After everyone swallowed the pills one by one, Lucy suddenly asked,”Xiaoyang, where should we go to find everyone now?”

“They should be in the state of magic crystal now, floating above the kingdom”.

Lucy was anxious:”They have turned into magic crystals! Then everyone could be used at any time, we have to hurry to rescue them”

Xiaoyang waved his hand:”Don’t worry, I put a barrier on the magic crystal, only people with magic power higher than mine can break it, we are going to the Fairy Tail of this world now, send Lisa back, and then just wait for the signal from Mistletoe”.

Lisa was happy when she heard that everyone was going to Fairy Tail, but soon the joy turned into worry

“Xiaoyang, the location of the guilds in this world is not fixed. I haven’t been back for a long time, and I don’t know where they are now.”

Xiaoyang took out his mobile phone and shook it:”Don’t worry, we have navigation.”

He opened the map and searched for Fairy Tail. After clicking the search, a golden dotted line appeared on the ground. This dotted line extended from the feet of everyone to the distance”407″

“Everyone just follow this line, Lisa, you follow behind us.”

Everyone nodded and followed the navigation towards the guild.

Halfway through the journey, Happy suddenly looked up at the stream flowing upwards in the air, and his stomach made a”gurgling” sound. Natsu turned his head and looked at him after hearing the sound.

“What’s wrong? Are you hungry, Hubby?”

Hubby touched his stomach and said,”Well, it happened so suddenly, I’m a little hungry.”

Lucy:”What does the suddenness of the incident have to do with whether you’re hungry or not?”

Hubby heard Lucy complaining about him and shouted angrily,”Lucy, can’t you read the atmosphere? The atmosphere is so…”

“()Shouldn’t I be the one saying this?”

Lisa, who was a little homesick, felt a little relieved after hearing the familiar conversation. She smiled and said:

“I’ll ask Sister Mira to get you some fish when we get back to the guild, so just be patient, happy.”

Hobby smiled and raised his hand:”Hey, thank you, Lisa, Lisa is so kind, unlike some people.”

Lucy clenched her fists:”I’m so sorry for being so unkind (gritting her teeth))”

“.()”I didn’t say who it was, Lucy, don’t take it personally, but Lucy is good at this, she knows herself well.”

Lucy went over and picked up Habby, rubbing his face with both hands.

“Oh! Thank you so much for the compliment.”

Happy’s head kept changing shape like dough, and he shouted in pain:”It hurts, Lucy, my face is about to fall off, I’m sorry, I was wrong, Natsu”

“Now you feel the pain. You just said it so freely. A kitten should act like a kitten. Now even if you scream your throat out, no one will come to save you. Just be ravaged by me.” Lucy’s expression became more and more excited, and the strength she used in her hands became stronger and stronger.

Natsu, who was excited at the side, didn’t hear Happy’s call for help at all. He pulled up a mushroom and was about to stuff it into his mouth.

Cobra stopped him quickly:”Idiot, that’s a poisonous mushroom. You will bleed from all seven orifices after eating it. How dare you eat plants you don’t recognize casually!”

Upon hearing this, Natsu quickly threw away the mushroom in his hand and smiled at Cobra:”Because Xiaoyang is next to me, he can purify the poison. I’m not a fool. If I were alone, I would definitely not eat it blindly. I ate a super delicious mushroom before. Although my stomach hurt a lot after eating it, my stomach didn’t hurt after Xiaoyang performed the purification operation.”

“”It’s a pity that I only ate it once, and I haven’t encountered that kind of mushroom since then.” Natsu showed a nostalgic expression on his face.

Cobra:”You, your life is really… rich.”

At this moment, two herbalists came towards them. When they saw the three cats, their faces were full of fear. Their bodies began to tremble uncontrollably, and the medicine in the medicine box behind them was thrown out one after another.

The harpy waved its claws at the two people:”Hello, we are travelers who accidentally got lost, don’t mind us.”

