feeling came. He was nervous these days, and he consumed not only Dou Qi, but also energy and mental strength.

Fighting spirit can be replenished by taking drugs, but energy recovery requires natural rest.

At the same time, in the ancient world, the delegation of the Thunder Clan visited.

There are seven people from the Thunder Clan, two of whom are elders of the Thunder Clan, and their strength has reached the level of Dou Sheng.

The remaining five are some young people.

Among the young people, the leader is called Lei Dong. Now, he is only 30 years old, but his cultivation has reached the level of Half Saint.

It can be said that he crushes other young people!

The purpose of the Thunder Clan's visit this time is also very simple, that is, to ask for marriage, and want Lei Dong to marry Xun'er, the daughter of the ancient clan leader.

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