“Now everyone should be here. Let me explain to you that everyone in the guild was sucked into Anima and disappeared. Anima is the big hole in the sky just now, and it is the door to another world, Edoras.”

Xia Lulu was silent for a moment after speaking, and her expression became depressed:”I came from Edoras, of course, the male cat over there and Yang Ming are also from Edoras.”

“To put it bluntly, this guild disappeared because of us,” Xia Lulu said with her head tilted to one side guiltily.

“Xia Lulu, do you often see some memories suddenly appear in your mind?~?”

After listening to Xiao Yang, Xia Lulu looked as if she had found a companion:”You are right, right? So this is not my illusion, but the male cat’s memory has problems.”

Xiao Yang shook his head:”Xia Lulu, the one with memory problems now may be you, and the harpy’s reaction is normal.”

Hearing this, Xia Lulu trembled all over as if she had received an electric shock, and shouted hysterically:”How, how is it possible, weren’t your memories implanted in you by the Kingdom Army? Your knowledge of the other world should also be implanted in you by them!”

A blue disc appeared in Xiao Yang’s hand, and the disc kept changing its shape after it appeared.

“You should know that the magic in the other world is disappearing, so it is unlikely that that world has such advanced magic. The source of these memories is my water divination plate, which is to predict the future.”

Xiao Yang put away the water divination plate and continued:

“I think the way your memory appears now is similar to predicting the future, but because you are not clear about your own ability, you confuse the memory.”

Xia Lulu couldn’t believe what she heard. She unconsciously took two steps back and muttered to herself:

“What, what? The mission I have believed in for so many years turned out to be wrong. My memory is because I have the magic to predict the future.”

Listening to the conversation between the two, Natsu felt like he was listening to a book of heaven. He asked in confusion:”What are you talking about?”

“Idiot, don’t interrupt others’ thinking if you don’t understand.” Erza punched Natsu on the head.

“Bang”, a bump slowly appeared on Natsu’s head.

Mistry, who had been listening to the conversation, walked over to the group and told them the whole story:

“Edolas is a different world from here. In that world, magic is slowly disappearing. Unlike this world, the magic in Edolas is limited. If you continue to use it, one day the magic will completely disappear from the world.”

“In order to try to save the magic power that was about to be exhausted, King Edolas developed a magic that absorbs magic power from another world, that is, from this world – the super-subspace magic Anima. The big hole that suddenly appeared in the sky just now was caused by this magic.”

Wendy covered her mouth and exclaimed:”This is the Anima you mentioned before.”

Mistlan nodded:”I have been trying to stop the activation of Anima, but I didn’t expect the scale this time to be so large. I can’t stop it even if I try my best.”

Mistlan pulled down the mask covering his face.

Everyone looked at Mistlan’s true face and made a deafening sound:”Jellal, Jellal”

Erza looked at Mistlan in front of her and her eyes began to circle:”Ah, why is Jellal here, didn’t he go to the Council to do a mission? And what do you mean by”he’s been trying to stop Anima all the time”.

Natsu explained to everyone as if he knew everything:”Ha, I see, Jellal must have been trying to stop Anima and build the tower from the very beginning, right?”

Lisa laughed when she heard Natsu’s silly words:”No, Natsu, there are people in the other world who are exactly the same as everyone else, have you forgotten what I said before?”

Past memories gradually flooded into Erza’s mind:”You did talk about this, but I forgot because it’s been so long.”

“Wait! Wendy said that the Jellal who helped her was you!” Erza pointed at Misterlan with a look of sudden realization on her face.

Wendy lowered her head shyly:”Yes, I have already thanked Misterlan just now. I’m so sorry that I recognized the wrong person before.”

Erza touched Wendy’s hair and said gently:”It doesn’t matter, now Wendy’s wish has come true, right”

“”Yeah”, Wendy nodded vigorously with a red face.

Lucy looked at everyone with an expression that said”I know everything” and shouted in shock:”So this time I’m the only one who knows nothing!”

Happy shrugged and looked at Lucy with an expression that said”I really can’t do anything with you”.

“There’s nothing we can do. Lucy joined the guild so late. She’s so ignorant.”


Xiaoyang:”Okay, it’s time for us to go to another world and find our companions.” (To read exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

Lucy looked at the surroundings and asked in confusion:”How do we get there?”

Xia Lulu beside her also calmed down. She pointed to the wings behind her:”Of course we fly. Our wings exist to fly back to Edoras.”

“But there are too many people here, we can only take 3 people at most.”

Lucy heaved a sigh of relief when she heard this:”I thought it would be difficult, but it doesn’t matter. Xiaoyang can let us all have this magic, and the ones we need to take may be Lisa and Mistlan.”

“”Ha!? What do you mean everyone has this magic?” Xia Lulu was exhausted by the successive surprises.[]

Xiao Yang put the wing magic in the sharing column, and everyone opened their wings after receiving it, even Wendy who just arrived.

Mister Lan:”I have other ways to get through, you wait until you see my signal before taking action.”

Xiao Yang agreed and stretched out his hand:”I know, Mister Lan, give me the medicine.”

Mister Lan���He was stunned for a moment when he saw the medicine, his face full of surprise:”I didn’t expect you to know this, then I’ll leave the rest to you.”

Mistlan threw a bottle of red pills to Xiaoyang, and then Habby picked up Lisa, and a group of people flew into the sky. When they arrived at the vortex in the air, they suddenly began to accelerate. When the speed reached a certain limit, a burst of light suddenly flashed around.

Everyone closed their eyes because of the glare, and when they opened their eyes again, everything around them had changed. The originally blue sky turned light green, and there were large and small islands floating in the sky. Each island was covered with plants and trees that had never been seen before.

Lucy:”There are so many small islands floating in the sky~, like a fairy tale.”

Habby looked around with the eyes of a newborn baby:”This is Edolas, another world.”

Wendy:”There are so many incredible trees and plants.”

“It’s amazing, the river is flowing in the sky, and there are fish in the river!” Erza rubbed her hands and wanted to try to catch a fish in the river.

Xia Lulu looked at the actions of the crowd and shouted:”Wait, you guys, I know you are very excited, but we are not here for sightseeing, don’t get too excited”.

As soon as Xia Lulu finished speaking, her and Happy’s wings disappeared, and the two of them fell to the ground together with Lisa.

Natsu and others quickly flew down to catch the three of them, and the rest of them slowly landed on the ground.

Natsu:”Hey, Happy, you have to fly well, how did you fall to the ground all of a sudden, don’t think about it.”

Happy quickly retorted:”No, Natsu, the magic power in my body suddenly can’t be used, can yours still be used?”

“Of course.”

Natsu used magic subconsciously, but there was no fire on his hand.

“Eh? I can’t use it either.” After hearing this, the others also tried their own magic, but no one could use it.

Xia Lulu:”You can’t use magic freely in this world.”

Xiaoyang distributed the pills in his hand to everyone:”You can use magic after taking this. In fact, the magic power in your body is out of control when you first came to this world. The wing magic you use is the magic I transmitted to you.”

Laxus was puzzled:”Then Xiaoyang, why can you still use magic, is it because your race was born here?”

“That’s right, our race is the only creature in this world that has magic power.” Xiao Yang said, and a flame ignited in his hand.

Lucy:”Then why can’t the harpies use it??”

“Because the magic here is not as abundant as in our world, there is a sense of lag when using magic here, just like suddenly entering a low-oxygen environment from a high-oxygen environment. Magic is ultimately just an imaginary creation. When they think they can’t use it, then they really can’t use it.” 2.

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