Dou Po: I married my wife Xun Er, but she refused to consummate the marriage!

Chapter 143 Yunshan: If you want to destroy the snake people, you must first pass the level of Yunla

Eastern Monster Mountain Range.

After the snake people migrated here, they were still very busy, using local materials to build houses.

In such a busy life, although each of them was very tired, their faces were filled with joy and they looked forward to a better life in the future.

The living conditions in the Monster Mountain Range are countless times better than those in the Tagor Desert. This is the place suitable for the snake people to live.

Seeing that the snake people are about to get on the right track, Gu Fei did not stay here completely, because this place is not far from the valley where Xiao Yixian and the others are. At Gu Fei's speed, he can arrive in half an hour.

Anyway, there is nothing to do here. After leaving a space jade slip, he opened up a space channel and returned directly to the small valley to accompany Xiao Yixian and Xiao Xianle.

The lion king stayed in the snake people to help deter the monsters in the Monster Mountain Range.


Half a month later, a large group of uninvited guests came from outside the border of the Gama Empire.

Led by the Jinyan Empire and the Mulan Empire, there are more than a dozen other small countries that led the army to the border of Gama.

At this moment, outside this border, on that huge plain, there are thirteen legions of all sizes stationed here.

The black mass of heads, roughly estimated, the number of people is at least more than 300,000.

The leader is the leader of the Jinyan Sect, Luo Yantian, a three-star Dou Zong strongman.

Jia Xingtian had received news about the Jinyan Empire's restless moves a few days ago.

But he thought that Yan Luotian alone could not cause any waves, but he did not expect that Yan Luotian would unite more than a dozen surrounding countries to press towards the border of the Jiama Empire so quickly.

Such a large number of people, even Jia Xingtian had to treat it with caution.

So Jia Xingtian went to the border in person, where he saw Yan Luotian.

"Yan Luotian, didn't I say in the letter that the snake people have promised not to attack my human empire in the future, why are you still bringing people to my Jiama border?" Jia Xingtian appeared in the sky outside the fortress and said angrily.

"Jia Xingtian, I think you are getting more and more confused as you get older..."

"Have you forgotten why we asked the snake people to rush to the desert?"

"The snake people didn't develop much in the barren desert, so we didn't worry about anything. But now, we have arrived at the Warcraft Mountains, which are rich in resources and most suitable for the development of the snake people."

"If the snake people grow stronger, the first to bear the brunt will be the Gama Empire!"

"Hurry up and make way, otherwise we don't mind flattening your Gama Empire!"

"That's right, I heard that the queen of the snake people, Medusa, has broken through to Dou Zong. If she continues to develop like this, she will one day pose a threat to several human empires around us. Jia Xingtian, you are raising a tiger to harm yourself!"

Many powerful men from the empire appeared and scolded Jia Xingtian together.

The overwhelming voice covered Jia Xingtian. Among them, the three elders of Mulan were not weaker than Jia Xingtian, and Yan Luotian was a three-star Dou Zong strongman, far more powerful than him.

With so many strong men exerting pressure together, Jia Xingtian could not stand alone no matter how unwilling he was.

He turned around and glanced at the soldiers inside the pass. The soldiers looked at the army outside the city with solemn eyes. There was no fear in their resolute eyes. They were all willing to fight for the empire.

"Jia Lao, if you want to fight, then fight. We are Gama, we are not afraid of them!"

Mu Zhan expressed the soldiers' intentions.

"Now it's not a question of fear or not. With more than a dozen empires joining forces, our Gama Empire is definitely not an opponent."

"If we resist, we can only watch the soldiers sacrifice in vain in the end..."

"Let's make way!"

Jia Xingtian was also very helpless in his heart. He clenched his fists tightly.

As the ruler of the Gama royal family, how could he be willing to accept such humiliation, but he was weak and powerless.

"Make way!"

Mu Zhan announced Jia Xingtian's order, and Yan Luotian and others showed a smug smile on their faces.


At this moment, another untimely voice sounded.

Jia Xingtian heard this somewhat familiar voice and was about to turn around when a figure appeared in front of him.

This person turned out to be Yunshan.

This time, Yunshan led many elders of Yunlan Sect to appear at the border fortress.

"Jia Xingtian, you are the head of the Jiamao royal family. You just opened the door and let the foreign enemies invade. Isn't it too spineless?"

Yunshan looked at Jia Xingtian indifferently. His words made Jia Xingtian feel ashamed.

Seeing that Jia Xingtian didn't speak, Yunshan didn't embarrass him anymore, but turned around and looked at Yan Luotian in front of him.

"Who did I think it was? It turned out to be Yunshan!"

Yan Luotian looked at Yunshan grimly.

The Jiama Empire has a Dou Zong, plus a group of elders of the Yunlan Sect.

This fighting power is enough for Yan Luotian to take seriously.

"Stop talking nonsense, and quickly take your shit coalition away from the border of the Jiama Empire!"

Yunshan shouted angrily.

"Hmph! This time, our original intention is not to come to the Gama Empire, but to the Snake People. As long as the Gama Empire is willing to give way to our army to enter the Monster Mountain Range directly, we will naturally not embarrass the Gama Empire."

Yan Luotian did not want to get entangled with the Yunlan Sect, which had Dou Zong strongmen.

Yunshan smiled contemptuously when he heard this, and his body remained motionless.

"The Snake People were ordered by Master Gu Fei to migrate to the Monster Mountain Range to reproduce!"

"Master Gu Fei has done a great favor to my Yunlan Sect. Now that you want to attack the Snake People, I naturally cannot sit idly by."

"If you want to enter the pass, you must first pass my Yunlan Sect!"

Yunshan came here resolutely this time for many considerations. So many imperial armies were nominally just passing through to the Monster Mountain Range, but it was unknown what they would actually do.

If several major empires took the opportunity to attack the Gama Empire, it would cause a huge impact on the Gama Empire, and Yunlan Sect, as the first sect of the Gama Empire, would inevitably be affected.

After the previous incident of Yunlan Sect, some elders and disciples had already become somewhat disunited. If there was another major impact, it would probably collapse.

And this time, he helped Jia Xingtian and Gu Fei, firstly to consolidate the status of Yunlan Sect and win over the hearts of the people.

Secondly, because of Gu Fei's previous kindness.

Yunshan, who regained his sanity, was not completely bloodthirsty, and still had some humanity.

The third reason was a gamble of Yunshan.

He firmly believed that Gu Fei would never sit idly by when he learned that more than a dozen empires were threatening the snake people together. With Gu Fei's strength, these people in front of him were just jumping clowns.

Before Gu Fei arrived, Yunshan stepped forward to defend the snake people against more than a dozen imperial coalition forces. This was a great opportunity to win the favor of a big shot like Gu Fei.

"Gu Fei? Is it that young boy?"

"You people in the Jiama Empire are really strange. I heard that Jia Xingtian treated him with great courtesy. Now you, Yunshan, the ancestor of a sect, call him Young Master."

Obviously, although Yan Luotian had heard some rumors, he didn't believe them.

"Yunshan, I think you were scared silly by that young boy named Gu Fei!"

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