Hearing the harpy’s words, the two people subconsciously knelt down in a prostration posture:”Please, please spare us, Lord Transcendence.”

Xiaoyang cast wing magic and flew into the air to look down at the two people:”Don’t worry, we have no ill will towards you, we need to perform some secret missions, just pretend you didn’t see us, don’t worry, we won’t hurt kind people casually.”

When the two heard this, they raised their heads slightly and looked at the Transcendence who spoke. The moment they saw the wings behind him, their heads nodded frantically like fascia guns, and their voices trembled a little due to the large amplitude of the movements

“”Know, know, Master Transcendent, we didn’t see anything. If nothing happens, can we… can we leave?”

Xiao Yang nodded gently to show his affirmation.

Seeing the golden Transcendent nod, the two ran away, not even bothering to take the medicine that was scattered on the side.

Lucy was shocked by the scene just now and opened her mouth wide. After seeing the two people running away, she pressed her chin back with her left hand:

“Xiaoyang, why do they call you a transcendent? And why are they so afraid of you??”

“This world is inhabited by transcendents and humans, and the transcendents are called angels by the people here. Transcendents can decide people’s life and death at will.”

“This group of transcendents has a leader named Charlotte, who is called a god by people. She says whoever will die will die in a few days, so people are afraid of this group.”

Lucy:”Σ(oДO God”

Elsa’s face turned serious:”Then will Charlotte, who is so powerful, break your barrier, Xiaoyang?”

Xiaoyang waved his hand with an indifferent expression:”That’s what he said, but it’s just a rumor circulating in this world. In fact, the queen only has the ability to predict, just like Xia Lulu. Whenever someone is about to die, she will say that she will judge that person. Over time, it has become what it is now.”…..

Lucy heaved a sigh of relief, she wiped the sweat off her head:”Oh, it turned out to be fake after all this time, I was shocked.” (To read exciting novels, just go to Faloo Novel Network!)

Xia Lulu thought about the previous conversation and looked up at Xiaoyang:”Is the ability to predict the future common in our tribe??”

“No, so far only you, the Queen and I have it.”

Xia Lulu fell into deep thought after hearing this.

After walking for a while, Natsu suddenly pointed ahead and shouted,”It’s Fairy Tail!”

Everyone looked at the direction of Natsu’s finger. There was a huge tree there. The tree was wrapped in countless vines. The two vines in the middle of the tree crossed each other to form a heart shape. In the middle of the heart hung a flag with the Fairy Tail emblem.[]

Natsu was about to rush inside, but Laxus grabbed him.

“”Wait a minute, idiot. If so many of us go over there at once, they will run away immediately, not to mention that we have Elsa here.”

Hearing this, Elsa’s eyes were full of disbelief. She knelt on the ground in disappointment and whispered,”So what Lisa said before was true! I always thought it was Mira who asked Lisa to lie to me.”

Lucy was about to collapse listening to the Riddler’s riddles all the way.

“Help, can you please stop saying half of what you say? I feel like there’s a harpy scratching me every time you say that.”

Cobra:”The Elsa in this world is the opposite of the fairy tail.”

“Σ(oДoHow do you know!? You joined the guild later than me”.

Jinana explained to Lucy with a smile:”Cobra can hear the thoughts of Erza and the others. Have you forgotten? This magic is very convenient. By the way, Cobra told me about it before, but now only Lucy doesn’t know it”.

Lucy:[- -Tired, let’s destroy it. By the way, has Jinana learned bad things?

Xiao Yang looked at everyone and said,”I will use the invisibility magic (Daphne’s magic) on you first. Don’t talk casually for a while.”

After he used the invisibility magic, everyone disappeared instantly. Natsu looked at the empty ground and shouted excitedly,”It’s amazing that no one can see it.”

A group of people slowly walked towards the guild. When they came to the door, Xiao Yang pushed the door open. When others saw it, they quickly walked into the guild. The members inside were shocked to see the door opened automatically, but when they saw that there was no one, they continued to do their previous work..

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