Dou Po: I married my wife Xun Er, but she refused to consummate the marriage!

Chapter 142: Snake people migrate, and countries invade!

"My husband, I will arrange all matters related to the migration of the tribe as soon as possible!"

In the sky, Cai'er spoke very gently to Gu Fei beside her.

Afterwards, she looked at Hua She'er on the tower, and her voice became cold and with the majesty of a queen: "Hua She'er, you should immediately pass my order to the leaders of each tribe and ask them to organize the relocation of the tribes. Remember, the speed must be fast..."


Hearing the order issued by Queen Medusa, Hua She'er was so excited that she bent down and replied very respectfully.

Afterwards, the snake people in the entire Medusa Holy City began to get busy.

One after another, the various snake people tribes scattered in the Tagor Desert were gathered together.

Gu Fei and Qing Lin were taken to Queen Medusa's palace to rest.

"What? The queen is pregnant. This is a great event!"

"Moreover, the queen used the eighth-grade elixir to nourish the fetus. In the future, she will definitely add another top talent to our snake people..."

After talking with Queen Medusa, the four elders were delighted to learn that she was pregnant.

Moreover, after they learned that Gu Fei could actually provide the eighth-grade elixir, they looked at Gu Fei with more respect.

With the help of such a powerful alchemist, perhaps the four of them, who are dying, will also have the hope of breaking through to Dou Zong in this life.


After Queen Medusa returned to the snake people, the entire snake people were in a high-speed operation state.

In just a few days, the holy city of the snake people and the other eight tribes had already reorganized all the personnel and materials.

Next, it was the real migration.

On this day, Gu Fei brought Queen Medusa and Qinglin to the back of the lion king and traveled with a large number of snake people in the holy city.

Queen Medusa marked a fixed route for this migration.

Other tribes that were far from the holy city were waiting on the main migration route under the leadership of their tribal leaders.

In the end, all the snakemen would gather together and walk out of the desert.

"Begin the migration!"

Soon, the majestic voice of Queen Medusa sounded in the sky.

Below, the black mass of snakemen began to move forward in an orderly manner.

In the center of this huge team, most of them were strong snakemen pulling up the baggage and carrying the old, weak, women and children.

Around the team, there were patrols and protection by snakemen with good cultivation.

To prevent the poisonous insects and monsters hidden in the desert from attacking the team.

And the leaders of each tribe flew to the sky above their own tribes to patrol and guard back and forth.

Although the migration route is long and the baggage is heavy, most of the snake people are cultivators, and their physique is generally stronger than humans. They will not be exhausted by pulling baggage for a long journey.

However, once they encounter a large-scale natural disaster like a sandstorm.

Even some Dou Wang and Dou Huang realm masters will feel helpless.

If they encounter a sandstorm and fail to evacuate in time, people and baggage will be at risk of being completely buried in the sand.

On the tenth day of the migration, a sandstorm hit the middle of the snake people's migration team.

This big sandstorm came suddenly. Even with the snake people's shelter warning, it was too late to evacuate all of them. Once the storm came, perhaps nearly 10% of the people would be buried here.


When the yellow sand mixed with the strong wind swept in, Gu Fei just waved his sleeves lightly and completely annihilated the sandstorm.

After seeing Gu Fei solve the sandstorm, countless snake people were grateful to him.

Soon, a month passed, and the front of the snake people's migration troops had already arrived at the edge of the desert. Here, the lush green of the Monster Mountain Range could be seen.

However, blocking the green mountain was an extremely large fortress and tall walls that stretched for miles around.

Whether it was a detour or a direct attack on the fortress, it meant that the snake people officially declared war on humans, and the surrounding human empires might launch a siege against the snake people again.

"What should we do?"

Snake Yue Mei looked back at Queen Medusa, wanting to know how the queen would arrange it.

At this moment, an old man slowly rose into the sky above the fortress, and his earth-yellow fighting wings looked very dazzling.

"Mr. Gu Fei, I have been waiting for a long time!"

The man who came was Jia Xingtian, who bowed and smiled politely in the direction of Gu Fei.

"The snake people want to use this route to migrate into the Monster Mountain Range, you, open the city gate and let us pass!"

After that, Jia Xingtian directly ordered the fortress garrison to open the city gate.

"Open the city gates. Why should we give way to the snake people? What if the snake people don't enter the Monster Mountain Range after they pass through but turn around to attack our empire?"

"Yes, by that time, won't the people behind the fortress be exposed to the blades of the snake people?"

Hearing Jia Xingtian's order, many defenders resisted.

They had more or less hatred with the snake people, and were hostile to them. They didn't believe that the snake people were just borrowing the road.

"Commander Li, why are you still standing there? Follow the order!"

Hearing the discussions and doubts of the crowd, Jia Xingtian's face darkened, and his eyes turned to the commander of the fortress, exuding a strong momentum.

Under the pressure of this momentum, the soldiers around immediately quieted down.

"...Yes, sir!"

Under helplessness, the leader of the fortress with fighting spirit cultivation had to accept the order reluctantly and arranged for people to open the city gate.


"Humans actually opened the city gate to let us through, what's going on?"

Seeing this scene, the people of the snake tribe once again looked at Gu Fei with respect.

They didn't expect that the husband found by the queen would have such power to directly let the human empire army take the initiative to borrow the road to let us pass.

"All tribesmen listen to the order, continue to move forward, and do not attack the fortress garrison!"

Queen Medusa ordered in time.

Soon, under the gaze of countless frontier soldiers of the Gama Empire, the mighty snake army passed through the city gate and entered the Monster Mountain Range.


"What, the snake people migrated from the border of the Gama Empire into the Monster Mountain Range, and the Gama Empire's army did not stop them?"

"What the hell is that old thing Jia Xingtian doing?"

Luoyan Empire, Jinyan Sect.

A middle-aged man in a golden robe looked at the letter in his hand, looking extremely angry.

The snake people and the surrounding empires are mortal enemies. They cannot sit idly by and watch the snake people grow stronger. Before, the snake people hid in the desert, so they did not kill them all. Now that the snake people have left the desert, he thinks they will become a hidden danger in the future.

"Quickly contact the Mulan Empire and the Chuyun Empire, and ask them to send troops to strangle the snake people!"

Soon, a serious voice sounded from the golden-robed man.

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